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 Thema: Allgemeine Diskussion zum Ukraine Krieg
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Zunge rausstrecken
The Russians have “misplaced” 1.5 million winter uniforms that were about to be send to the Russian soldiers in Ukraine.

This is the work of the western airsofters and re-enactors. They create a demand and Russian logistics soldiers bring the supply 😉

02.10.2022 21:43:53  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Zitat von Herr der Lage

ist der Artikel nur bei mir hinter einer paywall versteckt? peinlich/erstaunt

Tja hm, da kann man nichts machen.

Ich empfehle z.B. nicht, nach Wörtern wie "bypass", "paywalls" oder "clean" zu googeln. Das bringt gar nichts.

[Karl Lauterbach]Also isch kann da nur vor warnen![/Karl Lauterbach]
02.10.2022 21:56:58  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP cienFuchs 11.03.2015
korruption kann auch witzig sein
02.10.2022 21:58:04  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Mountainbiker 11.06.2012
böse gucken
Zitat von Bullitt

Da ist Bewegung drin, im Süden wie im Norden

There are Unconfirmed reports that Russian Defensive Lines to the North of the City of Kherson on the Dnieper River have completely collapsed after suffering severe loses and that Russian Forces are now in Full-Retreat.



Das kann die Ukraine dem Precht doch nicht antun!! Haben die nicht gehört, was der sich überlegt hat?
02.10.2022 22:09:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
02.10.2022 22:12:13  Zum letzten Beitrag
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UT Malcom

Russian forces requesting urgent air support on social media on the Kherson frontline near the breakthroughs.

Yes you heard that right
On social media😂

02.10.2022 22:18:32  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Mountainbiker

Das kann die Ukraine dem Precht doch nicht antun!! Haben die nicht gehört, was der sich überlegt hat?

Außerdem hat Putin gesdagt er verteidigt sein neues Land mit allen zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln!

Allerdings hat er nicht spezifiziert welche Mittel genau zur Verfügung stehen.
02.10.2022 22:44:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Air support schonmal nicht.
02.10.2022 22:46:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Lupercal 26.03.2020
Zitat von -=Q=- 8-BaLL

Air support schonmal nicht.

Kommt schon Leute, 10000 Likes und ich schicke ne SU 25! Schaffen wir 10000 Likes für unsere Helden?!
02.10.2022 22:58:46  Zum letzten Beitrag
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UT Malcom
How Ukrainian Tank Crews Near Kharkiv Seized A Position Called 'Moscow'

During a September counteroffensive by Ukraine's armed forces, about 400 towns in the Kharkiv region were liberated from Russian occupiers. Ukrainian tank crews spoke to RFE/RL about how they launched a surprise attack that pushed out Russian troops from their fortified positions.

02.10.2022 23:00:28  Zum letzten Beitrag
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unglaeubig gucken
Mal die ukrainische Propaganda bei Seite ist das immer noch eine ziemliche Klatsche für Russland. So viel übernommenes Equipment, bei dem Russland nicht leugnen kann dass es seins ist.
03.10.2022 0:59:19  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Zitat von DeChOsEn


It was unusual that our squadron commander was not part of the crew, which is what Soviet regulations required.
He used quadcopter drones and could see the combat scene and command the tanks in real time. It was like: "511, take that position." "Move toward the forest. Wait for backup. Cover their approach. Work together with 3. Make sure he can come in safely."

Das ist schon ziemlich cool.


An excellent description of micro tactics during the Ukrainian counter attack. Tanks, infantry and artillery coordinated using drones for situational awareness. Of note commanders stepping out of the close fight to use drones for better coordination.


Es ist nahezu kriminell, dass wir immer noch kein Konzept zur Drohnenabwehr aller Truppen haben, keine Übungen unter ständiger Drohnenbedrohung fahren und dieser Entwicklung wieder völlig hinterherlaufen.


Video of Ukrainian forces using the Punisher UAV to drop munitions on Russian positions.


Ukrainian forces now making considerable progress in both major offensives - in the North of Ukraine as part of the continuing Kharkiv Offensive and in the South, as part of the Kherson Offensive.

Russian lines in both parts of the country seem to be crumbling.

Mood on pro-Russian Telegram channels has changed from pessimism to panic, and includes desperate appeals to the Russian air force to intervene to stem the Ukrainian advance...


The "LPR" soldier holding his position in one of Lyman's basements is wondering where the Russian artillery response is; counts the remaining ammo (of which he does not have a lot).


just for comparison.. if you add up the ground forces here on the ukr side (brigades). this is nearly the same amount as the entire active duty US army.... 10 divisions worth of ground firepower


next time you think about the size of the ukr army think about this.
in the N. they have more soldiers than the US army, in the south the same, in the NW they are conducting a major training exercise (several brigades), in the SW they are training 10+ brigades, and 10K in england

and they still have a operational reserve... then think about this.... there is a waiting line to join the army now... thats right they are refusing to let more people join. thats right they have about 3 times the number of ru troops, in a smaller area. russia is F-ED


A few days ago, I posted a list of items that newly mobilised Russian troops are being told they need to buy for themselves (including "optional" bulletproof vests and helmets). I commented: "The sellers are going to be gouging the buyers for every ruble they can get." Well:


Ukrainian border guards have a message for fucking Russians


Been asked why I didnt make Putin's illegal annexation the story of the week. Actually, I think its being overstated in importance as Im not sure what it actually changes, beyond giving Russians a bad concert. Im skeptical for the following reasons.

1. The point of this invasion was to seize Ukraine. Putin made that clear in February. So annexation was always on the cards. This was just a cack-handed as Putin doesnt even control everything he annexed, as is painfully obvious even for Russians

2. I dont see how this makes the use of Russian nukes more or less likely. If Putin is going to use them its because he sees no other alternative to save himself. The government's been threatening nukes all the time, and drawn red lines that they dont enforce (Crimea) losing Lyman a day after annexation, which was supposed to be forever Russia, shows how little the annexation means. btw, this doesnt mean Putin wont use nukes, just that he wont because annexation is not being respected.

So annexation was a show, though I dont think it is something particularly surprising or something that changes the tenor of the war, which the Ukrainians are acknowledging by continuing to fight the way that they have, regardless.

https://twitter.com/WarintheFuture/status/1576689911478251520 | Thread Reader

Lots of reports currently about Ukrainian advances in #Kherson and #Luhansk. Few have been officially confirmed. However, we can draw a couple of things from these ongoing campaigns. 🧵

First, what we are seeing is an excellent Ukrainian operational design playing out across the south and east of the country. While geographically separate, they are campaigns that are part of an integrated design, and part of an overall military #strategy.

Second, the two campaigns are mutually supporting. The south is the most decisive region because of its economic contribution to Ukraine’s economy. The Russians know this and it is here they have deployed their most capable units. But the east is also important. It is a region proximate to Russia, and therefore gains here has a significant psychological effect on the Russians. And, the north east is a key logistic route for supporting operations in the Donbas.

Third, because the Ukrainian operational deign for these campaigns has sequenced them well. Large Russian forces were drawn to the south and at trite during by Ukrainian artillery and HIMARS. This provided an opportunity for the next part of their design, the #Kharkiv thrust.
It has been a classic ‘horns of a dilemma’ for the Russians, who have to decide where to weight their forces and reinforcements between the south and north east. And at the same time, they have persisted with their pointless attacks in the Donbas.

Fourth, because the Ukrainians are operating on interior lines, they are better placed to move forces between the campaigns (although it is still a good distance). The Russians, on exterior lines, have big challenges in this regard.

Fifth, the Ukrainian campaigns have continued to implement the ‘strategy of corrosion’ which focusses on destruction of Russian fire support, logistics, C2 nodes and concentrations of troops that might be reinforcements or reserves. This corrodes the Russians from within. It physically reduces their fighting power and also has a profound psychological impact.
But there is also something else going on while this corrosion occurs. This is the ‘recon battle’ - a fight for tactical information. This reveals weak points which the Ukrainian combined arms teams can break into and penetrate. And then conduct rapid exploitation, as we saw (and continue to see) in the #Kharkiv area. And now MIGHT be seeing in #Kherson.

Ultimately the result of the physical and psychological pressure of all these integrated elements of the Ukrainian campaign design can lead to cascading tactical (and potentially operational) failures by the Russians.
Such failure by the Russians in the two different regions can force additional errors. For example, they might speed up the deployment of mobilized troops, competing with transport required to provide other logistical support to front line troops.
It can also force the Russians into taking greater risk with assets such as their EW, fires, and Air Force (they still have one, right?). All of which provides additional opportunity for the Ukrainians to exploit, destroy more of the Russian Army and recapture more ground.

This is less an operational update than an explanation of how the theory of operational design works in practice. But what we have seen recently from the Ukrainian Armed Forces is more evidence that they have a better understanding of modern multi-domain war than all of us.
Their mastery of modern war - including strategic influence operations - has also induced profound psychological shock in the Russians at the political, strategic, operational & tactical levels. Russia must now respond to Ukrainian initiatives at levels.

We will see over the next few hours and days how the Kharkiv and Kherson campaigns play out. And, because of pressure in these two areas, there may be opportunities elsewhere that open up for the Ukrainians to exploit.

https://twitter.com/HeliosRunner/status/1576637888359321600 | Thread Reader

23/ i've seen also that Girkin is saying that #UAarmy could have up to 3 to 4 mechanized brigades plus one full armored brigade past #Dudchany. That's probably more than 10k-12k men and hundreds of vehicles but i'm not sure about that though & don't know how he could be so sure..

Also today was reported by the administration and SBU that hard ongoing talk were happening between Russia and Ukraine to release the last 2500 Ukr prisoners in the hand of Russia. (So i guess the Ru ex official of 6500 prisoners was not right lol).
Idk what would be the status of the "release" prisoners because as may have noted, it is certainly one of the first time in history when you would give back prisoners (not only deeply injured ones) during an ongoing full war.
so maybe they would agree on a special "retirement" status.. IDK

Also some news Russian recruits are now coming in from diff places: "Up To 5,000 Mobilized Russians Undergoing Combat Training In #Budyonnovsk In Russia - General Staff"
but not enough (good for Ukr if they dropped Ru units/Brigade at this rate with no real direct purpose)

in the meantime ...
Five brigades of the territorial defense forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine received combat flags
Handing over the Battle flags is recognition of the military merits of the unit.
so even the "territorial def" is now better (or almost equal) at combat readiness & abilities than the "best" Ru units. or soon it's gonna be true as all their best units are going down one by one from the first day of war
"funny" enough, there won't be much of good "sous off" or "officers" quite soon to help all the new incoming "fresh" Ru units

Also Macron was severely reprimanded few days ago, by Putin, because Fra is still giving as much as they can (but not making publicity of it contrary to other countries) & some nice TRF1 (not all 100's) are on their way to complete the "nice" Caesars
so it not as "efficient" as a CAESAR, but to give you an idea the deal could be about 80 to 90 pieces of the equivalent of the M777 and with special automotive ability it can move itself up to 8km/h (after being release by the tow truck)
this is huge

Now... about kamikaze drones and shitty #Iranian help to #Russia... (i've created new category in my excel tab, but as i was not like months ago able to follow everything lately i'm not 100% sure of the numbers of drones that were used this past 10 days)

Anyway.. soon this Shahed-136 kamikaze drone, which was designated “Geran-2” in Russia. will not be of no more real help as it's gonna be suppressed / destroyed /interdicted as soon at will reach a certain defense "bubble" around specific Ukr target.
US agreed to deliver an entire system of integrated sytems : The Titan C-UAS system.
The system analyzes the UAV that needs to be neutralized and selects the most effective methods of combating it. The developers equipped the system with an automated decision-making mechanism.

[img]Ukraine will receive Titan counter-UAV systems from the USA[/img]

so Iranian bitch toys won't be of any use pretty soon.
Also other countries has now agreed to send their own systems on some other part of the territory in order to fully protect some areas up north or East.

also this week, as now we are officially in a lend/lease programm, Biden said that some more weapons (and really nice ones...) will be send to equip Ukrainian army to their request.
rest assure, of the good use of them all!

Why Ukraine’s counter-offensive is working

The Kremlin is being fed fake news from the front

“We even found a notebook that contained the medical records of a Russian regiment, and it was like my primary school notebook from 1972.”
She pauses, lost in thought for just a second. “It was through this notebook that I finally understood how the Russians lost so badly. The regiment has hundreds of soldiers, and there was not a single complaint or registered ailment. Not one. That’s impossible. The soldiers were clearly told to feed bullshit to the doctors, which created an internal line of bullshit. That bullshit was then reported to their superiors, who fed that bullshit up to central command. So they got a totally fake view of the front.”

So Russian forces on the northeastern front were brought down by a combination of Ukrainian skill and Russian bullshit?


[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 03.10.2022 1:57]
03.10.2022 1:56:56  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Herr der Lage


just for comparison.. if you add up the ground forces here on the ukr side (brigades). this is nearly the same amount as the entire active duty US army.... 10 divisions worth of ground firepower



next time you think about the size of the ukr army think about this.
in the N. they have more soldiers than the US army, in the south the same, in the NW they are conducting a major training exercise (several brigades), in the SW they are training 10+ brigades, and 10K in england

and they still have a operational reserve... then think about this.... there is a waiting line to join the army now... thats right they are refusing to let more people join. thats right they have about 3 times the number of ru troops, in a smaller area. russia is F-ED

Es ist ja relativ offensichtlich dass die Ukraine jetzt nicht gerade ein Zwergstaat ist, auch wenn neben Russland jeder klein wirkt, aber das ist eine beachtliche Streitmacht für eine Bevölkerung die gerade mal halb so gross ist wie Deutschland unglaeubig gucken

/einmal mehr, danke für die Zusammenstellung. Der tägliche HdL-Newsfeed ist mitlerweile fester Bestandteil meiner morgendlichen Routine peinlich/erstaunt
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Shooter am 03.10.2022 8:38]
03.10.2022 8:38:18  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AJ Alpha

Usmanows Eier Fake seit '05

Wundern würd sich keiner wenn er sich bescheissen lassen hat; wenn man ein Arschloch ist und ausschließlich mit Arschlöchern abhängt.

Aber wie kamen die Polizisten überhaupt in seine Bude? Gab ihnen der Hausmeister die Alisher Keys? Lol
03.10.2022 8:42:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Shooter

. Der tägliche HdL-Newsfeed ist mitlerweile fester Bestandteil meiner morgendlichen Routine peinlich/erstaunt

Kaffe, Klo und HdL.
03.10.2022 8:50:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Zitat von Parax

Mal die ukrainische Propaganda bei Seite ist das immer noch eine ziemliche Klatsche für Russland. So viel übernommenes Equipment, bei dem Russland nicht leugnen kann dass es seins ist.

Laut Oryx. Aber das gute Zeug kommt ja jetzt erst!!11

Wird spannend.

03.10.2022 10:09:34  Zum letzten Beitrag
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UT Malcom
Einen einsatzbereiten und geladenen TOS-1 Buratino hat die Ukraine jetzt auch.


A convincing trophy of Ukrainian troops. Installation of TOS-1 "Solntsepyok".

The heavy flamethrower system is fully charged and operational. You just need to fill the tanks. Such MLRS rarely fell into the hands of the Ukrainian military in working condition.

03.10.2022 11:42:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Was sind eigentlich so Anwendungsbereiche für einen Flammenwerfer auf Rädern?
Wie weit kann der schießen?
03.10.2022 11:59:01  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP cienFuchs 11.03.2015
Das ding verschießt Raketen. Das ist kein Flammenwerfer im herkömmlichen sinn
03.10.2022 12:06:12  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Mobius 30.12.2023
Zitat von h3llfir3

Was sind eigentlich so Anwendungsbereiche für einen Flammenwerfer auf Rädern?
Wie weit kann der schießen?

Normalerweise Stealth Rush
03.10.2022 12:07:46  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Troodon 20.12.2022
Zitat von h3llfir3

Was sind eigentlich so Anwendungsbereiche für einen Flammenwerfer auf Rädern?
Wie weit kann der schießen?

Da der TOS-1 beim Raketeneinschlag die Luft stark erhitzt und sehr viel Sauerstoff entzieht, sind feindliche Stellungen die schwer zu knacken sind, wohl der ideale Einsatzort dafür.
Also Schützengräben und urbane Gegenden.
Die Bekämpfungsreichweite soll aber lediglich ca. 3,5km betragen, laut Wikipedia.

Eignet sich also wirklich nur, wenn man an den Gegner schon sehr nah herangerückt ist oder umgekehrt.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Troodon am 03.10.2022 12:09]
03.10.2022 12:07:52  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Absonoob 20.11.2013
Zitat von cienFuchs

Das ding verschießt Raketen. Das ist kein Flammenwerfer im herkömmlichen sinn

Mit thermobayrischen (stabile Autokorrektur, lasse ich jetzt so) Sprengköpfen, hervorragend geeignet um auf etwas Entfernung Kräfte in Bunkern, Gebäuden... zu bekämpfen.

Thermobarisch kann jede:r nachlesen, ist eklig.
03.10.2022 12:08:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Poliadversum 30.08.2012
Zitat von Abso

Zitat von cienFuchs

Das ding verschießt Raketen. Das ist kein Flammenwerfer im herkömmlichen sinn

thermobayrischen (stabile Autokorrektur, lasse ich jetzt so)

Dahoam is Dahoam
03.10.2022 12:18:46  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Das Ding ohne Nachlademöglichkeit einzusetzen wäre doch ziemlicher Käse.
Der wird doch erst mal auseinandergebaut würde ich annehmen.
03.10.2022 12:19:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL


03.10.2022 12:33:50  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Lunovis 27.11.2007
Ist doch super.. dann kann man sich jedes mal rauswinden mit: ja wir haben dasundas patrriert, aber doch nicht DAS.
03.10.2022 12:39:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Der Chef der Tiktokbande kündigt an, seine Kinder in den Kampf zu schicken.

Ramzan Kadyrov claims he's sending three of his sons (aged 14, 15 & 16) to fight in Ukraine

"Akhmat, Eli and Adam are ready to show their skills in the zone of the special military op. I'm not joking. The time has come to prove themselves in battle, and I welcome their ambition"

03.10.2022 12:40:45  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Troodon 20.12.2022
Zitat von -=Q=- 8-BaLL




Ist ja schon praktisch ein Eingeständnis, dass die kein Dunst davon haben, wo die Referenden stattgefunden haben, um eine Linie zu ziehen.
03.10.2022 12:40:53  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP indifferent 21.03.2021
Zitat von [UFP]Sobrek

Das Ding ohne Nachlademöglichkeit einzusetzen wäre doch ziemlicher Käse.
Der wird doch erst mal auseinandergebaut würde ich annehmen.

Darum geht es doch erstmal gar nicht. Wie viel die Ukrainer damit letztlich anfangen können ist eine Sache, aber es muss schon hart viel schief gehen bis man so nen Bulldozer überhaupt (einsatzbereit!) zurücklässt.

Und es steht auch afaik nicht in der Nachricht, ob nicht vielleicht sogar noch Raketen für das Ding im einen oder anderen Munitionslager gefunden wurden.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von indifferent am 03.10.2022 12:49]
03.10.2022 12:47:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von indifferent

Und es steht auch afaik nicht in der Nachricht, ob nicht vielleicht sogar noch Raketen für das Ding im einen oder anderen Munitionslager gefunden wurden.

"fully charged and operational. You just need to fill the tanks." klingt schon danach.
03.10.2022 13:06:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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