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 Thema: Funthread ( ich finde das nicht lustig. )
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AUP TheRealHawk 26.11.2007

Shit Breites Grinsen
17.09.2017 11:20:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP EL ZORRO 03.03.2016
Boah, so witzig wie ein Tritt in die Eier (aber nur in den ersten 2 Sekunden).
17.09.2017 12:45:10  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP derSenner 08.04.2020
17.09.2017 12:48:17  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Schm3rz 25.03.2022
Zitat von EL ZORRO

Boah, so witzig wie ein Tritt in die Eier (aber nur in den ersten 2 Sekunden).

Nö, ist sogar noch länger witzig
17.09.2017 15:20:47  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Abtei* 11.06.2012

Luftsand, weeeee Breites Grinsen
17.09.2017 19:11:39  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Abtei* 11.06.2012
unglaeubig gucken
zoom zoom zoom

17.09.2017 19:29:09  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP -=[R]o$a|PuD3[L]^ 31.07.2012
Zitat von Abtei*

zoom zoom zoom


Ich war mal auf einer Hundemesse. Und da hatten die so einen kompletten Hindernisparkour wie beim Springreiten. Da ist der Trainer auch nebenher gerannt. 14 Hindernisse, welche beidseitig begangen werden mussten. Das war beeindruckend schnell von den Hunden.
17.09.2017 19:38:12  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Abtei* 11.06.2012
Die Trainer mussten auch über die hindernisse? Ansonsten no competition.
17.09.2017 19:43:43  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP -=[R]o$a|PuD3[L]^ 31.07.2012
Nee, nur außenrum. Aber die waren schon im Sprint dabei.
17.09.2017 19:49:11  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Randbauer 08.07.2015
17.09.2017 20:46:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Lord Nighthawk

Deutscher BF
Häh, wasn daran lustig, sieht doch immer so aus wenn Frau kocht oder nicht? :E
17.09.2017 21:02:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Phillinger 11.02.2013
Ich habe schlechte Neuigkeiten für dich.
17.09.2017 21:10:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Abtei*


Luftsand, weeeee Breites Grinsen

Ich habe die ganze Zeit darauf gewartet, dass etwas ekliges aus dem Sand schießt und versucht, den Ball oder die Hand zu essen.

17.09.2017 21:13:51  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Phillinger 11.02.2013
Same here.
17.09.2017 21:15:57  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP WilhelmTell 13.04.2020
Zitat von Abtei*

Die Trainer mussten auch über die hindernisse? Ansonsten no competition.

Kuck dir mal ein paar Flyball-Videos auf yt an. Je fitter und trainierter die Hunde, desto fetter die Besitzer.

17.09.2017 22:22:40  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP [FGS]E-RaZoR 19.09.2011

This happened last Thursday.
Last year, one of my friends recorded a particularly nasty fart and emailed it to my work e-mail (we work at the same company so the attachment wasn't filtered out). I absent-mindedly opened the file and blasted an outrageous fart through my speakers, causing all of my adjacent coworkers to burst into laughter, thinking I was the offender.
Not one to be upstaged by anyone, I spent an entire year brooding over the event, and plotting my terrible revenge. I'm a reasonably healthy 20's-something male, but like anyone, I suffer from acute morning thunder. I decided to record each bout of gas for 365 days and then mix it all into one immortal track that would go down in history as the most heinous audio file ever created in the universe. Two months ago, I completed my dark task. It was beautiful. It was a symphony of sound, produced by the most melodic of all human instruments. It even had a tremendous finale, a crescendo that would make V for Vendetta waft his hands through the air whimsically.
It might seem strange that two employees would use their company's intranet to pull such vile pranks, but our company sucks, and the IT guy absolutely does not keep any tabs on the browsing/email habits of the employees.
Since our company filters out any incoming emails with attachments from outside accounts, I had to manually upload the file to my work computer and then send it to my victim. However, I'd named the file something nonsensical, like 411h231_08, so that it would not draw any attention by passing coworkers. I sent the email and my buddy laughed hysterically. I felt vindicated. Everything was cool.
But, other responsibilities distracted me after the event, and I forgot to delete the file.
A few weeks later (Thursday), I sent out an email with a few files that was intended to reach several departments in our company. Among the attachments, I accidentally included 411h231_08. Its name looked identical to the short list of files stored in the same folder.
When I came back from lunch, several people were staring at me. I got a call at my desk phone a few minutes later. It was the human resources manager, requesting my presence in the meeting room upstairs. Upstairs is where you go to meet with the CEO, CFO, human resources, and have really important meetings. You only go up there to get promoted or to get fired.
I walked into the meeting room and saw my two supervisors, their manager, the HR lady and her assistant, the CEO, and the owner of the company. They asked me to be seated, then wordlessly played the audio file on a laptop while all of them watched me with unblinking, expressionless faces. I immediately turned beet-red and wanted to die. I almost walked out of the room to pack my shit and vacate. But they listened to my explanation, told me I should keep my disgusting habits to myself, and then dismissed me. One of them later told me he found the recording hilarious. The thing I got in most trouble for was uploading a file to our network.
Since someone might ask, Here is the audio file, not for the faint of heart, or those without headphones.
TL;DR: I uploaded a sound file of hundreds of farts to my company's network, sent it to a coworker, then forgot about it. Weeks later I accidentally attached it to a company-wide email and almost got fired.
18.09.2017 14:02:54  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP TheRealHawk 26.11.2007
18.09.2017 14:09:25  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP sinister.sinner 24.01.2016
Zitat von [FGS]E-RaZoR


This happened last Thursday.
Last year, one of my friends recorded a particularly nasty fart and emailed it to my work e-mail (we work at the same company so the attachment wasn't filtered out). I absent-mindedly opened the file and blasted an outrageous fart through my speakers, causing all of my adjacent coworkers to burst into laughter, thinking I was the offender.
Not one to be upstaged by anyone, I spent an entire year brooding over the event, and plotting my terrible revenge. I'm a reasonably healthy 20's-something male, but like anyone, I suffer from acute morning thunder. I decided to record each bout of gas for 365 days and then mix it all into one immortal track that would go down in history as the most heinous audio file ever created in the universe. Two months ago, I completed my dark task. It was beautiful. It was a symphony of sound, produced by the most melodic of all human instruments. It even had a tremendous finale, a crescendo that would make V for Vendetta waft his hands through the air whimsically.
It might seem strange that two employees would use their company's intranet to pull such vile pranks, but our company sucks, and the IT guy absolutely does not keep any tabs on the browsing/email habits of the employees.
Since our company filters out any incoming emails with attachments from outside accounts, I had to manually upload the file to my work computer and then send it to my victim. However, I'd named the file something nonsensical, like 411h231_08, so that it would not draw any attention by passing coworkers. I sent the email and my buddy laughed hysterically. I felt vindicated. Everything was cool.
But, other responsibilities distracted me after the event, and I forgot to delete the file.
A few weeks later (Thursday), I sent out an email with a few files that was intended to reach several departments in our company. Among the attachments, I accidentally included 411h231_08. Its name looked identical to the short list of files stored in the same folder.
When I came back from lunch, several people were staring at me. I got a call at my desk phone a few minutes later. It was the human resources manager, requesting my presence in the meeting room upstairs. Upstairs is where you go to meet with the CEO, CFO, human resources, and have really important meetings. You only go up there to get promoted or to get fired.
I walked into the meeting room and saw my two supervisors, their manager, the HR lady and her assistant, the CEO, and the owner of the company. They asked me to be seated, then wordlessly played the audio file on a laptop while all of them watched me with unblinking, expressionless faces. I immediately turned beet-red and wanted to die. I almost walked out of the room to pack my shit and vacate. But they listened to my explanation, told me I should keep my disgusting habits to myself, and then dismissed me. One of them later told me he found the recording hilarious. The thing I got in most trouble for was uploading a file to our network.
Since someone might ask, Here is the audio file, not for the faint of heart, or those without headphones.
TL;DR: I uploaded a sound file of hundreds of farts to my company's network, sent it to a coworker, then forgot about it. Weeks later I accidentally attached it to a company-wide email and almost got fired.

Breites Grinsen Breites Grinsen

/e wenn man den kollegen nicht ellenlang erklären will, warum man grad nen lachkrampf hat #lolcantbreath
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von sinister.sinner am 18.09.2017 14:12]
18.09.2017 14:12:06  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Smoking44* 22.04.2010
Die Geschichte fand ich so lala, aber das soundfile hats mir angetan. So ein scheiß wird einfach nicht alt... Breites Grinsen #humorvon12jährigen
18.09.2017 14:14:11  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Schm3rz 25.03.2022
verschmitzt lachen
Zitat von Randbauer


18.09.2017 14:25:25  Zum letzten Beitrag
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[k44] Obi Wahn

Breites Grinsen
18.09.2017 14:28:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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UT Malcom
Zitat von [FGS]E-RaZoR



Welcher normale Mensch würde in so einer Situation denn auch noch zugeben, sich über 1 Jahr lang morgens das Handy an den Arsch gehalten zu haben um seine Morgenfürze aufzunehmen? Da hätte man ja zumindest sowas draus machen können wie 'ja sorry, sollte ein blöder Scherz für einen Kollegen sein, ich hab da halt was ausm Internet zusammengeschnitten...'.
18.09.2017 15:10:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Schm3rz 25.03.2022
Zitat von Smoking44*

Die Geschichte fand ich so lala, aber das soundfile hats mir angetan. So ein scheiß wird einfach nicht alt... Breites Grinsen #humorvon12jährigen

Das Analstaccato ist wirklich erheiterndBreites Grinsen
18.09.2017 15:47:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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[k44] Obi Wahn

18.09.2017 16:17:47  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Slutti 26.02.2010

leL! Minute 4:25
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Slutti am 18.09.2017 16:45]
18.09.2017 16:45:25  Zum letzten Beitrag
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UT Malcom
Der Channel ist so großartig.
18.09.2017 17:42:28  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Randbauer 08.07.2015
18.09.2017 17:49:13  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP wuSel 24.02.2008
... caveman?
18.09.2017 18:11:06  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Smoking44* 22.04.2010
Ferde sind scheiße.
18.09.2017 18:12:13  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP shp.makonnen 01.01.2019
Supernintendo Chalmers
18.09.2017 18:12:17  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: Funthread ( ich finde das nicht lustig. )
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