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 Thema: Der Brexit ( Wird das UK die EU verlassen? )
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AUP Bombur 24.06.2010
Unter dieser Königin wird der kein Lord mehr. Unter Charles auch nicht.
15.09.2019 10:54:21  Zum letzten Beitrag
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15.09.2019 10:59:52  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL

15.09.2019 12:01:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Mobius 30.12.2023
Analogie passt ja. Der Hulk zerstört dabei auch alles, was ihm lieb und wichtig ist.
15.09.2019 12:05:16  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bombur 24.06.2010
Und das ist der Ferrigno-Hulk. Der war nicht mal kugelsicher.
15.09.2019 12:26:25  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Und grün im Gesicht sind sie da bestimmt auch oft. Aber ich glaube ja, dass liegt am Essen.
15.09.2019 17:40:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Es läuft alles nach Plan.
52 % der 1504 repräsentativ befragten Briten befürworteten ein Referendum über die irische Wiedervereinigung, nur 19 % verneinten dies.
Auch in Bezug auf eine mögliche zweite Volksabstimmung über Schottlands Unabhängigkeit bejaht die größte Gruppe der Befragten ein Referendum. Eine absolute Mehrheit dafür gibt es allerdings nicht: Immerhin 45 % der Briten würden eine Abstimmung aber unterstützen. Dem stehen rund 30 % Abstimmungsgegner gegenüber - und mit 25 % relativ viele Briten, die sich in dieser Frage nicht festlegen wollen.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Badmintonspieler am 15.09.2019 19:40]
15.09.2019 19:40:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Mobius 30.12.2023
Fragment all the things?
15.09.2019 19:45:00  Zum letzten Beitrag
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verschmitzt lachen
Es ist auf jeden Fall eine Lösung des Problems.

Die Lib Dems legen sich fest:
15.09.2019 21:50:12  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Badmintonspieler

Es läuft alles nach Plan.
52 % der 1504 repräsentativ befragten Briten befürworteten ein Referendum über die irische Wiedervereinigung, nur 19 % verneinten dies.
Auch in Bezug auf eine mögliche zweite Volksabstimmung über Schottlands Unabhängigkeit bejaht die größte Gruppe der Befragten ein Referendum. Eine absolute Mehrheit dafür gibt es allerdings nicht: Immerhin 45 % der Briten würden eine Abstimmung aber unterstützen. Dem stehen rund 30 % Abstimmungsgegner gegenüber - und mit 25 % relativ viele Briten, die sich in dieser Frage nicht festlegen wollen.


selbst DUP-Mitglieder sind für eine Volksabstimmung. Das muss man mal anmerken
15.09.2019 21:52:12  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Jeden Tag was neues. Wer jetzt noch GZSZ guckt, is selbst schuld.
15.09.2019 21:54:49  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Interessabter Post auf Reddit, welcher zusammenfasst warum soviele Briten für Leave gevotet haben. Ist auch für viele andere Länder von Bedeutung in welchen populistische Alternativen gerade so einen Aufschwung haben.
As others have said this is the crux of it, the Tories are going after seats in the North that they have no chance of winning short of the second coming of Christ declaring himself on Bojo's side. (In reality I suspect the messiah would have some pointed words to say about the Conservative party, but as miracles haven't been a factor for a while now I'll leave that to one side.)

One of the things that seems to be forgotten is that the Brexit vote wasn't just about Europe, people voted for Brexit for the same reason they voted for Trump. And if you go back thirty years it's the same reason they voted for Magaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. That being that the economic system under which they were living was not working for them. 2008 should have been the reset button on our economic system, just like the Oil Shocks and the Winter of discontent were in the late 70s. Instead central banks stepped in and resuscitated a dying system and have kept it propped up ever since.

And the important thing is that for working people it isn't a healthy system. If you look at wage growth in the Western world the bottom 80% of the workforce have seen their wages either decrease in real terms or stagnate whilst the top 20% (and then in turn the top 20% of that 20%) have seen their wages, and their share of wealth increase dramatically. Right wing pundits usually chime in with GDP growth, low unemployment, global poverty. Which matters bugger all to a fifty year old man in Yorkshire who saw his Dad bring home enough pay to support a whole family, whilst both he and his wife work, and yet each year it gets harder to cover all their expenditure. Whose kids have to move to London because there is no work locally. Whose local institutions are consistently gutted. As far as he's concerned the fact that China has lifted more people out of poverty over the last twenty years than live in Europe is the square root of diddly squat. He cares that the local care home is closing down and his mother is having to move to a shite one thirty miles down the road. He cares that he can't get an appointment at his GP. If he's lucky he owns the house he lives in, but even then it's likely mortgaged and because he's not had a real pay rise in ten years chances are he's looking at the balance of payments and wondering how the fuck he's going to pay it all off before he retires.

Brexit is, fundamentally, the misdirected rage of working people (both working and middle class) who have cottoned onto the fact that we've spent the last thirty years getting taken for a ride by the investor class who've made trillions by making sure everyone else is poorer, more insecure, and more debt laden than their parents were.

But by the same token the party that is, to the hilt, embedded within that economic and political power structure is going to struggle to articulate why people who voted to leave the EU should vote for them, because sure they'll leave the EU but after that they're still going to be picking your pocket. True populists like Farage get away with it because they're blank canvasses in terms of peoples institutional memory. People look at the Brexit party and they don't see the free market rapaciousness of Magaret Thatcher, they see getting out of the EU so Britain can reject globalisation. They're fundamentally wrong when they see that because the Brexit party is funded by people for whom the low interest rate, high unemployment, and globalised labour force is a key part of how they've made and will continue to make money. But that's not readily apparent because the Brexit Party doesn't really have any past actions to stand beside and the media when it bothers to point that out is easily discredited because it's the same media that's spent the past ten years telling people that everything with the current system is fine and because the banks were unregulated and we had to bail them out that means that your local library is closing down and your kids school now belongs to an academy who just sold the playing fields so Amazon can build a warehouse staffed with robots.

It's also why I don't get the desire from some people to go back to a centrist labour party. Arguably we got a centrist party in 2010 with Cameron, and stuff got worse for the vast majority of people. Tinkering round the edges of the economy and how it's balanced isn't going to fix the structural problems, and if anything just gives your opponents more ability to water down already weak proposals. Ed Miliband suffered from that in 2015 when he ran on a moderate platform and was described as a wild eyed radical. The end result of which was that the Scots finally gave up with the Labour party, and the people who've been most screwed by the centrist policies of the neo-liberal consensus didn't bother to vote because why would they when they didn't have anyone fighting their corner. You don't win this by appealing to the centre ground, you win by inspiring those who don't usually vote to vote for you because you give a shit about them.

And the weird, and darkly amusing, thing is that the City of London, shareholders, billionaires and rentiers of the world need the Overton window to shift back to the left. The global economy of 2019 is still on life support after 2008. Interest rates are flat. The United States printed Trillions of dollars to save the banks, it printed still more in Quantitive easing and the interest rates did exactly what no one expected, they stayed flat. The capacity for growth is being severely restricted by the fact that we're a consumerist society who have broke consumers.

But even beyond that a system that consistently pisses off and treads on 80% of the population to enrich the top 1%, or rather the top 0.01, is not sustainable. If you don't believe me look at France in the 18th century, or Russia in the 20th. Sooner or later the pendulum has to swing back the other way, and when it does it peacefully you end up with stuff like the New Deal and the Postwar Consensus. But if you keep pressing down on the lid of discontent you end up with populists, fascists, radicals, and revolutionaries and those don't tend to end well because they come out in an explosion of anger that tends to get hijacked by bad actors and everybody loses. Except in this case there's a chance that everybody loses permanently because if the world is convulsed with conflict, war, revolution and economic collapse then the chances of us actually acting fast enough and far enough to stop climate change is close to zero.

I suspect that's why the Financial Times is becoming less critical to McDonald, or at the very least looking at his proposals for what they are, and not for what Conservative Central Office describes them as. An Economics professor once said he only trusts the FT because investors can't afford to lie to themselves. If that's the case the argument is shifting, finally, and we might actually start to move away from the current economic model to one that's better able to cope with our current world.

16.09.2019 13:30:20  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014

Luxembourg PM holds press conference alone after protesters boo Boris Johnson


And here's where I'd put all the Brexit solutions presented by the Brits...

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 4 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 17.09.2019 14:00]
16.09.2019 17:02:07  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Bei dem Ergebnis hätte ich mich auch verpisst.

Brexit: UK offers no solution to replace backstop, says EU

16.09.2019 17:06:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Morgen beginnt die Verhandlung vor dem obersten Gericht oder?
16.09.2019 17:25:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL


Dieser Absatz, ne.

But the prime minister's official spokesman said: "The position of the PM is that we comply with the law, but that we are leaving on 31 October whatever the outcome."

They also confirmed that the current date set for a transition period - the time for the UK and EU to negotiate their future relationship after officially leaving - of December 2020 would not be extended.

16.09.2019 17:29:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Welche transition period bei nem hard brexit?

Er geht wohl wirklich davon aus, ein abkommen zu erzielen.
16.09.2019 17:33:28  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Japaner BF
But the prime minister's official spokesman said: "The position of the PM is that we comply with the law, but that we are leaving on 31 October whatever the outcome."

"Wir werden uns an geltendes Recht halten, werden das Recht am 31. ggf. aber auch brechen"


[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von BIBI BOLXBERG am 16.09.2019 17:50]
16.09.2019 17:50:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Eleven supreme court justices will hear the politically charged claim that Boris Johnson acted unlawfully in advising the Queen to suspend parliament for five weeks in order to stifle debate over the Brexit crisis.

All but one of the judges on the UK’s highest court will be on the bench on Tuesday when the case opens. The hearing will be livestreamed on the supreme court website.

A decision last Friday to increase the number of judges from nine to 11 signifies its constitutional significance and may indicate how finely balanced the arguments are considered to be. >

16.09.2019 19:34:06  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Wer ist der Loser, der nicht mitmachen darf?traurig
16.09.2019 20:59:35  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Armag3ddon 04.01.2011
16.09.2019 21:42:59  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP sinister.sinner 24.01.2016
17.09.2019 13:50:18  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
EU given Brexit draft with backstop scrubbed out, UK sources admit >

Boris Johnson’s Brexit negotiators have so far only presented the EU with a draft of the withdrawal agreement with the backstop scrubbed out, UK government sources have confirmed.

In a move that has caused tensions with EU leaders, Johnson’s team are refusing to put forward a written proposal to Brussels at this stage for fear it will be rejected out of hand or publicly rubbished. Instead, they want to wait until almost the last minute before the October summit before presenting a plan to the EU, with just two weeks before the UK is due to leave the bloc.

BoJo muss ein bisschen lachen, als ihm die Unsinnigkeit seiner Verhandlungsstrategie bewusst wird.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 17.09.2019 18:18]
17.09.2019 18:14:18  Zum letzten Beitrag
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tim aka coltvirtuose

unglaeubig gucken
Ist der Brite echt so höflich, dass es da noch keine bürgerkriegsartigen Zustände gibt?
17.09.2019 18:40:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Noch haben sie die EU nicht verlassen.
17.09.2019 18:46:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP loliger_rofler 26.04.2021
Zitat von Badmintonspieler

Noch haben sie die EU nicht verlassen.

Es ist wie immer.

Zur Zeit merkt man im Alltag noch wenig vom Totalausfall der Regierung. Es gibt noch Essen und Benzin, die Arbeitslosenzahlen sind okay-ish und es wird keiner deportiert.

Wenn die Armen dann die Konsequenzen des Betrugs von Farage, Johnson und Co tragen müssen, sehen wir weiter.
17.09.2019 18:51:50  Zum letzten Beitrag
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froehlich grinsen
17.09.2019 18:53:40  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Zitat von Badmintonspieler

Noch haben sie die EU nicht verlassen.

Ab 1. November sind die schlagartig zu schwach für einen Aufstand. Körperlich jetzt, wegen Mangel.

Darauf spekuliert Boris!
17.09.2019 19:00:56  Zum letzten Beitrag
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verschmitzt lachen
Zitat von -=Q=- 8-BaLL

Zitat von Badmintonspieler

Noch haben sie die EU nicht verlassen.

Ab 1. November sind die schlagartig zu schwach für einen Aufstand. Körperlich jetzt, wegen Mangel.

Darauf spekuliert Boris!

Call the police!
17.09.2019 20:50:33  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP fiffi 19.04.2008
Da da inzwischen ja eh jeder einen Scheiß auf Seriösität und Professionalität gibt halte ich es inzwischen für einen sinnvollen workaround, wenn die Queen einfach Boris Johnson adoptiert. Dann gehört er zur Königsfamilie und hat zu politischen Themen die Fresse zu halten.
18.09.2019 13:57:17  Zum letzten Beitrag
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