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 Thema: Aurora 4X ( Dwarf Fortress in space? )
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Wat die Hocken da auch?! traurig
18.12.2016 6:02:34  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Dr._Pymonte 12.05.2018
Okay... Jetzt reicht es. Alle Planeten checken wo sie noch sein könnten und runterprügeln!
18.12.2016 8:02:57  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Gut das du nicht alleiniger Chef bist mit deiner trumpschen Mentalität.
18.12.2016 8:12:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Dr._Pymonte 12.05.2018
Ich will keine fucking Mauer bauen auf deren Rechnung. Ich will nur nicht darauf achten müssen ob da jetzt ein anderes pack menschen ist oder nicht. Sol sollte unter einer Führung stehen.
18.12.2016 9:36:10  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Cedrick soll Ground Unit Strengh machen mit den 10 Labs die übrig sind. Dann nimmt er noch Mobile Infantery, Replacement Battalion und Additional Maintenence Storage in seine Queue auf.

Ferso mach an den colony Costs weiter.

Die ganzen NulpenForscher werden gefeuert. Melissa Ibrahim, Damien Jesters, Warner Bakley.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bregor am 18.12.2016 16:38]
18.12.2016 16:30:54  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Ich würde mal vorschlagen, dass wir mal höflich Anfragen wo FEAR jetzt überall rumsiedelt. Nicht das es nicht klar wäre, dass sie sich die Kronjuwelen des Sektors gesichert haben, bevor wir überhaupt wussten was Steine sind, aber fragen sollten wir schon.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von kommo1 am 19.12.2016 2:12]
19.12.2016 2:12:12  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Wenn wir die Brocken als Kolonie ausweisen, gehören die dann direkt uns quasi?
19.12.2016 2:15:57  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Pinguin, du musst befehlen die Schiffe zurückzuziehen, sonst sind wir tot.
19.12.2016 5:08:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Pinguin86 2.9.2019
Alle Schiffe die auf 2005 RN43 sind sollen mal auf Tempel 1 weitermachen. Und nehmt diesen dummen Massdriver mit!
19.12.2016 10:28:59  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Pinguin86 2.9.2019
Zitat von Bregor

Wenn wir die Brocken als Kolonie ausweisen, gehören die dann direkt uns quasi?

Hatte ich auch gedacht, aber nein die gehören wohl erst uns wenn wir da auch drauf gesiedelt haben
19.12.2016 10:32:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th July 2033
Ensign Laverne Zabel has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 380 Crew Training Rating 25 Mining 10% Fighter Ops 10% Logistics 10% Xenology 30%: Promotion Score 296

11th July 2033
Santo Diperna has joined your scientific establishment. Survey 15% Research (Biology / Genetics) 15% Administration Rating 2 Political Reliability 10%

16th July 2033
Cathy Petway has joined your scientific establishment. Survey 15% Research (Defensive Systems) 25% Administration Rating 2 Xenology 10%
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Shelli Payson has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 280

21st July 2033
Ensign Marcelino Huffstutler has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 160 Crew Training Rating 50 Survey 10% Terraforming 10%: Promotion Score 236
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Rey Hughley has increased his Training Bonus to 100
Through experience as a project leader, Scientist Edward Stady has increased his Research Bonus to 25%
Ensign Malcom Peart has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Skyhole 001 (Skyhole class) built on Earth and assigned to Shipyard TG
Ensign Deshawn Cosner has been assigned to Skyhole 001 (Factory Production Bonus 20%)

26th July 2033
Ensign Rueben Caudillo has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 198 Fighter Combat 10% Factory Prod 20% Political Reliability 10%: Promotion Score 224
The Political Reliability Bonus of Ensign Calvin Rozanski has increased to 5%
Lieutenant Junior Grade Alvin Tadych has been promoted to Lieutenant
Mcclaine Container Line has launched a new Mcclaine Small C2 class Colony Ship

1st August 2033
Colonel Elijah Kantola has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 10% Ground Forces Training 50: Promotion Score 169
Ensign Ted Okey has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Colonel Margie Bergara has been promoted to Brigadier General
Slipway added to Starartifier Yard on Earth
Slipway added to Imperial Minder Yard on Earth
20.12.2016 5:02:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Cathy Petway bekommt 1 Lab von ihrer Vornamensvetterin und darf "Thermal Signature Reduction 75%" erforschen.

Santo Diperna brauch ihren Kartons gar nicht erst auspacken. Die Tür ist da hinten!

Achja Jungs, wir müssen immernoch der Fear antworten. Wenn sie denn noch mit uns reden wollen.
Ich wäre dafür das wir anstreben eine Versicherung abzugeben, dass wir unsere Raketen nicht auf sie gerichtet haben. Evtl. sogar mir einer Selbstkontrolle für sie, als Vertrauensvorsprung.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bregor am 20.12.2016 5:40]
20.12.2016 5:32:35  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th August 2033
Colonel Fredric Hight has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 15% Political Reliability 10%: Promotion Score 325
Through training or experience, Ensign Felipe Jent has increased his Training Bonus to 75

11th August 2033
Colonel Geraldine Moneypenny has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 5%: Promotion Score 25
Ishimura 003 (Ishimura class) built on Earth and assigned to Shipyard TG
Ensign Gonzalo Mcaninch has been assigned to Ishimura 003 (Mining Bonus 25%)
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Large F2 class Freighter

16th August 2033
Ensign Sydney Hutson has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 158 Fighter Combat 10% Factory Prod 10% Logistics 10%: Promotion Score 129
Lieutenant Erwin Wendeln has developed a serious medical problem that will affect his long term health. Current Assignment: C.O. ILB Missile Complex 070
The civilian mining colony on Wolf has been expanded to 12 civilian mining complexes

21st August 2033
Ensign Claudia Markle has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 125 Logistics 10% Diplomacy 10%: Promotion Score 88
The Political Reliability Bonus of Colonel Vito Richens has increased to 5%
Through experience as a project leader, Scientist Leo Nesheim has increased his Administrative Rating to 3
The civilian mining colony on Wolf has been expanded to 13 civilian mining complexes

26th August 2033
Pierre Mitnick has joined your scientific establishment. Research (Biology / Genetics) 10% Administration Rating 3
Through training or experience, Ensign Harley Meraz has increased his Training Bonus to 75
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Rey Hughley has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 217
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Casey Schonfeld has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 184
Through experience as a project leader, Scientist Cedrick Schumm has increased his Administrative Rating to 6

1st September 2033
Ensign Kenneth Guity has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 145 Crew Training Rating 75 Fighter Ops 10%: Promotion Score 354
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Nicholas Garibaldi has increased his Training Bonus to 75
The civilian mining colony on Oberon has been expanded to 13 civilian mining complexes
Parco Container Lines has launched a new Parco Small C2 class Colony Ship
21.12.2016 6:24:49  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Es gibt da so dreierlei Dinge die ich dem Rat vortragen möchte.

Prototypen werden nicht gebaut, sondern erforscht. Dementsprechend sollte es dem Forschungsminister erlaubt sein eigene Prototypen zu designen und zu erforschen. Dabei muss er sich aber gefallen lassen, dass der Rüstungsminister diese niemals einsetzt oder gar wieder aus dem Katalog wirft.

Schiffsdesigns welche ein Orbital Habitat Modul enthalten und Planetary Defense Centers können über die Industry Tab gebaut werden.
Auch wenn der Wirtschaftsminister keinen Zugriff auf Forschungsmittel hat, so sollte er dennoch in der Lage sein mit den Bauteilen, welche Forschungs- und Rüstungsminister ihm übrig lassen, eigene Designs für entsprechende Konstruktionen zu produzieren.

Das Oberkommando hat absolute Kontrolle über Flotten und Armeen.
Wo, wann, welches Schiff oder Corps hinfliegt entscheidet allein er. Die drei anderen Minister können Wünsche und Vorschläge äußern. Ob das Oberkommando allerdings die Aufträge annimmt oder ob er mit den Schiffen etwas anderes macht entscheidet allein er
Einzig kriegsauslösende Handlungen können vom Rat unterbunden werden. Schließlich bedürfen Kriegserklärungen eine Mehrheit im Rat.
22.12.2016 2:23:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th September 2033
Erick Blea has joined your civilian administration. Administration Rating 2 Factory Prod 10% Mining 20%
Through training or experience, Ensign Barton Kemler has increased his Training Bonus to 75

11th September 2033
Ensign Nigel Capuano has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 114 Crew Training Rating 50 Terraforming 20%: Promotion Score 157
Ensign Wanda Vandyk has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Commander Erasmo Deitz has been assigned to Poland 002 (Crew Training 25)
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Large F2 class Freighter

13th September 2033
TG Hauler has completed orders

16th September 2033
Colonel Stacy Porta has joined your army officer corps. Political Reliability 10%: Promotion Score 100
Mcclaine Container Line has launched a new Mcclaine Small C2 class Colony Ship

21st September 2033
Ensign Stacy Moree has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 104 Espionage 10%: Promotion Score 52
Through training or experience, Ensign Jesse Sauceda has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 162
A team on Earth led by Kathy Jahnke has completed research into La Aurora Principes
Research into PDC Size 100 Missile Launcher has commenced on Earth
The civilian mining colony on 2010 TK7 has been expanded to 10 civilian mining complexes
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Small C2 class Colony Ship

26th September 2033
Ensign Len Srinivasan has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 112 Survey 20% Terraforming 15% Fighter Ops 10% Espionage 15%: Promotion Score 337
Through training or experience, Ensign Chong Spiers has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 209
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Erich Ficke has increased his Training Bonus to 75
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Erwin Wendeln has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 296
Through experience as a project leader, Scientist Cathy Petway has increased his Research Bonus to 35%
A team on Earth led by Cedrick Schumm has completed research into Ground Unit Strength 12
Research into Mobile Infantry Battalion has commenced on Earth
Ishimura 002 (Ishimura class) built on Earth and assigned to Shipyard TG
Ensign Trevor Langmaid has been assigned to Ishimura 002 (Mining Bonus 25%)

1st October 2033
Ensign Lazaro Bolz has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 174 Survey 10% Fighter Combat 20%: Promotion Score 243
The Political Reliability Bonus of Ensign Columbus Deines has increased to 10%
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Benedict Heckmann has increased his Training Bonus to 175
Slipway added to Galaxyworker Yard on Earth
Slipway added to Imperial Brassmaker Yard on Earth
22.12.2016 4:55:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Für CZs Queue:

Replacement Battalion
Ground unit Strengh 13

Und die Minenschiffe sollten von Tempel 1 abgezogen werden, das ist ein Koment wie ich eben erfahren habe!
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bregor am 22.12.2016 20:52]
22.12.2016 20:50:10  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th October 2033
Ensign Mellissa Credeur has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 125 Fighter Combat 15%: Promotion Score 119
Ensign Pete Hatten has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade

11th October 2033
Colonel Alexander Riese has joined your army officer corps. Political Reliability 10% Ground Forces Training 50: Promotion Score 169
Through training or experience, Civilian Administrator Bobbie Born has increased his Administrative Rating to 2
A team on Earth led by CountZero has completed research into Max Jump Squadron Size - 4 (Size x 1.1)
Research into Replacement Battalion has commenced on Earth
The civilian mining colony on Alexandra has been expanded to 8 civilian mining complexes

13th October 2033
TG Asteroid Mining has completed orders

16th October 2033
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0516%
Ensign Howard Warburton has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 166 Fighter Combat 10% Political Reliability 20% Xenology 10% Intelligence 10%: Promotion Score 533
Through training or experience, Ensign Ollie Whitlow has increased his Training Bonus to 100
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Benedict Heckmann has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 170
The Political Reliability Bonus of Lieutenant Boyd Danahy has increased to 30%
Parco Container Lines has launched a new Parco Small F2 class Freighter
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Small C2 class Colony Ship

21st October 2033
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0472%
Ensign Merlin Hiester has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 122 Xenology 15%: Promotion Score 61
Brigadier General Noe Vizzini has developed a serious medical problem that will affect his long term health. Current Assignment: C.O. 37th Low Tech Infantry
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Small C2 class Colony Ship

26th October 2033
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.043%
Bruno Gallucci has joined your scientific establishment. Research (Missiles / Kinetic Weapons) 10% Administration Rating 3
Through experience as a project leader, Scientist Lucy Bransford has increased his Administrative Rating to 6

1st November 2033
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0387%
Ensign Sid Stroebel has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 281 Terraforming 10% Fighter Ops 15% Diplomacy 20%: Promotion Score 267
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Robby Yule has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 235
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Commander BammBamm Rubble has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 318
23.12.2016 7:32:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Pinguin86 2.9.2019
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Pinguin86 am 23.12.2016 15:38]
23.12.2016 13:17:33  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Zitat von Pinguin86

alle mining schiffe und der transporter der den mass driver rumschleppt mal zurück zur erde und auftanken und tee trinken

Lass sie doch einfach woanders hinfliegen danach.
23.12.2016 13:35:04  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th November 2033
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.035%
Ensign Zoila Overholser has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 117 Survey 20% Fighter Combat 10%: Promotion Score 309
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Darryl Quackenbush has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 272
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Giuseppe Denzer has increased his Training Bonus to 225
Ensign Lyman Hybarger has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade

11th November 2033
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0319%
Ensign Michelle Jorge has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 321 Intelligence 10%: Promotion Score 186
Through experience as a project leader, Scientist Cathy Petway has increased his Administrative Rating to 3
Lieutenant Junior Grade Rob Smallwood has been promoted to Lieutenant
Slipway added to Imperial Campaigner Yard on Earth
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Small C2 class Colony Ship

16th November 2033
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0287%
Colonel Robert Weeden has joined your army officer corps.: Promotion Score 0
The Political Reliability Bonus of Lieutenant Junior Grade Mohammad Deblanc has increased to 30%
Ensign Ollie Whitlow has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Colonel Tyrone Mottai has been promoted to Brigadier General

21st November 2033
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0256%
Colonel Virginia Hesley has joined your army officer corps. Political Reliability 15%: Promotion Score 225
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Rodolfo Vanantwerp has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 226
A team on Earth led by Cedrick Schumm has completed research into Mobile Infantry Battalion
Research into Additional Maintenance Storage has commenced on Earth
Mcclaine Container Line has launched a new Mcclaine Large F2 class Freighter

26th November 2033
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0225%
Colonel Ben Hazelett has joined your army officer corps. Xenology 10%: Promotion Score 0
Through training or experience, Ensign Allison Barcliff has increased his Training Bonus to 75
The Political Reliability Bonus of Lieutenant Junior Grade Jimmy Davey has increased to 10%
A team on Earth led by CountZero has completed research into Replacement Battalion
Research into Ground Unit Strength 14 has commenced on Earth
New Thermal Contact! Contact ID: Charlie 001 (New), Class ID: Charlie (New), Race ID: Federation, Strength 125
A new ship class of the Federation has been detected in Sol. Our intelligence service has designated the new class as the Charlie.
A new ship of the Charlie class from the Federation has been detected in Sol. Our intelligence service has designated the new ship as the Charlie 001.

1st December 2033
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0196%
The Political Reliability Bonus of Ensign Demarcus Vukovich has increased to 10%
Through training or experience, Civilian Administrator Bobbie Born has increased his Wealth Creation Bonus to 10%
Through experience as a project leader, Scientist Leo Nesheim has increased his Administrative Rating to 4
Through experience as a project leader, Scientist Dara Besler has increased his Research Bonus to 30%
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees L2 class Spaceliner
24.12.2016 2:26:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Endlich kann ich unsere Bodentruppen auf den neuesten Stand bringen.

10 Low Techs werden in Replacement Einheiten umgewandelt.
Die Garnisonen werden ebenfalls auf ingesammt 10 aufgestockt.
Alle anderen Einheiten treten der Mobilen Infanterie bei.

Bregor. Ich hab Arbeit für dich.

Imperial JP 200 (Mark II) Standard Engine (Ausf. M)
Max Ship Size: 200 (10000 tons) Max Squadron Size: 4 Max Jump Radius: 100
Jump Engine Size: 58 HS Efficiency: 4 Jump Engine HTK: 12
Cost: 373 Crew: 116
Materials Required: 74.6x Duranium 298.4x Sorium

Development Cost for Project: 3730RP

On Hold
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von kommo1 am 24.12.2016 18:18]
24.12.2016 16:12:08  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th December 2033
Unrest is rising on Venus due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0171%
Ensign Michal Eller has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 138 Survey 10% Fighter Combat 10% Terraforming 10% Xenology 15% Communication 15%: Promotion Score 207
Parco Container Lines has launched a new Parco Small F2 class Freighter

11th December 2033
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Venus, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Ensign Oma Mundy has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 199 Survey 10% Factory Prod 30%: Promotion Score 156

16th December 2033
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Venus, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Jewel Zullo has joined your scientific establishment. Research (Energy Weapons) 15% Administration Rating 2
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Trista Scothorn has increased his Fighter Operations Bonus to 45%

21st December 2033
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Venus, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Ensign Russ Mcconnell has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 173 Fighter Combat 10% Diplomacy 30%: Promotion Score 112

26th December 2033
Ensign Enoch Monegro has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 191 Mining 25% Political Reliability 30%: Promotion Score 996
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Maestro has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 322
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Loren Schildgen has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 155
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Benedict Heckmann has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 214
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Alvin Tadych has increased his Training Bonus to 225
Ensign Miles Banaszak has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade

1st January 2034
Aurelio Dodd has joined your civilian administration. Administration Rating 5 Mining 20%
25.12.2016 1:04:10  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Wie klingt folgender Plan. Wir erforschen das Orbital Habitat Modul. Bauen über Industrie ne richtig fette Raumstation mit Jump Modul und umgehen so das Problem das unsere Werften noch weit weg von einer regulären Produktion sind.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von kommo1 am 25.12.2016 6:10]
25.12.2016 4:03:56  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Find ich geil.

Cedrick bekommt das Orbital Habitat Modul in seine Queue bitte.
25.12.2016 5:04:06  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Dr._Pymonte 12.05.2018
da wir weiterhin ein Plus produzieren:

weitere 10% auf die mining Module, 10% auf die Minen und 10% auf die Labore.
unser stockpile sollte ja nicht in 3 monaten leergelutscht sein bis die Motoren durch sind.

Wird Zeit das unsere Jungs lernen 110% zu geben.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Dr._Pymonte am 27.12.2016 12:23]
25.12.2016 8:52:04  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Pinguin86 2.9.2019
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Pinguin86 am 27.12.2016 10:37]
27.12.2016 10:36:33  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th January 2034
Ensign Fritz Mcirvin has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 191 Terraforming 30% Xenology 10%: Promotion Score 96
The Political Reliability Bonus of Ensign Mikel Clipper has increased to 10%
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Lisa Shadid has increased his Training Bonus to 150
The Political Reliability Bonus of Colonel Porter Barfoot has increased to 10%
Ensign Leslie Mchale has developed a severe medical problem that has forced him to retire. Assignment prior to retirement: Unassigned
The civilian mining colony on Whipple has been expanded to 13 civilian mining complexes

11th January 2034
Elvis Roath has joined your scientific establishment. Research (Biology / Genetics) 15%
Through training or experience, Ensign Kenneth Tunney has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 208
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Rey Hughley has increased his Training Bonus to 125
Lieutenant Junior Grade Stacia Rudnicki has developed a medical problem that will affect his long term health. Current Assignment: Unassigned
As Brigadier General DC has not been given any assignments during the past 9.9 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Brigadier General Mauro Millender has not been given any assignments during the past 9.8 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Brigadier General Gene Larios has not been given any assignments during the past 8 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Brigadier General Louann Bramwell has not been given any assignments during the past 9.9 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Brigadier General Elouise Wolken has not been given any assignments during the past 10 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Brigadier General Jeanette Deerman has not been given any assignments during the past 9.5 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Major General Clay Dibona has not been given any assignments during the past 9.9 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Major General Oscar Leskovec has not been given any assignments during the past 10 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Major General Dudley Pandy has not been given any assignments during the past 9.9 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Major General Kylie Fimbres has not been given any assignments during the past 7.9 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Lieutenant General Manual Vass has not been given any assignments during the past 9.9 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Ensign Esteban Navalta has not been given any assignments during the past 6.7 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Ensign Anita Balbi has not been given any assignments during the past 6.5 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Ensign Collin Sentell has not been given any assignments during the past 6 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Ensign Terrance Ruz has not been given any assignments during the past 6.1 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Ensign Aletha Gverrero has not been given any assignments during the past 6.2 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Ensign Dorris Hedgebeth has not been given any assignments during the past 6.2 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Ensign Marcia Mimes has not been given any assignments during the past 6.3 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Ensign Truman Partee has not been given any assignments during the past 6.3 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Ensign Brendan Bargo has not been given any assignments during the past 6.5 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Ensign Grady Mccorvey has not been given any assignments during the past 6.8 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Ensign Dusty Boice has not been given any assignments during the past 6.3 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Lieutenant Junior Grade Mohammad Deblanc has not been given any assignments during the past 9.9 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Lieutenant Junior Grade Tanner Haller has not been given any assignments during the past 9.9 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Lieutenant Roxann Rothery has not been given any assignments during the past 8 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Lieutenant Boyd Danahy has not been given any assignments during the past 9.4 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
As Commander Hans Gurka has not been given any assignments during the past 10 years, he has been deemed surplus to requirements and released from the service
The civilian mining colony on Oberon has been expanded to 14 civilian mining complexes
New Thermal Contact! Contact ID: Bravo 003 (New), Class ID: Bravo, Race ID: Federation, Strength 1
A new ship of the Bravo class from the Federation has been detected in Sol. Our intelligence service has designated the new ship as the Bravo 003.

16th January 2034
Colonel Emil Paquette has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 10% Xenology 15% Espionage 25%: Promotion Score 100
Colonel Bryon Sower has been promoted to Brigadier General
Colonel Leslie Reekie has been promoted to Brigadier General
Colonel Judith Kerley has been promoted to Brigadier General
Colonel Jc Alire has been promoted to Brigadier General
Colonel Jamaal Martes has been promoted to Brigadier General
Colonel Clay Dufour has been promoted to Brigadier General
Brigadier General Salvatore Landaverde has been promoted to Major General
Brigadier General Mario Whitsel has been promoted to Major General
Brigadier General Jarrett Burell has been promoted to Major General
Lieutenant Junior Grade Veronica Chelton has been promoted to Lieutenant
Lieutenant Commander a1ex has been promoted to Commander

21st January 2034
Colonel Audrey Teare has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 10%: Promotion Score 100
Colonel Ana Bubier has been promoted to Brigadier General
Colonel Reginald Halsted has been promoted to Brigadier General
Brigadier General Hank Siskind has been promoted to Major General
Major General Mariah Tripplett has been promoted to Lieutenant General
Lieutenant Erwin Wendeln has been promoted to Lieutenant Commander
Slipway added to Imperial Dinergate Yard on Earth
The civilian mining colony on Whipple has been expanded to 14 civilian mining complexes
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Small C2 class Colony Ship
New Transponder Contact! Contact ID: Prokhorov Small F3 001 (New), Class ID: Prokhorov Small F3 (New), Race ID: Federation Thermal: 600 (New)
A new ship class of the Federation has been detected in Sol. Our intelligence service has designated the new class as the Prokhorov Small F3.
A new ship of the Prokhorov Small F3 class from the Federation has been detected in Sol. Our intelligence service has designated the new ship as the Prokhorov Small F3 001.

26th January 2034
Colonel Zenaida Maertens has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 5% Political Reliability 30%: Promotion Score 925
Through training or experience, Ensign Chet Konwinski has increased his Training Bonus to 50
Lieutenant Junior Grade Lisa Shadid has been promoted to Lieutenant
Colonel Arnold Search has been promoted to Brigadier General
Brigadier General Eldridge Kaczmarek has been promoted to Major General
A team on Earth led by Cedrick Schumm has completed research into Additional Maintenance Storage
Research into Orbital Habitat Module has commenced on Earth
Sensor Data reveals that the alien ship class Prokhorov Small F3 (Federation) is capable of 952 km/s

1st February 2034
Ensign Mirna Schlageter has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 167 Survey 10% Political Reliability 10%: Promotion Score 240
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Benedict Mcmurrin has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 229
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Trista Scothorn has increased his Training Bonus to 50
27.12.2016 13:31:36  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Die Pläne des Basic Suplliers werden durch folgende ausgetauscht:
Basic Supplier class Tanker 9 950 tons 143 Crew 1113.56 BP TCS 199 TH 230 EM 0
1155 km/s Armour 1-41 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 20 PPV 0
Maint Life 42.97 Years MSP 6399 AFR 39% IFR 0.5% 1YR 7 5YR 102 Max Repair 92.16 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 36 months Spare Berths 0

Imperial NP230(MI) Standard Engine (Ausf. M) (1) Power 230.4 Fuel Use 21.98% Signature 230.4 Exp 8%
Fuel Capacity 5 000 000 Litres Range 411.2 billion km (4121 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von kommo1 am 27.12.2016 19:18]
27.12.2016 19:17:45  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th February 2034
Ensign Otha Leacock has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 111 Fighter Combat 20% Political Reliability 15%: Promotion Score 381
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Lyman Hybarger has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 151
Ishimura 004 (Ishimura class) built on Earth and assigned to Shipyard TG
Ensign Trevor Langmaid has been assigned to Ishimura 004 (Mining Bonus 25%)
The civilian mining colony on Rhea has been expanded to 14 civilian mining complexes

11th February 2034
Ensign Shirley Easler has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 165 Crew Training Rating 75 Fighter Combat 15% Fighter Ops 20% Logistics 15% Political Reliability 10% Communication 20%: Promotion Score 845
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Casey Schonfeld has increased his Training Bonus to 50
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Cyril Hildebrand has increased his Training Bonus to 125
Ensign Billy Panto has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
7th Garrison Battalion trained on Earth
8th Garrison Battalion trained on Earth
Colonel Emil Paquette has been assigned to 7th Garrison Battalion (Ground Combat Bonus 10%)
Colonel Audrey Teare has been assigned to 8th Garrison Battalion (Ground Combat Bonus 10%)
New Transponder Contact! Contact ID: Bulgakov Large F3 001 (New), Class ID: Bulgakov Large F3 (New), Race ID: Federation Thermal: 1500 (New)
A new ship class of the Federation has been detected in Sol. Our intelligence service has designated the new class as the Bulgakov Large F3.
A new ship of the Bulgakov Large F3 class from the Federation has been detected in Sol. Our intelligence service has designated the new ship as the Bulgakov Large F3 001.

16th February 2034
Colonel Rafaela Simonian has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 15% Espionage 20%: Promotion Score 225
The Political Reliability Bonus of Lieutenant Junior Grade Jarrett Kavin has increased to 30%
Through experience as a project leader, Scientist Dara Besler has increased his Research Bonus to 40%
Colonel Reginald Belak has been promoted to Brigadier General
A team on Earth led by Leo Nesheim has completed research into Genome Sequence Research
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Large F2 class Freighter
Mcclaine Container Line has launched a new Mcclaine Large F2 class Freighter

21st February 2034
1 inactive Research Labs on Earth
Ensign Ike Riemann has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 178 Fighter Ops 10%: Promotion Score 145
The Political Reliability Bonus of Ensign Delmer Besser has increased to 5%
Slipway added to Imperial Minder Yard on Earth
Slipway added to Starartifier Yard on Earth
The civilian mining colony on Wolf has been expanded to 14 civilian mining complexes

26th February 2034
1 inactive Research Labs on Earth
Ensign Caridad Plese has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 282 Crew Training Rating 25 Fighter Combat 10% Terraforming 20% Political Reliability 15% Intelligence 15%: Promotion Score 472

1st March 2034
1 inactive Research Labs on Earth
Ensign Bradley Pennachio has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 115 Fighter Combat 10% Xenology 10%: Promotion Score 83
The Political Reliability Bonus of Lieutenant Commander BammBamm Rubble has increased to 30%
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Small C2 class Colony Ship
28.12.2016 6:31:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Leo Nesheimer macht das Terraforming Modul
28.12.2016 8:14:45  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: Aurora 4X ( Dwarf Fortress in space? )
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