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 Thema: Star Wars Galaxies (Emu) ( Isn't this illegal? - No. )
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05.07.2007 13:09:18  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Habt ihr den Post von Tiggs damals mitbekommen?

Alles was sie sagt stimmte und das mit dem CU1 fand ich auch ziemlich krass.

Guter Text um alte Gefühle wieder hochzubringen. Augenzwinkern
10.07.2007 18:24:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Vehicles \o/


06.09.2007 21:56:20  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Sehr fein
08.09.2007 10:33:59  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Oru 7.10.2007

due to "high" demand here is a little update that everyone knows anyways:

basic item managament is done so all the player items are stored now in DB. Ulty is going to start adding in vendors and probably a blue frog

as you could see there are random spawns covering all the planet and we are going to implement them a bit more interactive and fixup their AI

TA is working one something i forgot but i'll ask him later.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von eder am 09.10.2007 23:17]
09.10.2007 23:16:25  Zum letzten Beitrag
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SWGEmu Big Update 11/21/2007
Zitat von Ultyma
Hey Everyone.

First and foremost I want to apologize for the few updates over the last couple months. We have all been rather busy with real life issues but have still found time to continue working on the server. That being said, many of the lingering crash issues have been fixed and the core is stable as it has ever been.

Now, A little while ago I said there was big news coming for this project and rightfully so, there is.

We have discussed this very thoroughly and have come to this conclusion.

SWGEmu will be going partially open-source in the near future.

It will not be the same mess that was Core1.

The way we have decided to do it is this.

SWGEmu is made up of 2 parts. Engine3 and Core3.

Engine3 will remain closed source, but available for download as a static library included with Core3, as it is the backbone and framework for the server that we guard very carefully, as it is being used for other projects as well.

Core3, which is the SWG framework will be made open source and freely available to be checked out by the public.

With it being open source, we hope to gain new developers with new insight on how to do things, also it will allow this project to get completed faster than if it was just us 4.

Source code written for Core3 by the public will be submitted through our submission platform (probably trac), at which point we will test it on a private server and if it remains stable enough, we will commit it to the public svn.

Developers who contribute alot of their time and code will be welcomed onto the team and given the ability to commit code directly to the svn themselves.
(After passing certain quality/control tests from our current team of course)

We are currently accepting resumes from prospective developers who wish to join the team right away. Please forum PM them to Me, Oru, TheAnswer, Ramsey and Seaseme.

Over the past few months we have noticed the intensity that once existed for SWG has dwindled to a near halt. We feel that this course of action will lead to the survival and continued success of the first and best Pre-Combat Upgrade Star-Wars Galaxies server.

Comments? Suggestions? Requests?

Post them here.

Das Projekt wird aufgeteilt in: Core3 und Engine3.
Engine3 wird vom aktuellen Team bearbeitet, Core3 geht opensource.
Sie suchen neue Developer für ihr Team.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bautzi am 27.11.2007 21:36]
27.11.2007 21:35:53  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Ich hatte mir letzte Woche EaW : Forces of Corruption für lau gekauft...
Über der RegNr ist Werbung für SWG!

Ich weiß zwar aus ner Monats Trial wie Kacke das Spiel jetzt ist, aber irgendwie hat mich die Werbung doch angefixt!

Bei Amazon kostet das komplette Paket knappe 30¤.
Natürlich könnte ich auch einfach nur "Empire divided" und "Jump to Lightspeed" installieren, welche ich bereits hier habe...

Da aber alleine ätzend ist...
Hätte noch jemand Interesse, n bisschen SWG zu zocken?

Die Emu braucht ja bestimmt noch 2 Jahre...
03.12.2007 19:58:20  Zum letzten Beitrag
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SWGEmu Goes Open Source!
The Starwars Galaxies Pre-Combat Upgrade Server Emulator has gone open source! The project hopes to attract fresh new programmers with a drive to contribute. This will mean the project will accelerate at a much faster pace than before and soon, everyone will be able to enjoy the game SOE destroyed...rest der meldung gibts hier

und ne solo, ich warte lieber
03.12.2007 20:23:41  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Solo

Ich hatte mir letzte Woche EaW : Forces of Corruption für lau gekauft...
Über der RegNr ist Werbung für SWG!

Ich weiß zwar aus ner Monats Trial wie Kacke das Spiel jetzt ist, aber irgendwie hat mich die Werbung doch angefixt!

Bei Amazon kostet das komplette Paket knappe 30¤.
Natürlich könnte ich auch einfach nur "Empire divided" und "Jump to Lightspeed" installieren, welche ich bereits hier habe...

Da aber alleine ätzend ist...
Hätte noch jemand Interesse, n bisschen SWG zu zocken?

Die Emu braucht ja bestimmt noch 2 Jahre...

Bautzi und ich haben erst letztens die Trial gespielt und...naja...ne. Da wart ich lieber bis die Emu draußen is, alsdass ich SOE für Swg Geld zahle. Inzwischen hab ich wieder meinen Acc für EQ2 reaktiviert.
16.12.2007 3:30:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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12/17/07 BiWeekly Wrapup
Zitat von Ramsey

Well its been a crazy 2 weeks since going open source, and we've made some impressive strides. People are now beginning to understand and generate some impressive code. I'd like to start off and mention some of the community code contributions in development and submitted, over the past 2 weeks.

1) Resource Manager (kyle). kyle has been very active on the opendev irc channel and I know he is really making an effort to fully understand the innerworkings of core3. He is currently working on the Resource Manager which will eventually manage all resources done on the server. This is a big job and will not be something done overnight, but its nice to see him make an effort in this area of development.

2) Surveying (Ritter). Ritter has show me some of his work and he has done a phenomenal job of jumping right into the dirty packet work. Surveying is entirely possible to finish by the next Update, or even before.

3) Planet Map SQL locations (various). I have been tracking the contributions people have made in this area, and it was very nice to see so many people take interest and finish the majority of the planets at record speed. It's impossible to credit an individual for the progress made here, so I'd like everyone to at least glance at their topic over at the Open Source Development Forum. Mabye there's something you can do

4) Looting Discussion & Loot Forum

5) Packet Documentation. I am hoping to bring major portions of the packet documentation online in our trac packet wiki. Now that a lot of people are starting to understand the code, this should be extremely beneficial in getting some of the newer features to work. As for the Clustering article expansion, I was thinking of using our JTL stuff as a base for some of that

6) TRN/Heightmap Progress: I've made some major strides in researching TRN files, and right now its just down to figuring out some of the Fractal Affectors.

I'd also like to shed some attention to our financial status. In order to develop an SWGEmu precu server, we need to collect data from our live TC server. Unfortunately, people just haven't been donating. Please see this topic (click) for more info.

18.12.2007 10:59:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Und weiter gehts:


Resourcen werden gespawned, verschwinden auch wieder nach Zeitablauf und werden durch eine neue Ersetzt. Stats basieren auf der von Pre-CU.


Loot Messages:

Wounds nach Disease:

Loot-Windows von einem Corpse:

Doc-Buffs funktionieren mit @KDO. Verschwinden nach Disconnect.
25.12.2007 12:57:10  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Das meiste davon ist jetzt auf dem TC von swgemu.com.
Man kann sogar nach Dathomir reisen. (Anchorhead -> Corellia -> Dathomir).

Die verschiedenen POIs führen zu NPC spawns, z.B. Prison auf Dathomir findet man Imperial Spawn mit AT-ATs.
30.12.2007 19:02:42  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Erstmal danke das du den Thread up-to-date hälst

Macht sich langsam und es kommt immer mehr. Das gefällt.
30.12.2007 20:38:47  Zum letzten Beitrag
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And yeah, this is SWGEmu's third anniversary, it was founded in December 2004. So thanks to everyone for having faith and hanging around so long. We promise it won't be much longer!

Secondly, Ritter and Kyle are nearly done with Resources, Surveying, sampling and harvesting. This will allow them to begin work on crafting. We should see that update before too long, here's a new video from Ritter.

http://www.swgemu.com/images/sample.avi (right click, save as)

http://swg.robcherry.net/files/sample.avi (right click, save as)

Next, Voltrox has put in an assortment of things the last week including Weapon/armor slicing, item deletion, radial options for looting/trading and also continued to improve the loot system stuff, fixed some LUA stuff, got decay and repair tools working, did a cloning fix so you don't clone in the middle of no where, got commando/heavy weapons working, AND made an @giveItem command similar to the command in the core1 version of swgemu. All of this should be up on TC before long for testing. Here are some pics:

Ramsey has been working on JTL, he also did some fun stuff that's not really ideal, but cool none the less -- like atmospheric flight.

and I have a quote from him..

"JTL groundwork in core3 is almost done -- it doesn't mean they can fly it quite yet; we need to develop a space zone class for that, since tracking objects in space is different than ground."

Oru and TA have also been working extra hard cleaning code and making sure it's the quality it needs to be in before submitting. Quality assurance is still the name of the game in order to keep things working well. TA Also submitted a full trading patch which will be on TC asap. So go give that a test!

That's about it, so, have a great new year and we'll have another update to you probably in a week or two.

Phätter TC Lewt:

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bautzi am 02.01.2008 21:49]
02.01.2008 18:58:11  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Wird nochmal ne größere News geben, wenns bereit für den TC ist.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bautzi am 16.01.2008 12:18]
06.01.2008 12:22:17  Zum letzten Beitrag
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geht ja echt gut vorran jetzt, hätte ich nich erwartet
07.01.2008 0:33:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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das spiel gibts immer noch?

ich hab damals nach jtl aufgehört, hab nicht mal die erste mission geschaft. aber das spiel hätte soviel potential gehabt :-(
07.01.2008 1:35:56  Zum letzten Beitrag
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SWGEmu Client Update Coming: Publish 14
We are going to be switching to Publish 14 sometime over the next few days.

Since most of you use Launchpad Enhanced, I've asked Kyle to prepare getting the client ready to distribute through it.

Publish 14 brings many enhancements.

We've got cell movement working bug free in it.

I've also found a way to use Publish 13's Movement in Publish 14, for those of you who hate the "snappy" new movement (like me).

Other little enhancements like the region name in the radar and little things like that help contribute to a much better client.

The game just feels more solid.

Anyways, theres lots of things going up on TC over the next little while, when we switch to 14 you will no longer be able to login with 13, so you will need to get the update. If you are unsure what to do, we will post some help on it over the next few days.

Thank you for your continued support!

May the force be with you...

- SWGEmu Dev Team.
10.01.2008 12:50:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Biweekly Wrap Up/Update 1/13
Hey everyone, I know it's been a seriously long time since the last update, but i think this is worth it.

Anyhow, the big news of the day is that TA got cell movement working on Tatooine, so now you can see other players/yourself inside buildings, instead of waiting at the doorstep. To celebrate this joyous occasion we decided to have a dance party in the bestine cantina. Here's a video. Thanks to everyone who came, it was pretty fun.


Thanks for filming that!

Also, Kyle has done more work on structures and implemented factories.


Today Voltrox commited a bunch of new stuff that will be on test center shortly, here's the list

[added] Working armor resists
[changed] moved loot to a separate container "lootContainer"
[changed] loot is generated when the creature is looted and not upon death
[changed/added] ham costs for weapons
[changed] wounds cap at base HAM -1 instead of max HAM

Ritter has been working on optimizing the resource spawning so it will take less time. PanchJr has made bazaars/vendors basic functionality and is working on introducing basic Bazaar/vendor search features that came with the publish 14 client.

Important Notice:
Anyone who upgraded to publish 14 or installed the client between 1/10 and 1/13 using the SWGEmu Installer, please run the upgrade process again. There was a critical mistake made with the configuration files that caused a client crash.
14.01.2008 10:02:31  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Originally Posted by Ritter:
That took about a week to figure out due to the bizarre nature of the packet being used to send that information. It may look like a small step but implementing draft schematics is a very big deal.

Kleiner Crafting Fortschritt:

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bautzi am 22.01.2008 17:01]
22.01.2008 9:45:54  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Originally posted by tyrael
seems like a small step but basics stims are ready more to come soon

24.01.2008 8:03:41  Zum letzten Beitrag
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... Biweekly Wrap Up/Update 1/27
And of course, the TC has been slammed with tons of updates on SVN. A few of highlights since 1/13/08:

[added] armor slicing, decay, and repair via @sliceArmor and @repairArmor
[fixed] weapon/armor attribute lists
[fixed] Action/Fire DOT
[added] DOT Duration
[added] Wookie and Ithorian starter items.
[added] Bazaar available item categorization
[added] Harvester/Resource Baseline documentation
[added]Ticket Collector shuttle time message update
[added] DOT resist skill mods
[fixed] Updated some creature resists
[fixed] encumbrance / ham regeneration bug
[fixed] only equipped items will decay upon death
[added] Terrain Negotiation
[added] bazaar basic buying
[fixed] mails not showing correct status or date/time
[fixed] combat spam on npc attacks
[fixed] increased dmg and reduced kd/dizzy chance on krayts

Those are only a few of the many changes that went on in the TC these past two weeks. It would be impossible to properly credit every individual who made these changes possible, so I encourage everyone to read the SVN timeline as often as you can for the latest and greatest updates: http://trac2.assembla.com/swgemu/timeline.
28.01.2008 10:43:09  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP DeathCobra 24.06.2021
ist das eigentlich mittlerweile halbwegs spielbar oder noch immer zusammengepfriemelte einzelteile?
28.01.2008 10:48:54  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von DeathCobra

ist das eigentlich mittlerweile halbwegs spielbar oder noch immer zusammengepfriemelte einzelteile?

Alle Combatklassen sind implementiert. Combat funktioniert, aber noch nicht nach den original Formeln (zB attack speed ist noch sehr gering und states landen bei jeder Attacke).

NPCs sind drin und PVP funktioniert auch. Surveying kann man ebenfalls schon antesten. (Sampling auch? noch nicht getestet.)

Am besten, wenn du Zeit hast, gehste selber einfach mal auf den TC und guckst es dir selber an. Das Setup ist mittlerweile Recht einfach, da es schon viele Tools (Launchpach Enhanced) gibt, die alles automatisch installieren. Ansonsten gibt es Guides im swgemu.com Forum. Einfach mal Anmelden und durchgucken.
28.01.2008 11:32:51  Zum letzten Beitrag
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TC Screenshots:

Disease ;( :


Wounds und Battle Fatigue:

Character Screen:
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bautzi am 31.01.2008 15:30]
30.01.2008 19:56:52  Zum letzten Beitrag
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TC Event

40 Players vs AT-AT

AT-AT on sight

TheAnswer mit von der Partie

2. AT-AT gespawned

Und da geht er doooown!

Das Ding hatte 1.000.000 HAM und es hat ca 2 Stunden gedauert um es mit 40 Mann zu erlegen.

Video: http://www.stage6.com/user/AnimaRytak/video/2171727/SWGEmu-AT-AT-Hunt
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bautzi am 02.02.2008 16:15]
01.02.2008 12:34:35  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Nimmt doch immer mehr Hand und Fuß an. Werde nun auch ab und an wenn die Zeit es zulässt auf den TC kommen.

Hatte irgendwie beim Interface beim einloggen wieder Nostalgiegefühle pur.

Nochmals danke für die Berichterstattung Bautzi.

¤: Gibt es zufällig Befehle um sich andere Armors oder so zu erzeugen.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Ste@lth am 02.02.2008 19:00]
01.02.2008 14:26:00  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Armor / Waffen gibts nur durch Loot.

Ansonsten gibts folgende Befehle(im Spatial eingeben):



03.02.2008 22:01:28  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP aardwolf* 09.06.2008
Wenn ich mir überlege wie toll ich SWG mal fand und wie kacke ich die Grafik jetzt finde, das schreckt mich ab traurig
04.02.2008 1:09:31  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Tenz 03.04.2009
Zitat von aardwolf*

Wenn ich mir überlege wie toll ich SWG mal fand und wie kacke ich die Grafik jetzt finde, das schreckt mich ab traurig

Genau das gleiche hab ich mir eben auch gedacht. Hab mich letztens auch mal wieder auf dem TC eingeloggt, kam großteils garnichtmehr mit der Steuerung zurecht.

Aber wir alle wissen ja, was unter der Oberfläche dieser verwaschenen Grafik, die ich irgendwie geiler in Erinnerung habe, steckt. Ich erwarte zumindest sehnsüchtig die Fertigstellung

Auf welchen Grafik-Einstellungen hast du es denn laufen, Bautzi?
04.02.2008 8:13:17  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: Star Wars Galaxies (Emu) ( Isn't this illegal? - No. )
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