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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Zitat von weissbrot

Den Mesonen geht es weiterhin sehr gut, vielen Dank.
Wir konzentrieren uns aktuell darauf, die Prozesse für unsere Schiffswerften weiter zu optimieren und erwarten hier in den nächsten Monaten einen Durchbruch.

Danke lieber Forschungsminister. Sie meinten ja wir können und auch ohne Raketen verteidigen.
Das Problem meinerseits ist nun: es fehlt der Durchbruch in der Mesonenforschung die sie als "AntiWaffe" deklariert haben. Wir sind bei den Lasern nun so weit sie als gute Angriffswaffe einzusetzen. Ihre Aussage war, dass Mesonenwaffen als Nahverteidigung gegen feindliche Raketen wirken sollen, aber sie konzentrieren sich gerade auf andere Felder. Meine Frage nun:
Sollen wir dieses Gebiet weiter erforschen während sie unsere Prozesse in Forschung, Schiffsbau etc. weiterentwickeln?
15.02.2017 4:37:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Ich möchte eine neue Commercial Engine vorstellen.

Imperial ID240(MI) Standard Engine (Ausf. C)
Engine Power: 240 Fuel Use Per Hour: 7.3 Litres
Fuel Consumption per Engine Power Hour: 0.03 Litres
Engine Size: 50 HS Engine HTK: 25
Thermal Signature: 180 Exp Chance: 4
Cost: 60 Crew: 20
Materials Required: 60x Gallicite
Commercial Engine

Development Cost for Project: 600RP

Bitte zügig erforschen. Damit wird die Skyhole aufgerüstet.

Sobald die Engine fertig ist, wird sie in der Skyhole verbaut. Ebenso soll das alte Gate-Modul durch das neue ausgetauscht werden.
15.02.2017 17:31:34  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Cedrick möge sich bitte alle Labs von Lynwood schnappen und die Engine zwischenschieben. Danach gehen die Labs zurück.
15.02.2017 17:44:51  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Pinguin86 2.9.2019
Bohdan altes Haus,

würdest du uns vielleicht eine kurze Auflistung geben welche der Planeten im Procyon-System ihr schon besetzt habt? Also wo ihr schon eure Flagge aufgestellt habt und vielleicht sogar schon dabei seid zu siedeln? Oder wenn es einfacher ist: Eine Auflistung an welchen Himmelskörpern im Procyon-System ihr noch nichts gemacht habt, so dass wir da ein paar Automated Mines hinschicken können?

Peace out und make love not war,
dein Bro der Pinguin
15.02.2017 22:12:43  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Wir unterhalten aktuell eine aufstrebende Kolonie auf Novaya Moskva, dem zweiten Planeten des Systems. Zudem unterhalten wir eine archäologische Ausgrabung auf Procyon-A III, zudem sind einige automatisierte Minen auf dem Weg dorthin um unsere Hauptkolonie in diesem System zu unterstützen.

In diesem Zusammenhang möchte ich doch noch einmal anregen, eine gemeinsame Vertragsgrundlage zur Beanspruchung von Himmelskörpern zu erstellen um eventuelle Konflikte auszuschliessen.
15.02.2017 22:35:43  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Da ich das letzte Vertragswert ausgearbeitet habe, macht das diesesmal Pinguin! Breites Grinsen

Nebenbei: Ist meine erweiterte Anfrage ans Wissenschaftsministerium bei der FEAR angekommen?
15.02.2017 23:38:21  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Uh ja - Uns ist nicht ganz klar wo das Problem liegt? Unsere Mesonenkanonen können jede Art von Raketen effektiv abfangen, welchen Durchbruch suchen sie denn hier?
15.02.2017 23:45:17  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Mich wundert das es da keine weitere Entwicklung gibt die mit uns geteilt wurde. Verbleiben sie einfach auf der ersten Stufe der Forschung?
15.02.2017 23:49:10  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Wie bereits kommuniziert konzentrieren wir uns darauf, die Lebensbedingungen für unsere Bürger zu verbessern. Wir sehen aktuell keinen Anlass, unsere Verteidigungsmassnahmen als inadäquat anzusehen - wir gehen davon aus, dass die Angreifer, welche wir im Stuve System gesehen haben automatisierte Verteidigungsmassnahmen sind, da sie sich auf das Zentrum des Systems beschränken.
15.02.2017 23:56:51  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
16.02.2017 0:00:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th September 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0473%
Colonel Sonny Yarde has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 10%: Promotion Score 100
Through training or experience, Ensign Lorraine Kempa has increased his Training Bonus to 50
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Nicholas Garibaldi has increased his Training Bonus to 100
A Little Trio Turret Mark I on Scout Escort 003 has suffered a maintenance failure. Insufficient maintenance supplies were available to effect a repair. (Cost of repair: 19. Available maintenance supplies: 17). Current Maintenance Clock: 2.21 years
The civilian mining colony on Reinmuth has been expanded to 17 civilian mining complexes

11th September 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0439%
Dong Bungay has joined your civilian administration. GU Const Speed 30% Administration Rating 4 Xenology 10%
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Michael Kana has increased his Training Bonus to 50
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Commander Lyman Hybarger has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 161
A team on Earth led by Cedrick Schumm has completed research into Imperial ID240(MI) Standard Engine (Ausf. C)
Research into Minimum Jump Engine Size - 12 has commenced on Earth
A Little Trio Turret Mark I on Scout Escort 003 has suffered a maintenance failure. Insufficient maintenance supplies were available to effect a repair. (Cost of repair: 19. Available maintenance supplies: 17). Current Maintenance Clock: 2.22 years
A strength-1 thermal contact associated with Vorster 056 has been lost

16th September 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0293%
Colonel Antonio Balzer has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 10%: Promotion Score 100
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Jarrett Kavin has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 187
Lieutenant Mitch Babic has developed a medical problem that will affect his long term health. Current Assignment: C.O. AM Ishimura 014

21st September 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0173%
Colonel Jae Barr has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 20% Ground Forces Training 50: Promotion Score 469
Colonel Brian Mcilvaine has been promoted to Brigadier General
A team on Earth led by Lynwood Brigante has completed research into Composite Armour
Research into Ceramic Composite Armour has commenced on Earth

26th September 2037
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Titan, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Ensign Lucille Kida has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 116 Survey 15% Fighter Combat 15% Communication 10%: Promotion Score 266
Brigadier General Dominique Tekulve has been promoted to Major General
New Thermal Contact! Contact ID: Echo 001, Class ID: Echo, Race ID: Federation, Strength 4501
New Thermal Contact! Contact ID: Echo 002, Class ID: Echo, Race ID: Federation, Strength 4501
New Thermal Contact! Contact ID: Echo 003, Class ID: Echo, Race ID: Federation, Strength 4501
A strength-1 thermal contact associated with Vorster 057 has been lost

1st October 2037
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Titan, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Ensign Anne Kindrick has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 184 Fighter Ops 10% Political Reliability 20% Xenology 15%: Promotion Score 548
16.02.2017 0:28:04  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Bitte meine 10% von den Maintenance Factorys abziehen und in 10 000 Maintenance Supplies.
16.02.2017 1:05:18  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Boris bekommt Expanding Civilian Economy in seine Queue.
Marc Livingsten bekommt Turret Tracking Speed (10% Gear) 5000 km/s in seine Queue.
Dara bekommt Fire Control Speed Rating von Dwayne in ihre Queue. Dwayne darf dafür "Max. Tracking Time Bonus vs. Missles" machen.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 3 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bregor am 16.02.2017 1:14]
16.02.2017 1:06:47  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th October 2037
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Titan, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Ensign Valentina Fabiani has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 171 Crew Training Rating 25 Mining 15% Logistics 15% Communication 10%: Promotion Score 192
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Felicia Mattix has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 180
1 inactive Research Labs on Earth
The civilian mining colony on Alexandra has been expanded to 13 civilian mining complexes
New Active Sensor Detected! Contact ID: Karachkina 002 (New), Class ID: Karachkina , Race ID: Federation, Strength 50000, Resolution 100
A new ship of the Karachkina class from the Federation has been detected in Procyon. Our intelligence service has designated the new ship as the Karachkina 002.

7th October 2037
Population Detected! EM Signature 1456 Race ID: Federation
Population Detected! Thermal Signature 1167 Race ID: Federation
New Thermal Contact! Contact ID: Karachkina 002, Class ID: Karachkina , Race ID: Federation, Strength 1 Active Sensor S500/R100 (Existing)

11th October 2037
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Titan, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Ensign Phillis Hoffa has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 136 Logistics 20% Xenology 15%: Promotion Score 168
Through training or experience, Ensign Cameron Provost has increased his Training Bonus to 50
Through training or experience, Ensign Edwin Oneal has increased his Training Bonus to 50
Ensign Brendan Colligan has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Slipway added to Imperial Dinergate Yard on Earth
Crew morale on board Scout Escort 007 has fallen to 74.23%. The ship has exceeded its planned deployment time by 34.72%.
New Transponder Contact! Contact ID: Bulgakov Small C3 007 (New), Class ID: Bulgakov Small C3, Race ID: Federation Thermal: 750 (New)
A new ship of the Bulgakov Small C3 class from the Federation has been detected in Sol. Our intelligence service has designated the new ship as the Bulgakov Small C3 007.
A strength-1 thermal contact associated with Vorster 058 has been lost

16th October 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0732%
Ensign Joy Mattey has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 197 Survey 10% Fighter Combat 10% Diplomacy 20% Operations 25%: Promotion Score 336
Ensign Samatha Petzold has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Lieutenant Junior Grade Ricky Clayman has died of natural causes. Assignment prior to death: Unassigned

21st October 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0884%
Ensign Anita Jukes has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 224 Survey 15% Logistics 20% Diplomacy 20%: Promotion Score 339
The Political Reliability Bonus of Lieutenant Junior Grade Warner Franca has increased to 10%

26th October 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0971%
Ensign Earl Gasbarro has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 177 Logistics 20%: Promotion Score 189
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Large F2 class Freighter
Klees Container Lines has scrapped Klees Small F1 007 (Klees Small F1 class) due to its replacement by a newer vessel
A strength-1 thermal contact associated with Vorster 059 has been lost

28th October 2037
TG Hauler has completed orders

1st November 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0981%
Jarod Brandes has joined your civilian administration. Shipbuilding 5% Administration Rating 4 Mining 20% Political Reliability 15% Xenology 10%
A Geological Survey Sensors on Marc Aaronson has suffered a maintenance failure. Repairs have been carried out that required 100 maintenance supplies. The ship now has 173 maintenance supplies remaining. Current Maintenance Clock: 3.51 years

Meine Damen und Herren, in einem halben Jahr endet die aktuelle Legislaturperiode. Ich bitte daher um offizielle Meldung von allen, die sich für einen der vier Ministerposten zur Wahl stellen möchten.
Die Anmeldefrist endet am 1. März 2038.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von weissbrot am 17.02.2017 0:56]
17.02.2017 0:50:08  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Ich würd nochmal mitmachen.
17.02.2017 1:03:25  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP kommo1 21.09.2011
Zitat von Bregor

Ich würd nochmal mitmachen.

17.02.2017 1:06:19  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Dr._Pymonte 12.05.2018
Zitat von kommo1

Zitat von Bregor

Ich würd nochmal mitmachen.


yoa, doch. ganz gemütlich die Menschheit vor die Wand fahren. Bin dabei.
17.02.2017 1:36:31  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th November 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0921%
Ensign Daren Deblasi has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 171 Fighter Combat 15%: Promotion Score 142
The Political Reliability Bonus of Civilian Administrator Aurelio Dodd has increased to 5%
The Political Reliability Bonus of Colonel Quinn Pazos has increased to 5%
As a result of experience gained in the performance of his duties, Lieutenant Junior Grade Elwood Mesler has increased his Production Bonus to 2%
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade August Miyahira has increased his Intelligence Bonus to 55%
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Enoch Monegro has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 354
Colonel Ben Hazelett has developed a severe medical problem that has forced him to retire. Assignment prior to retirement: Unassigned
Crew morale on board Scout Escort 003 has fallen to 74.23%. The ship has exceeded its planned deployment time by 34.72%.
Slipway added to Starartifier Yard on Earth
Information on Shipyard Operations: 20% Time/Cost Saving has been provided to us by Federation

11th November 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0878%
Colonel Eleanor Cerrano has joined your army officer corps. Political Reliability 15%: Promotion Score 225
The Political Reliability Bonus of Civilian Administrator Federico Scales has increased to 10%
Through training or experience, Ensign Katie Vallieres has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 220
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees H2 class Fuel Harvester
A strength-1 thermal contact associated with Vorster 060 has been lost

16th November 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0752%
Colonel Rudy Stahly has joined your army officer corps.: Promotion Score 0
Through training or experience, Ensign Josue Mayrant has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 212
Colonel Barb Archambeault has been promoted to Brigadier General
The civilian mining colony on Alexandra has been expanded to 14 civilian mining complexes
TG Gate has completed orders

21st November 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0765%
Ensign Tanner Fleurant has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 113 Survey 10% Terraforming 10% Diplomacy 15% Intelligence 10%: Promotion Score 138
Through training or experience, Ensign Katie Vallieres has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 225
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Catharine Veasey has increased his Training Bonus to 150
Ensign Dee Vandam has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Ishimura 019 (Ishimura class) built on Earth and assigned to Unassigned Ships TG
Ensign Tracey Coone has been assigned to Ishimura 019 (Mining Bonus 15%)

26th November 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0699%
Colonel Georgiana Chillemi has joined your army officer corps. Ground Forces Training 50: Promotion Score 69
Through training or experience, Ensign Kenneth Guity has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 195
Lieutenant Junior Grade Andrea Rao has been promoted to Lieutenant
A strength-1 thermal contact associated with Vorster 061 has been lost

30th November 2037
TG Survey 2 has notified Fleet Command that it intends to Refuel at Earth. As this will take it out of its existing system, all existing move orders have been rescinded.

1st December 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0661%
Colonel Eileen Douville has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 5%: Promotion Score 25
Through training or experience, Ensign Brant Mccue has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 224
Through training or experience, Ensign Wilton Balay has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 117
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Dane Spice has increased his Training Bonus to 150
Lieutenant Terry Ramones has been promoted to Lieutenant Commander
Parco Container Lines has launched a new Parco Large F2 class Freighter
18.02.2017 11:48:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Wie weit haben wir denn das System bereits ausgekundschaftet?

Und kann die FEAR uns bitte mitteilen, worauf sie sich nach den Shipyards konzentrieren?
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bregor am 18.02.2017 16:39]
18.02.2017 16:31:02  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Nachdem der Captain der Marc Aaronson nochmal aus dem Fenster geschaut hat dachte er sich, dass er den letzten ungescannten Asteroiden im System auch noch abarbeiten kann, bevor er zurück nach Hause fliegt.

Die FEAR arbeiten aktuell daran, die Baurate ihrer Fabriken zu verbessern.

6th December 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0642%
Ensign Andy Costas has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 135 Survey 10% Fighter Combat 20% Xenology 25%: Promotion Score 224
Ensign Jayson Clodfelter has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Lieutenant Junior Grade Barton Kemler has developed a medical problem that will affect his long term health. Current Assignment: C.O. ILB Missile Complex 055
New Transponder Contact! Contact ID: Bulgakov Small C3 008 (New), Class ID: Bulgakov Small C3, Race ID: Federation Thermal: 750 (New)
A new ship of the Bulgakov Small C3 class from the Federation has been detected in Sol. Our intelligence service has designated the new ship as the Bulgakov Small C3 008.

11th December 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0611%
Colonel Kelly Hodel has joined your army officer corps.: Promotion Score 0
Lieutenant Junior Grade Jamie Ovitt has been promoted to Lieutenant
A team on Earth led by Boris Clayson has completed research into Fuel Production 48,000 Litres
Research into Expand Civilian Economy by 20% has commenced on Earth
A strength-1 thermal contact associated with Vorster 062 has been lost

16th December 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0551%
Diana Sauceman has joined your scientific establishment. Research (Energy Weapons) 30% Administration Rating 6 Political Reliability 10%
The Political Reliability Bonus of Civilian Administrator Dee Nickle has increased to 10%

21st December 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.054%
Ensign Rolf Haworth has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 113 Fighter Combat 10% Xenology 10%: Promotion Score 82
Ensign Jacob Zampedri has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
The civilian mining colony on Whipple has been expanded to 21 civilian mining complexes

26th December 2037
Ensign Edith Gerhart has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 160 Factory Prod 10%: Promotion Score 80
The Political Reliability Bonus of Lieutenant Mohammad Maxon has increased to 10%
A team on Earth led by Marc Livings has completed research into Turret Tracking Speed (10% Gear) 4000 km/s
Research into Turret Tracking Speed (10% Gear) 5000 km/s has commenced on Earth
Ishimura 020 (Ishimura class) built on Earth and assigned to Unassigned Ships TG
Ensign Josef Caulfield has been assigned to Ishimura 020 (Mining Bonus 15%)

26th December 2037
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0507%
A strength-1 thermal contact associated with Vorster 063 has been lost

1st January 2038
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0497%
Ensign Mitchel Eggleston has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 112 Survey 10% Logistics 20% Political Reliability 20% Espionage 25%: Promotion Score 612
The Political Reliability Bonus of Lieutenant Junior Grade Steve Kimball has increased to 10%

Die unabhängigen Beobachter kritisieren in ihrem jährlichen Bericht zur Abrüstung aller Massenvernichtungswaffen die Vereinten Nationen aufs schärfste, da diese bislang noch nicht einmal einen Plan oder eine Zeitangabe zum Beginn der Abrüstung vorgebracht haben.
Die Föderation hingegen wird in den höchsten Tönen für ihre Fortschritte gelobt - wenn sie in diesem Ausmass weiterhin Waffen zerstören, wird das Arsenal in wenig mehr als einem Jahr komplett vernichtet sein.
19.02.2017 1:41:54  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Bin gerade betrunken, aber ich mach mal ne trumpsche ansage, das wir bald die besten, wenigsten WMD haben die die Erde je gesehen hat!!!!11

Dara macht mal bitte auch noch die nächste Stufe Fire Control Speed Rating wenn sie mit der 2000 durch ist.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bregor am 19.02.2017 19:27]
19.02.2017 7:54:58  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Skeith 02.09.2019
Ich würde mich ja zur wahl stellen. Aber ich bin eine autokratische antidemokratische Kraft. Breites Grinsen

Außerdem weiß ich weder wo wir gerade stehen, noch welche Minister es eigentlich nochmal gab. peinlich/erstaunt

Ich kann auch gerne durch eine reihe von strohmännern und handverlesenen Ja-Sagern regieren. verschmitzt lachen
19.02.2017 20:51:23  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Du bekommst nen Ministerposten und regierst dein Ressort. Stand der Nation wird dir per geheimem Dossier mitgeteilt wenn du die Wahl annimmst.
19.02.2017 21:12:01  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th January 2038
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0487%
Through training or experience, Ensign Leonel Sortor has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 259
A team on Earth led by Dara Besler has completed research into Beam Fire Control Range 32,000 km
Research into Fire Control Speed Rating 2000 km/s has commenced on Earth

11th January 2038
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0477%
Colonel Francesco Goodstein has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 20% Xenology 30%: Promotion Score 400
Through training or experience, Commander Giuseppe Denzer has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 232
A strength-1 thermal contact associated with Vorster 064 has been lost

16th January 2038
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0467%
Colonel Ana Stlawrence has joined your army officer corps.: Promotion Score 0
Through training or experience, Ensign Betty Zetina has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 129
Colonel Doris Essen has been promoted to Brigadier General

21st January 2038
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0325%
Colonel Gillian Brenner has joined your army officer corps. Diplomacy 20%: Promotion Score 0
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Everett Swiney has increased his Training Bonus to 125
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Mitch Babic has increased his Training Bonus to 175
A Geological Survey Sensors on Marc Aaronson has suffered a maintenance failure. Repairs have been carried out that required 100 maintenance supplies. The ship now has 173 maintenance supplies remaining. Current Maintenance Clock: 3.72 years
Slipway added to Imperial Campaigner Yard on Earth
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees L2 class Spaceliner

26th January 2038
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0315%
Colonel Clara Sebert has joined your army officer corps. Political Reliability 15%: Promotion Score 225
Through training or experience, Ensign Teodoro Macqueen has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 309
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Casey Schonfeld has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 218
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Cyril Hildebrand has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 253
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Mitch Babic has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 176
Ensign Anne Zenor has developed a serious medical problem that will affect his long term health. Current Assignment: C.O. AM Ishimura 010
A strength-1 thermal contact associated with Vorster 065 has been lost

1st February 2038
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0236%
Ensign Jose Mcelhenney has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 144 Survey 10% Fighter Combat 10% Fighter Ops 15%: Promotion Score 280
A Little Trio Turret Mark I on Scout Escort 007 has suffered a maintenance failure. Repairs have been carried out that required 19 maintenance supplies. The ship now has 148 maintenance supplies remaining. Current Maintenance Clock: 1.88 years

Es scheint, dass sich die Marc Aaronson mit ihren Eskorten gleich nach dem auftanken wieder rausgeschlichen hat und nun Jagd auf die verbleibenden ungescannten Objekte im Sonnensystem macht: Zwei Kometen und ein Asteroid, welcher alleine weit ausserhalb des Systems seine Runden (eine alle 2218 Jahre) dreht...
21.02.2017 1:55:42  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Die sollten wohl mal zur Reperatur nach Hause. Und hat Pinguin unsere Schiffe endlich mal wieder freigekauft?
21.02.2017 2:11:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th February 2038
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0195%
Ensign Hyman Waddell has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 104 Fighter Combat 20% Political Reliability 10%: Promotion Score 252
Ensign Josue Mayrant has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
5th Mobile Infantry Battalion trained on Earth
6th Mobile Infantry Battalion trained on Earth
Colonel Francesco Goodstein has been assigned to 5th Mobile Infantry Battalion (Ground Combat Bonus 20%)
Colonel Jae Barr has been assigned to 6th Mobile Infantry Battalion (Ground Combat Bonus 20%)
The civilian mining colony on Wolf has been expanded to 18 civilian mining complexes
The civilian mining colony on Rhea has been expanded to 20 civilian mining complexes

11th February 2038
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Titan, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Colonel Carol Batey has joined your army officer corps. Espionage 10% Ground Forces Training 50: Promotion Score 69
A team on Earth led by Dara Besler has completed research into Fire Control Speed Rating 2000 km/s
Research into Fire Control Speed Rating 3000 km/s has commenced on Earth
The civilian mining colony on Machholz has been expanded to 9 civilian mining complexes
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Small F2 class Freighter
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Large F2 class Freighter
Parco Container Lines has launched a new Parco Small C2 class Colony Ship
Klees Container Lines has scrapped Klees Large F1 006 (Klees Large F1 class) due to its replacement by a newer vessel
Klees Container Lines has scrapped Klees Huge F1 005 (Klees Huge F1 class) due to its replacement by a newer vessel
A strength-1 thermal contact associated with Vorster 066 has been lost

16th February 2038
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Titan, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Ensign Len Dealba has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 133 Diplomacy 10%: Promotion Score 67
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Small C2 class Colony Ship
The supply of Corundium on 2010 TK7 has been exhausted

21st February 2038
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Titan, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Colonel Malik Heggs has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 10% Ground Forces Training 50: Promotion Score 169
Through training or experience, Ensign Leonel Sortor has increased his Training Bonus to 100
Through training or experience, Ensign Brant Mccue has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 243
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Keneth Maw has increased his Fleet Movement Initiative Rating to 245
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees H2 class Fuel Harvester

26th February 2038
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Titan, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Colonel Stephany Lassley has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 15%: Promotion Score 225
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Jenny House has increased his Training Bonus to 125
Colonel Fabian Wilridge has been promoted to Brigadier General
Information on Construction Rate 16 BP has been provided to us by Federation
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees H2 class Fuel Harvester
New Transponder Contact! Contact ID: Bulgakov H3 001 (New), Class ID: Bulgakov H3 (New), Race ID: Federation Thermal: 450 (New)
New Transponder Contact! Contact ID: Bulgakov H3 002 (New), Class ID: Bulgakov H3 (New), Race ID: Federation Thermal: 450 (New)
New Transponder Contact! Contact ID: Bulgakov H3 003 (New), Class ID: Bulgakov H3 (New), Race ID: Federation Thermal: 450 (New)
A new ship class of the Federation has been detected in Sol. Our intelligence service has designated the new class as the Bulgakov H3.
A new ship of the Bulgakov H3 class from the Federation has been detected in Sol. Our intelligence service has designated the new ship as the Bulgakov H3 001.
A new ship of the Bulgakov H3 class from the Federation has been detected in Sol. Our intelligence service has designated the new ship as the Bulgakov H3 002.
A new ship of the Bulgakov H3 class from the Federation has been detected in Sol. Our intelligence service has designated the new ship as the Bulgakov H3 003.
A strength-1 thermal contact associated with Vorster 067 has been lost

1st March 2038
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Titan, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Ensign Eddy Abelson has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 241 Terraforming 15% Diplomacy 30%: Promotion Score 121
1 inactive Research Labs on Earth
Klees Container Lines has launched a new Klees Small C2 class Colony Ship
The civilian mining colony on 2010 TK7 has been expanded to 15 civilian mining complexes

Da sich bis zum Ende der Anmeldefrist nur drei Kandidaten zur Wahl haben aufstellen lassen, möchte ich dem Rat empfehlen, die verbleibenden zwei Monate zu nutzen, um die Struktur der Regierung zu reorganisieren solange sie noch beschlussfähig sind.
22.02.2017 0:33:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Wen haben wir denn alles?


sind doch 4, wenn das von skeith nicht so daher gesagt war. peinlich/erstaunt

Ich bitte um eine updatepause bis wir das geklärt haben.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bregor am 22.02.2017 5:36]
22.02.2017 5:36:11  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Wenn Skeith mitmachen will, dann muss er dass schon eindeutig genug sagen...

Pause ist abgelehnt - Lebbe geht weida, auch ohne Regierung.
22.02.2017 16:06:52  Zum letzten Beitrag
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6th March 2038
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Titan, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Colonel Zachery Mcdermott has joined your army officer corps.: Promotion Score 0
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Hollis Danzer has increased his Training Bonus to 125
Through experience as a project leader, Scientist Cathy Petway has increased his Administrative Rating to 4
Slipway added to Imperial Dinergate Yard on Earth
A Little Trio Turret Mark I on Scout Escort 003 has suffered a maintenance failure. Repairs have been carried out that required 19 maintenance supplies. The ship now has 148 maintenance supplies remaining. Current Maintenance Clock: 2.69 years

11th March 2038
As there is no longer any cause for unrest on Titan, the unrest level is starting to fall. Unrest decreased by 0.1557%
Ensign David Nallie has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 125 Political Reliability 10%: Promotion Score 163
Through training or experience, Ensign Elissa Bergman has increased his Training Bonus to 100
Colonel Sanford Tarry has died of natural causes. Assignment prior to death: C.O. 56th Low Tech Armour
Colonel Stephany Lassley has been assigned to 56th Low Tech Armour (Ground Combat Bonus 15%)
New Thermal Contact! Contact ID: Echo 004 (New), Class ID: Echo, Race ID: Federation, Strength 4501
A new ship of the Echo class from the Federation has been detected in Sol. Our intelligence service has designated the new ship as the Echo 004.
A strength-1 thermal contact associated with Vorster 068 has been lost

16th March 2038
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0776%
Colonel Blaine Fogler has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 15%: Promotion Score 225
Through experience as a project leader, Scientist Charles Macknight has increased his Administrative Rating to 4
A team on Earth led by Lynwood Brigante has completed research into Ceramic Composite Armour
Slipway added to Starartifier Yard on Earth
The civilian mining colony on Machholz has been expanded to 10 civilian mining complexes

21st March 2038
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0849%
Ensign Lucila Earthman has joined your naval officer corps. Initiative 157 Terraforming 10% Xenology 20% Communication 15%: Promotion Score 135
Through training or experience, Ensign Teodoro Macqueen has increased his Training Bonus to 75
The Political Reliability Bonus of Lieutenant Junior Grade Ryan Taniguchi has increased to 20%
Ensign Phyllis Hoyos has been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
19 inactive Research Labs on Earth

26th March 2038
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0857%
Colonel Wilfredo Chahal has joined your army officer corps. Ground Forces Training 50: Promotion Score 69
Through training or experience, Lieutenant Junior Grade Mayme Maben has increased his Operations Bonus to 40%
Through training or experience, Civilian Administrator Akira has increased his Administrative Rating to 5
Information on Fuel Storage - Very Large has been provided to us by Federation
19 inactive Research Labs on Earth
A strength-1 thermal contact associated with Vorster 069 has been lost

28th March 2038
Minerals Discovered on McNaught-Russell: Tritanium 38 618 (0.7) Corundium 5 575 (0.6)

1st April 2038
Unrest is rising on Titan due to overcrowding. Unrest increased by 0.0928%
Colonel Isaias Prahm has joined your army officer corps. Ground Combat 5% Xenology 15%: Promotion Score 25
The Political Reliability Bonus of Civilian Administrator Erick Blea has increased to 5%
Through training or experience, Ensign Elissa Bergman has increased his Training Bonus to 125
Ensign Joy Parkhill has developed a medical problem that will affect his long term health. Current Assignment: Unassigned
19 inactive Research Labs on Earth
The civilian mining colony on Wolf has been expanded to 19 civilian mining complexes

Morgen letztes Update vor den Wahlen.
23.02.2017 0:34:16  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Dara macht bitte weiter mit der näcshten Stufe Fire Control Speed Rating 4000 wenn sie mit 3000 fertig ist.

Lynwood schnappt sich 18 Labs der übrigen und macht mit Gamma und Delta Shields weiter.

Trainee Program:
1 Lab aus der Reserve geht an Tatjana Narvaiz und sie übernimmt Boat Bay Small.
Diana Sauceman nimmt sich 1 Lab von CZ und fängt mit Advanced Spinal Mount weiter.
Margarito Tricomi kriegt 1 Lab von CZ und fängt mit Improved Damagecontrol an.

gefeuert werden: Ellie Flusche, Milford Ianni, Alex Sechrist, Aubrey Channel, Walron Tabon.

Wenn wir nur noch 3 sind, würde ich die Armee-Flottentätigkeit an den Rüstungsminister übergeben und die Transportflotte an den Industrieminister.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bregor am 23.02.2017 13:10]
23.02.2017 13:03:53  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: Aurora 4X ( Dwarf Fortress in space? )
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