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 Thema: Wo finde ich die Netsettings?
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Hey bin neu hier und wollt mal fragen wo ich bei mir die netsettings finde. Gibt es da einen eigenen Ordner oder so?

Wenn ich unter folgendes Verzeichnis gehe..
C:\Programme\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\mc_bouncer\counter-strike source\cstrike\cfg

erscheint nur dies ganze...
bind "TAB" "+showscores"
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "," "buyammo1"
bind "." "buyammo2"
bind "0" "slot10"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "5" "slot5"
bind "6" "slot6"
bind "7" "slot7"
bind "8" "slot8"
bind "9" "slot9"
bind "`" "toggleconsole"
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "b" "buymenu"
bind "c" "radio3"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "e" "+use"
bind "f" "impulse 100"
bind "g" "drop"
bind "h" "commandmenu"
bind "i" "showbriefing"
bind "j" "cheer"
bind "k" "messagemode"
bind "l" "messagemode2"
bind "m" "chooseteam"
bind "n" "nightvision"
bind "o" "buyequip"
bind "q" "lastinv"
bind "r" "+reload"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "t" "impulse 201"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "x" "radio2"
bind "y" "radio1"
bind "z" "+voicerecord"
bind "CTRL" "+duck"
bind "SHIFT" "+speed"
bind "F1" "autobuy"
bind "F2" "rebuy"
bind "F3" "deagle; secammo; secammo; secammo"
bind "F4" "usp; secammo; secammo"
bind "F5" "mp5navy; primammo; primammo; primammo"
bind "F6" "ak47-m4a1; primammo; primammo; primammo"
bind "F7" "galil-famas; primammo; primammo; primammo"
bind "F8" "awp; primammo; primammo; primammo"
bind "F9" "maxarmor"
bind "F10" "primammo; primammo; primammo; secammo; secammo; secammo; defuser"
bind "F11" "hegren"
bind "F12" "flash"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"
bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
bind "PAUSE" "pause"
cl_righthand "1"
cl_team "default"
cl_class "default"
cl_detail_max_sway "5"
cl_detail_avoid_radius "64"
cl_detail_avoid_force "0.4"
cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed "0.25"
cc_linger_time "1.0"
cc_predisplay_time "0.25"
cc_subtitles "0"
cc_lang ""
crosshair "1"
cl_observercrosshair "1"
cam_snapto "0"
cam_idealyaw "90"
cam_idealpitch "0"
cam_idealdist "64"
c_maxpitch "90"
c_minpitch "0"
c_maxyaw "135"
c_minyaw "-135"
c_maxdistance "200"
c_mindistance "30"
c_orthowidth "100"
c_orthoheight "100"
joy_name "joystick"
joy_forwardthreshold "0.15"
joy_sidethreshold "0.15"
joy_pitchthreshold "0.15"
joy_yawthreshold "0.15"
joy_forwardsensitivity "-1"
joy_sidesensitivity "-1"
joy_pitchsensitivity "1"
joy_yawsensitivity "-1"
joy_wingmanwarrier_centerhack "0"
joy_wingmanwarrier_turnhack "0"
joy_diagonalpov "0"
cl_upspeed "320"
cl_forwardspeed "400"
cl_backspeed "400"
lookspring "0"
lookstrafe "0"
joystick "0"
m_pitch "0.022000"
m_filter "1"
sensitivity "7.930000"
m_side "0.8"
m_yaw "0.022"
m_forward "1"
m_customaccel "0"
m_customaccel_scale "0.04"
m_customaccel_max "0"
m_customaccel_exponent "1"
m_mouseaccel1 "0"
m_mouseaccel2 "0"
m_mousespeed "1"
cl_mouselook "1"
cl_idealpitchscale "0.8"
net_graph "3"
net_scale "5"
net_graphpos "1"
net_graphsolid "1"
voice_modenable "1"
hud_fastswitch "1"
muzzleflash_light "1"
cl_buy_favorite_quiet "0"
cl_buy_favorite_nowarn "0"
cl_autowepswitch "1"
cl_autohelp "1"
cl_radartype "0"
cl_radaralpha "200"
cl_locationalpha "150"
cl_crosshaircolor "1"
cl_dynamiccrosshair "1"
cl_scalecrosshair "1"
cl_crosshairscale "1200"
cl_crosshairalpha "200"
cl_crosshairusealpha "0"
hud_classautokill "1"
overview_health "1"
overview_names "1"
overview_tracks "1"
overview_locked "1"
overview_alpha "1.0"
spec_scoreboard "0"
cl_spec_mode "3"
commentary_firstrun "0"
scene_showfaceto "0"
ai_report_task_timings_on_limit "0"
ai_think_limit_label "0"
npc_height_adjust "1"
scene_showlook "0"
scene_showmoveto "0"
commentary "0"
func_break_max_pieces "15"
suitvolume "0.25"
sv_noclipaccelerate "5"
sv_noclipspeed "5"
sv_specaccelerate "5"
sv_specspeed "3"
sv_specnoclip "1"
sv_skyname "sky_c17_05"
sv_backspeed "0.6"
joy_wingmanwarrior_centerhack "0"
joy_axisbutton_threshold "0.3"
voice_forcemicrecord "1"
voice_enable "1"
voice_scale "1"
snd_duckerthreshold "0.15"
snd_duckerreleasetime "2.5"
snd_duckerattacktime "0.5"
snd_ducktovolume "0.55"
adsp_debug "0"
dsp_dist_max "1440.0"
dsp_dist_min "0.0"
snd_mixahead "0.1"
snd_musicvolume "0.000000"
volume "0.130000"
snd_pitchquality "0"
snd_digital_surround "0"
vprof_warningmsec "10"
vprof_unaccounted_limit "0.3"
vprof_verbose "1"
vprof_graphheight "256"
vprof_graphwidth "512"
texture_budget_background_alpha "128"
texture_budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction ".25"
texture_budget_panel_height "284"
texture_budget_panel_width "512"
texture_budget_panel_y "450"
texture_budget_panel_x "0"
budget_panel_height "384"
budget_panel_width "512"
budget_panel_y "50"
budget_panel_x "0"
budget_background_alpha "128"
budget_bargraph_range_ms "16.6666666667"
budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction ".25"
budget_history_range_ms "66.666666667"
budget_history_numsamplesvisible "100"
budget_show_history "1"
budget_show_averages "0"
budget_show_peaks "1"
budget_averages_window "30"
budget_peaks_window "30"
budget_bargraph_background_alpha "128"
r_gamma "0.5"
sv_forcepreload "0"
sv_voiceenable "1"
sv_logbans "0"
sv_log_onefile "0"
sv_logecho "1"
sv_logflush "0"
sv_logfile "1"
sv_logsdir "logs"
dsp_enhance_stereo "0"
dsp_volume "1.0"
dsp_slow_cpu "1"
cl_allowupload "1"
mp_decals "200.000000"
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymax "1.5"
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymin "0.1"
r_ambientfactor "5"
r_ambientfraction "0.1"
r_ambientmin "0.3"
r_ambientboost "1"
r_eyesize "0"
r_eyeshift_z "0"
r_eyeshift_y "0"
r_eyeshift_x "0"
r_eyemove "1"
r_eyegloss "1"
skill "1"
closecaption "0"
con_enable "1"
cl_downloadfilter "all"
cl_allowdownload "1"
cl_forcepreload "0"
cl_soundfile "sound/player/jingle.wav"
cl_logofile "materials/vgui/logos/Spray_bullseye.vtf"
cl_timeout "30"
cl_showpluginmessages "1"
tv_nochat "2.000000"
cl_cmdbackup "2"
sv_unlockedchapters "1"
bgmvolume "1"
password ""
cl_updaterate "60"
cl_cmdrate "60"
name "SirKillAlot"

sind da jetzt irgendwo die settings dabei??

Sry aber bin noob in dem ganzen.
23.07.2006 22:09:25  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Großfürst Grinser

Die Netsettings sind die ConVars
Bis auf rate findest du alle in der config.cfg. rate kannst du allerdings ingame über die Console einstellen.
23.07.2006 22:27:06  Zum letzten Beitrag
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fehlen aber zb noch Augenzwinkern
28.07.2006 22:38:40  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Großfürst Grinser

ex_interp gibt's aber bei Source nicht und cl_resend ist glaube ich kein netsetting. Falls doch, was ist dessen Funktion?
29.07.2006 1:42:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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ex_interp (1.6) = cl_interp (stokel-strike)
und cl_resend


cl_resend regelt die Häufigkeit der wiederholt gesendeten Pakete, ebenfalls um LOSS vorzubeugen.

Hier hast mal dazu ne Quelle, damit mir glaubst: http://www.baerlinonline.de/cs-config.html
30.07.2006 18:20:35  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Großfürst Grinser

In meiner Console steht was deutlich anderes:
"cl_resend" = "6" min. 1.500000 max. 20.000000
- Delay in seconds before the client will resend the 'connect' attempt

Verzögerung in Sekunden, bevor der Client einen erneuten Verbindungsversuch startet.
01.08.2006 1:04:09  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: Wo finde ich die Netsettings?

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