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 Thema: Der Brexit ( Wird das UK die EU verlassen? )
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Stimmt, aber hier hier in der Forendatenbank Speicherplatz wegzunehmen mit "Boah, Paywall", "Kann ich nicht lesen" oder "Kommt bei mir Pop-Up" ist auch nur so mittel.
15.09.2020 0:10:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Onkel Toms Hütte

Wenn man es besser gewusst hätte, wäre sicher vieles anders gelaufen traurig
15.09.2020 0:13:56  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
15.09.2020 0:14:46  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Bereits in erster Lesung stimmt das britische Parlament für die umstrittene Änderung des Brexit-Vertrages. Dabei geht es um ein neues Binnenmarktgesetz, das die im Januar mit der EU geschlossene Vereinbarung einseitig ändern würde. Auf das Gesetz warten aber noch mehrere Hürden.

15.09.2020 13:55:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
The London Stock Exchange will be able to operate with the EU after Brexit, but only for 18 months. >


The warning was confidentially delivered Monday afternoon in London: the EU will allow the City to operate with European clients on a large number of financial services for 18 months after Brexit. From 1 January 2021 to mid 2022. So, despite the risk of a no-deal London exit from the EU on 31 December , the passport for the continent's most important stock exchange has been temporarily renewed for a year and a half from Brussels. But in the near future it could be withdrawn, or at least renegotiated. The decision on the extension will be made public in the coming days by the EU, just long enough for it to be ratified by all the capitals.

Some governments, such as Germany, would have liked to be tougher: they proposed giving the British just one year. It would have been like drawing the end-of-the-world weapon in the increasingly difficult Brexit negotiations. But in the end the need to give certainty to business, including in Europe, prevailed in this phase of epochal recession caused by Covid.

Yet the London operators were hoping for a longer extension, which would remove the dossier from the surges of the Brexit negotiations. This is why the 18-month decision is a clear warning: if Johnson continues to negotiate incorrectly and a no deal is reached on the agreement called to regulate future commercial relations between the two blocs, the Europeans could bring the City to its knees by denying its "clearing houses" the passport to operate in the Union and with European customers. At that point, British companies would have to close 27 bilateral agreements with EU partners, a road that would make their lives hard enough to cause landslides in the financial heart of the UK.

Failure to grant this "extension" by the EU would have caused enormous problems for many banks and financial institutions, including European ones, in the transition from one system to another. But it is clear that Europe's long-term goal - this is the threat placed on the Brexit negotiating table in the event of a no deal - is to depend less and less on the City of London and suck up resources and weight from the British capital, building in the meantime its financial empire. Also for this reason, the 18 months of time granted to the Johnson government can represent a double-edged sword: that is, having the time, on the part of the EU, to build a valid financial alternative to the City.

15.09.2020 15:01:42  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Crosshead 25.01.2016

Ed Miliband roughlessly humiliates Covid-survivor.
15.09.2020 15:08:40  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Crosshead


Ed Miliband roughlessly humiliates Covid-survivor.

Die Daily Mail beschreibt die Rede übrigens wie folgt:

15.09.2020 17:06:58  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Bei No-Deal-Brexit
Britische Regierung erwartet bis zu zweitägigen Stau um Dover
Die britische Regierung fürchtet erhebliches Chaos, wenn zum Jahreswechsel der Brexit vollzogen ist: Bis zu 6500 Lkw könnten sich am Checkpoint in Dover stauen.

15.09.2020 19:42:02  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Schrecklich das sie absolut nicht dagegen tun konnten. traurig
15.09.2020 20:08:17  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Zwei Tage.

15.09.2020 20:10:47  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Noch etwas Erheiterung am Abend:

This week in Tory (3 Wochen zusammengefasst-Edition)
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von TylerDurdan am 15.09.2020 21:24]
15.09.2020 21:24:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Sir Ivan Rogers, dessen Vorträge zum Thema Brexit, Free Trade Agreements & Co ich immer super interessant finde, sagt nun einen No-Deal-Brexit voraus:

'Trumpite' Boris Johnson wants EU to fail, former British diplomat says >

Britain’s former ambassador to the European Union Ivan Rogers has predicted that Britain will leave the post-Brexit transition at the end of this year with no deal, describing Boris Johnson as a Trumpite politician who wants the EU to fail.

“Johnson and his team persuaded themselves that the EU would be so panicked that they would give in eventually. And it didn’t happen. Boris didn’t, I believe, start off as a true no dealer, but he seems now formally in the camp with Dominic Cummings: ‘to hell with it, we should walk away’,” Sir Ivan told The Irish Times.
“He is quite Trumpite in method; he was always fascinated by Trump and his strategy to take the other side by surprise and destabilise it.”

“The EU will say that they tried to do a deal but the UK never accepted the obvious automatic consequences of leaving the customs union and single market, they had better now see and experience those consequences and they need a period of sobering up whilst they realise just how difficult it’s going to be as a third country without any preferential deal.

“On the British side, if we have done this deliberately, Johnson will be firing up to get people behind him, it will be full on, a story every day in the press about resisting the humiliation imposed, ‘we are not going to be treated like this by the evil empire’. It will be nasty.”

“Johnson wants the EU ideally to fail: he thinks it’s a wrong turning, not just for the UK but for the whole continent.
Cummings wants, I think, a rerun of last year. He wants culture wars, a fight against the House of Lords, against the judiciary. He’s not stupid. He knows that he can’t easily sell a skinny free trade agreement as a triumph and that the British public will see in January and beyond what damage is done to the economy.

“So he is asking: why go there? No deal might be a bit worse, but at least he will be able to portray that as the fault of the EU. The line would be that all we were ever asking for is what they gave to Canada. It’s not true, but it sounds plausible.”

Schon vor der letzten Wahl Ende 2019, bei der BoJo dann PM wurde, warnte Ivan Rogers vor der Möglichkeit.

Ivan Rogers on Brexit: the worst is yet to come
The biggest crisis of Brexit to date actually still lies ahead of us in late 2020

I look at the likely dynamics of next year if we face this approach from the EU, as I believe we shall within about 3 months, and I am really not sure I see how or why any deal gets done.

We would end up with what exactly? A very thin, Canada minus minus deal with zero tariffs and quotas, but only with extensive “level playing field” permanent conditionality.

And only provided we do a deal on fish in which it is very hard to see why the 8 fishing member states will be prepared to see any losses as a result of Brexit in what is a pretty zero sum game sector. Or of they did, why the deal would pass their legislatures. Their moment of maximum leverage on fish is next year, and they know it.

And in macro terms: the blessed German car makers and beloved French knicker makers achieve their zero tariff access to the U.K. market—and in goods, the EU, as we keep on hearing, has a huge trade surplus in goods with us.

Whereas the U.K’s access to their market in services, in which we have a huge trade surplus with them, and in which the EU market is as big as our next 8 put together, including the US and China, goes a long way backwards.

Sure: there’ll be some added sugar elsewhere to make the medicine go down. But that would be the core of it.

Well, chapeau, as they say, to the Eurocrats if they can pull that one off, and persuade the U.K Prime Minister to sell it as a huge success.
Maybe the Party which obsesses about bilateral trade deals as if they were primarily about tariffs and quotas, when they simply are not, can even be sold it.
But I must confess I still very much doubt it.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 16.09.2020 20:57]
16.09.2020 20:43:39  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1306334039557586944 >

Anyone else just sort of dumbfounded by the UK?

Like the country makes no sense to me anymore. Its funny people were saying we took out country back, because i cant seem to recognise the Britain I thought I knew..at all.

Things just dont make any sense. Even if it was like, ok Brexit is happening, we cant stop that. But the way things are unfolding is just bizarre. proroguing parliament, not joining the EU Covid 19 response, this new internal market Bill...I cant make sense of the country anymore. Even if you are pro Brexit, it just doesn't seem like sensible decisions.

Nothing computes, I just kinda look with horror and sadness and confusion. I cant seem to be able to work out what the hell is the goal of what we are tying to do, just burn as many bridges as possible.

I feel very distant and very disconnected from the UK. I just try to not really engage with any of this stuff. Like, is this just a weird nightmare that will end or is this us now. Is this the UK.


[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 17.09.2020 2:28]
17.09.2020 0:45:13  Zum letzten Beitrag
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EU-Kommission hält an Ultimatum für Großbritannien fest
Bis Ende September soll die Regierung Johnson die Pläne für ihr Binnenmarktgesetz ändern. Eine Missachtung des gültigen Brexit-Vertrags hätte Konsequenzen, droht die EU.

18.09.2020 3:59:32  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP loliger_rofler 26.04.2021
Brexit has now cost more than the international space station

Fucking wow.
19.09.2020 23:16:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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wie viele Fußballfelder sind das?
19.09.2020 23:34:17  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP WilhelmTell 13.04.2020

Grade mal eins (in der Ami-Variante) verwirrt
19.09.2020 23:58:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Zitat von loliger_rofler

Brexit has now cost more than the international space station

Fucking wow.

Ich nehme bescheuerte Vergleiche für 500.

Weltraumstationen, oder EU-Austritte.
20.09.2020 0:01:58  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Etwas akkustische Untermalung zur aktuellen Season von Brexit:

20.09.2020 1:14:42  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Nice. Das dort verlinkte Video kannte ich auch nicht.
Wird ja langsam wieder aktuell...

20.09.2020 1:30:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Die Briten kommen zurück!

The Government has formally scrapped Theresa May’s plans for a British version of the GPS satellite navigation programme, leading to parts of Whitehall now pushing for the UK to rejoin the EU’s Galileo system.

20.09.2020 13:17:32  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Marine NaSe II
Zitat von -=Q=- 8-BaLL

Die Briten kommen zurück!

The Government has formally scrapped Theresa May’s plans for a British version of the GPS satellite navigation programme, leading to parts of Whitehall now pushing for the UK to rejoin the EU’s Galileo system.


Haben die Briten nicht damals in die Verträge reinschreiben lassen, das die Teilnahme am interessanten Teil nur für EU-Mitglieder und nicht für Drittstaaten möglich ist?
20.09.2020 19:44:35  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Brexit nerves are rising — but this time, stockpiles aren’t >
Crunched by Covid and frustrated by drifting deadlines, factories are declining to fill warehouses in case of no-deal

“We’re trying to save as much cash as possible, and investing that into stock just isn’t the way forward,” said Nollett, 51. “We did it twice last time — there were two goes at Brexit — but this time we won’t.” Other manufacturers are in a similar position: hoarding as much cash as they can, and weary of cries of “wolf” over Brexit dates that have come and gone. ...
Stephen Phipson, head of trade body Make UK, said: “A lot of manufacturers have taken on debt through the pandemic. They don’t have the spare cash to spend on six months of inventory again.” ...

“...it’s a little surprising to see barely any companies actively building stocks in case of supply-chain delays. “In fact, overall inventory levels are falling sharply ... as Covid-19 worries continue to dominate the manufacturing sector. Brexit planning is being dwarfed by virus worries. Many companies are keeping costs low, and therefore stocks minimised, due to uncertainty over demand.” ...
“It’s even harder for them to plan for future horizons when they’re still battling to deal with the Covid fallout one day at a time, especially with such an incomplete picture as to the detail of changes still being negotiated. “When you have all these uncertainties, it encourages firms to say, ‘We’re not going to deal with [Brexit] until we absolutely know what the lay of the land is.’ ”

21.09.2020 3:57:06  Zum letzten Beitrag
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haben die briten eigentlich noch die möglichkeit, den brexit in gänze abzublasen oder haben sie sich mittlerweile jegliche hintertür verschlossen?
21.09.2020 8:17:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Redh3ad 11.10.2009
Der Brexit ist abgeschlossen. Seit dem 1. Februar sind sie nicht mehr Mitglied der EU.
Es geht nur noch um die Beziehungen nach der Übergangsphase.
21.09.2020 8:21:17  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Ja, Article 50 revoken könnte jetzt schwierig werden... Auch wenn Farage jetzt was von Verlängerung schwurbelt.
21.09.2020 8:39:53  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Dann können sie doch jetzt ordentlich die waves rulen.
21.09.2020 8:53:01  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP gonzo 16.07.2021
Froimde, ich habe 1 Angst.
21.09.2020 8:54:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Onkel Toms Hütte

Zitat von -=Q=- 8-BaLL

Ansonsten liegt auf github eine Erweiterung namens "Bypass Paywalls", die tuts ganz gut. NYT, WaPo und auch ft.

top beitrag, allerdings moralisch bedenklich

Ist das für Chrome oder Firefox moralisch bedenklich?
Oder vielleicht auch für Chrome auf Android?
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von [gc]Fidel am 21.09.2020 9:08]
21.09.2020 9:05:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Irdorath 07.04.2014
Glaub der Collie hat seine Belastungsgrenze erreicht.
21.09.2020 9:06:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: Der Brexit ( Wird das UK die EU verlassen? )
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