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 Thema: Aurora 4X ( Dwarf Fortress in space? )
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6th April 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Oma Mohamed has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 116 Intelligence 15%: Promotion Score 114
A team on Earth led by CountZero has completed research into 1.92 EP Nuclear Pulse Missile Engine
Research into 3.55 EP Nuclear Pulse Cluster Missile Engine has commenced on Earth
A team on Earth led by CountZero has completed research into 3.55 EP Nuclear Pulse Cluster Missile Engine
Research into 3.87 EP Nuclear Pulse Missile Engine has commenced on Earth

11th April 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.068%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Chung Klingenberg has joined your civilian administration. Shipbuilding 15% Administration Rating 5 Factory Prod 30% Mining 20% Pop Growth 5%
Through training or experience, Ensign Veronica Chelton has increased his Training Bonus to 50
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Maestro has increased his Training Bonus to 50
A team on Earth led by CountZero has completed research into 3.87 EP Nuclear Pulse Missile Engine
Research into EM Sensor Sensitivity 6 has commenced on Earth
Mcclaine Container Line has launched a new Mcclaine L2 class Spaceliner

16th April 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0597%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Carey Murdock has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 222 Crew Training Rating 100 Fighter Combat 10% Political Reliability 10%: Promotion Score 636
Ensign Carey Murdock has been assigned to Missile Complex 076 (Crew Training 100)

21st April 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0528%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Darin Verhines has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 252 Survey 10% Mining 10% Logistics 15% Xenology 30% Communication 10%: Promotion Score 264
Ensign Una Tasch has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade

26th April 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0472%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Lieutenant Junior Grade Vito Mcfarlane has been promoted to Lieutenant
Construction of Military Academy completed on Earth
The civilian mining colony on Reinmuth has been expanded to 8 civilian mining complexes
GEV Carl Friedrich Gauss has only 18.7 percent of its maximum fuel (5616 litres).

1st May 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.04%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Colonel Al Read has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 5% Political Reliability 20%: Promotion Score 425
Colonel Al Read has been assigned to 39th Low Tech Infantry (Ground Combat Bonus 5%)
Through training or experience, Ensign Michael Kana has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 124
Rodger Young 001 (Rodger Young class) built on Earth and assigned to Shipyard TG
GEV Carl Friedrich Gauss has only 16.7 percent of its maximum fuel (5016 litres).
04.11.2016 0:49:17  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Dr._Pymonte 12.05.2018

From: Ministerin für Wirtschaft und Industrie BammBamm Rubble (lovergirl96@gmx.de)
To: Vorstandsvorsitzender Gewerkschaft der Maurer. (VVGWM@Lohnaffen.de)
Subject: yo, neue Anweisung.

Leben in der Lage meine Freunde.

Die Commercial Shipyards, das eine baut ihr fertig, der Rest fliegt mal wieder raus. Sobald das durch ist Zimmert ihr ein Spaceport zusammen.

Dafür werden noch 4 weitere Naval Shipyards gebaut. In der Hoffnung das sie bald mal ackern dürfen und wir eine stolze Kriegsmarine bekommen.

Wenn der Spaceport fertig ist werden die % auf den Rest verteilt. Wobei Forschung mit 34% der Rest is mit 33% bedacht wird.

Das wars erstmal.

Ein Reich, Eine Nation!
Alles für den Rat.

Hochachtungsvoll, BammBamm Rubble

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Dr._Pymonte am 04.11.2016 6:03]
04.11.2016 6:03:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
From:Minister für Forschung, Bildung und Zahlen (B.Regor@FBZ.gov)
To: Kathy Jahnke (rocketlady1998@knuddels.de)
Subject: Mutterschaftsurlaub vorbei, die Arbeit wartet

Hallo Kathy,

willkommen zurück auf der Arbeit, ich hoffe der kleinen Jaqueline-Chantall geht es gut. Hier hat sich ein Haufen Arbeit aufgestaut und bald geht es in deiner Abteilung hoch her. Zwischendurch kannst du dich mal an "Missle Agility"wagen. Frag nicht warum. Der Typ vom Verteidigungsministerium hat da irgend ne Idee. Also zieh dir mal ein Lab von Leif und leg los.

Dein Chef B. Regor

05.11.2016 5:44:33  Zum letzten Beitrag
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4th May 2030
TG Hauler has completed orders

11th May 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0533%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Nathaniel Bonet has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 146 Survey 10% Fighter Ops 10% Xenology 10% Intelligence 15%: Promotion Score 242
Jude Lonas has joined your civilian administration. Shipbuilding 10% Terraforming 10% Pop Growth 15%
Ensign Gale Smades has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Small C2 class Colony Ship
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Large C2 class Colony Ship
GEV Carl Friedrich Gauss has only 13.5 percent of its maximum fuel (4036 litres).

16th May 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0265%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Elwood Rutan has joined your civilian administration. Administration Rating 5 Factory Prod 10% Mining 5% Political Reliability 10%
GEV Carl Friedrich Gauss has only 11.5 percent of its maximum fuel (3436 litres).

21st May 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0309%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Benedict Heckmann has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 155 Crew Training Rating 100 Fighter Combat 10% Factory Prod 25% Logistics 15% Political Reliability 10%: Promotion Score 659
Ensign Benedict Heckmann has been assigned to Missile Complex 082 (Crew Training 100)
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Gale Smades has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 239
The Political Reliability Bonus of Ensign Aletha Gverrero has increased to 15%
GEV Carl Friedrich Gauss has only 8.8 percent of its maximum fuel (2644 litres).

26th May 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0185%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Cyril Hildebrand has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 147 Crew Training Rating 100 Fighter Ops 10% Xenology 30% Communication 10%: Promotion Score 555
Ensign Cyril Hildebrand has been assigned to Missile Complex 083 (Crew Training 100)
Through training or experience, Ensign Rey Endres has increased his Training Bonus to 50
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Zella Farra has increased his Training Bonus to 125

1st June 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Venus, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1501%
Colonel Mario Whitsel has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 10% Political Reliability 20% Espionage 10%: Promotion Score 500
Colonel Mario Whitsel has been assigned to 28th Low Tech Infantry (Ground Combat Bonus 10%)
Slipway added to New Shipyard #730 on Earth
Slipway added to Zelaya Marine Industries Shipyard on Earth
06.11.2016 6:16:56  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Meine Herren Räte,

ein kleiner Schritt für einen Menschen und ein großer Schritt für die Menschheit. Viel Zeit ist vergangen seit dem Neil Armstrong als erster Mensch in der Geschichte seinen Fuß auf einem fremden Himmelskörper setzte. Wie unwirklich muss dieser Moment unseren Vätern vorgekommen sein. Jene welche die Planeten nur aus Textbüchern und die Sterne vom Nachthimmel kannten. Und wie unwirklich müssten ihnen unsere letzten Jahre vorkommen, wo Menschen nicht nur Raketen ins All schoßen um Gesteinsbrocken zu Forschungszwecken vom Mond aufzusammeln, sondern um in den roten Dünen des Mars Junggesellenabschiede zu feiern. Sowas kannte man nur aus Science Fiction Filmen und wilden Fantasien.
Dennoch ist dies unsere heutige Realittät. Science Fiction wurde zur Realität.
Und es ist noch nicht lange her, da haben die klügsten Köpfe unseres Planeten einen weiteren Schritt gewagt, denn wir in unserem eigenen Kindesalter für unmöglich gehalten hätten. Nicht nur sind die Planeten unseres Sonnensystem von einem unerreichbaren Traum zu einem Wochenendrausch geworden. Die Sterne selbst scheinen jetzt zum greifen Nahe.

Ich allerdings heute nicht hierhergekommen um die Hoffnungen und Träume unseres Volkes zu feiern, sondern um auf die Gefahren zu großer Schritte hinzuweisen. Bis hierher hat es noch nie irgendeinen außerirdischen Kontakt zur Menschheit gegeben und viele Menschen sind davon überzeugt, dass wir allein in den unendlichen Tiefen des Alls sind.
Ich gehöre nicht zu diesen Menschen. Das All ist zu groß um leer zu sein und die Projekte von Forschungsrat Bregor könnte uns schon sehr bald in Kontakt mit einer anderen Species bringen.

Wir als Menschen dürfen dem nicht unvorbereitet entgegenstehen. Wer weiß ob diese Aliens uns gegenüber tatsächlich freundlich gesonnen sein werden. Wie viele Völker sind allein schon auf unserem Planeten durch falsche Freundlichkeit von der Bildfläche verschwunden.
Soll die Menschheit selbst einem solchen Schicksal erliegen?

Ich sage Nein. Wir werden nicht geschlossenen Auges in die Zukunft schreiten. Sollten wir tatsächlich auf Wesen von einer anderen Welt treffen, werden wir sicherstellen, dass dies nicht das letzte Treffen sein wird.
Und zu diesem Zweck habe ich mithilfe meiner fähigsten Berater Pläne zur Neuorganisation unser Verteidung entwickelt.
Ich präsentiere heute voller Stolz die Zukunft der interplanetaren Kriegsführung.

Die Zino I
Missile Size: 30 MSP (1.5 HS) Warhead: 16 Armour: 0 Manoeuvre Rating: 11
Speed: 15500 km/s Engine Endurance: 110 minutes Range: 102.1m km
Cost Per Missile: 10.3468
Chance to Hit: 1k km/s 170.5% 3k km/s 55% 5k km/s 34.1% 10k km/s 17%
Materials Required: 4x Tritanium 6.3468x Gallicite Fuel x1500

Development Cost for Project: 1035RP

Die Peer 100
Missile Size: 3 MSP (0.15 HS) Warhead: 2 Armour: 0 Manoeuvre Rating: 14
Speed: 12800 km/s Engine Endurance: 103 minutes Range: 79.0m km
Cost Per Missile: 1.1965
Chance to Hit: 1k km/s 179.2% 3k km/s 56% 5k km/s 35.8% 10k km/s 17.9%
Materials Required: 0.5x Tritanium 0.6965x Gallicite Fuel x187.5
Development Cost for Project: 120RP

und als mein ganz persönlicher Stolz
die La Aurora Principes
Missile Size: 98.04 MSP (4.902 HS) Warhead: 81 Armour: 0 Manoeuvre Rating: 10
Speed: 13400 km/s Engine Endurance: 289 minutes Range: 232.0m km
Cost Per Missile: 37.1977
Chance to Hit: 1k km/s 134% 3k km/s 40% 5k km/s 26.8% 10k km/s 13.4%
Materials Required: 20.25x Tritanium 16.9477x Gallicite Fuel x11171.25
Development Cost for Project: 3720RP

Zu Beginn bitte ich Forschungsrat Bregor darum einen Prototypen der Peer 100 zu bauen.

Zudem habe beschlossen unsere Werften neu zu benennen.
BAE System Orbital Construction -> Imperial Godmaker Yard
Curiel Shipyard -> Imperial Dinergate Yard
Zelaya Marine -> Imperial Brasmaker Yard

New Shipyard #732 -> Starartifier Yard
New Shipyard #730 -> Galaxyworker Yard

PS: Da sind übrigens Truppentransporter fertig geworden.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 4 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von kommo1 am 21.11.2016 16:16]
06.11.2016 15:22:45  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
From:Minister für Forschung, Bildung und Zahlen (B.Regor@FBZ.gov)
To: Kathy Jahnke (rocketlady1998@knuddels.de)
Subject: Forschungsauftrag "Peer 100"

Hallo Kathy,

wie ich mir schon dachte hat der Verteidigungsminister nach seiner pathetisch Rede angefangen über Krieg mit Außerirdischen zu schwadronieren. Scheinbar hat niemand was aus dem zweiten Korea Krieg gelernt. Kim Jong An hatte ja auch gern mit Raketen gespielt.

Naja, genug davon, meine politische Agenda darf unseren Forschungsgeldern nicht im Weg stehen, und Kathy ich sage dir, der Schotter kommt. Dafür musst du nur das kleine Nebenprojekt von vor 5 Jahren auf den neusten Stand bringen. "Peer 100" soll die Rakete heißen. Wer sich da drüben die Namen ausdenkt sollte echt mal gefeuert werden. Soll laut Design wohl ne Schwarm-Missle werden. Das kenn ich noch von den Appaches aus den PC-Spielen die ich im Museum gespielt habe. Da musste man noch die Hände benutzen!

Aber ich schweife wieder ab. Ich habs mal durchkalkuliert. Den Kriegstreibern stehen 3 unserer Labore zu. Sonst dreht der Präsident den Geldhahn zu. Also geh nochmal zu Leif in den Keller und sag ihm er soll dir noch eins seiner Labs geben. Bring ihm am besten ne Pizza mit, dann faucht er weniger. Das andere Labor schnappst du dir von CountZero weg. Ich weis, der ist megaeitel aufgrund seines Elite-Status, aber hey, sag ihm er hilft damit der Menschheit oder so.

Dein Chef B. Regor

P.S. Kannst du mir evtl die Privatnummer der Neuen Sekretärin bei dir im Institut besorgen?

je 1 Labor von Leif und CZ an Kathy und dann die Missle erforschen. Wenn bis Abschluss keine andere Rakete in die Queue soll, kommen die Labs wieder zurück.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bregor am 06.11.2016 16:36]
06.11.2016 16:35:18  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th June 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Venus, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Ensign Robbie Weidemann has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 162 Crew Training Rating 25 Survey 25% Fighter Combat 15% Logistics 10%: Promotion Score 539
Ensign Robbie Weidemann has been assigned to Missile Complex 084 (Crew Training 25)

11th June 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Venus, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Ensign Katie Vallieres has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 142 Crew Training Rating 25 Fighter Combat 15% Terraforming 10% Fighter Ops 10%: Promotion Score 209
Ensign Katie Vallieres has been assigned to Missile Complex 085 (Crew Training 25)
Ensign Garry Adams has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
The civilian mining colony on Reinmuth has been expanded to 9 civilian mining complexes

16th June 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Claud Alzaga has joined your civilian administration. Shipbuilding 20% Administration Rating 4 Factory Prod 10%
Sol,A team on Earth led by CountZero has completed research into EM Sensor Sensitivity 6
Research into Gravitational Survey Sensors has commenced on Earth

21st June 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Giuseppe Denzer has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 185 Crew Training Rating 175 Fighter Combat 10% Terraforming 15% Fighter Ops 20% Logistics 10% Xenology 10%: Promotion Score 1593
Ensign Giuseppe Denzer has been assigned to Missile Complex 086 (Crew Training 175)

26th June 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Angel Fregia has joined your civilian administration. Administration Rating 6 Wealth Creation 5% Xenology 15%
A team on Earth led by Kathy Jahnke has completed research into Peer 100
Research into Missile Agility 48 per MSP has commenced on Earth
The Geology Team has completed its surface-based geological survey of Oberon

1st July 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Colonel Allison Wands has joined your army officer corps. Ground Forces Training 50: Promotion Score 69
Colonel Allison Wands has been assigned to 40th Low Tech Infantry (Ground Combat Bonus 0%)
Through training or experience, Ensign Amy Lerno has increased his Training Bonus to 50
Through training or experience, Ensign Hazel Pusch has increased his Training Bonus to 25
Colonel Cortez Passeri has been promoted to Brigadier General
1 new Research Lab on Earth
07.11.2016 5:05:33  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Werter Forschungrat Bregor. Ich bitte um die Umsetzung von Phase 2 des Peer 100 Projekts.

Maximum Missile Size: 3 Rate of Fire: 25 seconds
Launcher Size: 3 HS Launcher HTK: 2
Cost Per Launcher: 15 Crew Per Launcher: 9
PDC Only
Materials Required: 3.75x Duranium 11.25x Tritanium

Development Cost for Project: 150RP

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von kommo1 am 07.11.2016 20:00]
07.11.2016 19:42:41  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Mach mal, Kathy.
07.11.2016 21:23:01  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Damit das Projekt nicht unnötig lange stilliegen muss, darfst du direkt auch Magazin Feed Systems und Magazin Ejection machen.
08.11.2016 0:37:32  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th July 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Rodney Budney has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 283 Terraforming 15%: Promotion Score 142
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Zella Farra has increased his Training Bonus to 150
Construction of Commercial Shipyard Complex completed on Earth
Construction of Spaceport has begun on Earth (25% of Industry)

11th July 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Charlene Metoyer has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 167 Terraforming 10% Intelligence 15%: Promotion Score 140
Construction of Convert CI to Construction Factory completed on Earth
Construction of Mine has begun on Earth (25% of Industry)

16th July 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0225%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Edward Stady has joined your scientific establishment. Survey 15% Research (Missiles / Kinetic Weapons) 20% Administration Rating 5 Xenology 15%
The Diplomacy Bonus of Ensign Eddie Kuechle has increased to 45%
Due to increase in the skill of one of its members, the rating of the Federation Embassy has increased to 195
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Huge F1 class Freighter
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Large F2 class Freighter
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Small F2 class Freighter

21st July 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0199%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Gregorio Kidner has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 191 Survey 15%: Promotion Score 222
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Cheryl Athan has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 188
Ensign Wyatt Dardar has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Ensign Cyrus Mccaw has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Lieutenant Junior Grade Marvin Watler has developed a severe medical problem that has forced him to retire. Assignment prior to retirement: Unassigned
New Transponder Contact! Contact ID: Bulgakov Small C2 005 (New), Class ID: Bulgakov Small C2, Race ID: Federation Thermal: 800 (New)
A new ship of the Bulgakov Small C2 class from the Federation has been detected in Sol. Our intelligence service has designated the new ship as the Bulgakov Small C2 005.

26th July 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Venus, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Ensign Werner Semen has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 183 Political Reliability 25%: Promotion Score 717
Through training or experience, Ensign Basil Delosreyes has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 158

27th July 2030
Minerals Discovered on 2003 MW12: Vendarite 69 680 (0.8)

1st August 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Todd Siedlik has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 162 Survey 10% Diplomacy 15%: Promotion Score 137
Colonel Valencia Patnaude has developed a serious medical problem that will affect his long term health. Current Assignment: C.O. 65th Low Tech Armour
08.11.2016 1:10:00  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Zitat von kommo1

Damit das Projekt nicht unnötig lange stilliegen muss, darfst du direkt auch Magazin Feed Systems und Magazin Ejection machen.

Magazin Ejection 70%
Magazin feed 75%?
08.11.2016 3:27:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Zitat von Bregor

Zitat von kommo1

Damit das Projekt nicht unnötig lange stilliegen muss, darfst du direkt auch Magazin Feed Systems und Magazin Ejection machen.

Magazin Ejection 70%
Magazin feed 75%?

08.11.2016 3:29:57  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Kathy bekommt 3 Labs von Leif dafür, der müsste ja 4 haben.

Oh hat er nicht. Dann 14 von CZ. Bis die beiden fertig sind, danach zurück es sei den es gibt ne Folge Forschung.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bregor am 08.11.2016 3:38]
08.11.2016 3:34:20  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Erst eine engine entwickeln. -> Check
Dann die missile.-> Check
Dann einen launcher. -> Check
Dann ein magazin.
Dann einen targeting sensor.
Dann ein search sensor.
08.11.2016 3:58:18  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
KK, das soll Kathy bitte so durchziehen
08.11.2016 4:01:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Ach und der neue Shipyard soll einen zweiten Slipway bekommen und dann Capacity Expansion machen. Name kommt sobald ich weiß was ich damit anfange.
08.11.2016 5:52:10  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Update heute etwas später, da ich heute Nacht das Ende der Welt mitverfolgen musste...

6th August 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Elyse Joel has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 147 Crew Training Rating 25 Survey 10% Fighter Combat 20%: Promotion Score 255
Ensign Elyse Joel has been assigned to Missile Complex 087 (Crew Training 25)
Through training or experience, Ensign Julian Capriotti has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 196
A team on Earth led by Kathy Jahnke has completed research into PDC Size 3 Missile Launcher

11th August 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Blake Rael has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 167 Survey 15% Factory Prod 20% Terraforming 10% Political Reliability 20% Xenology 10%: Promotion Score 610
The civilian mining colony on Whipple has been expanded to 9 civilian mining complexes

14th August 2030
Sensor Data reveals that the alien ship class Alpha (Federation) is capable of 534 km/s

16th August 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Colonel Ulysses Atterbury has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 10%: Promotion Score 100
Colonel Ulysses Atterbury has been assigned to 27th Low Tech Infantry (Ground Combat Bonus 10%)
Through training or experience, Ensign Jarrett Bradley has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 159
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Cheryl Athan has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 204
Through training or experience, Ensign Flor Kohout has increased his Training Bonus to 25
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Small C2 class Colony Ship
The civilian mining colony on Rhea has been expanded to 7 civilian mining complexes

21st August 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Vivian Bergevin has joined your scientific establishment. Administration Rating 6
Through training or experience, Ensign Alicia Mcennis has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 292
New Transponder Contact! Contact ID: Bulgakov Small F2 003 (New), Class ID: Bulgakov Small F2, Race ID: Federation Thermal: 800 (New)
A new ship of the Bulgakov Small F2 class from the Federation has been detected in Sol. Our intelligence service has designated the new ship as the Bulgakov Small F2 003.
Geology Team dropped off on 2010 TK7

26th August 2030
Unrest is rising on Mars due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0166%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign August Miyahira has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 183 Intelligence 30%: Promotion Score 317
Ensign Mohammad Maxon has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade

1st September 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Mars, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Colonel Edison Sealey has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 10% Political Reliability 20% Espionage 30%: Promotion Score 500
Colonel Edison Sealey has been assigned to 41st Low Tech Infantry (Ground Combat Bonus 10%)
The Political Reliability Bonus of Commander Erasmo Deitz has increased to 55%
Lieutenant Junior Grade Zella Farra has been promoted to Lieutenant
The Geology Team has completed its surface-based geological survey of 2010 TK7
A team on Earth led by Kathy Jahnke has completed research into Magazine Ejection System - 70% Chance
Research into Magazine Feed System Efficiency - 75% has commenced on Earth
Construction of Spaceport completed on Earth
09.11.2016 14:54:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Der werte Herr Spielleiter aht mich darauf hingewiesen, dass da noch eine Werft fertig wurde.

Backues Shipping -> Imperial Carrier Yard
Soll auf 4 Slipways aufstocken und dann Capacity machen.

Zudem beanspruche ich meine 10% Industry um 500 CI to Ordnance umzuwandeln.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von kommo1 am 09.11.2016 19:18]
09.11.2016 19:10:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Dr._Pymonte 12.05.2018

From: Ministerin für Wirtschaft und Industrie BammBamm Rubble (lovergirl96@gmx.de)
To: Vorstandsvorsitzender Gewerkschaft der Maurer. (VVGWM@Lohnaffen.de)
Subject: yo, neue Anweisung.

Leben in der Lage meine Freunde.

Der Waffenheini will Arbeiter von euch. Zieht mal welche aus den Werften ab. die sollen die tage mal 500 CI zu Ordnance klüppeln.

Das wars erstmal.

Ein Reich, Eine Nation!
Alles für den Rat.

Hochachtungsvoll, BammBamm Rubble

09.11.2016 19:25:10  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th September 2030
Unrest is rising on Mars due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0166%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Geraldo Stigers has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 234 Logistics 10% Communication 20%: Promotion Score 242
Ensign Veronica Chelton has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
A team on Earth led by CountZero has completed research into Gravitational Survey Sensors
Research into Small Jump Gate Construction Module has commenced on Earth
Slipway added to Citadel on Earth

7th September 2030
Geology Team dropped off on Machholz

11th September 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Mars, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Ensign Omar Mikesell has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 170 Fighter Combat 20% Logistics 20% Political Reliability 10% Xenology 10% Espionage 20%: Promotion Score 385
Through training or experience, Civilian Administrator Ezekiel Mersereau has increased his Factory Production Bonus to 20%
Through training or experience, Ensign Benedict Heckmann has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 167
Through training or experience, Ensign Benton Turnmire has increased his Training Bonus to 100
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Matt Munivez has increased his Survey Bonus to 25%
Ensign Barb Prickett has developed a medical problem that will affect his long term health. Current Assignment: Unassigned
The Geology Team has completed its surface-based geological survey of Machholz
The civilian mining colony on Wolf has been expanded to 7 civilian mining complexes

16th September 2030
Unrest is rising on Mars due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0166%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Colonel Normand Carline has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 15% Espionage 25% Ground Forces Training 100: Promotion Score 503
Colonel Normand Carline has been assigned to 26th Low Tech Infantry (Ground Combat Bonus 15%)
Through experience as a project leader, Scientist Cedrick Schumm has increased his Research Bonus to 40%
The Political Reliability Bonus of Ensign Stanford Vosper has increased to 10%

21st September 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0631%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Mars, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Colonel Porter Barfoot has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 5%: Promotion Score 25
Colonel Porter Barfoot has been assigned to 48th Low Tech Infantry (Ground Combat Bonus 5%)
The Political Reliability Bonus of Ensign Rusty Folker has increased to 5%
Colonel Arnold Search has developed a medical problem that will affect his long term health. Current Assignment: C.O. 18th Low Tech Infantry

26th September 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0561%
Unrest is rising on Mars due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0166%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Keith Drage has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 131 Political Reliability 30% Xenology 10%: Promotion Score 966
Through training or experience, Civilian Administrator Elmer Murcia has increased his Population Growth Bonus to 10%

1st October 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0503%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Mars, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Colonel Kieth Shamp has joined your army officer corps.: Promotion Score 0
Colonel Kieth Shamp has been assigned to 47th Low Tech Infantry (Ground Combat Bonus 0%)
Through training or experience, Ensign Elyse Joel has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 181
Through training or experience, Ensign Jeromy Roberg has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 146
Colonel Teodoro Renko has been promoted to Brigadier General
10.11.2016 10:24:51  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Denis Kemple und Vivian Bergevin werden gefeuert.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bregor am 10.11.2016 10:31]
10.11.2016 10:30:21  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th October 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.045%
Unrest is rising on Mars due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0166%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Jason Kingfisher has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 138 Survey 10% Fighter Combat 10% Xenology 15% Communication 15%: Promotion Score 207
Brigadier General Mariah Tripplett has been promoted to Major General
Mcclaine Container Line has launched a new Mcclaine Small C2 class Colony Ship
1 new Research Lab on Earth

11th October 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0394%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Mars, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Colonel Fabian Wilridge has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 10% Xenology 10% Ground Forces Training 50: Promotion Score 169
Colonel Fabian Wilridge has been assigned to 46th Low Tech Infantry (Ground Combat Bonus 10%)
Major General Manual Vass has been promoted to Lieutenant General
Colonel Vickie Femi has been promoted to Brigadier General
Parco Container Lines has launched a new Parco Small C2 class Colony Ship
A team on Earth led by Kathy Jahnke has completed research into Magazine Feed System Efficiency - 75%

16th October 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0353%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Kareem Killough has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 158 Terraforming 10% Diplomacy 25%: Promotion Score 79
Through training or experience, Ensign Benedict Heckmann has increased his Training Bonus to 125
Ensign Benton Turnmire has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Brigadier General Oscar Leskovec has been promoted to Major General

21st October 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0319%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Connie Kindle has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 114: Promotion Score 57
The Political Reliability Bonus of Colonel Allison Wands has increased to 10%
Rodger Young 002 (Rodger Young class) built on Earth and assigned to Shipyard TG
Slipway added to Imperial Dinergate Yard on Earth
Slipway added to Starartifier Yard on Earth
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Small C2 class Colony Ship
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Large C2 class Colony Ship

26th October 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0293%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Colonel Darrell Lutter has joined your army officer corps. Political Reliability 10% Ground Forces Training 50: Promotion Score 169
Colonel Darrell Lutter has been assigned to 45th Low Tech Infantry (Ground Combat Bonus 0%)
Through training or experience, Ensign Katie Vallieres has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 171
Through training or experience, Ensign Kristal Cendejas has increased his Training Bonus to 75
Colonel Fermin Grijalva has been promoted to Brigadier General

1st November 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0268%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
11.11.2016 3:20:28  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Magazin auf Max Capacity und wieter.
11.11.2016 7:31:41  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th November 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0246%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Colonel Jamaal Martes has joined your army officer corps. Political Reliability 20%: Promotion Score 400
Colonel Jamaal Martes has been assigned to 44th Low Tech Infantry (Ground Combat Bonus 0%)
Through training or experience, Ensign Jimmy Davey has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 389

11th November 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0226%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Colonel Veronica Ripple has joined your army officer corps. Xenology 20%: Promotion Score 0
Colonel Veronica Ripple has been assigned to 43rd Low Tech Infantry (Ground Combat Bonus 0%)
Colonel Valencia Patnaude has developed a significant medical problem that will affect her long term health. Current Assignment: C.O. 65th Low Tech Armour

16th November 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0207%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Colonel Margie Bergara has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 5% Political Reliability 20%: Promotion Score 425
Colonel Margie Bergara has been assigned to 42nd Low Tech Infantry (Ground Combat Bonus 5%)

21st November 2030
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0184%
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
Ensign Millard Taybron has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 157 Fighter Combat 15% Political Reliability 20%: Promotion Score 535
Through experience as a project leader, Scientist Cedrick Schumm has increased his Administrative Rating to 4
Through training or experience, Ensign Brant Mccue has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 211
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Allison Badilla has increased his Training Bonus to 125
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Anthony Leake has increased his Training Bonus to 125

24th November 2030
TG Survey 2 has been given a conditional order to refuel at Earth

26th November 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Venus, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Ensign Magda Feiler has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 152 Survey 15% Fighter Combat 10%: Promotion Score 228
The Political Reliability Bonus of Lieutenant Louann Berkowitz has increased to 5%

1st December 2030
Mineral Shortage (Corundium) in Production of Mine at Mars
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Venus, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Antonette Vaughen has joined your scientific establishment. Research (Defensive Systems) 20%
The Political Reliability Bonus of Ensign Julian Capriotti has increased to 10%
12.11.2016 1:19:13  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Pinguin86 2.9.2019
From: Ministerin der Handelsmarine Pinguina86 (dArEaLsPiDeRmAn86@aol.com)
To: Schiffscrew Transporter (Starbuck@wirfliegensieindenurlaub.com)
Subject: RE:FW:Fundsache





Gezeichnet, Pinguina Eightysix

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Pinguin86 am 12.11.2016 14:12]
12.11.2016 14:10:16  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Die neue Werft bekommt dieselben Befehle wie der Imperial Carrier Yard. Name: Imperial Warmonger Yard.

Ich möchte zudem 4 neue Sprinter in Auftrag geben.

Und als letztes möchte ich von der ISS ein Mining Schiff bauen lassen. Ich hab gerade einen Blick in unseren ResourcenTab geworfen und bin ein bisschen bleich geworfen, als ich die verbliebenden Resourcen gesehen habe.
Ist ein bisschen früher als ich geplant hatte, aber was muss das muss. Irgendwann wird Starartifier Yard die Dinger spammen, aber solange können wir nicht warten.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 3 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von kommo1 am 14.11.2016 0:01]
13.11.2016 14:14:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Dr._Pymonte 12.05.2018
Könntest du nicht auch ein paar Hauler bauen? 5k to (sprinter) vs. 25k to (Hauler) wären schon hilfreich beim verschiffen von gedöns.
14.11.2016 5:34:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Zitat von Dr._Pymonte

Könntest du nicht auch ein paar Hauler bauen? 5k to (sprinter) vs. 25k to (Hauler) wären schon hilfreich beim verschiffen von gedöns.

Dazu müsste ich wieder umrüsten, was wieder Monate, wenn nicht Jahre dauern würde.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von kommo1 am 14.11.2016 5:40]
14.11.2016 5:40:13  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von kommo1

Und als letztes möchte ich von der ISS ein Mining Schiff bauen lassen.

Ishimura class Asteroid Miner 140 050 tons 1025 Crew 3449 BP TCS 2801 TH 2080 EM 0
742 km/s Armour 1-240 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 1 PPV 0
MSP 15 Max Repair 120 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 60 months Spare Berths 0
Cargo 25000
Asteroid Miner: 15 module(s) producing 180 tons per mineral per annum

Imperial NP160(MI) Standard Engine (Ausf. C) (13) Power 160 Fuel Use 3.04% Signature 160 Exp 4%
Fuel Capacity 1 000 000 Litres Range 42.2 billion km (658 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

6th December 2030
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Venus, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Ensign Marjorie Hayashi has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 184 Survey 25%: Promotion Score 444
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Terrance Helgerson has increased his Training Bonus to 50
Through training or experience, Ensign Jeromy Roberg has increased his Training Bonus to 25
Ensign Erwin Wendeln has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Ensign Amy Lerno has developed a significant medical problem that will affect his long term health. Current Assignment: C.O. ILB Missile Complex 074
The civilian mining colony on Schaumasse has been expanded to 6 civilian mining complexes

11th December 2030
Colonel Burt Kalmbach has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 10%: Promotion Score 100
Colonel Burt Kalmbach has been assigned to 25th Low Tech Infantry (Ground Combat Bonus 10%)
The Geology Team has completed its surface-based geological survey of Whipple

16th December 2030
Colonel Erica Hembree has joined your army officer corps.: Promotion Score 0
Colonel Erica Hembree has been assigned to 13th Low Tech Infantry (Ground Combat Bonus 0%)
Through training or experience, Civilian Administrator Murray Mcbryar has increased his Terraforming Bonus to 10%
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Garry Adams has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 347
Colonel Eldridge Kaczmarek has been promoted to Brigadier General
The civilian mining colony on Oberon has been expanded to 10 civilian mining complexes
Mcclaine Container Line has launched a new Mcclaine Large F2 class Freighter

21st December 2030
Ensign Wilfred Poehlein has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 141 Crew Training Rating 50 Mining 10% Xenology 10%: Promotion Score 171
Ensign Wilfred Poehlein has been assigned to Missile Complex 088 (Crew Training 50)
Through training or experience, Ensign Hollis Danzer has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 226
Geology Team dropped off on Alexandra
Slipway added to Galaxyworker Yard on Earth
Slipway added to Imperial Brasmaker Yard on Earth
New Transponder Contact! Contact ID: Bulgakov Large F2 008 (New), Class ID: Bulgakov Large F2, Race ID: Federation Thermal: 1600 (New)
A new ship of the Bulgakov Large F2 class from the Federation has been detected in Sol. Our intelligence service has designated the new ship as the Bulgakov Large F2 008.

26th December 2030
Ensign Shayne Nost has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 113 Espionage 20%: Promotion Score 57
1 new Research Lab on Earth
GEV Marc Aaronson has only 18.6 percent of its maximum fuel (5587 litres).

1st January 2031
Kristen Yaccarino has joined your scientific establishment. Administration Rating 3
A team on Earth led by Kathy Jahnke has completed research into Capacity 324 PDC Magazine: Exp 30% HTK10
Research into Missile Fire Control FC90-R100 has commenced on Earth
GEV Marc Aaronson has only 16.6 percent of its maximum fuel (4987 litres).
15.11.2016 7:15:12  Zum letzten Beitrag
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