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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Zitat von MvG

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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012

o, here is the massive patch being prepared for more than a month. It should be downloadable by now, or in a few minutes.

BUG FIXES wrote:- Fixing a bug unabling to change deck in ranked lobby (despite displaying the contrary).
- Fixing a bug allowing the F-117's bomb to follow a target on which it has lost LOS.
- Game mode now displayed in the debrief screen + Conquest score details.

ACTIVATION BONUS wrote:Activation points per nation are now set as below (in bonus point compared to the generic 33 AP for mixed deck):
USA +2
FR +5
RFA +5
UK +6
POL +7
SWE +7
RDA +9
CAN +9
NOR +10
DK +10

INFANTRY WEAPONS CHANGES wrote:Infantry rifles have been totally reworked :

. SMG deal less suppression, are less accurate at long range but have the fastest rate of fire and the best accuracy in CQC fights. They also retain more accuracy while moving than other weapons.
. Assault rifles 5.56 and 5.45 have an average long range accuracy, CQC accuracy, suppression, rate of fire and moving accuracy.
. Assault rifles 7.62 have worse accuracy than 5.56 and 5.45, but the same rate of fire and better suppression.
. Battle rifles 7.62 have the best static accuracy but the worst moving and CQC accuracy and rate of fire.
. Bolt action rifles are accurate but have very low rate of fire, accuracy on the move and CQC accuracy.

There are now 4 levels of weapons for the 4 levels of infantry :
. Reservists have the worst weapons stats. They are national only troops, have a speed of 15kmh and availability of 32 at rooky level.
. Line infantry has basic weapons. They have a speed of 20kmh an availability of 20 at trained level.
. Shock troops have more accurate weapons, better rate of fire, a speed of 25kmh and an availability of 12 at hardened level.
. Elite troops have extreme accuracy, rate of fire and a speed of 30kmh and an availability of 8 at veteran level.

Light Infantry troops (Light Riflemen, Mountaineers, Podhales, Leichte Schützen) are special : the three former have standard weaponry, higher speed and short range ATGM, the latter are shocktroops.

Recon troops follow the same logic :
. Reservists recon have low Acc and RoF, 20kmh, good stealth stealth availability 12
. Line recon have standard Acc and RoF, 20kmh, very good stealth availability 8
. Shock recon have better Acc and RoF and an MG, 25kmh, very good stealth availability 6
. Elite recon have the best Acc and RoF, 30hmh, very good stealth availability 4 and are 10men squads
. Sniper teams are elite recon squads of 2 men with exceptional stealth armed with accurate sniper rifles.

Infantry rifles statistics are now proportional to their real rate of fire :
A section announced with 200rpm will fire twice faster as a section with 100rpm

I confirm that the feature that ties rate of fire to the number of men in the squad is working as intended and is dynamic (RoF reduce with causalities).
However the displayed rate of fire is generic and unrelated to the number of men. A 10 men squad with a RoF of 100 will fire twice faster with their guns than a 5 men squad with the same displayed rate of fire.
Heavy weapons (MG/Rockets/etc...) are not affected by that feature.

ATGM CHANGES wrote:- TOW-2 AP damages decreased from 26 to 25.
- MILAN F2 AP damages decreased from 25 to 24.
- Swingfire AP damages increased from 20 to 22.
- SS-11 AP damages increased from 16 to 17.
- MILAN F1 AP damages increased from 16 to 17.
- TOW AP damages increased from 16 to 17.
- Dragon 2 AP damages increased from 12 to 13.
- Dragon 1 AP damages increased from 8 to 10.

- Konkurs-M AP damages decreased from 25 to 23.
- Refleks AP damages decreased from 24 to 22.
- Konkurs AP damages increased from 19 to 20.
- Sheksna AP damages increased from 19 to 20.
- Bastion AP damages increased from 16 to 17.
- Fleyta AP damages increased from 15 to 16.
- Faktoriya AP damages increased from 14 to 16.
- Malyutka-P AP damages increased from 13 to 15.
- Malyutka AP damages increased from 10 to 13.
- Fagot AP damages increased from 11 to 13.
- Falanga AP damages increased from 12 to 13.

CHANGE ON EXISTING MULTIPLAYER MAPS wrote:- Lillehammer: Side spawns removed + one new sector added per side.
- Uppsala : Heavy level design changes, central sectors' size increased and removal of the 4 spawns the closest from the middle.
- Battle for the Fjord: The starting zone behind the bridge have been moved to the other side of the river.
- Alesund: Side spawns removed.
- Ragnarok: Aerial side spawns removed.
- Dalarna: Side spawns removed.
- Telemark: Heavy level design changes, some sectors added some removed, several side spawns removed.
- Copenhagen: Contested side spawns removed.

GENERIC wrote:- LOG slots’ costs decreased from to
- all FOB’s supply capacity increased from 10.000 to 16.000.
- all FOB number of cards decreased from 4 to 2.
- all supply & transport truck’s optics reduced to a minimum.
- all supply helo’s optics reduced to a minimum.
- all Commando squads (INF with elite background, not RECON) optics set at “Medium”.
- all Commando squads (INF with elite background, not RECON) base availability set at 8.
- all Commando squads (INF with elite background, not RECON) number of cards available set at 2 (but the British Royal Marines & FJB-40 set at 3, being the sole rifle squads available in their respective thematic decks: British Marine & E-German Para deck).
- all Reserve/Militia/Home Guard rifle quads (Réservistes, Heimatschützen, Reserveschützen, LHV, Haer Hjemmevaernet, Hemvärnsmän) are now considered “Prototypes”, therefore restricted to their national decks.
- all infantry flamethrowers now deal HE 1 damages an have AoE damage.
- all manpad infantry reload time has been reduced from 10sec to 6 sec.
- all ATGM infantry and open top ATGM vehicles reload time has been increased from 2sec to 5sec.
- Planes’ S-5, Zuni & CRV-7 rockets now fire their salvos much faster.
- CRV-7 rockets are now hitting a much smaller area (more concentrated damages).
- stabs removed on all RARDEN autocannon.
- R-55 A2A missiles now have infrared guidance and thus [F&F] trait.
- Planes‘ S-5 rockets HE damages increased from HE 1 to HE 2.
- R-55 anti-helicopter range set at 1750m & anti-planes range set at 2800m.
- New ECM designation (no gameplay change) the lowest value is N/A instead of Bad. This may change the actual "designation" of a plane's ECM, but not its stats ingame. So, but if written otherwise in the log, if a plane had Good ECM and now only has Medium, it is just a display change, not stats.

- Instead of having non-round speed values (13km/h, 27km/h, …Augenzwinkern, we’ve standardized all infantry speed values at either 15, 20, 25 ou 30 km/h, as following:
- 15km/h: ATGM teams, MANPAD teams, militia squads.
- 20km/h: AT squads, rifles squads, militia recon squads.
- 25km/h: shock squads, recon squads, light infantry.
- 30km/h: Special Forces, Commandos & elite squads.

LOGISTIC wrote:- All NATO M577 price decreased from 130 to 120$.
- American Command M60 Patton upgraded to RISE standard (+1 AP, +1 ACC +10km/h).
- American Command M60 Patton price decreased from 200 to 185$.
- American Command M60A1’s main gun accuracy increased from 7 to 8.
- American M1025 Humvee CP price decreased from 115 to 110$.
- American M114A1 CP price decreased from 130 to 115$.
- Swedish Stabstgb 1313 price decreased from 110 to 100$.
- Swedish Stripbv 3021 price decreased from 150 to 130$.
- Swedish Stristrv 103B price reduced from 210$ to 185$.
- Swedish Stristrv 103B’s main gun accuracy increased from 7 to 9.
- Norwegian Rover KPV price decreased from 110 to 100$.
- Norwegian KoVogn M48A5 price reduced from 165$ to 150$
- Norwegian KoVogn M48A5’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 6.
- British Rover CP price decreased from 110 to 100$.
- British FV105 Sultan price decreased from 140 to 125$.
- British CMD Chieftain Mk10 price reduced from 220$ to 215$
- British CMD Chieftain Mk.10 AP damages increased from 15 to 16.
- French VAB PC price decreased from 135 to 125$.
- French AMX-30B CNE price reduced from 200$ to 170$.
- French AMX-30B CNE’s main gun accuracy increased from 8 to 10.
- Canadian Grizzly CP price decreased from 150 to 140$.
- Canadian CMD Leopard C1 price reduced from 210$ to 200$.
- Canadian CMD Leopard C1’s main gun accuracy increased from 6 to 7.
- Danish M/113A1 CP price decreased from 120 to 110$.
- Danish FFC Centurion price reduced from 170$ to 160$.
- Danish FFC Centurion’s main gun accuracy increased from 3 to 5.
- W-German Iltis price decreased from 110 to 105$.

- American HEMTT off road speed increased from 60 to 100km/h.
- American HEMTT base availability decreased from 8 to 4.
- American HEMTT number of cards decreased from 4 to 2.
- American HEMTT supply capacity increased from 1500 to 1700L.
- American CH-47C Super Chinook base availability decreased from 4 to 3.
- American CH-47C Super Chinook price decreased from 65 to 60$.
- American CH-47C Super Chinook supply capacity increased from 2000 to 2500L.
- American & Canadian M35 Cargo base availability decreased from 24 to 12.
- American & Canadian M35 Cargo number of cards decreased from 4 to 2.
- Canadian CH-147 base availability decreased from 4 to 3.
- Canadian CH-147 price decreased from 65 to 60$.
- Canadian CH-147 supply capacity increased from 2000 to 2500L.
- Norwegian M621 Logik base availability decreased from 24 to 12.
- Norwegian M621 Logik number of cards decreased from 4 to 2.
- French VLRA Logistique base availability decreased from 16 to 8.
- French VLRA Logistique number of cards decreased from 4 to 2.
- French Puma Logistique base availability decreased from 10 to 6.
- French Puma Logistique price increased from 30 to 35$.
- British Alvis Stalwart base availability decreased from 16 to 8.
- British Alvis Stalwart number of cards decreased from 4 to 2.
- Swedish Amfibielbil 101 base availability decreased from 16 to 8.
- Swedish Amfibielbil 101 number of cards decreased from 4 to 2.
- Swedish Hkp 4A supply capacity increased from 800 to 1000L.
- Swedish Hkp 4A base availability decreased from 12 to 6.
- Swedish Hkp 4A price increased from 25 to 35$.
- W-German & Danish Jupiter supply capacity decreased from 1250 to 1000L.
- W-German & Danish Jupiter base availability decreased from 10 to 6.
- W-German & Danish Jupiter number of cards decreased from 4 to 2.
- W-German MAN Kat1 base availability decreased from 8 to 4.
- W-German MAN Kat1 number of cards decreased from 4 to 2.
- W-German MAN Kat1 road speed increased from 60 to 90km/h.
- W-German MAN Kat1 supply capacity increased from 1500 to 1700L.
- British Chinook HC.1 base availability decreased from 8 to 4.
- British Chinook HC.1 supply capacity increased from 1500 to 1750L.

- All Pact BMP-1K price decreased from 140 to 130$.
- Soviet BRM-1K price decreased from 150 to 130$.
- Soviet BTR-70K price decreased from 140 to 135$.
- Soviet T-72K1 price reduced from 200$ to 185$
- Soviet T-72K1’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 5.
- Soviet T-72K1 AP increased from 12 to 13.
- Soviet T-80UK price decreased from 250 to 230$.
- CSSR VSOT-64/R2M price decreased from 140 to 135$.
- CSSR T-55AK1’s main gun accuracy increased from 3 to 5.
- CSSR T-55K1 price reduced from 180$ to 150$
- E-German SPW-60(S) price decreased from 135 to 130$.
- E-German SPW-50PU price decreased from 110 to 100$.
- E-German FüPz T-72(K1) price reduced from 200$ to 185$.
- E-German T-72K1’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 5.
- E-German T-72K1 AP increased from 12 to 13.
- Polish T-55AD1 price reduced from 185$ to 150$.
- Polish T-55AD1’s main gun accuracy increased from 5 to 7.
- Polish T-72M1D price reduced from 220$ to 210$.
- Polish Topas-R2M price decreased from 135 to 115$.

- Soviet Ural-375D base availability decreased from 16 to 8.
- Soviet Ural-375D number of cards decreased from 4 to 2.
- Soviet Ural-375D (cargo variant) road speed increased from 50 to 70km/h.
- Soviet Ural-4320 supply capacity decreased from 1250 to 1000L.
- Soviet Ural-4320 base availability decreased from 10 to 6.
- Soviet Ural-4320 number of cards decreased from 4 to 2.
- Soviet Ural-4320 road speed increased from 70 to 85km/h.
- Soviet MTP-LB base availability decreased from 24 to 12.
- Soviet MTP-LB number of cards decreased from 4 to 2.
- Soviet Mi-26 price decreased from 125 to 120$.
- Soviet Mi-26 supply capacity decreased from 6000 to 5000L.
- Soviet Mi-26 number of cards available decreased from 2 to 1.
- CSSR T815 base availability decreased from 6 to 3.
- CSSR T815 number of cards decreased from 4 to 2.
- CSSR T815 Kolos supply capacity increased from 2000 to 2400L.
- CSSR & E-Germany T813 Kolos supply capacity increased from 1500 to 1700L.
- CSSR & E-German T813 base availability decreased from 8 to 4.
- CSSR & E-German T813 number of cards decreased from 4 to 2.
- E-German & Polish logistical Mi-8’s supply capacity decreased from 2000 to 1750L.
- E-German & Polish logistical Mi-8’s base availability decreased from 6 to 4.
- Polish Star 266 Zaop. base availability decreased from 16 to 8.
- Polish Star 266 Zaop. number of cards decreased from 4 to 2.

RECON wrote:- W-German Fernspäher LAW loadouts decreased from 8 to 2.
- W-German Fernspäher PSG-1 loadouts increased from 10 to 50.
- W-German Fernspäher strenght decreased from 5 to 2 men.
- W-German Fernspäher stealth increased from Very Good to Exceptionnal.
- W-German Fernspäher base availability decreased from 8 to 4.
- W-German BGS stealth decreased from Very Good to Good.
- Swedish Fallskarmjägäre strength decreased from 10 to 5.
- Swedish Fallskärmjägare base availability decreased from 8 to 6.
- Swedish Fallskarmjägare Carl Gustav’s loadout decreased from 6 to 4.
- Swedish Fallskarmjägare price decreased from 25 to 20$.
- Norwegian HVchanged into Oppklaring (line recon squad), with line recon stats & availability changed accordingly, and price set at 15$.
- Danish Gardehusarer changed into Spejderne (line recon squad), with line recon stats & availability changed accordingly, and price set at 15$.
- Danish Jaeger base availability decreased from 6 to 4.
- Danish Jaeger number of packs available increased from 1 to 2.
- Danish Jaeger price decreased from 30 to 25$.
- Canadian Pathfinders infantry weapon changed from "shock" to "elite".
- Canadian Pathfinders base availability decreased from 8 to 4.
- British SAS strenght increased from 5 to 10 men.
- British SAS base availability decreased from 6 to 4.
- British SAS number of packs available increased from 1 to 2.
- British SAS Blowpipe’s loadout decreased from 10 to 6.
- British SAS LAW’s loadout increased from 6 to 8.
- British SAS price decreased from 30 to 25$.
- British Green Jackets base availability decreased from 8 to 6.
- British FV101 Scorpion’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 5.
- American M551A1 ACAV’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 6.
- American Rangers Carl Gustav’s loadout decreased from 6 to 4.
- American Rangers price decreased from 25 to 20$.
- American Rangers strenght decreased from 10 to 5 men.
- American Rangers now have a MG (M240).
- American Rangers base availability decreased from 8 to 6.
- American Kiowa Wr. price decreased from 110 to 90$. (see also Hellfire changes in the helicopter §).
- American LAV-25 Recon price decreased from 50 to 45$.
- American M3 Bradley price decreased from 75 to 65$.
- Norwegian Marinejeger strenght decreased from 5 to 2 men.
- Norwegian Marinejeger stealth increased from Very Good to Exceptionnal.
- Norwegian Marinejeger base availability decreased from 8 to 4 men.
- Norwegian Marinejeger LAW loadout decreased from 6 to 2.
- French Hussards price increased from 10 to 15$.
- French Hussards SARPAC loadout decreased from 6 to 4.
- French Commando-Para LRAC’s loadout decreased from 6 to 4.
- French Commando-Para price decreased from 25 to 20$.
- French Commando-Para base availability decreased from 8 to 6.

- all WP PT-76B’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 6.
- Soviet PT-71’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 6.
- Soviet PT-85’s main gun accuracy increased from 6 to 8.
- Soviet Spetsnaz & Spetsnaz VMF infantry cards swapped.
- Soviet Razvedka RPG-7V changed for a RPG-7.
- Soviet Razvedka RPG loadout decreased from 6 to 4.
- Soviet Razvedka price decreased from 20 to 15$.
- Soviet Spetsnaz VMF price decreased from 30 to 25$.
- Soviet Spetsnaz VMF strenght decreased from 5 to 2 men.
- Soviet Spetsnaz VMF stealth increased from Very Good to Exceptionnal.
- Soviet Spetsnaz VMF base availability decreased from 8 to 4.
- E-German Grenzer stealth decreased from Very Good to Good.
- E-German Kommando-Aufklärer RPG-7 changed for a RPG-7V.
- E-German Kommando-Aufklärer base availability decreased from 8 to 6.
- E-German Kommando-Aufklärer price decreased from 25 to 20$.
- E-German Kommando-Aufklärer RPG loadout increased from 4 to 6.
- Polish Zwiadowcy infantry weapon changed from "regulars" to "shock".
- Polish Zwiadowcy RPG-2 changed for a RPG-7.
- Polish Zwiadowcy base availability decreased from 8 to 6.
- Polish Zwiadowcy price increased from 15 to 20$.
- CSSR Specialni Jednotky strenght increased from 5 to 10 men.
- CSSR Specialni Jednotky PKM replaced by [CQC] RPK-47.
- CSSR Specialni Jednotky base availability decreased from 6 to 4.
- CSSR Specialni Jednotky price decreased from 30 to 25$.
- CSSR Specialni Jednotky number of packs available increased from 1 to 2.
- CSSR Pruzkumnici base availability decreased from 8 to 6.

INFANTRY wrote:- all "vanilla" (aka not SAS') Blowpipe missiles' accuracy decreased from 6 to 5.
- all Blowpipe missiles' HE damages increased from 3 to 5.
- American ATGM Dragon II replaced by Mountaineers (15-men light infantry squad w/ Dragon II & M60).
- American Light Riflemen no longer have access to Chinook.
- W-German JagdKommando base availability decreased from 12 to 8.
- W-German Panzergrenadier MG3 loadout decreased from 20.000 (!) to 3.200.
- W-German Heimatschützen strenght increased from 10 to 15 men.
- French Légion price increased from 20 to 25$.
- French Légion base availability decreased from 12 to 8, but one experience step higher.
- French Légion speed increased to elite standard.
- French RIMa base availability decreased from 16 to 12.
- French RIMa number of packs available increased from 2 to 3.
- French RIMa veterancy increased by one step.
- French RIMa price increased from 15 to 20$.
- French Réservistes strenght increased from 10 to 15 men.
- British Fusiliers's M72 ammunition loadout increased from 6 to 8.
- British RM Commandos base availability decreased from 12 to 8, but one experience step higher.
- Swedish Pansarskytte’s LAW changed for a Carl Gustav.
- Swedish Pansarskytte price increased from 10 to 15$.
- Norwegian Fallskjermjeger experience increased by one step higher.
- Norwegian Fallskjermjeger infantry weapon changed from "shock" to "elite".

- all NSWP Strela-2 base availability increased from 12 to 16.
- all NSWP Fagot infantry base availability increased from 12 to 16.
- E-GermanReserveschützen strenght increased from 10 to 15 men.
- E-German Mot.-Schützen base availability decreased 16 to 12.
- E-German Strela-2 stealth increased from Good to Very Good (as other 2-men team).
- E-German Fagot stealth increased from Good to Very Good (as other 2-men team).
- E-German FJB-40 base availability increased from 6 to 8.
- E-German FJB-40 number of pack available increased from 2 to 3.
- E-German Leichte Schützen now classified as shocktroops.
- Soviet Konkurs infantry strength decreased from 5 to 2 men.
- Soviet Konkurs infantry ammo load decreased from 8 to 6 missiles.
- CSSR Konkurs infantry strength decreased from 5 to 2 men.
- CSSR Konkurs infantry ammo load decreased from 8 to 6 missiles.
- Polish Lekka Piechota renamed STRZELCY PODHALAŃSCY and infantry card changed accordingly (purely cosmetic, nice looking hat! Augenzwinkern ).
- Polish Niebieskie Berety price decreased from 25 to 20$.
- Polish Piechota Zmech.'s RPG ammunition loadout increased from 6 to 8.

TANK wrote:- British Scorpion Light Tank’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 5.
- British Scorpion Light Tank base availability increased from 12 to 16.
- British Chieftain Mk.2 stabilizer changed from None to Bad.
- British Chieftain Mk.5 stabilizer changed from None to Medium.
- British Chieftain Mk.5 AP damages increased from 13 to 14.
- British Chieftain Mk.10 AP damages increased from 15 to 16.
- British Chieftain Mk.2’s main gun accuracy increased from 5 to 6.
- British Chieftain Mk.5’s main gun accuracy increased from 5 to 6.
- Danish Centurion 84mm’s main gun accuracy increased from 3 to 5.
- Danish Centurion 105mm base availability increased from 16 to 20.
- Danish Centurion 105mm’s main gun accuracy increased from 6 to 7.
- Danish Leopard 1A3-DK’s main gun accuracy increased from 6 to 7.
- Danish Leopard 1A3-DK price increase from 45 to 50$.
- American M551A1 Sheridan’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 6.
- American M48A5 USMC’s main gun accuracy increased from 5 to 7.
- American "vanilla" M60A1 Patton moved to the USMC family tree as M60A1 AOS.
- American M60A1 USMC’s main gun accuracy increased from 6 to 8.
- American M60A1 AOS’s main gun accuracy increased from 8 to 9.
- American M60A1 RISE’s main gun accuracy increased from 7 to 8.
- American M60A2 Starship’s main gun accuracy increased from 6 to 8.
- American M60A2E2 Starship’s main gun accuracy increased from 6 to 8.
- American M60A3 Patton’s main gun accuracy increased from 8 to 9.
- American Super M60’s main gun accuracy increased from 8 to 9.
- American Super M60 frontal armor increased from 11 to 13.
- American MBT-70’s main gun accuracy increased from 7 to 9.
- American M1 Abrams’ main gun accuracy increased from 8 to 9.
- American M1 Abrams base availability decreased from 16 to 12.
- American M1 Abrams price decreased from 85 to 80$.
- American M1IP Abrams’ main gun accuracy increased from 8 to 9.
- American M1IP Abrams base availability decreased from 12 to 8.
- American M1IP Abrams price decreased from 95 to 90$.
- Swedish Strv 102’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 6.
- Swedish Strv 102R’s main gun accuracy increased from 5 to 7.
- Swedish Strv 104’s main gun accuracy increased from 6 to 7.
- Swedish Strv 104 AP damages increased from 12 to 13.
- Swedish Strv 103B’s main gun accuracy increased from 7 to 9.
- Swedish Strv 103B base availability decreased from 16 to 12.
- Swedish Strv 103C base availability decreased from 8 to 6, but one veterancy step higher.
- Swedish Strv 103C price increased from 75 to 80$.
- Swedish Strv 103C range increased from 2100m to 2275m.
- W-German KPz M48A2G’s main gun accuracy increased from 3 to 6.
- W-German KPz M48A2G2’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 6.
- W-German Leopard 1A1’s main gun accuracy increased from 3 to 5.
- W-German Leopard 1A2’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 6.
- W-German Leopard 1A3’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 6.
- W-German Leopard 1A4’s main gun accuracy increased from 6 to 7.
- W-German Leopard 1A5 present availability unchanged, but 6 more available one veterancy step lower.
- French AMX-13 Harpon’s main gun accuracy increased from 3 to 5.
- French AMX-13 Harpon price increased from 20 to 25$.
- French AMX-30’s main gun accuracy increased from 8 to 10.
- French AMX-30B’s main gun accuracy increased from 8 to 10.
- French AMX-30B2’s main gun accuracy increased from 10 to 11.
- French AMX-32 stabilizer changed from Bad to Medium.
- French AMX-32 price increased from 85 to 90$.
- French AMX-40 stabilizer changed from Bad to Medium.
- French AMX-40 price increased from 95 to 100$.
- Norwegian M48A1’s main gun accuracy increased from 3 to 6.
- Norwegian M48A5’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 6.
- Norwegian Leopard 1NO’s main gun accuracy increased from 3 to 5.
- Norwegian Leopard 1A1NO price decreased from 55 to 50$.
- Norwegian Leopard 1A1NO’s main gun accuracy increased from 6 to 7.
- Canadian Centurion Mk.5’s main gun accuracy increased from 3 to 5.
- Canadian Centurion Mk.6’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 6.
- Canadian Centurion Mk.11’s main gun accuracy increased from 5 to 7.
- Canadian Leopard C1’s main gun accuracy increased from 6 to 7.

- all WP “vanilla” T-55’s main gun accuracy increased from 3 to 5.
- all WP “vanilla” T-72’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 5.
- all WP “vanilla” T-72 AP increased from 12 to 13.
- all WP “vanilla” T-72 price increased from 35 to 40$.
- all NSWP T-72M’s main gun accuracy increased from 5 to 6.
- all NSWP T-72M1’s main gun accuracy increased from 6 to 7.
- Soviet PT-90’s main gun accuracy increased from 8 to 10.
- Soviet BMP-685’s main gun accuracy increased from 9 to 11.
- Soviet T-55A’s main gun accuracy increased from 5 to 7.
- Soviet T-55AM’s main gun accuracy increased from 5 to 7.
- Soviet T-55AMV’s main gun accuracy increased from 7 to 9.
- Soviet T-55AMV AP increased from 11 to 12.
- Soviet T-62’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 7.
- Soviet T-62 Obr. 1972’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 7.
- Soviet T-62MV-1 price decreased from 80 to 75$.
- Soviet T-64A AP increased from 12 to 13.
- Soviet T-64A’s main gun accuracy increased from 6 to 7.
- Soviet T-64B’s main gun accuracy increased from 7 to 8.
- Soviet T-64BM’s main gun accuracy increased from 7 to 8.
- Soviet T-72A’s main gun accuracy increased from 5 to 6.
- Soviet T-72B stabilizer changed from Normal to Good.
[Actually, this change wasn't implemented, instead, the stab went to Bad. The buff wasn't made, but it wasn't nerf either: since the static accuracy was increased but not the moving one, the difference widened hence the display change ...]
- Soviet T-72B1 stabilizer changed from Normal to Good.
- Soviet T-72B1 price increased from 95 to 100$.
- Soviet T-80 stabilizer changed from Normal to Good.
- Soviet T-80B stabilizer changed from Normal to Good.
- Soviet T-80A stabilizer changed from Normal to Good.
- Soviet T-80A price increased from 130 to 135$.
- Soviet T-80A base availability decreased from 8 to 6, but one veterancy step higher.
- Soviet T-80BV accuracy increased from 7 to 8.
- Soviet T-80BV stabilizer changed from Normal to Very Good.
- Soviet T-80BV price increased from 130 to 140$.
- Soviet T-80U stabilizer changed from Normal to Very Good.
- Soviet T-80U base availability decreased from 4 to 3.
- CSSR T-72M1M stabilizer changed from Normal to Good.
- CSSR T-55A’s main gun accuracy increased from 5 to 7.
- CSSR T-55AM1B’s main gun accuracy increased from 5 to 7.
- CSSR & E-German T-55AM2B’s main gun accuracy increased from 7 to 9.
- CSSR & E-German T-55AM2B AP increased from 11 to 12.
- E-German KPz T-55A’s main gun accuracy increased from 5 to 7.
- E-German KPz T-55AM1PB’s main gun accuracy increased from 5 to 7.
- Polish & E-German T-34’s main gun accuracy increased from 3 to 6.
- Polish T-55L’s main gun accuracy increased from 5 to 7.
- Polish T-55AM Merida’s main gun accuracy increased from 7 to 8.
- Polish T-55AM2 Merida’s main gun accuracy increased from 8 to 9.
- Polish T-55AM2 Merida AP increased from 11 to 12.
- Polish PT-76B Desant’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 6.
- Polish T-72 Wilk stabilizer changed from Normal to Good.

SUPP wrote:- all "vanilla" Hawk accuracy increased from 7 to 8.
- British Rapier FSA anti-helicopter range increased from 1925m to 2100m.
- Canadian ADATS anti-tank range increased from 2625m to 2800m.
- British FV434 Falcon price decreased from 20 to 15$.
- American M109A6 Paladin base availability increased from 1 to 2.
- American M109A6 Paladin number of packs available decreased from 4 to 2.
- Norwegian NM195 price increased from 20 to 25$.
- Swedish LVRBV 701 price decreased from 30 to 25$.
- W-German Marder Roland 2 anti-helicopter range decreased from 2450m to 2275m.
- W-German LARS road speed increased from 120 to 150 km/h (as all wheeled vehicles).
- W-German LARS 2 road speed increased from 120 to 150 km/h (as all wheeled vehicles).
- W-German LARS 2 off-road speed increased from 45 to 90 km/h.

- all "vanilla" Kub-M accuracy increased from 7 to 8.
- Soviet ZSU-23-4V1 Shilka base availability increased from 8 to 12.
- Soviet Osa anti-helicopter range increased from 1750m to 1925m.
- Soviet Osa AK anti-helicopter range increased from 1750m to 1925m.
- Soviet Osa AK price increased from 30 to 35$.
- Soviet Osa AKM anti-helicopter range increased from 1925m to 2100m.
- Soviet Osa AKM price increased from 40 to 50$.
- Soviet Strela-10M present availability unchanged, but 6 more available one veterancy step lower.
- Soviet Smersh price decreased from 120 to 110$.
- E-German Fla SFL 57-2 base availability increased from 12 to 16.
- E-German Fla SFL 23/4W1 base availability increased from 8 to 12.
- E-German FlaRak Osa anti-helicopter range increased from 1750m to 1925m.
- E-German Fla-Rak Strela-1 base availability increased from 8 to 12.
- E-German FlaRak Strela-10M present availability unchanged, but 6 more available one veterancy step lower.
- Polish & E-German BM-24 HE damages increased from 10 to 12.
- Polish ZSU-57-2 base availability increased from 12 to 16.
- Polish ZSU-23-4V1 Szylka base availability increased from 8 to 12.
- Polish 9K33 Romb anti-helicopter range increased from 1750m to 1925m.
- Polish 9K33 Romb price increased from 30 to 35$.
- Polish 9K33M3 Romb anti-helicopter range increased from 1925m to 2100m.
- Polish 9K33M3 Romb price increased from 40 to 50$.
- CSSR Osa-AK anti-helicopter range increased from 1750m to 1925m.
- CSSR Osa AK price increased from 30 to 35$.
- CSSR Osa AKM anti-helicopter range increased from 1925m to 2100m.
- CSSR Osa AKM price increased from 40 to 50$.
- CSSR PLRK S-10M present availability unchanged, but 6 more available one veterancy step lower.

VEHICLES wrote:- all M38, M151 & M201 based ATGM jeeps’ missiles loadout decreased from 6 to 4.
- all M150 (= M113-mounted TOW) base availability increased from 8 to 12.
- all M113 RCL (= M113-mounted 106mm RR) base availability increased from 16 to 20.
- Norwegian NM135 price decreased from 20 to 15$.
- Norwegian & Canadian M113 106mm price decreased from 20 to 15$.
- Danish Vildkat price decreased from 25 to 20$.
- Danish M/92 PNMK price decreased from 30 to 25$.
- Danish M/113A1 I-TOW renamed into M/113A1 TOW-2 ... and now fires TOW-2 missiles.
- Danish M/113A1 TOW-2 price increased from 55 to 60$.
- Danish M/113A1 TOW-2 base availability decreased from 6 to 4, but one veterancy step higher.
- Danish Vildkat (FSV) availability increased from 6 to 12.
- Danish Laro TOW’s missiles loadout decreased from 8 to 6.
- American Humvee TOW-2 base availability increased from 4 to 6.
- American M151A2 I-TOW base availability increased from 6 to 8.
- American M50 Ontos base availability increased from 12 to 16.
- American M132 Zippo base availability increased from 12 to 16.
- American Bushmaster autocannon AP decreased from 3 to 2, except for the M2A1/M3A1 Bradley.
- American M2 Bradley price decreased from 45 to 35$.
- American LAV-25 price decreased from 35 to 30$.
- American M2A1 & M3A1 Bradley I-TOW changed to TOW-2.
- American M728 CEV accuracy increased from 2 to 4.
- American M728 CEV RoF increased.
- American Ontos price decreased from 30 to 25$.
- American M163 CS price decreased from 30 to 20$.
- American M2A1 Bradley price decreased from 55 to 50$.
- American transport Humvee is no longer available to US Marines & Mountaineers (former ATGM Dragon II).
- American & Canadian M151A2 TOW base availability increased from 8 to 12.
- Canadian M38A1 106mm base availability increased from 16 to 20.
- Swedish Pvtgb 9031 m/77 price decreased from 15 to 10$.
- Swedish Pvtgb 9031 m/84 price decreased from 20 to 15$.
- Swedish PBV 302A price decreased from 20 to 15$.
- Swedish STRF 9040 top armor increased from 1 to 2.
- Swedish Ikv 103 base availability increased from 16 to 24, but one veterancy step lower.
- Swedish Ikv 91 base availability increased from 12 to 16.
- Swedish Ikv 91’s main gun accuracy increased from 6 to 8.
- W-German Marder VTS1 AP increased from 10 to 12.
- W-German Marder VTS1 now has the [STAT] trait, meaning it can’t fire on the move.
- W-German Marder VTS1’s main gun accuracy increased from 5 to 8.
- W-German Raketenjagdpanzer 1 base availability increased from 12 to 16.
- W-German Raketenjagdpanzer 2 base availability increased from 8 to 12.
- W-German Jaguar 1 base availability increased from 6 to 8.
- W-German Jaguar 2 base availability increased from 4 to 6.
- W-German Kanonjagdpanzer’s main gun now have the [STAT] trait, hence can’t fire on the move anymore.
- W-German Kanonjagdpanzer accuracy increased from 4 to 6.
- W-German Kanonenjagdpanzer base availability increased from 12 to 16.
- British FV601 Saladin’s main gun accuracy increased from 3 to 5.
- British Warrior stabilization decreased to None.
- British Warrior AP increased from 2 to 3.
- British Warrior price decreased from 30 to 25$.
- British FV432 RARDEN base availability increased from 8 to 12.
- British Centurion AVRE accuracy increased from 2 to 4.
- British Centurion AVRE RoF increased.
- British Centurion AVRE base availability increased from 8 to 12.
- British FV102 Striker price increased from 40 to 45$.
- British FV102 Striker base availability increased from 6 to 8.
- French AMX-10P side armor increased from 1 to 2.
- French AMX-10P/MILAN side armor increased from 1 to 2.
- French AMX/HOT side armor increased from 1 to 2.
- French M201 MILAN base availability increased from 12 to 16.
- French VAB Mephisto base availability increased from 6 to 8.

- all Pact BMP-1P price decreased from 25 to 20$.
- all Pact BMP-2D price decreased from 35 to 30$.
- all 2A28 Grom (73mm gun mounted on BMP-1) range decreased from 1750 to 1525m.
- all 2A28 Grom RoF increased from 7 to 10 rpm.
- early Grom (BMP-1) accuracy increased from 2 to 4.
- late Grom (BMP-1P & D) accuracy increased from 4 to 5.
- all UAZ based ATGM jeeps’ missiles loadout decreased from 6 to 4.
- all BRDM-2 Malyutka-P base availability increased from 8 to 12.
- all BRDM-2 Konkurs base availability increased from 6 to 8.
- all WP “vanilla” TO-55’s main gun accuracy increased from 3 to 5.
- Soviet BMP-2 Obr. 86 price decreased from 45 to 40$.
- Soviet BTR-D Shrekzet price decreased from 20 to 15$.
- Soviet MT-LB Shturm-M base availability increased from 4 to 6.
- Soviet & E-German BTR-152 ZPTU-2 base availability increased from 12 to 16.
- Soviet BTR-152 ZPTU-4 base availability increased from 8 to 12.
- Soviet UAZ Faktoriya base availability increased from 12 to 16.
- Soviet UAZ Konkurs base availability increased from 6 to 8.
- Soviet TO-62’s main gun accuracy increased from 4 to 7.
- Soviet TO-62 base availability increased from 8 to 12.
- Soviet Buratino’s individual rockets impact radius increased.
- Soviet SU-122-54’s main gun now have the [STAT] trait, hence can’t fire on the move anymore.
- Soviet SU-122-54 accuracy increased from 3 to 5.
- Soviet BTR-70 Zhalo’s main gun accuracy increased from 6 to 8.
- Polish & Soviet ASU-85M autonomy increased from 250 to 360km.
- Polish & Soviet ASU-85M’s main gun now have the [STAT] trait, hence can’t fire on the move anymore.
- Polish & Soviet ASU-85M accuracy increased from 4 to 6.
- Polish & Soviet ASU-85M base availability increased from 12 to 16.
- Polish TOPAS 2A price decreased from 15 to 10$.
- Polish Krak & Promet reclassified as IFV and separated from the TOPAS line.
- Polish Krak & Promet now restricted for use to Fagot, Strela, Piechota Zmech. & Sapery.
- Polish Krak price decreased from 20 to 15$.
- Polish Promet price decreased from 20 to 15$.
- E-German BMP-1 SP1's ATGM removed.
- E-German BMP-1 SP1 price decreased from 15 to 10$.
- E-German BMP-1 SP2 price decreased from 20 to 15$.
- E-German BMP-1 SP2 Malyutka-P changed for a Malyutka.
- E-German BMP-1 SP2 service date changed from 1979 to 1975 (hence changing Category).
- E-German PzJ UAZ Fagot base availability increased from 12 to 16.
- CSSR OT-810D base availability increased from 16 to 20.
- CSSR Vydra price decreased from 20 to 15$.
- CSSR Vydra II price decreased from 30 to 25$.

HELO wrote:- American Super Cobra (and only the one)’s AIM-9M Sidewinder missile’s anti-helicopter range increased from 1750m to 2450m.
- American Kiowa Wr. & SeaHawk's Hellfire missilee changed into Hellfire A, losing the [F&F] trait for [SA] one.
- American AH-64 Apache's Hellfire renamed Hellfire C (no stats change).
- American AH-1F Cobra price decreased from 90 to 85$.
- American AH-1T SeaCobra base availability increased from 4 to 6.
- American Seahawk price decreased from 80 to 70$.
- American UH-1C Hog price increased from 25 to 30$.
- American UH-1C Heavy Hog price increased from 30 to 35$.
- American AH-1S Cobra minigun replaced by a twin minigun (as fitting the model).
- American UH-1E Huey minigun replaced by a twin minigun (as fitting the model).
- French Gazelle Celtic inability to fire on the move fixed.
- French Gazelle Celtic price increased from 55 to 60$.
- British Lynx AH.7 20mm price decreased from 30 to 25$.

- Soviet Ka-29TB price decreased from 50 to 45$.
- Soviet Ka-50 health points increased from 6 to 8.
- Soviet Mi-4AV price increased from 35 to 40$.
- CSSR & Soviet Mi-4A price increased from 30 to 35$.
- Polish Mi-2US price decreased from 25 to 20$.

PLANES wrote:- all planes' CRV-7 rockets' RoF increased.
- all planes' Zuni rockets' RoF increased.
- American Mk32 Zuni rockets renamed Mk24 Zuni (purely cosmetic, no stats change).
- American A-4M Skyhawk II availability increased from 2 to 3.
- American F-16A Fighting Falcon Rockeye II loadout increased from 2 to 4.
- American F-16A Fighting Falcon price increased from 95 to 100$.
- American F-16C Fighting Falcon Rockeye II loadout increased from 4 to 6.
- American F/A-18A Hornet service date changed from 1983 to 1985.
- American F-4G Wild Weasel service date moved from 1975 to 1977 (hence moving from CatC to CatB).
- American F-4S Phantom II service date changed from 1983 to 1979.
- American F-111E Aardvark Rockeye II (x8) loadout changed for Mark 82 (x12) iron bombs.
- American F-111E price increased from 90 to 110$.
- American AV-8C Harrier base availability increased from 2 to 3.
- American AV-8C Harrier price decreased from 75 to 70$.
- American F-15 Strike Eagle price decreased from 200 to 180$.
- American A-6F Intruder renamed A-6E TRAM (no stats changes), and service date changed to 1978 (hence no more prototype).
- American E-A6 Prowler base availability increase from 1 to 2, but veterancy decreased by one step.
- American F-14 Tomcat now fire two Phoenix missiles at a time but with lower accuracy.
- Norwegian F-16A availability unchanged, but veterancy improved by one step.
- Norwegian F-104G’s AIM-9L missiles changed for AIM-9J.
- Norwegian F-104G price decreased from 90 to 80$.
- W-German F-104G rerolled as a pure CAS plane, with its loadout set as 4x Mk.82 bombs.
- W-German F-104G price decreased from 70 to 60$.
- Canadian CF-116’s AIM-9L missiles changed for AIM-9J.
- Canadian CF-104 Starfighter’s AIM-9L missiles changed for AIM-9J.
- Canadian CF-104 Starfighter price decreased from 65 to 60$.
- Canadian CF-104 Starfighter rockets load fixed from 8 to 38 (!), fired in one single salvo.
- Canadian CF-104 Starfighter's CRV-7 rockets range increased from 2450m to 2625m.
- Canadian CF-188 Hornet price decreased from 175 to 165$.
- Danish Draken’s AIM-9L missiles changed for AIM-9J.
- Danish Draken price decreased from 110 to 100$.
- Danish F-16A Block 15 veterancy levels increased by one step.
- Swedish RB 24 missile name changed to RB 24J.
- Swedish RB 28 Falcon range decreased from 3150m to 2800m.
- Swedish J 35D Draken number of cards available decreased from 3 to 2.
- Swedish J 35F Draken loadout changed for 2x RB 28 Falcon missiles + AA rockets.
- Swedish J 35F Draken price decreased from 70 to 55$.
- Swedish J 35F Draken base availability increased from 2 to 3.
- Swedish J 35F Draken number of cards available decreased from 4 to 2.
- Swedish J 35J Draken number of cards available decreased from 3 to 2.
- Swedish J 35J Draken loadout changed for 4x RB 24J + 2x RB 28 missiles.
- Swedish J 35J Draken price decreased from 100 to 80$.
- Swedish J35J Draken base availability unchanged, but one veterancy step higher.
- Swedish AJ37 Viggen's RB 24 changed for RB 28.
- Swedish AJ37 Viggen price decreased from 115 to 110$.
- Swedish 70mm AA rockets renamed Jaktraket m/57.
- Swedish Jaktraket m/57 HE damages decreased from 3 to 2.
- Swedish Sk60B price increased from 40 to 50$.
- British Tornado GR.1 price decreased from 130 to 120$.
- British Tornado ADV F2's AIM-9L Sidewinder loadout decreased from 4 to 2.
- British Tornado ADV F2 price decreased from 140 to 115$.
- British Tornado ADV F3's AIM-9M Sidewinder changed for AIM-9L.
- British Tornado ADV F3's SkyFlash changed for SkyFlash SuperTEMP.
- British Tornado ADV F3 price decreased from 155 to 140$.
- British Tornado ADV F3 service date changed to 1988.
- British Harrier GR.5 price decreased from 115 to 100$.
- French Jaguar A base availability unchanged, but one veterancy step higher.

- all Gsh-23 gun's accuracy standardized at 6 (some already were, others only had 4).
- all twin/triple Gsh-23, NR-30 and NR-23 anti-plane range increased from 1750m to 2100m.
- all Gsh-6-23 anti-plane range increased from 1750 to 2100m.
- all planes' S-5 rockets' accuracy increased from 2 to 6.
- all planes' S-5 rockets' RoF increased.
- Soviet MiG-21S price increased from 45 to 50$.
- Soviet MiG-21SM reroled as a multirole plane, with loadout changed for S-5 rocket (x64) pods + 2x R-60 missiles.
- Soviet MiG-23ML veterancy increased with +3 rookies (previous ones unchanged).
- Soviet MiG-23ML renamed MiG-23M, service date changed from 1974 to 1972.
- Soviet MiG-23P service date changed from 1978 to 1982.
- Soviet MiG-23P renamed MiG-23MLD (no stats changes).
- Soviet MiG-25P loadout changed for 2x R-40R + 2x R-40T. (Radar and infrared vresion of the same missile)
- Soviet MiG-25PD loadout changed for 2x R-40R + 2x R-40T.
- Soviet MiG-31 missiles loadout decreased from 6 to 4.
- Soviet MiG-31M gun removed.
- Soviet MiG-31M price decreased from 140 to 135$.
- Soviet MiG-25PD ECM increased by one step.
- Soviet MiG-25PD price increased from 90 to 100$.
- Soviet MiG-25BM’s Kh-28 anti-radiation missiles replaced by Kh-58U (same stats as former Kh-31P from Su-24).
- Soviet MiG-25BM service date changed from 1982 to 1991 (hence becoming a prototype).
- Soviet MiG-25BM ECM increased from Good to Exceptionnal.
- Soviet MiG-25BM price increased from 75 to 135$.
- Soviet Su-24MP renamed Su-24M.
- Soviet Su-24M service date changed from 1983 to 1979.
- Soviet Su-24M ECM decreased by one step.
- Soviet Su-24's Kh-31P anti-radiation missiles replaced by Kh-28.
- Soviet Su-24 service date changed from 1988 to 1974 (hence no more a prototype).
- Soviet Su-24 ECM decreased by one step.
- Soviet Su-24 price decreased from 135 to 75$.
- Soviet Su-24 number of card available decreased from 3 to 2.
This way, USSR (and Pact) get a CatC SEAD plane.
- Soviet Su-27 service date changed from 1977 to 1985.
- Soviet Su-27 number of card available decreased from 2 to 1.
- Soviet Su-27 present veterancy unchanged, but +2 rookies added.
- Soviet Su-25’s Kh-25 loadout decreased from 6 to 4.
- Soviet Su-25 price decreased from 135 to 130$.
- Soviet MiG-27M & MiG-27K’s names swapped.
- Polish MiG-19PM's gun removed.
- E-German MiG-21M loadout changed from rocket pods to 2x RBK-500 bombs.
- E-German MiG-21M price increased from 50 to 55$.
- E-German MiG-21MF price decreased from 65 to 55$.
- E-German MiG-21Bis Lazur availability unchanged, but veterancy improved by one step.
- E-German MiG-21Bis Lazur loadout changed for 2 missiles K-13M and 4 missiles R-60
- E-German MiG-23MF veterancy decreased by one step, but base availability increased from 2 to 3.
- E-German MiG-23MF price decreased from 75 to 70$.
- E-German Su-22M4 veterancy decreased by two steps.
- E-German Su-22M4P price decreased from 105 to 85$.
- E-German MiG-23BN price decreased from 105 to 90$.
- E-German MiG-29 9-13 price increased from 120 to 130$.
- CSSR Avia S-105 rerolled as air superiority fighter, with its loadout changed for ARS-57 air-to-air rockets.
- CSSR Avia S-105 price decreased from 50 to 40$.
- CSSR Avia S-105 veterancy decreased by one step, but base availability increased from 2 to 3.
- CSSR Su-25 veterancy increased with +3 rookies (previous ones unchanged).
- CSSR Su-25 price decreased from 135 to 125$.
- CSSR MiG-23BN’s Kh-25ML missiles changed for Kh-23.
- CSSR MiG-23BN’s R-60 loadout increased from 2 to 4.
- CSSR Avia S-105 number of cards available decreased from 3 to 2.

26.11.2013 12:12:10  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Noxiller 11.02.2009
Zitat von MvG

Sorry, ich kann grade nicht posten. Anruf auf meinem Blackberry.

Hahaha Breites Grinsen
26.11.2013 12:15:09  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Mad_X* 19.01.2011
Allein die Mapchanges klingen schon mal interessant.
26.11.2013 12:15:31  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
- American M2A1 & M3A1 Bradley I-TOW changed to TOW-2.

ohwow. Breites Grinsen

- American Kiowa Wr. & SeaHawk's Hellfire missilee changed into Hellfire A, losing the [F&F] trait for [SA] one.

Change ALL the decks! Breites Grinsen
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Expressreiskocher am 26.11.2013 12:26]
26.11.2013 12:24:57  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Sätnez 06.01.2009
Noch mehr reconshit machbar \o/
26.11.2013 12:25:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Boah, die Flugzeug-Änderungen... Breites Grinsen
26.11.2013 12:27:11  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Mad_X* 19.01.2011
F-14 gleichzeitig gebufft und genervt Augenzwinkern. Mal sehen was das wird. Dürfte jetzt die einzige Einheit sein welche 2 Raketen gleichzeitig "unterwegs" haben kann. Mal eine ganz neue Richtung.
26.11.2013 14:03:36  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP MvG 09.11.2013
- W-German Kanonjagdpanzers main gun now have the [STAT] trait, hence cant fire on the move anymore.

Kein Kanonenjagdpanzerspam mehr traurig
26.11.2013 14:12:34  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Mad_X* 19.01.2011
Also ob die aus der Fahrt raus auch mal irgendwas getroffen hätten Breites Grinsen.
26.11.2013 14:32:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP MvG 09.11.2013
froehlich grinsen
Zitat von Mad_X*

Also ob die aus der Fahrt raus auch mal irgendwas getroffen hätten Breites Grinsen.

Egal, der psychologische Effekt zähllt! peinlich/erstaunt
26.11.2013 14:33:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Sätnez 06.01.2009
So sieht es nunmal aus.

Wenn jemand "PANZER" liest macht er sofort den Franzosen.
26.11.2013 14:35:28  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Noxiller 11.02.2009
Nachm Training (gegen 20 Uhr), wird gestestet!

American Bushmaster autocannon AP decreased from 3 to 2, except for the M2A1/M3A1 Bradley.

buff LAV pls, PACT OP!


Was sind denn jetzt genau die neuen Einheiten?

SAS, Mountaineers, deutsche Phantom, Recon Hind?


Sooo viele edits...gerade gesehen, das war ja nur der balance patch, dass DLC kommt ja noch.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 3 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Noxiller am 26.11.2013 15:49]
26.11.2013 15:44:37  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Karai 18.01.2015
Ich hab das Patchlog in der Mittagspause nur überflogen, jetzt geb ich mir erstmal in Ruhe das Log, dann den Forenrage und dann bau ich meine Decks um.

¤: Mapänderungen + Supply könnte echt zu nen statischeren (WEE-)Spiel führen, weiß nicht ob mir das wirklich zusagt.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Karai am 26.11.2013 16:23]
26.11.2013 16:14:53  Zum letzten Beitrag
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26.11.2013 16:54:59  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP MvG 09.11.2013
Der offensichtliche Supply-Nerf stinkt... ich hab doch so schon immer zuwenig Supplytrucks
26.11.2013 17:09:34  Zum letzten Beitrag
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[GR] WarZeal

AUP [GR] WarZeal 11.10.2010
Weniger Supply führt so weniger Artillerie bei gleicher Versorgung an der Front bzw andersherum. Ich muss mir dann doch mal ne FOB für die Arty einpacken oder mobile Versorgung von FOB per Trucks an die Front organisieren.

26.11.2013 17:18:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP MvG 09.11.2013
Ich benutz ja schon verhältnismäßig wenig Artillerie, weil die Schlagkraft der Sprenggeschosse gerade im Verhältnis zu EE echt lächerlich ist. Genauso die Präzision... wenn man teilweise 3 Feuerschläge braucht, um einzelne Einheiten überhaupt zu treffen, lohnt Arty eigentlich kaum. Ich erinnere mich an die Hind, um die meine Arty 3 mal Kreise geschossen hat in einem Spiel mit Sätnez neulich...
26.11.2013 17:20:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Noxiller 11.02.2009
verschmitzt lachen
Zitat von MvG

Der offensichtliche Supply-Nerf stinkt... ich hab doch so schon immer zuwenig Supplytrucks

Seit wann gibts bei WoT Supply
26.11.2013 17:20:56  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP MvG 09.11.2013
verschmitzt lachen
Zitat von Noxiller

Zitat von MvG

Der offensichtliche Supply-Nerf stinkt... ich hab doch so schon immer zuwenig Supplytrucks

Seit wann gibts bei WoT Supply

Bei Euro Truck Simulator sorge ich selbst für Supply!
26.11.2013 17:22:58  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
So lange man die FOB wieder reinnimmt hat man wieder gleich oder mehr Supply als vor dem Patch.
Muss man sich halt nur merken das man wieder mit Befehlsketten arbeiten muss.

¤: Korrektur: In den CatA-Decks hat man wohl geringfügig weniger Supply, wenn ich das jetzt keinen Rechenfail gebaut habe.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Expressreiskocher am 26.11.2013 18:57]
26.11.2013 18:49:32  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Noxiller 11.02.2009
Zitat von MvG

Zitat von Noxiller

Zitat von MvG

Der offensichtliche Supply-Nerf stinkt... ich hab doch so schon immer zuwenig Supplytrucks

Seit wann gibts bei WoT Supply

Bei Euro Truck Simulator sorge ich selbst für Supply!

Beständige Auftragslage Breites Grinsen
26.11.2013 19:58:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Noxiller 11.02.2009
Grundsätzlich ein kackpatch bisher.
Da kann ich auch wieder ee spielen.

Dont like
26.11.2013 22:05:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Der Patch-Bugthread hat schon 5 Seiten, diverse DLC-Units sind ausversehen schon im Patch freigegeben, einige Maps haben üble Macken was die Sektoren/Punktezahl angeht, usw.
Der Patchlog-Thread hat 40 Seiten wovon 38 1/2 Seiten wieder Britengeweine sind weil ihr Deck angeblich nicht viable (zomg, nurnoch 8 Challenger statt 16!) und sie ja sowieso immer ignoriert werden, yadda yadda.

Sätnez, die Mig 21 ist übrigens verbuggt... du hast vorhin nicht zu kurz geworfen. Breites Grinsen

¤: Mapänderungen + Supply könnte echt zu nen statischeren (WEE-)Spiel führen, weiß nicht ob mir das wirklich zusagt.

Das hat sich übrigens bestätigt, Maps will Lillehammer sind zurück in WEE-Zeiten angekommen. ALles fährt am Start in Stellung, danach wird gescoutet und mit Artillerie vom STartsektor/von der FOB geschossen bis eine Seite aufgibt.

¤: ZwiPo! mit den Augen rollend Breites Grinsen
¤²: So langsam rührt sich das Forum aber auch:
Supply vehicles are too scarce, hurting minor nations too much and making it impossible to have a working AA network and keeping you regular troops supplied at the same time.
I like most changes except the logistic availability one. I understand they want us to use the passive FOBs for all its worth, but simply increasing the capacity of them like they did now should be enough to achieve that (and the following artillery spam and base camping that comes with it).
As they increased the capacity of the supply vehicles a bit, they will last slightly longer but since supply usage is still hilariously high it will still drain the poor trucks faster than they can refill.
Lowering the availability of supply vehicles hurt smaller nations a lot, some can only get 8 trucks and some helis (like E Germany). It makes it rather difficult to keep a working AA network supplied at the same time as you want to keep your ATGM and other troops supplied as well. Even if trucks are going back and forth to the FOB 24/7 exactly as the developers want it, it will not be able to be in every place due to low availability.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Expressreiskocher am 26.11.2013 22:11]
26.11.2013 22:06:58  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Sätnez 06.01.2009
Zitat von Expressreiskocher

Sätnez, die Mig 21 ist übrigens verbuggt... du hast vorhin nicht zu kurz geworfen. Breites Grinsen

Alles richtig gemacht \o/

Das mit den Supplys muss angeglichen werden aber prinzipiell finde ich gut was gemacht wurde.

Alle Nationen sollten einen Versorgungsheli haben und das "Argument", dass es Engpässe gibt ist für mich nur ein mimimi Argument.
Ich sehe es als Strategisches Mittel(was ich eh gerne genutzt habe. Billige Flieger rein. Aggro und Supply ziehen und dann mit den "richtigen" alles zerbomben
Man muss einfach nur etwas weiter vorrausschauender Spielen und präventiv schon was da stehen haben.

Ich finds gut weil es das ganze etwas anspruchsvoller macht.
Die erste Runde war doof wegen der Map aber sonst...

Auf EE Niveau sehe ich das ganze nicht, dass es ein Artycampspamfest wird. Man muss jetzt einfach noch etwas klüger verteidigen/angreifen. Vor allem mit noch mehr Nebel(was es bei EE ja nicht gab)

Ich freu mich ehrlich gesagt
auch wenn es vllt etwas die Dynamic aus den Gefechten nimmt durch die "Versorgungspausen" was man aber so sehen sollte, dass man jetzt noch mehr Zeit hat obertighten Komandoshit mit seinen Kameraden zu planen <3
26.11.2013 22:24:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Generell stört mich weder das aufstellen von "Versorgungsketten" noch die Menge der SP, was das ganze aber halt massiv problematisch macht ist echt die Menge an Versorgungseinheiten die du mitführen kannst.

Als Beispiel hast du in Logistik jetzt bei nem BW-Deck 1 Karte CVs, 1 FOB und zwei Karten Trucks (2x6 Jupiter oder 2x4 MAN) = 31000 / 29600 SP
Pre-Patch waren das idR 3 Karten Trucks (3x10 Jupiter oder 3x8 MAN) = 37500 / 36000 SP

Du hast also weniger SP und musst das ganze gleichzeitig mit nen Bruchteil der Versorgungseinheiten bewegen, alleine die Arty bindet davon mindestens 2-4 Trucks wenn man nicht bobisch neben der FOB stehen und mit Counterbattery weggefegt werden will - effektiv bleiben dir also 6-8 Trucks um die ganze Karte zu versorgen.
Was das ganze wirklich problematisch macht ist das die Einheiten durch den Wegfall der seitlichen Anforderungssektoren eh schon verstärkt Supply in FOrm von Treibstoff brauchen - große Armeen kannste eigentlich garnicht ordentlich versorgen wenn du auch noch nen IADS aufrechterhalten und deinen Kram reparieren willst.

tl;dr - Reduzieren von 4 auf 2 Karten der Trucks und anheben der FOB-Supplypunkte hätte für sich gereicht um das attraktiv zu machen, Kartenänderungen machen bisher nur Sinn wo sie spielerisch auch "neues" abverlangen (Uppsala z.B.).
26.11.2013 22:56:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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[GR] WarZeal

AUP [GR] WarZeal 11.10.2010
Durch diese Engpässe werden jetzt Einwegeinheiten attraktiver.
Einmal reinwerfen, kosten ja nix, und durchpressen bis der Supply des Feindes nicht mehr hinterherkommt. Dazu eine FOB mit Arty daneben, huehuehue fertig.
Solche Decks wird es in Zukunft wohl öfter geben
26.11.2013 23:09:57  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
5-10 Punkte APCs und 1 Punkte Trucks sind doch immer schon Wegwerfartikel sobald die Inf raus ist - was zerstört wird zieht Supply, was durchkommt macht im besten Fall noch was teures kaputt (BTR 14,5mm OP!).

Und FOB mit Arty daneben halte ich für ne gefährliche Kiste, die neuen Recon/Sniper-Teams sind echt so schwer aufzuklären das man ständig damit rechnen muss das irgendwer Sicht auf den Startsektor hat.
Haben wir im ersten Game genauso durchgezogen - Sätnez hat heftigen Kommandoshit geterieben und Sicht bekommen, die gegenrische Artillerie neben den FOBs hat nach genau einer Malka-Salve aufgehört zu existieren.
26.11.2013 23:26:03  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Sätnez 06.01.2009

Ich benutzte 1-2 Trucks um die Supplyreichweiter der FOBs für die Arty zu erhöhen peinlich/erstaunt

Und finde 8 Trucks und ~6 Helis(oder so) eigentlich genug. Man hat ja nicht die Karte zu versogen sondern nur seine Front/Verteidigung.

Also nicht falsch verstehen. Ich verstehe die Kritik aber ich mags dadurch dass es nun etwas "anspruchsvoller" ist.
Gehe aber davon aus dass es noch angeglichen wird weil wie du sagt. Gerade im Late Game wirds schwer bis unmöglich seine Panzerarmee an der Front zu versorgen. Besonders die Briten Breites Grinsen


Mit dem Mixed CatC Natodeck bekommt man 14 Sniperteams(stealth exceptional). Die 2er Squads scheinen echt fast unsichtbar für den Gegner zu sein peinlich/erstaunt
Haben leider nur 2 Raketen dabei aber die Sniper machen leicht gepanzerte Fahrzeuge mit 3-4 Schüssen kap0tt \o/

Warum ist es schon wieder fast 12?
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Sätnez am 26.11.2013 23:44]
26.11.2013 23:42:19  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Bitte beachten
Ich werde mit dem DLC erstmal nen Britendeck spielen, nur um zu zeigen das es geht.
Genauer bin ich dafür das wir direkt 3 Britendecks spielen.

¤: Oder 4 - Wenn sich Warzeal, mavchen, Kif, MvG oder so blicken lassen!
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Expressreiskocher am 26.11.2013 23:45]
26.11.2013 23:44:31  Zum letzten Beitrag
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