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 Thema: Star Citizen & Squadron 42 VIII ( Best damn alpha sim ever )
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Bitte beachten Best damn alpha sim ever

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Das Wichtigste vorab:

Wenn ihr a.) möglichst günstig in das Spiel einsteigen wollt oder b.) nach speziellen Spielpaketen (bspw. Legacy-Zugang, sprich Star Citizen + Squadron 42) oder speziellen Schiffen (bspw. Anni/LTI oder Limited) sucht, wendet euch in jedem Fall an die die High-Level-Backer des Threads. Aktuell sind das Lunovis, Hetzenauer, Sobrek, krang oder Expressreiskocher.

Falls ihr euch entscheidet auf eigene Faust bei Star Citizen einzusteigen, benutzt bitte einen der Referal-Codes der Kantholz-Corp: STAR-BN35-RW25 (Atomsk) oder STAR-LF3T-BKSS (ERK).

Was ist Star Citizen?


Die pOT Corporation bei RSI:
Kantholz Corp.

pOT Backer-Liste:

Nick Schiffe
a1ex - Origin Jumpworks 315p
Atomsk - Aegis Dynamics Sabre
- Anvil Aerospace Carrack
- CNOU Mustang Omega
- Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Blue
- MISC Freelancer DUR
- RSI Constellation
audax - Origin Jumpworks 315p
BlackBandit - CNOU Mustang Alpha
Calrissian - RSI Aurora
Cardinal62 - Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan
Chewy0 - RSI Aurora LN
[eXz]CountZero - Origin Jumpworks 315p
da Busch - Origin Jumpworks 300i
DeathCobra - RSI Aurora LX
DJDeath - Aegis Dynamics Retaliator
- Aegis Dynamics Sabre
Dr. Pymonte - Aegis Dynamics Reclaimer
- MISC Starfarer
- Origin Jumpworks 325a
- RSI Constellation
- RSI Orion
- Drake Interplanetary Cutlass
Domakk - Origin Jumpworks 300i
forrest funk - RSI Aurora MR
ERK [Redacted]
Fersoltil - Anvil Aerospace F7C-M "Super Hornet"
- MISC Freelancer DUR
Glätteisen - MISC Reliant Skirmisher
GoHan - Origin Jumpworks 315p
Hetzenauer [Redacted]
JD - RSI Constellation Andromeda
Jolly Roger - RSI Aurora MR
Karai - Aegis Dynamics Sabre
- Aegis Dynamics Vanguard Warden
- Anvil Aerospace Carrack
- CNOU Mustang Delta
- CNOU Mustang Omega
- Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Red
Kif - Drake Interplanetary Cutlass
Kin-Luu - Aegis Dynamics Vanguard Warden
- RSI Constellation
Köbi - Anvil Aerospace F7C-M Super Hornet
- MISC Freelancer MIS
krak0s - Origin Jumpworks 300i
krang - Aegis Dynamics Reclaimer
- Anvil Aerospace Carrack
- Banu Merchantman
- Consolidated Outland Mustang Delta
- Drake Interplanetary Cutlass blue
- Kruger Intergalactic P-72 Archimedes
- Musashi Industrial & Starflight Concern Reliant
- Roberts Space Industries Aurora LN
- Roberts Space Industries Orion
- Xi'An Khartu-Al
Lauchi - RSI Aurora
LordLidl - Origin Jumpworks 300i
Lunovis [Full retard]
[WHE]MadMax - Aegis Dynamics Avenger Stalker
- Banu Merchantman
- CNOU Mustang Omega
- MISC Reliant Tana
- MISC Freelancer MIS
- RSI Aurora LX
MaKaber - CNOU Mustang Omega
- Origin Jumpworks 315p
- RSI Constellation Phoenix
mavchen - Origin Jumpworks 300i
Meister Zopf - Aegis Dynamics Reclaimer
- Aegis Dynamics Redeemer
- Aegis Dynamics Retaliator
- Aegis Dynamics Sabre
- Aegis Dynamics Starfarer Gemini
- Anvil Aerospace Terrapin
- Drake Interplanetary Caterpillar
- MISC Hull-C
- RSI Constellation Andromeda
MichaelMeiers - RSI Constellation Taurus
mildcat - Aegis Dynamics Avenger Stalker
- Kruger Intergalactic P-52 Merlin
- Origin Jumpworks 315p Explorer
- RSI Aurora ES
[MiiH]MjAlien - MISC Freelancer
- RSI Aurora MR
Nameless - Origin Jumpworks 300i
NightBooster - Origin Jumpworks 300i
[2XS]Nighthawk - CNOU Mustang Alpha
- CNOU Mustang Omega
- Kruger Intergalactic P-72 Archimedes
- MISC Hull A
- Origin Jumpworks 300i
Noch_ein_Kamel - Aegis Dynamics Avenger Stalker
- Aegis Dynamics Sabre
NTGhost - Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan
- Anvil Aerospace Super Hornet F7CM
- MISC Freelancer DUR
pesto - Origin Jumpworks 315p
radioactix - RSI Aurora
Raptor][6 - Origin Jumpworks 300i
- CNOU Mustang Delta
~Raven~ - Aegis Dynamics Avenger
red - MISC Freelancer
Ruckus - Aegis Dynamics Avenger
- Aegis Dnyamics Vanguard Warden
- CNOU Mustang Delta
- CNOU Mustang Omega
- Drake Interplanetary Herald
Rossgo - CNOU Mustang Alpha
sahneknuffi - Origin Jumpworks 300i
sinister.sinner - CNOU Mustang Omega
- Origin Jumpworks 325a
][slayer] - RSI Aurora
Ste@lth - Aegis Dynamics Avenger
Sobrek [Redacted]
[P.A.R.K.]TNX - Anvil Aerospace F7C-S Hornet "Ghost"
Tray McBong
- CNOU Mustang Delta
- Kruger Intergalactic P-72 Archimedes
Urd - Anvil Aerospace F7C-M "Super Hornet"
- CNOU Mustang Alpha
- RSI Aurora LX
Wedge - RSI Aurora LN
weissbrot - Aegis Dynamics Avenger
WilhelmTell - Aegis Dynamics Avenger
- Anvil Aerospace F7C-M "Super Hornet"
- CNOU Mustang Alpha
- RSI Aurora LX
xargi - Aegis Dynamics Avenger
- RSI Aurora LX
Zalit - Origin Jumpworks 315p
Zunami das Dod0 - RSI Aurora LN

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Atomsk am 02.12.2017 18:33]
25.09.2016 13:07:11  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012

Das ganze als Artikel (Gamernexus), wer lieber liest als ein Video zu gucken.
25.09.2016 13:10:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Maestro 24.06.2020
Die Liste scheint alt. Ich fehle.
26.09.2016 12:14:25  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von ]Maestro[

Die Liste scheint alt. Ich fehle.

oder du hast den wink mit dem zaunpfahl nicht verstanden
26.09.2016 12:19:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Maestro 24.06.2020
verschmitzt lachen
Hä? verwirrt
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von ]Maestro[ am 26.09.2016 12:37]
26.09.2016 12:37:43  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Chris Roberts on Character Tech, Weather System, & Engine Architecture
Teil 2 des Gamernexus-Interviews.
27.09.2016 15:20:36  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Lunovis 27.11.2007
grim hex ist nur ein ausgeschaltetes com array entfernt... nicht wirklich ne herausforderung traurig
27.09.2016 18:14:08  Zum letzten Beitrag
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bald hab ich wieder internet - dann kann ich auch endlich mal wieder fliegen \o/

nach 3,5 monaten ohne hab ich zwar noch keinen entzug, aber drauf freuen tu ich mich dennoch peinlich/erstaunt
27.09.2016 18:17:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Lunovis 27.11.2007
ausserdem muss ich krang bestätigen, die delta macht spass, das einsteigen ist aber die reine pest.

m50 macht ebenso spass, viel wendiger wirds mit normalen pötten kaum mehr

und auf grimhex eine connie zu besteigen ist verdammt mühsam. das teil hebt von alleine von der plattform ab und man darf zuerst mal eine passende klippe für 0g suchen um danach eine schleuse zu finden die einen nicht 30km wegkatapultiert...
27.09.2016 18:48:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
CIG fängt dann mal an die Polaris mit Lore-Posts zu teasen:


Vladimir Millar: Take RSI as an example, and their newest line of capital ships, the Polaris. The ship’s size would normally mean that the Navy would be its primary purchaser, but RSI realized very early on that it would also be ideal for militias. They brought in consultants from various militias to consult on the design of the ship. RSI wouldn’t do that unless they believed there’s a significant civilian market out there for a ship this size.

28.09.2016 7:30:31  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Expressreiskocher

CIG fängt dann mal an die Polaris mit Lore-Posts zu teasen:

shut up and take my money Wütend
28.09.2016 8:59:39  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Around the ‘Verse: Episode 3.09 - TLDR (Too long; Didn’t Read)
Intro & Other information


Studio Update

Team in UK is hard at work on 2.6 and Citizencon things.
Will Maiden and David Pollard have been working on the radar scanning mechanics.
Radar scanning is fundamental – many careers rely on it.
Aiming to make sure system works well for all careers.
Also aiming to work on and off ships.
Interesting challenge making sure they work on it without ruining an already good experience.
Cross sections of ships are used to work out if you can detect a ship. Looking from top might be easier to detect from the sides, for example.
Infrared and electromagnetic signals are worked out from the items on the object. More power required, more heat, more infrared signal, easier to detect.
For FPS they are adding a decibel signal for sound – walking, shooting sounds will show up on radar.
Players and NPCs are similar to ships in that they use items so systems for both are very similar.
Passive radar enhanced with active ping – golf shot type mechanic that allows enhanced passive scanning at risk of exposing oneself.
Current system shows good information for combat but future iterations will relay information relating to cargo or criminal status, for example.
More scanning and radar focused ships – more ships with utility slots. Terrapin, Aquila, DUR – ships designed for exploration/data gathering.
It’s a system that you’ll need to understand not just to find people but also to evade people.
Recon scanning is also being considered – being able to jump ahead and find out who is in a system and return to plan with or sell that information.
Paul Dalessi has been working on the Vanguard Hoplite.
Based on the Vanguard, removes escape pod and make inside larger so people can walk around.
Bigger ramp added so multiple people can get in and out at once.
It is green as it is a UEE ship.
It has no swappable pod – it is it’s own unique variant.
It has the same weapon capabilities and turret, it is only different internals.


Ship Shape: Flight Model Balance

Digging into ship balance on a larger scale than ever before for 2.6
Flight model was the first and fundamental thing they changed:
The current flight model allows for lots of depth but the high SCM speed is intimidating
Picked one ship, the Gladius, and reduced the SCM speed to 140 and rebalance other around that
Sped up accelerations so stop times are lower and there’s less slide/more maneuverability
Tweaked the afterburner fuel limit so people can use it more: gave it purpose
Feedback from playtests was positive so an interim patch has been built and will go out to the Evocati
The Evocati build also includes a pass on ship shields:
Already have preplanned numbers for when the redevelopment/refactor is done
Ported the new numbers into the old system to give a taste of how new shield classes will perform
Expecting lots of feedback and changes!
They are also looking at changes to ship missile systems:
Many missile racks are bespoke to their ship and fixed to them: they can’t be swapped out
Missile rack size allocations were inconsistent: different sizes could hold the same payload
Wanted to make it possible to add missile racks even when you don’t have a bespoke rack
Frankfurt has been making all missiles the correct size while keeping them unique: missiles will now properly connect and disconnect from racks (and look good doing it)
Finally ship weapons:
Giving different types of weapons different roles: similar to weapons in an FPS
Many different things can have varying effects on the weapon’s statistics
Energy weapons can have additional damage types, e.g. laser or plasma, which affects the projectile and, potentially, the weapons statistics
Focusing on making the current set of weapons feel good with the new flight model before adding more variety

UI Update: Lobby and Mobiglas

The user experience for Star Citizen needed an overhaul
They decided to tear down the old system completely and build it from scratch.
The result is a more clean, refined, and fun to use interface.
With 2.6 it’ll be easier to group up with friends, and you’ll be able to customize your marine in Star Marine with loadouts.
They’ve also been working on a full screen ship customisation system that allows you to customise ships, swap parts, get all the details you would need with an easy to use 3D interface.
Leaderboards will be going into the game from the site so there’s no need to jump in and out of the game to see your rank and etc, and it’ll have an official ranking system.
Mobiglas has been fleshed out much more and designed to have it appear more in world by using the character’s arm to display that the UI is projected from the arm.
They’re also making it so players can customize the colour of the UI from the blue to whatever colour they desire.
Eventually what they want is players to customize the interface fully with what is displayed and can remove, add, or move around the different applications as they see fit.
You can expect these changes for around 3.0’s release.

Reverse the Verse: Episode 2.09 - TLDR (Too Long; Didn’t Read)

Today’s RTV was in the UK featuring Technical Designers Jonny Jacevicius(Ducavious) and Andrew Nicholson in part one, and part two featured Lead Technical Designer John Crewe, and Technical Designer, Will Maiden.
-First part discussed the flight model changes which they clarified does not affect the actual physics of the flight model itself, but rather the numbers that go into the algorithm itself.
-In testing, they’re slowing down the SCM speed of ships, while not changing the Blackout and Redout levels to promote less jousting gameplay and a more playable experience.
-They’re also working towards making the Afterburner having a bigger impact in combat by giving it more fuel and tweaking it in other attributes.
-Weapon ranges are being lowered in some cases to see whether or not that impacts gameplay in a positive way, slower missile speeds are being tested as well.
-Every weapon is being tweaked in order to better define their intended role, feedback from the Evocati and eventually backers will solidify the stats.
-As per usual, anything regarding the balance changes is subject to change and is not final and should not be assumed until it has been declared as such.
-Second part featured Radar and Scanning and how it will pan out down the road.
-They stressed this heavily before the discussion that the Radar and Scanning is only a first iterative pass. I will paraphrase briefly their explanations on a lot of what they discussed, but if this is an area you’re interested in or had concerns about the “Golf swing” please read the full summary where applicable or watch the Youtube video
-The “Golf Swing” as some have toted is designed as a short range mechanic using Radar, it can be used to seek out targets within visual range that are hidden on radar. The more you charge the “Pulse” the more ground you’re going to cover, this in turn allows the hidden to be found. The catch is that if you charge your system too much, you might overload your radar and be “Blind” for a period of time with the hunter now becoming the hunted.
-Radar before this was only you either see them, or you don’t, no inbetween. Item system 2.0 allows them to do much more in terms of what can be seen and how. You’ll be able to cross scan via physical signature and EM/Infrared scan based off those parameters.
-It is possible to fake the size of your ship by producing a larger EM/Infrared signature, but via cross scan it’s not.
-Scanners will be like how powerplants, coolers, and other modules are tiered and how some are better than others. An example being a Freelancer will look at an asteroid and see, hey that’s a rock. A Carrack will go, I can see that Asteroid is composed of X, Y, Z, of this amount. A Prospector will go, that’s where X is on the asteroid.
-They have lots more planned for Radar and scanning so what you saw from ATV is only a first pass of the system in general.

30.09.2016 23:32:45  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Star Citizen's Sean Tracy on 64-bit Engine Tech & Procedural Edge Blending

30.09.2016 23:33:30  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
2.6/3.0 Menu Update

Constallation Aquilla Rework

Vanguard Hoplite Sneak Peak

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Expressreiskocher am 30.09.2016 23:40]
30.09.2016 23:36:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012

The RSI Polaris will go on Concept Sale this Sunday, October 9th for the introductory price of $750. It will have LTI.

EDIT #1: This Concept Sale will not be stock limited.

04.10.2016 0:24:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Expressreiskocher


The RSI Polaris will go on Concept Sale this Sunday, October 9th for the introductory price of $750. It will have LTI.

EDIT #1: This Concept Sale will not be stock limited.


Eigentlich bräuchte man da ja n paar..aber 750....

If you can´t shoot it up - blow it up !
04.10.2016 6:37:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Ich denke, da passe ich auch.
04.10.2016 6:42:04  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP [2XS]Nighthawk 04.05.2015
Haben die eigentlich mal rausgelassen welcher Pott wie oft verkauft wurde?
04.10.2016 6:48:19  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Von CIG direkt gibt es nicht, nur die gelgentlichen Reddit-Stats.
04.10.2016 7:46:41  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Expressreiskocher


The RSI Polaris will go on Concept Sale this Sunday, October 9th for the introductory price of $750. It will have LTI.

EDIT #1: This Concept Sale will not be stock limited.

Gehen Rabattcodes eigentlich noch von vom Preis ab wenn man Store Credits nutzt??
04.10.2016 10:41:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Nope, geht nur von Echtgeld.
04.10.2016 10:44:12  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Wann geht denn morgen der Streamzauber zur Citizen Com live?
Bisschen dazu aufm DEPAC TS abhängen anyone?

If you can´t shoot it up - blow it up !
06.10.2016 17:39:34  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zunächst wird es jeweils um 21 Uhr deutscher Zeit am 7. und 8. Oktober 2016 Übertragungen aus dem Entwicklerstudio in Los Angeles geben.

Am 9. Oktober um 24 Uhr deutscher Zeit - oder 0 Uhr am 10. Oktober - startet dann der Live-Stream von der vierten Citizencon.

Viel Spaß Montag früh -_-
06.10.2016 20:31:50  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Zitat von Hetzenauer

Wann geht denn morgen der Streamzauber zur Citizen Com live?
Bisschen dazu aufm DEPAC TS abhängen anyone?

Joahr, ich denke ich schau mal rein.
Verspreche mir von den Streams am Fr und Sa allerdings nicht die Welt.
06.10.2016 22:14:37  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Wen zur Hölle interessieren Twitch Streamer? Mata halt...
07.10.2016 21:32:22  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Alle die Presale/Preview-Mail zur Polaris bekommen?
Geiles Design, hngz. peinlich/erstaunt

Greetings Citizen!

As a dedicated supporter of the United Empire of Earth’s previous war bond drives, you have been selected to receive an exclusive look at Roberts Space Industries’ latest fighting starship, the POLARIS. Developed as part of the new Military Mobilization Initiative, the ship aims to provide authorized militia units with military-grade hardware to help combat the Vanduul threat. The United Empire of Earth will commission the lead ship on October 9th, at which time reservations will be open to all Citizens.

About the Polaris

The Polaris is a nimble corvette-class capital ship that packs a powerful punch with a full armament of turrets and torpedoes. Intended for use as both a naval patrol ship and to serve as the flagship of militia operations, Polaris has the capacity to perform search and rescue operations, light strike missions and general security patrols. The Polaris includes the facilities to repair, rearm and refuel a single fighter, light bomber or support ship.

Special Extras

The first wave of Polaris hulls, constructed for this pre-sale, will include unique registry numbers indicative of the order in which they were reserved. The sale page will show the next block of numbers being sold, but it cannot guarantee a particular number. Additionally, a printed version of the 28-page Polaris brochure will be delivered by mail; several preview pages are included in this post and the full digital brochure will go online on Sunday.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 5 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Expressreiskocher am 08.10.2016 3:33]
08.10.2016 2:40:11  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
500 Stück nach knapp 15 Minuten verkauft. Pillepalle Breites Grinsen
08.10.2016 3:04:57  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP krang 09.01.2008
amuesiert gucken
Bin designtechnisch irgendwie nicht wirklich ein großer Fan von. Würd se ja nehmen mit meinen übrigen Storecredits aber irgendwie gefällt das so gar net...
Ok, Capitals brauchen auch keine Schönheit zu sein aber der Pott da is jetz ja weniger hübsch als ne Idris... *find*
Gute Frage: Die Polaris dürfte wohl auch 'ne Ecke kleiner sein als die Idris, nehm ich an...
08.10.2016 3:21:42  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
PSA: Mit Store-Credits geht das Presale-Angebot nicht.
Reddit raged darüber auch grade recht hart. peinlich/erstaunt

To allow for the discount, store credit is disabled for this sale. The regular Polaris sale on Sunday will allow for store credit purchases.

¤: 700 Stück plus verkauft.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Expressreiskocher am 08.10.2016 3:29]
08.10.2016 3:22:25  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP krang 09.01.2008
Na wenn die schon solche Tricks auffahren müssen um noch an Geld zu kommen hab ich auch keine Lust, den Pott mit meinen Store-Credits zu kaufen....
08.10.2016 3:32:58  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: Star Citizen & Squadron 42 VIII ( Best damn alpha sim ever )
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