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 Thema: Star Citizen & Squadron 42 V ( [Redacted] )
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AUP krang 09.01.2008
... Topp
Das Landen geht verdammt gut, auch mit der dicken Cutlass. Super animiert, gut zu machen. War gerade sogar richtig überrascht, wie schön der Schatten an den Tanks auf den Landing Pads animiert ist im Anflug. Inclusive ausfahren der Füßle. Bin von dem kleinen Schritt wieder hübsch begeistert.
Funfact: Fande es lustig, als ich kurz ausgestiegen bin, vergessen zu haben, die Heckklappe wieder zu schließen. Und schon kann man offen rumfliegen. mit den Augen rollend
23.03.2015 20:35:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Ist die HP schon geupdated in bezug auf hardpoints? ich hab noch so das gefühl...würd mal gerne nachlesen, was man wo anpappen kann, jetzt wo ich mich dank rec in den holotable einarbeite.

hornet f7c hab ich schonmal mit 2 gimbals und 2er waffen bestückt...ich brauch noch die nose gun nach mehr rec. Kann ich den shield generator auch austauschen?
23.03.2015 21:02:08  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Expressreiskocher

Dafür musst du schon 10cm über der Plattform schweben, sonst ballerst du mit einer Irrsinnsgeschwindigkeit auf die Plattform und das Fahrwerk knickt weg.
Da fehlt also noch der Zwischenschritt 3,5 "Auskuppeln"... Breites Grinsen

Auskuppeln ist doch das Erste was ich mache, nach dem der AC geladen hat.Augenzwinkern

Ok, dieses Wochenende vielleicht nicht, weil's total verbuggt war.
24.03.2015 8:25:23  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Ruckus 21.03.2008
@Hetzi: Ipad- Interface (Link)

24.03.2015 13:43:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Karai 18.01.2015
etwas für sehr schlecht befinden
Das ist so hässlich, da geh ich lieber im Vakuum drauf.
24.03.2015 17:00:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Ist die kostenlose Testphase für nicht-Mitglieder vorbei?
Also muss ich mir nun ein Package + Schiff kaufen um zu spielen?
24.03.2015 17:27:42  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
War nur bis zum 15.3, korrekt.
24.03.2015 17:33:03  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP krang 09.01.2008
Zitat von Ruckus

@Hetzi: Ipad- Interface (Link)


Gibts das auch für Android? Augenzwinkern
24.03.2015 17:44:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Q1. Since you assholes refuse to implement Viscera Cleanup Detail in spite of my repeated requests, will you at least let me clean up those Gold Horizon space stations that players will be fighting over?

A1. After you murder everyone on board you'll be able to repair and fix them up. Long term (ie never) you'll be able to add modules and we'll provide other space stations to fight over. Really. It will totally be a thing. I'm not just saying this so you'll spend more money.

Q2. Tax chat.

A2. Taxes will be simple. Mostly fees and sales tax. Orgs will be able to milk their members through a variety of ways (flat fees, percentages, etc).

Q3. Apparently I think asking about trees is important enough that everybody should know about it.

A3. Jesus fuck yes there will be fucking trees (also holy shit you have to watch Chris's response after at 6:39 ).


A4. Exploding Barrels.

Q5. I have mining-induced priapism and I need to see a doctor. Can I dump my ore all over my hangar while I get this checked out? I mean a normal person would just leave it on their ship, but FUCK THAT IMMERSION DICTATES I DROP ROCKS EVERYWHERE.

A5. Keep it on the ship you fucking sperg. I mean fuck it, yeah you can leave the cargo in your hangar or whatever, but the Orion is WHERE ROCKS BELONG. THEY LIKE IT THERE. IT MAKES THEM HAPPY TO BE MELTED DOWN INTO METAL. Fucking nerds.

Q6. Man, fuck those nerds who just want Firefly in Star Citizen, right? Losers can't imagine a game with original IP (or just reskinned Wing Commander IP let's be honest here). It's kind of sad really. Oh by the way have you seen this awesome show called Farscape? There should totally be organic ships!

A6. Right now? No. Maybe later, after release, in that magical span of space and time where I dump all the wish fulfillment requests that people will pledge more for if I say yes.

Q7. Can I use my elite hacking skills to pretend my Aurora is a Bengal?

A7. Yup. There will be mechanics in place so you can hide your ID signal, or make your ship appear to be something else.

Q8. I don't understand that the modularity stretch goal has nothing to do with hardpoints.

A8. The modularity stretch goal has nothing to do with hardpoints.

Q9. Can I demand that people entering my ship relinquish their weapons? When will the cavity search module be implemented?

A9. You'll have the ability to scan people and determine if they're armed.

Q10. Can I fly my ship without that super awesome helmet that puts all the data I could possibly require right in front of me?

A10. Yeah, sure, whatever. You can pull a Han Solo and fly your Mary Sue around the galaxy in a duster and fedora. Some ships (ie the logically designed military ones) may require certain equipment to fly them.

24.03.2015 19:43:50  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Ruckus 21.03.2008
Zitat von G@uner

Ist die kostenlose Testphase für nicht-Mitglieder vorbei?
Also muss ich mir nun ein Package + Schiff kaufen um zu spielen?

Falls du den Code hergenommen hast, sollte es auf die Aurora/ Mustang- Starterpakete 15% Rabatt damit geben


Zitat von krang

Gibts das auch für Android? Augenzwinkern

Leider nicht traurig
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Ruckus am 24.03.2015 20:11]
24.03.2015 19:48:58  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Ich bekomm hier langsam zustände...ich hab genau dieses bild vor augen, wenn ich die "all fixed!" posts der devs sehe...
24.03.2015 21:34:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP krang 09.01.2008
Zitat von Ruckus

Zitat von krang

Gibts das auch für Android? Augenzwinkern

Leider nicht traurig

Der play store wirft das da aus:

Ship control. Sieht aber nicht sehr hübsch aus :x
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von krang am 25.03.2015 9:31]
25.03.2015 9:29:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Ruckus 21.03.2008
Jemand hat angeblich die Vanguard schon mal auf dem Rechner eines Designers bei einer Firmentour gesehen.

I have actually seen the concept 3d model. Gurmac (designer of the carrak) was working on it when I had a tour of Santa Monica. It looks very much like a smaller retaliator with folding wings for combat and the same bomb shield he put on the carrak. I didn't like the pointy lawn dart nose,
however and told him so.


"The last concept listed is very close. The engines on the vanguard I saw where longer but in general terms this one is closest." (Link)

Einer von CIG hat auch geantwortet:

... and I'll also mention that the Vanguard has changed a lot just in the last few days. Some of this is accurate and a bunch isn't

Na ja, mal den Freitag abwarten wie das Teil so wird.
25.03.2015 18:36:25  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012

Weil es hier besser als im Funthread passt.
Inklusive Macross Missile Massacre.
25.03.2015 18:40:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Glätteisen 15.02.2012
Zitat von Ruckus

Jemand hat angeblich die Vanguard schon mal auf dem Rechner eines Designers bei einer Firmentour gesehen.

I have actually seen the concept 3d model. Gurmac (designer of the carrak) was working on it when I had a tour of Santa Monica. It looks very much like a smaller retaliator with folding wings for combat and the same bomb shield he put on the carrak. I didn't like the pointy lawn dart nose,
however and told him so.



"The last concept listed is very close. The engines on the vanguard I saw where longer but in general terms this one is closest." (Link)

Einer von CIG hat auch geantwortet:

... and I'll also mention that the Vanguard has changed a lot just in the last few days. Some of this is accurate and a bunch isn't

Na ja, mal den Freitag abwarten wie das Teil so wird.

Sie sollte wenigstens etwas nach Raumschiff aussehen.
25.03.2015 18:46:41  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Noobfrage zum Spielprinzip: Kann man sich das Spiel wie Destiny, 1st und 3rd Person plus Raumfahrten(und Schlachten) vorstellen? Ich werde aus den Trailern und Letsplays noch nicht so ganz schlau. Wo liegt der Schwerpunkt?
26.03.2015 0:13:21  Zum letzten Beitrag
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wird eigentlich im startpost recht gut erläutert.
26.03.2015 7:14:49  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Bin gestern ein wenig mit Sobi geflogen, coop Vanduul Swarm.
Ab wann gibt es Da diese REC? Wir warn casual unterwegs und haben noch an den Einstellungen rumgedremelt und kamen bis Runde 10.
Gab aber nix für.
Kann uns da mal jemand erleuchten, ab wann gibts Knete?

If you can´t shoot it up - blow it up !
26.03.2015 7:30:35  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Zitat von Atomsk

wird eigentlich im startpost recht gut erläutert.


Breites Grinsen
26.03.2015 8:35:16  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Ruckus 21.03.2008
Ziemlich viele Vanguard-Bilder (und Animationen) dieses Mal in AtV


Was ich eher enttäuschend finde:

For a hornet or a lightning, you’ll have to refuel on a carrier, you won’t be able to take off from a land base and go a star-system away. You’re going to have to stop, refuel, and then continue. With the Vanguard, you can just go straight there.

Das heißt, dass entferntere Weltraumflüge mit Schiffen wie der Hornet ziemlich nervig werden dürften traurig

/¤: Und 250$ als Preis wurden nochmal bestätigt
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 7 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Ruckus am 26.03.2015 18:57]
26.03.2015 18:17:42  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Glätteisen 15.02.2012
Schon nicht unhäßlich das gute Teil.
26.03.2015 18:39:49  Zum letzten Beitrag
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P38 Lightning. Me likes.
26.03.2015 18:47:18  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Lunovis 27.11.2007
sort of wat.

schön ist definitiv anders.
26.03.2015 19:01:03  Zum letzten Beitrag
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unglaeubig gucken
ja irgendwie weiss nich
26.03.2015 19:01:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP BlackBandit 07.04.2019
betruebt gucken
es schützt so nur euren geldbeutel.
26.03.2015 19:02:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Lunovis 27.11.2007
die super hornet hat auch eine jump engine...

zumindest laut specs.
26.03.2015 19:04:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Ruckus 21.03.2008
RtV ist dieses Mal tatsächlich interessant. Da lohnt es sich direkt mal wieder, die Notes zu posten:

  • Server issues. It’s great news all around, even though it’s slowing some people down. Working on 1.1a that should fix some issues. It’s a good problem that too many people want to play though.
  • Vanguard release tomorrow, waiting for release renders.
  • Soon we’ll see things from the German office. They’re putting together a video walkthrough. An intro will be shot with CR later today. The guy editing the piece is the same guy who did the Hornet commercial and all the early commercials. Should be a good walkthrough.
  • Subscriber perks are coming along nicely, should be revealed next week or so. Before they switch to a third year of subscription, they want to reward folks for now. Awarding REC so that subscribers can fly any ship for 7 days, instead of one.
  • REC balance - Right now, REC is simply based on the current price on the website. 10% of the UEC, and UEC is 1000x a dollar or something.
  • Ship Prices in REC are not based on what the ships will cost in the PU, just based on what they’re costing on the site right now. The prices will change significantly when the economy is implemented.
  • You cannot buy game-character slots with in-game credits. That’s something you’ll have to buy with money outside of the game.
  • Yes, the completionist package includes the Vanguard.
  • Limited ships will be “in and out” for rent with REC just like they are “in and out” in terms of being for sale. These will be available more often through REC than they are for sale on the Site though. More chances to rent with REC than buy with Cash.
  • New Starfarer art came in last night. They will “find a way to share this”.
  • Ship Design is a LONG process to make changes. They capture feedback, send it to the artists, and then see back. They make multiple passes at things.
  • CIG look at all feedback. Just because they haven’t addressed something you’re concerned about, doesn’t mean they aren’t looking at it. Won’t make every change fans want.
  • Making a pass at the Freelancer and Constellation right now, because they need changes. The Retaliator will get changes as well, but it takes time. It won’t come tomorrow.
  • Probably worse to react immediately to feedback. Need to relax and gather information and feedback over a longer period. It sounds annoying, but they have to be measured with it. Things have to be fixed in the best way for the most people, but also they have to stay true to the vision for the game. They’re not ignoring any feedback. If we know about it, Devs know about it.
  • Eddie Del Rio is working on the concept for the Endeavour. He did the Xi’An Scout.
  • REC is a bit too easy to earn currently. Will be adjusted.
  • For all the arguing that came with REC, it’s pretty cool that CIG take part of the team, changed their schedule, and now they’re figuring out how it works with us. REC was not part of the plan, but Feedback from the Fans said it was needed.
  • Ben forgot the Vault Update yesterday, he will put it up today.
  • Narrowing down on a release date for FPS launch. Will do an AtV/RtV from Denver.
  • Travis says the FPS is looking very good, much more polished. Lots more work on animations, characters will be very smooth once it gets out.
  • Largest ever dev playtest with the FPS yesterday. (for CIG). Very smooth sailing with FPS so far.
  • A reminder of the rule. If it’s a concept sale, the ship has LTI. Makes up for the fact that there might be 8 months before you see the ship again. It’ll be cheapest in the concept sale as well. It goes up a bit in price for the Hangar sale. The earlier you pledge, the more they can put the money pledged into the game.
  • Vanguard is 250$.
  • Hull E confirmed. (A = station wagon, B = box truck/RV, C = tractor trailer, D = between C and E, E = Supertanker)
  • They’re working on having ‘shoulder patches’ things for FPS. Part of the character customization stuff.
  • SXSW skin will be added to the store.
  • Balancing input control methods will be ongoing till, and probably after, launch. There are plans to balance mouse / keyboards.
  • Changes to Mounts / Gimbals falls under that.
  • They’re in Alpha right now. They’re looking at ways to make things as nuanced as possible in the final game.
  • There was no SXSW presentation, just the trailer, so that’s all that’s going up on the RSI site.
  • Avenger variants will be a little longer… Squadron 42 is the focus right now.
  • Ben will try to get some new images of the Idris, being polished up in Foundry 42.
  • Crucible and other ships are being doled out to concept artists.
  • The Cutlass can land in an Idris. As can a Hornet. The Orion can’t.
  • We’ll see the Herald again soon. It’s being put into the game as we speak. It’s in SQ42 chapter 1.
  • Chris is headed to the UK this weekend. He will be there for THREE MONTHS as he will be directing the big performance capture shoot for Squadron 42.
  • CIG have dealt with the issue of the Reddit leak. It’s off site, they’re not going to censor it. Even if CIG hate it, Reddit can do its own thing. Reddit’s organic. It’s in the hands of legal now.
  • Starfarer mid-space refueling will probably be similar to mid-air refueling as it is in real life now, but it’ll probably be pretty automatic. It’s not another skill that needs to be learned.
  • There are always three types of sales. Concept, with LTI. Hangar-ready, with 6 months, flight-ready, with 6 months.
  • Reliant will be different. It will be added permanently to the store as soon as it is flight-ready. Will appear in the Fly Now screen with the other starters. Will be made quickly and likely go from Hangar to Flight fairly quickly.
  • The Idris Landing ability is an ongoing term of debate. It will still have protection - same protection as being in a Hangar - but they don’t have a definite option. Still plenty of time before that’s needed.
  • There may be the option between manual and automatic for mid-space fueling. There’s no downside to doing automatic, though it might be needed sometimes because something’s damaged or something.
  • The MISC Reliant will have an LTI concept sale.
  • UEE Environment Coat, like all clothing customization options, will have an impact on your character. In this case… protecting from environmental hazards somewhat.
  • If you want to know what the Vanguard is, check out today’s AtV.
  • GURMUKH EVENT TONIGHT. He will be talking at the Gnoman School of Visual Effects - Gurmukh, Omar, Elwin, Forrest. In LA area @ 7:30 local.
  • Merchantman - it’s coming.
  • Working on creating “better” events with a lot more stuff to do, more information on what you will get and what you will see. Make them more comprehensive. Not particularly happy with how PAX East and SXSW went.
  • Fly free for Gladius starting tomorrow.
  • Vanguard sale starting tomorrow.
  • 1.1.0a is a work in progress. Coming SoonTM.

Die m.E. wichtigsten Sachen hab ich nochmal kursiv hervorgehoben. Besonders interessant finde ich, dass die Reliant einen LTI-Sale haben wird. Das wird Aurora-LTI-Sales wohl radikal verbilligen. Und auch noch dafür sorgen, dass fast alle Schiffe LTI haben werden.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Ruckus am 26.03.2015 19:14]
26.03.2015 19:11:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Glätteisen 15.02.2012
Avenger variants will be a little longer… Squadron 42 is the focus right now.


Und was war das mit dem Reddit-Leak?
Das hab ich nicht mitbekommen.
26.03.2015 19:18:25  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Fersoltil 26.04.2021
Wenn ich mit der hornet nicht zuverlässig rumspringen kann kotz ich im Strahl
26.03.2015 19:21:03  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Glätteisen

Avenger variants will be a little longer… Squadron 42 is the focus right now.


Und was war das mit dem Reddit-Leak?
Das hab ich nicht mitbekommen.

reddit leak waren die Screenshots vom CIG Jira mit der Releaseplanung inkl. aller SQ42 Missionsnamen usw.
26.03.2015 19:24:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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