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 Thema: Allgemeine Diskussion zum Ukraine Krieg
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Zitat von KarlKoch

Zitat von Sentinel2150

Zitat von Poliadversum

Zitat von monischnucki

Wir brauchen eh ne Basis für ne Freundschaft zu Russland...für die Zeit nach Putin. Irgendein Konzept zur Wiederaufnahme in die Weltgemeinschaft.

Gute Basis wäre die Zerschlagung Russlands in kleinere, ungefährliche Substaaten ohne zentrale Herrschaft in Moskau.

Da das eher nicht passieren wird haben wir leider für die nächsten Dekaden einen Terrorstaat mit imperialistischen Ambitionen am Hals, egal welcher FSB-Heini da auf dem Thron sitzt.

Deutschland wurde ja nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg ja auch nicht in kleinste Staaten Staaten zerschlagen. Und kam relativ schnell zurück auf die internationale Bühne.

Öhm, so ganz ist das nicht von der Hand zu weisen.

Deswegen "in kleinste". Und lange war das doch auch net. Die DDR mal außen vor
16.05.2022 19:32:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Absonoob 20.11.2013
Zitat von Aspe

Wir haben das mit der Entnazifizierung halt auch ernst genommen.

16.05.2022 19:34:56  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP -=[R]o$a|PuD3[L]^ 31.07.2012
Zitat von Aspe

Wir haben das mit der Entnazifizierung halt auch ernst genommen.

16.05.2022 19:38:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Peniskuh 29.10.2019
Zitat von Aspe

Wir haben das mit der Entnazifizierung halt auch ernst genommen.

16.05.2022 19:41:43  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Sniedelfighter 28.07.2008
Zitat von Aspe

Wir haben das mit der Entnazifizierung halt auch ernst genommen.

16.05.2022 19:43:19  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014

The BBC reported that Russia is conducting a covert mobilization by inviting reservists to confirm their residences and then to offer them short contracts to serve in the war.

The reservists are being told they will serve in the rear but instead are reportedly being deployed to the front, including one case where a platoon of reservists were deployed to Zolote and were ordered to seized positions by LDNR fighters.

Russische BBC-Seite, Google-Translation

All the last weeks, the military registration and enlistment offices have been bombarding men with subpoenas with an invitation to "military registration". For some, such visits end in Ukrainian captivity. Advertising for short-term contract service is becoming more and more intrusive. Some employers are looking for specialists to help prepare for "wartime activities", others are trying to "book" valuable employees, protecting them from being sent to the trenches until covert mobilization becomes apparent.

The BBC reveals how Russian men are being lured into the army as companies try to protect their employees and prepare to go into the military.

A military lawyer who helps clients evade the draft told the BBC that he has recently given about a thousand consultations in connection with subpoenas. He noted that since the beginning of March, the military registration and enlistment offices began to actively call in "reserves" for military registration. Previously, he says, this was not the case. The lawyer recalls that until mobilization is officially announced, it is impossible to force a person to go to the front.

Not all the recipients of the summonses ignored them - perhaps they did not know that such an option existed. This follows from the testimonies of Russians who were - according to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) - captured.

In videos published by the SBU on YouTube, four people introduce themselves as reservists and say that in the first days of April they were invited to the military registration and enlistment offices and "mobilized" there. The men claim that they were promised work in the rear - someone was supposed to deal with humanitarian aid, someone - to sweep the streets and sort out the rubble.

Then everything developed rapidly. One of the heroes says that the next day after visiting the military registration and enlistment office, he was taken by plane from Yekaterinburg to the Rostov region.

He would be sure that for 150-200 thousand rubles a month he goes to unload humanitarian aid and restore houses in the self-proclaimed LNR and DNR. But instead, he, as part of a platoon of 25 people, ended up in the village of Zolote, not far from the town of Popasna, Lugansk region, which at that moment was stormed by Russian troops.

The platoon spent the night there. The next day, representatives of the so-called people's militia of the LDNR ordered them to occupy the empty trenches. As soon as the recruits did this, fire was opened on them, after which they heard the voices of Ukrainian servicemen and surrendered.

Zitat von KarlKoch

e: Damits noch etwas mehr Inhalt in diesen Post schafft:

Ungarn hätte gerne 15-18 Milliarden Euro für das Ölembargo.

Letztens wollten sie noch 750 Millionen. Wird ja immer teurer /o\.
Der Link geht aber nicht.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 16.05.2022 19:49]
16.05.2022 19:44:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bombur 24.06.2010
Zitat von Aspe

Wir haben das mit der Entnazifizierung halt auch ernst genommen.

Wir schon, die Nazis aber nicht.
16.05.2022 19:46:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Der Reis stresst rum.

Turkey will vote against Sweden and Finland’s request to join NATO, Erdogan says

Turkish President Erdogan said that Swedish and Finnish delegations, which will visit Turkey on Monday, "should not bother" to persuade Ankara to change its stance.

Erdogan on Finland and Sweden: "Both countries do not have a clear and unequivocal attitude towards terrorist organizations."

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von -=Q=- 8-BaLL am 16.05.2022 19:54]
16.05.2022 19:53:35  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Randbauer 08.07.2015
Nun doch?! Boah. Wütend
16.05.2022 19:54:07  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bombur 24.06.2010
Zitat von -=Q=- 8-BaLL

Erdogan on Finland and Sweden: "Both countries do not have a clear and unequivocal attitude towards terrorist organizations."

Er dog a net.
16.05.2022 19:55:53  Zum letzten Beitrag
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der wird sich das irgendwie vergolden lassen und dann doch mit viel Eigenlob verbunden zustimmen.
16.05.2022 19:56:47  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Geht natürlich um Gülen-Anhänger und Kurden.

Super, der nächste Autokrat, der die Welt erpresst :/
16.05.2022 20:05:31  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Zitat von Jellybaby

der wird sich das irgendwie vergolden lassen und dann doch mit viel Eigenlob verbunden zustimmen.

Das wird aber ziemlich teuer, Orbans neue Pipelines und Wasweißich für den Reis.
16.05.2022 20:08:28  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Im Streitkräfte&Strategien-Podcast meinten sie, dass sich die Experten ziemlich einig seien, dass Erdogan am Ende zustimmt, aber dass er dabei was für sich rausholen will. Finnland und Schweden haben da halt das Pech, jetzt gerade als Bittsteller anzukommen.

Es ging da um angebliche PKK-Leute, die Schweden nicht an die Türkei ausliefern wollte und irgendwelche Waffen, die sie nicht an die Türkei liefern wollen, glaube ich.

Und um die F35 / F16+Upgrades die die Türkei von den USA kaufen wollte, aber die die USA bisher nicht herausrücken.
16.05.2022 20:11:22  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Marine NaSe
Der (x-mal) versuchte Flussübergang in ganzer Pracht:
16.05.2022 20:24:52  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Buxxbaum 13.12.2009
Gibt auf Twitter Posts die nahe legen, dass Azovstal kapituliert hat.


[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Buxxbaum am 16.05.2022 21:09]
16.05.2022 21:08:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP M@buse 22.12.2015
Hoffentlich gibt es einen Gefangenenaustausch traurig
16.05.2022 21:19:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Zelensky will make a "special statement" on Azovstal tonight

16.05.2022 21:22:11  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Eh unfassbar wie lange die da ausgehalten haben. Und noch Zivilisten retten konnten.
16.05.2022 22:21:28  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Frage mich echt, wie die noch Essen, Trinken und Munition hatten....
16.05.2022 22:52:50  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Die Anlage war als Atomschutzbunker konzipiert und sollte Vorräte haben um 4000 Menschen 3 Wochen zu versorgen. So viele waren aber nicht drin, trotz der Zivilisten. Von daher kommt das mit der Dauer schon ungefähr hin. Die Munition wird teilweise von den Russen kommen. Die haben ja immer wieder mal versucht das Werk zu stürmen und brauchten ihre Munition dann nicht mehr.

Auf das Statement bin ich jedenfalls gespannt, bisher schreibt der Ticker nur:

In Mariupol werden nach wochenlanger Belagerung ukrainische Soldaten aus dem von russischen Einheiten eingeschlossenen Stahlwerk Asow-Stahl gebracht. Ein Reuters-Augenzeuge sah, wie etwa ein Dutzend Busse das Werksgelände verließen. Es war zunächst nicht möglich festzustellen, wie viele ukrainische Soldaten in den Bussen waren.

Unklar war auch, ob sich Verwundete in den Bussen befanden. Rund 40 verletzte Soldaten sollen nach ukrainischen Angaben im Stahlwerk gewesen sein, insgesamt sollen sich rund 600 Soldaten in Stahlwerk Asow-Stahl verschanzt haben.

Ein Kommandeur der im Stahlwerk eingeschlossenen Truppen sagte in einem Video, er führe Befehle des Oberkommandos aus, um Leben der Soldaten zu retten. Er ließ aber offen, was genau gemeint sei. Eine mögliche Kapitulation erwähnte er nicht.

Das Verteidigungsministerium in Moskau hatte zuvor mitgeteilt, es sei eine Vereinbarung über den Abtransport von Verwundeten getroffen worden. Sie würden zur medizinischen Behandlung nach Nowoasowsk gebracht.

16.05.2022 23:02:31  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014

OFFICIAL FROM UKRAINE! 53 injured #Azovstal troops in #Mariupol evacuated to occupied Novoazovsk for medical treatment. 211 more taken to occupied Olenivka. There will be a prisoner swap! #SlavaUkraini

The rest of the Azovstal garrison is yet to be rescued.
They still fight.

16.05.2022 23:36:59  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014

In an extremely rare moment of candour on Russian state TV today, defence columnist Mikhail Khodaryonok gave a damning assessment of Russia's war in Ukraine and his country's international isolation. It's fairly long but worth your time so I've added subtitles.

The exchange goes on for a few more minutes, and Skabeyeva insists that it's only the West against Russia.
He replies: "You will agree that this is not a normal situation. As for India and China, which you spoke about, their support for our country is not so unconditional."

> It's again the same „sane” guy who wrote piece below and who recently critiqued idea of mass-mobilization (see piece to which tweet below replies). Good policeman?

> He's also the guy who dismissed the idea that mobilization would help much:

Yes, this is him. It's a mystery why he gets invited back onto the shows
Why are they letting him talk? Why are they allowing that on the air?
Does anyone have any idea?
Hard to say. But it is not first time, so it's not „guest went wild once not to be invited anymore” case.
Maybe sb decided to introduce some reason to the talks? This guy predicted what is to happen in early Feb.

> So, they have found one, smart (dangerous) person that doesn't fear telling how it is. He is older so they may not resort to killing him right away. They might still disappear him at least from public view.
this is all choreographed.
he's not a lose cannon - he's career military & been brought in to start the de-programming of the audience.

> Expectations need lowering, because Russia is unable to deliver on them. Eventually, it's possible that the decision to not to escalate on 9 May will be seen as the beginning of the end of this war.
Either that or visible sign of a potential split in elite opinion...
Or both. Hardcore nationalists calling for a general mobilisation have now a credible platform to threaten Putin's position, because of the overblown expectations of military success that he himself has created.


Igor Girkin [wiki] recaps the current situation in Donbas and declares the Russian offensive has failed.

Source and text version in the thread below

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 4 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 17.05.2022 1:18]
16.05.2022 23:48:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP indifferent 21.03.2021
Zitat von Lunovis


Quellen dahinter nicht verifiziert

Die Quelle ist Alexander S. Kekulé, unser altbekannter Institutsdirektor und Professor für Medizinische Mikrobiologie in Halle.

Damit will ich natürlich nicht sagen dass das Quatsch ist, aber warum zieht man ausgerechnet den zu nem Statement über Atombomben ran? Es steht ja immerhin "Meinung" dahinter, aber hä.
17.05.2022 0:07:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Ein bißchen Ahnung sollte er zumindest haben, durch die Zeit bei der Schutzkommission. Vielleicht wollte einfach sonst keiner.
17.05.2022 0:16:35  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014

Reports not yet confirmed but, by the looks of things, Putin is winning at energy sanctions poker.

Likely with the help of many European companies like @eni @omv @UniperGermany @BASF eager to protect their profits.

More here:
European Commission, France and Germany all announced that European energy companies should be allowed to pay for gas in rubles at a closed meeting between EC representatives and EU diplomats in Brussels on late Friday evening.
Poland & the Netherlands were outraged.

Poland’s PM Mateusz Morawiecki says that he is disappointed by how the EU is handling the issue and says that Russia unilaterally cut Poland off from Russian gas in breech of the contract signed between the two. ...

At the meeting, the French side went even further and said that European companies could open bank accounts in rubles in Russian banks without this being an act that goes against EU sanctions.

The German diplomat told the EC he had consulted the EC’s new position with all German companies importing Russian energy & that they were pleased with the new stance.
The Polish diplomat wondered how the German had managed to consult them all within minutes of the announcement.

Several countries said that the EC had taken an unacceptable position considering what is happening in Ukraine.
The Dutch diplomat asked the EC how they envision Russia to access and convert euros into rubles on the two western accounts and that Russia shouldn’t have access too

The meeting was called on short notice on a late Friday evening by France (holding the rotating presidency).
Other diplomats did it is a trick that is often used to attract as little media attention as possible to controversial subjects.

The diplomat representing Italy stated that the government in Rome also believes that European companies are allowed to convert euro into rubles for Russian gas payments without breaking sanctions.

The full article about how the EC is reversing on previous statements by Ursula van der Leyen (who claimed that solutions based on converting euros into rubles would go against the EU’s sanctions) can be read on the page of the Polish Press Agency: ...

and here: EU Drafts Plan for Buying Russian Gas Without Breaking Sanctions

Just to be clear: what @EU_Commission, France and Germany seem to have agreed to is the two-account solution to sidestep sanctions and to effectively pay in rubles, nicely explained by @Bruegel_org here: ...


A map of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 17/05/22.

🇺🇦 have crossed the Siverskyi Donets river East of Kharkiv.
🇺🇦 carried out probing attacks in the direction of Vovchansk.


[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 17.05.2022 3:01]
17.05.2022 1:06:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Inb4 "Der arme Vlaid weiß gar nicht genau was in der Ukraine passiert und kriegt nur gefärbte Informationen"

Putin involved in war at level of colonel or brigadier, say western sources https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/16/putin-involved-russia-ukraine-war-western-sources

17.05.2022 6:17:39  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP loliger_rofler 26.04.2021
Zitat von Herr der Lage


Reports not yet confirmed but, by the looks of things, Putin is winning at energy sanctions poker.

Likely with the help of many European companies like @eni @omv @UniperGermany @BASF eager to protect their profits.

More here:
European Commission, France and Germany all announced that European energy companies should be allowed to pay for gas in rubles at a closed meeting between EC representatives and EU diplomats in Brussels on late Friday evening.
Poland & the Netherlands were outraged.

Poland’s PM Mateusz Morawiecki says that he is disappointed by how the EU is handling the issue and says that Russia unilaterally cut Poland off from Russian gas in breech of the contract signed between the two. ...

At the meeting, the French side went even further and said that European companies could open bank accounts in rubles in Russian banks without this being an act that goes against EU sanctions.

The German diplomat told the EC he had consulted the EC’s new position with all German companies importing Russian energy & that they were pleased with the new stance.
The Polish diplomat wondered how the German had managed to consult them all within minutes of the announcement.

Several countries said that the EC had taken an unacceptable position considering what is happening in Ukraine.
The Dutch diplomat asked the EC how they envision Russia to access and convert euros into rubles on the two western accounts and that Russia shouldn’t have access too

The meeting was called on short notice on a late Friday evening by France (holding the rotating presidency).
Other diplomats did it is a trick that is often used to attract as little media attention as possible to controversial subjects.

The diplomat representing Italy stated that the government in Rome also believes that European companies are allowed to convert euro into rubles for Russian gas payments without breaking sanctions.

The full article about how the EC is reversing on previous statements by Ursula van der Leyen (who claimed that solutions based on converting euros into rubles would go against the EU’s sanctions) can be read on the page of the Polish Press Agency: ...

and here: EU Drafts Plan for Buying Russian Gas Without Breaking Sanctions

Just to be clear: what @EU_Commission, France and Germany seem to have agreed to is the two-account solution to sidestep sanctions and to effectively pay in rubles, nicely explained by @Bruegel_org here: ...

Boah fickt euch einfach ins Knie, ihr Lobbywichser.
17.05.2022 7:18:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP gonzo 16.07.2021
Zitat von seastorm

Inb4 "Der arme Vlaid weiß gar nicht genau was in der Ukraine passiert und kriegt nur gefärbte Informationen"

Putin involved in war at level of colonel or brigadier, say western sources https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/16/putin-involved-russia-ukraine-war-western-sources


Strong Luigi Cadorna Energy.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von gonzo am 17.05.2022 7:42]
17.05.2022 7:31:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Poliadversum 30.08.2012
Als Alleinherrscher Angriffskriege micromanagen, das kennen wir doch irgendwoher.
17.05.2022 7:38:01  Zum letzten Beitrag
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