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 Thema: ChaCha! - Personen suchen Kram für dich ( "Google this up for me!" )
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Deutscher BF
Zitat von indigo871

Ich glaube, es ist eine Mischung aus Bot und Menschen:

Is it dangerous to smoke pot?

Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: JamesL
JamesL: Welcome to ChaCha!
JamesL: Hi
JamesL: How are you
You: hi
You: quite fine
You: not high Augenzwinkern
JamesL: haha
JamesL: do you wnat a website for it or do you want my own opinion
You: i'd prefer your opinion first, then a website with facts or sth
JamesL: i don't think that effects your health that much
JamesL: is you don't do it heavily
JamesL: moderate use is more than fine
JamesL: it relaxes your brain and mussel
JamesL: it has less damage than regular smokers
JamesL: cigarett

Gegen den Bot sprechen hier die Rechtschreibfehler sowie das Angebot einer eigenen Meinung.

stimmt. einige fehler sind mir auch schon aufgefallen...ich hab zwar nicht die meiste ahnung vom englischen, aber als "slang"-ausdrücke, die einem bot beigebracht wurden würde ich das meiste nicht ansehen....
22.01.2007 19:50:50  Zum letzten Beitrag
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RachealH: No, how can I help you with your search on math
You: would you prove me something please?
RachealH: what
You: the result of fourhundred minus threehundred-eighty-nine
RachealH: its 11
You: yeah

Jo, scheint ein Mix aus Bot und Mensch zu sein.
22.01.2007 19:51:11  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Alb0rn 08.05.2014
Do you like icecram and beer or do you prefer pizza and some coce

Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: LoriW
LoriW: Welcome to ChaCha!
You: hi!
LoriW: Hello
LoriW: Pizza and coke here.
LoriW: Ice cream and beer? Doesn't sound like a good combo
You: ah k thx
LoriW: How about you?
You: hm thats hard
LoriW: It's your question...and you don't have an opinion?
You: i 'd say icecram and beer
LoriW: :-)
LoriW: Any searches I can do for you today?
You: no thanks fröhlich
LoriW: Have a great one!
LoriW: Thank you for using ChaCha!
Status: Session ended.
22.01.2007 19:51:33  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Oromat 04.10.2008
Sind das 1€ Jobs? Hmmm
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Oromat am 22.01.2007 19:52]
22.01.2007 19:51:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Ja mei, vielleicht ist es eine Kombination aus bots und echten Helfern.

Ist doch wurscht. Witzige Sache.
22.01.2007 19:53:47  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Kaffeekränzchen 27.02.2020
Klasse Konzept.
22.01.2007 19:55:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Der viscO war sehr hilfsbereit, hat mir aber leider nich helfen können, dieses Shirt zu finden.
22.01.2007 19:56:33  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Deutscher BF
argument gegen bots

Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: HollyD
HollyD: Welcome to ChaCha!
HollyD: hi there
You: hi
You: i would like to know something about the 2 most popular drinks in the world
HollyD: sure
HollyD: what would like me look for?
You: what drink is more sold, or what company has more money?
You: pepsi or coca cola?
HollyD: let me see what i can find...
You: okay
HollyD: looks like coke is worth more per share
You: yep looks like it
22.01.2007 19:57:40  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Imperator Rylick

imperator rylick
Mein englisch ist nunja eher durchschnittlich traurig
Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: HollyS
HollyS: Welcome to ChaCha!
You: hi
HollyS: Hi
HollyS: You want links with information on secret CIA folders?
You: no i want some top secret CIA Folders
HollyS: Hmm. That might be tough to come by since they're top secret.
You: i bet you handle it
HollyS: I doubt they post top secret CIA folders on the very public Internet
You: i trust you
HollyS: Of course you do.
You: sure...now search little monkey
HollyS: Not very nice.
You: work!
HollyS: I am. But play nice please
You: ok sir
You: sorry
You: i love your site and you are a humanist
You: Do you belive in ufos ?
HollyS: I believe they are possible. I don't believe most of the stuff people say about UFOs though
HollyS: Of course Ebay has everything. lol.
You: ok i have a second question
HollyS: What's that.
You: Can i see the Kennedy folders
You: ?
You: all the shit
HollyS: !!!! WARNING !!!! abusive language by infoSeeker (all the shit)
HollyS: I can try. I think the first link had that, didn't it?
You: Not the faked one
You: oh
You: right
You: Mhh i mean all of them
HollyS: This site has everything you need.
You: On wich date are they going to be public ?
You: Didn`t you see the movie? in 200 and i guess 18 they going to be public
You: Why can i see tehm now ß
HollyS: Didn't see the movie
You: ok i go now
You: I will give you a good rate
22.01.2007 19:57:52  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP DeathCobra 24.06.2021
keine bots:

Status: No connection.
Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: ShaynaM
ShaynaM: Welcome to ChaCha!
ShaynaM: Hello!
You: hi
You: can you tell me what the meaning of life is?
ShaynaM: Let me see what information I can find for you on the meaning of life.
ShaynaM: Are these results sufficient?
You: let me see
ShaynaM: Is this what you were searching for?
You: not really
You: what do YOU think?
You: what would you say is the meaning of life?
ShaynaM: I think that we are here to learn from experiences that life teaches us.
You: and whan thats only negative experiences?
ShaynaM: It is still a lesson. The negative experiences is what we learn from.
ShaynaM: If everything is great what do you learn?
ShaynaM: Is there anything else on this topic I can find for you today?
You: thats true
You: but what if somebody only have bad experiences and one day, he don't want to go on
You: i mean
You: what meaning has that life?
You: an example:
You: most people go to work to get money so they can exist
You: but most of their life they will go to work
You: so they exist to go to work so they can exist
You: paradox
You: no meaning in it
ShaynaM: Life isn't meant to be easy. We all have choices to make. That is what makes us as humans so unique, FREE WILL.
You: but there is so much we can't decide by ourselfes
ShaynaM: There is meaning in that. They have families to support, so they are learning sacrifice, and patience and selflessness.
You: hm
ShaynaM: A lot of the times we know the answer, we may feel confilct because we are scared to do what we need to do. Fear is the cause of the conflict.
You: thats right
ShaynaM: How many times have you said to yourself, I should've followed my first thought?
You: often
ShaynaM: Well, then, why did you change your mind? I'm sure fear or uncertanity in yourself was the reason.
You: i think so
You: or i thought other choices are better
ShaynaM: Life is meant to be enjoyed, it's not meant to always be easy. If it wasn't for the rain,we wouldn't appreciate the sunshine.
ShaynaM: After the rain the sun ALWAYS comes out!
ShaynaM: Is there anything else on this topic I can find for you today?
You: well, no
ShaynaM: Have a great day!
You: you too
You: thanks
ShaynaM: Thanks for choosing ChaCha!
ShaynaM: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.
Status: Session ended.
22.01.2007 19:58:22  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Marine NaSe
pOt - 3 Monate später als andere
22.01.2007 19:59:19  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Okay, die war definitiv menschlich:

achealH: Hows the weather over there
You: its dark, i dont see it Augenzwinkern
RachealH: LOL
You: haha yeah, its cold but not as cold as it should be at this time
RachealH: Ya, its cold here too, but you probley colder then us
You: where you from?
RachealH: the US
You: yeah..
RachealH: Yep
You: u listen to music?
You: i mean, as a hobby
RachealH: Nope
RachealH: do u
You: yep, its my love
RachealH: do u play any instruments?
You: guitar and i sing and make songs
RachealH: Thats pretty cool, i wish i had the talent to do that
You: you just need to be ambitious
You: its not THAT hard to play a instrument
You: writing your own songs is more difficult
RachealH: ya, and well singing lessons wouldnt hurt either, i sound like a dying cat if i sang,..LOL
You: you need way more things than just ambition fröhlich
RachealH: welp, i need to scat, it was nice talking to you and good luck with your music, and hopefully you will make it big one day
22.01.2007 20:02:23  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: TerryH
TerryH: Welcome to ChaCha!
You: Hello
TerryH: Hello
TerryH: How are you today?
You: Great, Thanks
TerryH: I am a real person
TerryH: not a not
TerryH: *bot
You: :-)
TerryH: Is there something I cold help you find?
You: ok, then tell me what one + five is
TerryH: 6
You: You're really real :)
You: Thanks, thats all I wanted to know
TerryH: yes - I am really a real person'
TerryH: chacha uses real perople asguides
You: are you doing this for free or do you get money?
TerryH: we actually get paid per search and we work from our homes
You: sounds good, but unfortunately I'm living in Germany, in Europe
TerryH: oh - they are only accepting US guides for now
TerryH: that might change though in the future
You: nice
TerryH: I just did a search on dogs to show you how it works
You: ok
You: have a nice day :)
TerryH: you too
You: bye
TerryH: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.
Status: Session ended.

Sehr nett
22.01.2007 20:03:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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UT Malcom
Wie wäre es wenn wir alle dasselbe in der selben zeit fragen würden?
22.01.2007 20:05:10  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Imperator Rylick

You: Do you belive in ufos ?
HollyS: I believe they are possible. I don't believe most of the stuff people say about UFOs though
HollyS: Of course Ebay has everything.

Breites Grinsen
22.01.2007 20:05:43  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Nighty 11.04.2020
"What is Naruto?"
Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: Roseg
Roseg: Welcome to ChaCha!
You: hi fröhlich
Roseg: Hello
Roseg: How are you today
You: fine
You: you?
Roseg: great thanks
You: Can you answer my question?
Roseg: one moment wile I find what you are looking for
You: thanks fröhlich
You: Have you finished?
You: Ahh ok this link looks great
You: Thank you fröhlich
Roseg: sorry fjor the delay my comp. froze
You: No problem fröhlich
You: Have a nice day fröhlich
Roseg: thanks you to
You: Thanks, I'm done.
Status: Session ended.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Nighty am 22.01.2007 20:08]
22.01.2007 20:06:03  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von red_beard

Wie wäre es wenn wir alle dasselbe in der selben zeit fragen würden?

22.01.2007 20:06:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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UT Malcom
Zitat von [Dicope]

Zitat von red_beard

Wie wäre es wenn wir alle dasselbe in der selben zeit fragen würden?


hmm eigentlich schon.

Der BarbaraR konnte mir sagen welche Zeitung in Deutschland am meistern gekauft wird
22.01.2007 20:07:31  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Mich würde interessieren was man da als guide verdient peinlich/erstaunt

22.01.2007 20:07:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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X-Mas Leet

"What's your mobile number?"
22.01.2007 20:07:58  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Deutscher BF
Zitat von AcidPils

Mich würde interessieren was man da als guide verdient peinlich/erstaunt


frag doch Breites Grinsen
22.01.2007 20:08:09  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP gloerk 29.06.2008
Zitat von Imperator Rylick

You: sure...now search little monkey
HollyS: Not very nice.
You: work!
HollyS: I am. But play nice please
You: ok sir
You: sorry
You: i love your site and you are a humanist

haha. klasse Breites Grinsen
22.01.2007 20:08:34  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von bratfisch

Zitat von AcidPils

Mich würde interessieren was man da als guide verdient peinlich/erstaunt


frag doch Breites Grinsen

Gleich Breites Grinsen
Ich quäl den gerade mit Fragen zu Perry Rhodan Romanen Breites Grinsen

22.01.2007 20:09:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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"Guide For: homosexual, grieving, making friends"

Ne, oder? Breites Grinsen
22.01.2007 20:09:40  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Oromat 04.10.2008
Möglicherweise horrende Summen, als exempel sozialer Ungleichheit. Sobald jemand auch nur eine Anfrage bearbeitet kann er sein Leben lang davon leben.

Nein, wahrscheinlich so viel wie die Leute die sich für Amazon Bilder angucken, nämlich null bis garnix.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Oromat am 22.01.2007 20:10]
22.01.2007 20:10:04  Zum letzten Beitrag
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böse gucken
Zitat von AcidPils

Perry Rhodan

Du Sau! Wie konntest du nur? Aaaaaaaaaaaah!
22.01.2007 20:10:19  Zum letzten Beitrag
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X-Mas Leet
unglaeubig gucken
"Where can I find a monkey which helps me to search on the net?"

Aber die tun mir Leid traurig
22.01.2007 20:10:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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You: ah, another question, do you get money for this job?
AnthonyG: Yes, you do
AnthonyG: You can sign up at chacha.com
AnthonyG: it takes a while to get the email
AnthonyG: but you eventually will get it and u get paid 5 bucks a search hour and can work ur way up to 10
You: can i make this job from germany?
AnthonyG: Ye
AnthonyG: yes

Ich glaub ich bewerb mich

22.01.2007 20:12:12  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Necabo 26.11.2007
etwas für sehr schlecht befinden
BrianW: hello
You: hi 2 u
You: What do you think? Could you murder a blue whale by using am 9mm Beretta Pistol?
BrianW: not looking good on killing a whale
BrianW: still looking
You: What weapon do I need else?
BrianW: harpon
You: i dont want the blue whale to suffer from pain
BrianW: found one you wanna get rid of?
You: must be a more efficient weapon
You: what do you propose?
BrianW: not sure
BrianW: never really thought aboutit
22.01.2007 20:12:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von AcidPils

Ich glaub ich bewerb mich


5 Bucks ^= 3,85 €
22.01.2007 20:13:41  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: ChaCha! - Personen suchen Kram für dich ( "Google this up for me!" )
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