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 Thema: Star Wars Galaxies (Emu) ( Isn't this illegal? - No. )
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Leet Female II
Wie siehts so im Moment aus?
21.03.2007 10:08:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Aktuell nur Stabilitätstests mit dem neuen Core.
21.03.2007 12:19:51  Zum letzten Beitrag
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SWGemu Q&A 4/4/07
This is NOT the weekly update.
This is a Q/A session like we promised, its separate from weekly updates.

Q) How the spawns coming, will be they be static? or completely new spawns
A) There are both -- There's been a group of guys patrolling the NGE logging every static NPC they see. We have 2500 + of them, and a few others have finished with the creature database, and NPCs are on the verge of being finished. I will finish it this week now that I have some time.

Q) What will we not be able to customize using LUA?
A) we plan to make nearly everything customizable, will see what we gonna have time for in the end.

Q) What % would you say JTL is complete?
A) 90%

Q) Will there be more animation testing in the next round of testing?
A) Yes but it wont be the main focus.

Q) How much money do you guys need to keep the server alive?
A) $299 for a single server. $299 * x for clustering. X being the number of servers (3-7).

Q) Do you feel like you will be able to add in professions soon?
A) Its a bit further on the to do list, but in the near future yes.

Q) How is experience implemented? with mobs?
A) Its there. We just wont award xp for mobs on the upcomming TC until Professions are in.

Q) You said resources were in the ground.. what percent of crafting is done along with that?
A) Most of the protocol behind crafting is done. Just the data related items are still in infancy.

Q) is it possible too add your own custom items too the database?
A) Yes.

Q) What are some ways that we, the community, can assist the development/database team other than testing?
A) The public wiki is still in development. Watch for it

Q) What would you say is the next order of "testing" for the TestCenter, anything particular that we should be "preparing" for?
A) Stress testing with npcs mostly.

Q) What are some ways that we, the community, can assist the development/database team other than testing?

A) Good question. We've been working on putting up an swgemu wiki (http://www.swgemu.com/wiki) that will allow you to post all pre-cu information you can to help speed up the process. It's not complete yet, or ready for a ton of entries. It should be ready within a few days though. The other thing that we are REALLY in need of is base item stats. With out actual pre-cu information on items, we will have to guess. Which means things won't be exactly right. These are all things that the wiki will be used for.

Q) When do you guys think you will add groups to the TC?
A) Its on the top 10 SWG related features to do for Core3.

Q) To go along with Erec's question, how about NPCS?
A) They will be in the next TC. Watch for it

Q) Idk if this is out there already, but are all planets finished, and how is shuttles and starships comming along?
A) Do you mean spawns? Theres a good amount done. I think 6-7000+.

Q) How much more do you have to do on combat before the fine tuning is started like equations and so fourth?
A) Equasions are more fine tuned things. They will be in scripts most likely, but they still need to be collected.

Q) Is there any word on placing structures?
A) Research was done and completed last month by Ultyma.

Q) Do you need things like specific weapon information or is the database team already covering that thoroughly?
A) That will be on the coming wiki.

Q) New Content?
A) New models and skins? Not supported. New missions, quests, npcs etc yes.

Q) Can we expect some fun "events" to go along with the tests on TestCenter?
A) Thats the new direction our TC will be taking. Themed events for each stres test.

Q) How the spawns coming, will be they be static? or completely new spawns
A) Spawns for npcs, new or old, may be defined by the server admin. The DB team will strive to compelte the spawn db with official coordinates.

Q) are groups going to be in a upcoming patch? Will travel?
A) Groups are on the top 10 SWG related features on the to do list for myself. Travel is also on top 10

Q) What is on the top 10 list?
A) This top 10 list should ideally be completed in no more than 1.5 weeks, though it could take longer due to life. These are SWG related functions and do NOT include internal improvements to the server such as clustering & stability fixes.


1) Grouping
2) Stims
3) Healing other players
4) Missions
5) Guilds
6) Player housing (w/ item placement)
7) Bazaar
8) Travel (interplanetery & shuttles)
9) Vehicles & mounts
10) Buffs (doctor, entertainer, and/or food & drink)

06.04.2007 11:38:28  Zum letzten Beitrag
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[05:53:13] (Ultyma) www.swgemudev.com/videos/craft_barrel_2.wmv
10.04.2007 6:00:11  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Es nimmt immer mehr Form an.

thx bautzi
11.04.2007 9:29:21  Zum letzten Beitrag
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ere we go..

Ult and I have been starting to work more and more on core3, a shift from our previous job as dedicated analyst of protocol. Oru and TA have made leaps and bounds with core3 since our last stress test, and it is about time for another stress test.

What is new since the last test:
-Event based. The entire community will be engaged in a single objective to complete as a whole.
-NPCs. A Shitload.
-Some of the Top 10.
-Possible Npc vs Npc combat (depending on what story path we go with for the event).
-Core3 used to run ontop of cygwin on windows because some portions haven't been ported to native windows. That created a 5-10% overhead. We now run core3 on freebsd and right now it uses like .15% of cpu.

Event Mini FAQ:
Q) What time sunday?
A) This has yet to be finalized. The time will try to best fit for players in North America.

Q) Could you give a basic overview of the event story?
A) Sure,
Tusken's are advancing upon Anchorhead, and it is up to the community to defend anchorhead until reinforcements arrive to push them out. The "reinforcements" will probably be a battle group of storm troopers and a couple Imperial machines that will fight along side players.

Q) Was this shot in core3?
A) Yes, on a private core3 server. No footage was shot on dummy servers or core1 (lol), its all core3.

Q) How did you get your camera to fly over all that?
A) Its an Ultyma-trick.

Q) Will NPC's be in the MO before the event?
A) No.

Q) Will Npc's be in after the event?
A) Random spawns, probably.

[07:28:39] (&Smusatto) THE video
[07:28:53] (&Smusatto) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV56NjDfXiE
13.04.2007 7:31:22  Zum letzten Beitrag
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SWGEmu Q/A 4/21/07
We had another, on the spot, Q/A tonight on IRC. Thank you to all that participated. I have selected questions that many people have asked and answered here.


Q) Has the problem that occured at the last stress test been completly ironed out?

A) For the most part, yes.

Q) I was surprised not to see cell placement on the top 10 list, do you know when that will be implemented?

A) Cell movement is something that has been neglected and we will be paying more attention to in the near future.

Q) Has the current code base been stabilised enough for adding features, or is further testing still needed?

A) We are still in need of a few more stability tests, espeically when we get to clustering. We should emerge out of the stability testing stage anywhere from 1 - 3 months. (We still have to test clustering).

Q) What is the priority of crafting, and what , if anything, can we do to help with that?

A) Crafting research has a few major holes in it when it was last touched in November of last year. Crafting will not make it to core3 for quite some time (at least until are out of the stability testing stage).

Q) Do you have any current plans to, thoughts of, or even considered hosting your own EMU server when it is finished?

A) If we get enough community support for the idea, as well as an assurance for financial support, yes.

Q)Have you hit a point were develepment will speed up, or will the you continue at the same pace; aka will you be done in months or years

A) We are at a point in development where progress on ingame features are just ABOUT to speed up exponentially. We are still running rigirious stability tests on core3, before we bother with in game features. We want a nice stable core before anything else, quality > quantity.

Q) Are you still predicting to release the first version of Core 3 by the end of summer?

A) That is a very high possibility.

Q) Is it possible to protect against third-party programs, or is this something private servers will have to deal with?

A) We will do everything in our power to make sure 3rd party program's will fail to work on Core3 servers.

Q) You said 90% of JTL was done, is the last 10% hard to do?

A) JTL hasn't gotten much attention in the past few months. We will revisit the other 10% of JTL when it is ready to be merged into core3.

Q)I know SWGEMU has been on cygwin and not it's on freebsd, will only one os be supported by the emu? will microsoft os be suported by your team?

A) Core3 will have distributions for almost every x86 platform to date.

Q) Will SWGEMU make use of multiple processors?

A) Yes.

Q) How close are you to creature spawns and missions ?

A) Creature's are done, we just need to flesh out the AI for them a bit. Missions are a bit further down the road due to stability issues that surface the last stress test.

Q) What state will jedi be released in?

A) You mean Hologrind or Village or InsertCustomMethodHere? Up to the admin via scripting .

Q) When can we expect the top 10 to be implemented?

A) Almost immidiately after stability issues are fixed.

Q) Is our testing helping find bugs?

A) Yes! We appreciate the masssive numbers of people helping us on the boring test days. Hang in there, suprises & rewards will follow

Q) Will we see combat inflicting wounds and/or battle fatigue in the near future?

A) Yes.

Q) In regards to the Krayt that had spawned. When he did not recover when he was knocked down. How does a mob know to get back up after its been knocked down? Does every single Mob recover over X amount of time has passed. Or, does each mob, depending on what level it is have a certain amount of time before it recovers from a knockdown?

A) We just were not handling an AI KD event, which we should have done before spawning them hehe. The reaction to a KD will eventually be in scripts.

Q) Can you make a list of whats to be implemented and time estimates for them to be implemented?

A) As soon as stability issues are fixed, and the previous top 10 is complete (shouldn't take too long as I said above), we will introduce a new top10.

Q) Will crafting be play-tested on the TC by the community?

A) Every feature will be play tested by the community (includes crafting, professions, mounts etc).

Q) Have you decided on what kind of code to release to the public? binaries, etc.?

A) We are a closed source project. The Core3 source will NOT be released however we strongly believe that everything you need and want to modify will be satisfied via scripts and the DB. If you have to modify the source to do something, then you are approaching the problem wrong.

Q) How happy are you on the performance of FreeBSD as the development/test platform?

A) Extremely happy. Especially because cygwin had a 5-10% overhead on windows. Of course we will have native versions of core3 on all platforms so we dont have to rely on cygwin.

Q) What testing can the community do that is not dependent on features available on the test server (besides animations)?

A) For stability the best you can do is just be idle/running around/fighting as much as you can. We know its boring and we know you really want the top10, but stability just has to come first.

Q) Will NPC be implemented anytime soon?

A) Yes. very very soon.

Q) will there be CSR tools?

A) Of course.

Q) Has there been any progress with clustering?

A) Yes. Clustering begun about 2 weeks ago.

Q)What has the datapack team been working on, and what are some accomplishments of theirs?

A) The datapack team is hard at work adding and cleaning up their 7000+ NPC/Mob entries . A new member is also about to join that team which should speed up progress on their front.

Q) About how soon can we expect to be able to test professions would you give a really rough estimate, mostly due to how far you are on them?

A) They will probably make it on a top10 list in the next 1-3 months.

22.04.2007 15:18:02  Zum letzten Beitrag
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SWGemu Project Status:
This thread is meant to be a simple way to keep the community updated on tasks that the DEV team is currently working on.

Each subject will be divided into several tiers of completion:
1.Packet work finished
2.Preliminary coding has begun.
3.Preliminary coding is done, and groundwork is in place to begin detailed refining.
4.Feature is ready to be implemented and is probably in internal testing on private Core3 Servers.
5.Feature has been implemented for public testing on SWGEmu Test Center.

We will try to update this every night with the status of each section.

a. Features

1.Preliminary Features
Zoning in to world:
Level: 5
Level: 5
Level: 4
Interface Elements (buff window, consent window):
Level: 4
Level: 5
Guild Chat:
Level: 3
Planetary Chat:
Level: 5
Private Messages:
Level: 5
System Messages:
Level: 5
Combat Spam:
Level: 5
Custom Avatar Creation:
Level: 5
Planetary Travel:
Level: 3
Level: 2
Level: 3
Level: 4
Level: 3
2. Combat Features

HAM updates (Damage, attack cost):
Level: 5
default attack:
Level: 4
Level: 5
Weapon speed/damage modifiers:
Level: 5
Tangible Weapons/Items:
Level: 5
Special Moves:
Level: 5
3. Crafting


Level: 3
Level: 3
Item Creation:
Level: 3
4. NPCs
NPC Zone in:
Level: 4
NPC attack:
Level: 4
NPC movement:
Level: 4
NPC basic AI
Level: 3
5.Player Housing, economy and municipalities

Structure Placement:
Level: 3
Structure Administration (Ban, admin list, entry list, name, and maintenance:
Level: 3
Guild Creation:
Level: 3
Guild Administration:
Level: 0
Disband Guild:
Level: 3
Destroy Structure:
Level: 2
Place city:
Level: 0
City Administration:
Level: 0
City Structure Placement:
Level: 0
Level: 0
Level: 3
Resource Gathering:
Level: 3
Level: 3
Level: 3
Item Acquisition:
Level: 4
Level: 3
Level: 3
Level: 3
6. Galactic Civil War

NPC Factional recruiters:
Level: 1
Factional Ranking:
Level: 2
Factional Item Perks:
Level: 1
Factional Base Placement:
Level: 0
7. Jump To Lightspeed
Level: 4
Level: 3
Ship Administration:
Level: 2
Level: 0
Level: 0
Level: 4
__________________________________________________ _

The database section will be broken up into several different tiers:
1.Primary Planning and SQL template layout complete.
2.Database has begun to be populated.
3.Database is complete.
4.Database is in it's usable form and ready to be implemented.
5.Database is in for public testing on SWGemu Core 3 server.

b. Database

Level: 4
Level: 2
Item stats:
Level: 2
Loot table:
Level: 2
Level: 3
Static NPC spawns (Cities and POIs):
Level: 3
__________________________________________________ ____
c. Edits and Updates

More information and sections will be added over time. Admins, moderators, If you edit this please document your edit in this formatting:

[Name of changer] [Date of change] [Description of change]

This list is NOT in order of importance, or in any chronological order.

Quelle: http://www.swgemu.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3498
05.05.2007 12:20:43  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Update woot woot
I guess I should update on whats been going on. Since not everyone is on IRC.

I started hardcore working on core 3 on Tuesday.

Since Tuesday morning, I added many things.

Biographies, Guild Listing, Character Sheet Info, Planetary Map, Tickets, Shuttles, Badges, and Weather stuff.

TheAnswer added the Trainers which are working awesome.

Ramsey is working on some top sekretz.

Donkey is doing Armor.

Oru is.. well.. he's Oru. He does everything .

So ya. I post screens regularly on IRC. And I have a private test group to test new things as I add them.

Thats about it. I added so much stuff over the last 24 hours I can't even remember it all.

As a team, we rock. We get so much done together.

Core 3 FTW. SWGEmu FTW.


02.06.2007 17:15:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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[21:17:54] <Ssyn> my gf has asked me this for the last month and im wondering how creatures are coming along
[21:17:59] <@Seaseme> great!
[21:18:02] <@Seaseme> fuckin great
[21:18:09] <@Seaseme> the DB is ready to be put in
[21:18:13] <@Seaseme> we're just waiting on the correct timing
[21:18:23] <~Ultyma> Ya..
[21:18:27] <@Seaseme> probably with missions
[21:18:28] <@Seaseme> or something
[21:18:29] <@Seaseme> i don't know
13.06.2007 21:40:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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noch ne kleine info: mitlerweile funzen auch macros, states wie dizzy, kd, defense vs irgendwas, intimidate, warcry etc. und wettereffekte wie sandstürme gibts auch.
dancer und musician sind komplett inklusive aller lieder, tänze und flourishes.
trainer stehn da auch rum bei denen man alles lernen kann, es fliegt ein shuttle von bestine nach ah und zurück und die map kann man benutzen Augenzwinkern
overt reb/imp geht man mit /setImperial oder /setRebel

geht mitlerweile gut voran

/€ natürlich isses @setImperial und @setRebel
/€² die ganzen abilities lernt man übrigens mitlerweile auch, wenn man die skillboxen lernt und kann die sachen wie gewohnt in die leiste ziehn, also nix mehr mit komische befehle tippen um zu kämpfen
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von skinni am 14.06.2007 0:00]
13.06.2007 23:45:59  Zum letzten Beitrag
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und zum schluss nochn bild von grad eben, is eigentlich immer was los aufm testserver

zum spielen benötigt man nur nen swg client (egal welche version). dann saugt man sich launchpad enhanced installiert es und den rest erledigt das programm:

so gn8
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von skinni am 14.06.2007 0:12]
14.06.2007 0:07:03  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Sehr geil. Muss aber erstmal meinen Assassin in Eq2 auf 70 spielen. Augenzwinkern
14.06.2007 10:37:45  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Das sieht doch inzwischen sehr gut aus. Werd ich gleich mal nachher installieren und vorbeischauen.
14.06.2007 11:47:09  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Tenz 03.04.2009
16.06.2007 1:17:46  Zum letzten Beitrag
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vorhin :P
17.06.2007 2:24:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Fichte!? :P
17.06.2007 13:58:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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So langsam aber sicher *froi*
17.06.2007 15:06:32  Zum letzten Beitrag
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was mir sorgen macht, dass niemand genau die formeln kennt und alles nur geraten ist bzw auf erinnerungen und erfahrungen basiert. gab z.B. gerade ne diskussion ob 2hand-hit3 und area3 dizzy verursachten. manche sagen nein, aber es tats. nur gibts da halt oft verschiedene meinungen und ganz genau wie früher wirds niemals werden. das feintuning wird echt schwer, an crafting will ich gar nich denken...
17.06.2007 16:18:08  Zum letzten Beitrag
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UH3 machte auch blind...(das weiß ich 100%, weil ich nie /unarmedblind in der hotbar hatte, da ich stattdessen uh3 genommen habe). Wird aber auch nicht eingefügt, weil die kA haben. Leider.
17.06.2007 16:27:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Tenz 03.04.2009
Gut, daran kann man halt nicht allzuviel drehen. Aber allein schon um einfach nur 'nen Pre-CU-Server zu haben lohnt es sich drüber weg zu schauen. Oder wird es Post-CU? Mal FAQ lesen... einige Sachen haben mir Post-CU eigentlich ganz gut gefallen, die Armor-Certifications z.B. Die Entwicklung stoppt sowieso nicht, und viele "Veteranen" wissen noch nichts von SWGEmu. Sobald das Ding aber release-state erreicht hat, und auch die Playerbase größer wird, werden die Diskussionen um die Skill-Effekte eh losgehen, die ganzen Veteranen werden überzeugen können, welche Effekte früher vorhanden waren und die Sachen werden gepatcht. Ich sehe da jetzt also nicht sooo das riesen Problem.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von DaRkJeDi am 19.06.2007 8:51]
19.06.2007 4:05:16  Zum letzten Beitrag
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pre-cu, publish 12 bzw 13
20.06.2007 23:43:21  Zum letzten Beitrag
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ich hab ich gerade mal durchs net gewurschtelt ... ich versteh das alles nich ganz....wie sieht das aus was kann man bisher alles machen ....was is mit auflevln usw? bin recht ahnungslos
24.06.2007 15:27:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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ich poste zwar nur die news von deren seite, aber dennoch:

With today's update you will see the introduction to several new things, including: Guilds, Recruiters, and the badge system. There will be another tiny update later this week that will put on Planetary chat, and we will also be having a Q&A time TBD. We know NPCs and creatures are on the wish list for everyone right now, we've finished the databases for them. You can expect to see them very soon hopefully. the reason they are being delayed so long is because of some tricky issues regarding their movement. That's why krayts on TC just sort of stand still when we spawn them. We'll have more info on it at the Q&A this week. So, we look forward to seeing you all there.
27.06.2007 22:34:22  Zum letzten Beitrag
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gruppen, aber noch keine mobs
02.07.2007 22:37:34  Zum letzten Beitrag
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04.07.2007 7:21:18  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Kif 20.09.2014
Na das sieht mal interessant aus!
Ich werde mir das heute Abend mal genauer anschauen.

> Wo krieg ich denn den Client her? Mata halt...
>> Und wo und was und überhaupt muss ich machen, wenn ich anfangen will? peinlich/erstaunt
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von K.I.F am 04.07.2007 15:01]
04.07.2007 14:50:11  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Startpost lesen soll helfen.
04.07.2007 23:14:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von K.I.F

Na das sieht mal interessant aus!
Ich werde mir das heute Abend mal genauer anschauen.

> Wo krieg ich denn den Client her? Mata halt...
>> Und wo und was und überhaupt muss ich machen, wenn ich anfangen will? peinlich/erstaunt

Client im Laden kaufen.
05.07.2007 3:15:46  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Mehr als das brauchste prinzipiell nicht. Und halt noch die .paks + Zusatzsoftware um die Emu spielen zu können.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von eder am 05.07.2007 11:38]
05.07.2007 10:36:32  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: Star Wars Galaxies (Emu) ( Isn't this illegal? - No. )
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