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 Thema: Overwatch II ( Catchphrase! )
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this is what happens when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object

02.03.2017 22:33:32  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Schaden bekommt Reinhardt auch noch? :O
02.03.2017 22:37:32  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Und garnicht wenig!
03.03.2017 11:50:56  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP sinister.sinner 24.01.2016
unglaeubig gucken
lol wat
03.03.2017 12:02:04  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Er charged mit 330 und hat dann noch 160.
Das ist ordentlich find ich.
03.03.2017 12:09:21  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP sinister.sinner 24.01.2016
Ja ich meinte schon auch das Video. Breites Grinsen
03.03.2017 12:14:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Live Patchnotes 3.3.2017

Bastion 35->20% damage reduction
total damage reduction cap: 70->50%
D.Va/Winston Bugfixes
03.03.2017 20:35:01  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
PTR Hero Changes >

Tankheilerin Ana Nerfs, Zenyatta wird mit seinem Discord durch Schilde ein noch besserer Anti-Tank-Heiler und bufft damit seine Flanker gegen die gegnerischen Tanks, Junkrat wird auf kurze Distanz ohne Selfdamage besser spammen können, Sombras neuer Plan wird sein: "bei 16m unhörbar enttarnen, Gegner auf 15m hacken", wobei sich schon immer Reinhardt und andere Tanks als lohnenswerte Hacktargets anboten...

Blizzard war wohl besorgt, dass nach dem Patch jeder Rein+Orisa (+weitere Schilde) stackt, und hat ein Care-Paket geschnürt.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 3 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 07.03.2017 14:23]
07.03.2017 14:08:53  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Die Rechnung

AUP Die Rechnung 06.06.2009
Nicu, die Gegner hinter schilden zu discorden war schon immer mein feuchtester Traum und dazu noch den Rechtsklick of Doom gebuffed <3
07.03.2017 14:15:47  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Der Raven

Wird schwer werden für Ana auf Flanker zu reagieren. Mercy kann wegfliegen, Lucio macht Speedboost an und Zen drückt einfach derbe ins Gesicht. Ana sieht da jetzt ein wenig alt (huehuehue) aus.
07.03.2017 14:16:02  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Der Raven

Wird schwer werden für Ana auf Flanker zu reagieren. Mercy kann wegfliegen, Lucio macht Speedboost an und Zen drückt einfach derbe ins Gesicht. Ana sieht da jetzt ein wenig alt (huehuehue) aus.

Jo, sinnlose Nerfs.
Damit ist man jetzt quasi Flanker Futter.
07.03.2017 14:23:30  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
In Tournaments werden ja schon oft Dive-Comps (Winston, Tracer, Genji, noch ein DPS, Zenyatta, Lucio) gespielt als Antwort auf Tank-Stacks, doch in den Otto Normalspieler-Games sind die noch nicht so angekommen. Vermutlich auch deswegen, weil es schwieriger zu koordinieren ist als "Wir alle picken jetzt Tanks und spammen das gegnerische Rein-Schild runter".

Mit den PTR-Änderungen werden Flanker/Dive Comps noch stärker gegen Tanks.

Vielleicht zu stark?
Schwer zu sagen, denn es kommt ja auch Orisa, und auf dem PTR wurde sie oft zusammen mit Reinhardt gespielt, und die ganze Zeit gegen Wände zu kämpfen macht auch keinen Spaß.

I plan on playing with Torbjorn turret / Orisa shield guarding it in the rear - Less of a major target for shield burning, but still guards the flank / airspace fairly effectively

Auch keine schlechte Idee. Breites Grinsen


Carolina Ravassa (Sombra) über die Probleme einer zu hellhäutigen Kolumbianerin ohne Akzent

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 07.03.2017 16:25]
07.03.2017 14:52:53  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Psyke 12.07.2023
How to overkill:

07.03.2017 23:46:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Noch nie zuvor so einen Teamkill gesehen. Nice.
08.03.2017 7:44:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Voll schön, besser als Gold.
08.03.2017 8:41:19  Zum letzten Beitrag
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08.03.2017 8:45:46  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Jeff K: "afk exp farm" custom games bitte reporten

Using Custom Games to Farm EXP while inactive
08.03.2017 19:17:32  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Bastion Comic von gestern

Symmetra's Autism confirmed by Jeff Kaplan >, nachdem dies im Symmetra-Comic von letztem Jahr ja schon angedeutet wurde
09.03.2017 18:38:30  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Jeff Kaplan AmA

Einige nette Antworten:


[Jeff als Spieler]

I like competitive a lot. I am a platinum player. I think I could get diamond (maybe?) if I played comp more. I tend to place at the start of a season and play 25-50 games past that and then go back to QP/Arcade. I've been playing a decent amount this season. I placed around 2700.

Most comp games are fun because people play smarter, tend to care more and cooperate. I really wish people wouldn't tilt so hard in team chat though. I understand how frustrating the game can be when things aren't going your way, but I wish people would stop for a second and not say that mean thing in team chat... it doesn't do anyone any good. Everyone always looks at us to solve the toxicity problem with some magical game design fix (one that has not yet been invented by any online game thus far)... anonymity does weird things to humanity. I fear for the zombie apocalypse.

It's a real bummer because I used to use voice chat quite a bit and no one recognized me. But lately it's gotten to the point where I can't use voice anymore. They say, "you sound just like Jeff Kaplan" and I say "who's that?". I am very much a communicator -- I like shot call when I play. So not being able to use voice really bums me out.

What do you think of all the Dinoflask videos?

He is super talented. The videos are hilarious. Obviously, I feel embarrassed when I see them. I mean, I am this middle-aged, awkward nerd with 0 points in charisma and really don't belong on camera in any way, shape or form. But if I look at the videos objectively -- like if they were of anyone but me -- they are hilarious.

I always say that Dinoflask says what I wish I could really say (like that old Key and Peele skit with Obama's translator)

I'd love to hear from Tigole, just how he's changed over the years.

I've mellowed out a lot. I spend a lot more time trying to really listen to and understand other people. I think I spent a lot of my life thinking I was right about everything but as I get older I realize how little I was actually right about. I think I appreciate the little things in life a lot more as I get older and am less focused on how others perceive me. I think about gaming all the time. As much as it is true that some developers don't understand their players, I think it's even more true that most players don't understand what it's like to make games.... or really to have any job where everything you do is openly and constantly criticized by a large amount of people. I think I've gotten good at taking critical feedback. But literally everything I read affects me on a personal level. I worry about my teammates in this regard. I think they are awesome and it makes me really upset when someone criticizes them unfairly.

I'm a lot happier now that I was in my teens and twenties. I wish I could convince everyone who is young and feels unhappy to hang in there and chase your passions -- things really do get better and there is so much awesome in this world we live in.

how do you all decide which aspects of the characters to nerf/buff?

I always describe our approach as the "triangle". I feel like there are 3 key factors that guide us: The players, statistics and... us... our own feelings as players.

It's very rare that all 3 of those factors align. Often, we have to ignore one or two and make a change. I think the "overhaul" to Symmetra was a good example. According to the stats, she was fine. But both the players and we agreed that she felt underwhelming. We made changes to make her more fun to play in spite of that stats telling us that she was fine. Honestly, the same thing for Bastion recently.

We play the game A LOT. We play on live all the time. And we play internal builds of the game constantly. We're always trying big changes to heroes internally... lots of these never see the light of day... or PTR.

Honestly, we can't win on the PTR. If we make big changes and they go live, we get heat for it. If we make big changes and pull them back, we get heat for it. We have to just trust our own instincts at this point and own our mistakes when they happen.

The play behavior on the PTR is not super helpful for balancing. Average playtime of those who log in is usually around 16 minutes. Most of the time, someone logs in, wants to try the "changed" hero and logs out. People don't play traditional comps -- they just want to try changed heroes. If they don't get the hero, they leave the match. You have people who have less than 20 minutes play time on a hero testing that hero on the PTR and then giving feedback based off of 1 match.

Historically, the balance feedback has been very unreliable from the PTR. It's still good to hear how people react and what their perception is. But the reality of "quality matches" doesn't happen too often in a test environment.

Internally, we have a "competitive" playtest that's helpful to get good feedback from Diamond+ players who work here. We're also very fortunate that the Pro Players will often invite us to watch scrims on the PTR.

None of this is perfect... but we try hard to listen to feedback and keep the game balanced.

The Eichenwalde balance stats warranted a change. Hero pick rates are tricky. Sometimes they warrant change.

Right now we're trying some stuff with Lucio. We feel like a lot of players feel like he is a "must have" in comps but he also doesn't feel super impactful to play. We're trying some ideas to make him more engaging to play while making him a little less obvious/must pick. We'll see if those changes make it to the PTR.

One tricky thing is that player perception of "must pick" doesn't match actual behavior. I sometimes look at the hero pick stats and they clearly don't match the "hero meta report" stats. Then players tell me to throw out my stats and look at only diamond and higher in competitive play only. Well, at that point, I'm not sure players realize what a small percentage of the player base they are asking me to make a decision based on. Obviously, we are in the process of toning Ana down right now. But we're also not out to see her never get played either. Player reaction is often to sledgehammer everything.


I am looking forward to seeing how the barrier changes play out from the PTR once they go live. We've seen that Winston in the hands of the right player -- like Miro for example -- can be amazing.

I think going too overboard with Winston buffs on the eve of Orisa's release is not wise. So we need to proceed with caution here. We don't want barriers or tanks getting out of hand.

Winston is the least picked hero in the game in case you were wondering.


we're taking it slow. let's see how the current PTR changes feel on live and then move forward. the last thing the world wants to see is an OP sombra... trust me... i've seen it


This is just me speaking -- the design group collective might feel differently -- but I don't think McCree is wildly underpowered. McCree is very effective and is somewhat a victim of the meta as it ebbs and flows... not unlike Pharah. That doesn't mean we won't keep an eye on him or consider changes. But he's a hero who can very rapidly swing in the wrong direction if we're not careful.

Also, we'll fix that gun bug. Sorry about that.

Where do you see OW in a few years?

I've always thought of Overwatch in terms of Crawl, Walk, Run -- a development philosophy that our CEO, Mike Morhaime, preached to all of us. I see OW as being in the "crawl" state right now. We have so much more we want to do -- beyond just the game you're playing right now. We really do want to create a Blizzard universe that is worthy of standing alongside Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo.

The more we get into the development of this incarnation of OW, the more I think that having too many heroes too quickly will actually hurt the game. I want to make sure that every hero in the game gets the love and attention it deserves -- from balance, to story to skins and art. Our business model does not demand constant hero releases. I want us to avoid homogenizing or undoing heroes by releasing constant new ones. I think we need to find a pace where we can add new heroes to keep the game fresh -- both in terms of gameplay as well as story -- but also not hurt the existing world we're trying to build here.

How did the idea for Overwatch originally come about?

We were working on a game that got cancelled. We had 6 weeks to pitch new game ideas to the studio. If we didn't come up with something compelling, our team was going to be redistributed to work on other projects (WoW, HS, HotS, D3 etc). Arnold Tsang was drawing these amazing characters. And during some of our game idea sessions Geoff Goodman was pitching really cool class ideas for a class-based MMO. We merged these concepts into what was to become Overwatch.

[Project: Titan]

Titan was started around 2007. I just remember we were working on The Burning Crusade at the time. It was in development until May of 2013.

Titan was a class-based Shooter/MMO and one of the classes was called the Jumper. The Jumper wasn't a specific character but rather an avatar (like warrior in WoW). Most of the concepts of the Jumper were male... we did some female ones as well. The playble version in the game was male.

Blink, Recall and Pulse bomb were all designed for the Jumper... as well as dual wielding machine pistols (at the time I was playing tons of CoD: MW2 and my loadout was M16 primary/ G18s secondary... the Jumper guns were my G18s)

But because Titan was an MMO the Jumper started getting tons of progression abilities... you know covering a whole level up system... so the jumper got shotguns, and knockbacks etc... it was very cluttered and confused.

When we simplified for OW, we chose only the abilities that worked well together and then created a HERO rather than a class... Tracer had a personality, an origin etc.. That's what made her work.

Contrary to popular belief, most of the heroes in OW were not in Titan.

Tracer had elements of the Jumper Reaper was Reaper (he did have a crossbow at one point in Titan) Widowmaker evolved from a class called the Ranger Bastion also evolved from the Ranger Soldier 76 evolved from the Ranger Symmetra and Torbjorn evolved from the Architect Reinhardt evolved from the Juggernaut, although he is completely different... just the idea of "big guy with shield" is all that stuck Genji/Hanzo evolved from the Assassin

Why did you stop working on WoW?

Personally, I was feeling very fatigued after 6.5 years of working on WoW. Also, Titan was seen as a very big challenge -- to try to make a game that could live up to WoW's legacy and perhaps surpass it. It failed of course.. haha.

I miss working on Warcraft dearly. And I miss Team 2 dearly -- they are amazing people.

I'd love to have some more busniess related info

It's hard for us to release too much business related information. We're a publicly traded company so we're held to some pretty strict guidelines by the SEC.

I know this isn't the answer you're looking for but this is the best place for that kind of information:


I will tell you this, the biggest different between making games in the WoW era (2002) to the OW era (2013) is how much as a game designer you need to be ALL IN on the design of the business model. We never used to talk about business models but it's a whole new world we live in now.

14.03.2017 4:56:58  Zum letzten Beitrag
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War bzw. ist auf jeden Fall sehr lesenswert!
14.03.2017 20:49:00  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014

I run Overwatch on a potato so it's hard to get a good potg, but when I do it is satisfying
17.03.2017 13:16:00  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Der Raven

Dem armen Kerl haben sie ja auch gleich ihre Grafikkarten angeboten Breites Grinsen
17.03.2017 13:21:22  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Was ihm nichts bringt, da er irgendein Winzgehäuse mit integrierter CPU/GPU-Kombo ohne Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten hat. Tjo, Pech. Breites Grinsen
17.03.2017 13:35:28  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
PTR Patch Notes 1.10

Änderungen an Lucio, Eichenwalde und dem 2CP-Maps-Zähler


[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 18.03.2017 3:50]
18.03.2017 2:36:18  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Woah, nett.
18.03.2017 2:50:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Die Rechnung

AUP Die Rechnung 06.06.2009
woot, gute Änderungen.
*e erst lesen dann posten
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Die Rechnung am 18.03.2017 3:22]
18.03.2017 3:13:17  Zum letzten Beitrag
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d.n.M. *TtC*

holy fuck, ob sie Lucio wirklich so schnell werden lassen? Das schreit ja geradezu nach Lucio the Disruptor.

könnte allerdings ne Menge Spaß machen
18.03.2017 8:47:18  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Roter Fuchs

AUP Roter Fuchs 04.08.2009
Holy Shit diese Änderungen sind ja genial. Hoffentlich kommen die im Orisa Update gleich mit.
18.03.2017 11:19:18  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Ja, sieht echt nett aus. Lucio fand ich bisher furchtbar langweilig, da 80% seines Jobs darin bestanden, einfach nur irgendwo in der Gegend herumzustehen.
DSPStanky und andere konnten zwar irre Kletterpartien anstellen, aber der Unterschied zum fünfjährigen Sohn, dem du sagst "Lauf mal schön Papa hinterher und drücke die Speedboost-Taste, wenn ich es sage, okay?" erschien unterm Strich nicht besonders groß.

Der neue Lucio hingegen sieht deutlich spaßiger aus.

Orisa (Patch 1.9) kommt kommenden Dienstag (21.3.).
Die Lucio-Änderungen (Patch 1.10) sind dagegen gestern Nacht erst auf den PTR gekommen. Von dort auf die Live-Server dauert es meist drei Wochen.

/e Apropos:
DSPStanky testet die PTR-Änderungen
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 18.03.2017 16:56]
18.03.2017 15:05:28  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Herr der Lage

Orisa (Patch 1.9) kommt kommenden Dienstag (21.3.).
Die Lucio-Änderungen (Patch 1.10) sind dagegen gestern Nacht erst auf den PTR gekommen.


Endlich mal ein Anreiz Overwatch mal wieder zu starten.
18.03.2017 16:41:09  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: Overwatch II ( Catchphrase! )
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