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 Thema: R.I.P Gone With The Blastwave
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AUP DeathCobra 24.06.2021

Die meisten hier werden wol blastwave kennen, für mich einer der besten webcomics überhaupt.
nun, was müssen meine müden augen gerade lesen?

In July of 2005, Finnish high-school student Kimmo Lemetti began writing and illustrating a comic about a post-apocalyptic world in which three rival factions – Red, Yellow and Blue – are in constant battle with no end, or goal in sight. Lemetti called this Web comic (Webcomic) Gone with the Blastwave , and it particularly follows the antics of two soldiers from the Red army – a flamethrower operator and a sniper – as they make their way through the war zone often in search of food, fighting their way through areas occupied by members of the rival factions, trying to locate other members of their army, looking for a way out of the city or just plain trying to overcome boredom.

The amazing thing about Gone with the Blastwave is that it takes war, and the common fear of a possible nuclear apocalypse and makes them funny. The Web comic even took stabs at the ethics and reasoning behind war right from the first strip, entitled “Why Do We Fight?”, in which the sniper asks the flamethrower operator what the whole point of the war is.

Lemetti's art itself is stunning. Each of the strips has been digitally painted in full colour, and he produces a world and characters that not only complements each other perfectly, but also creates the type of atmosphere one might picture when thinking of soldiers in a post-apocalyptic war zone. His writing is well executed too, as each strip both starts and finishes a particular train of thought, without requiring the reader to wait for the next strip. This is especially important for the frequency with which Lemetti updated the Web comic – rarely.

Unfortunately, as of July 1 st , 2008, the Gone with the Blastwave website became inaccessible to viewers, as the domain expired, and Gone with the Blastwave is now gone. Over three years of running the site, Lemetti only produced a total of 39 strips. Updates became so infrequent that the time between the publishing of strips could sometimes be counted in months. However, within those three years, his strips, and his art in particular, became so popular that he was able to sell a trade paperback containing the first 32 strips. Gone with the Blastwave , Vol. 1 is still available from Amazon.com today. Will we ever see a Vol. 2? Who knows?

Lemetti is still around, updating his blog from time to time, and working on his skills, studying 3D Visualization at the EVTEK Institute of Art and Design, in Finland. In a recent post, he did make mention of another domain that could be used for the Webcomic if he is unable to recover the original domain. From the sound of things though, even if the Webcomic does go back online, it doesn't look like Lemetti will be adding new strips any time soon as he mentioned that he is currently in the process of drawing a lot of random thing to improve his technical skills, but nothing to do with Blastwave . In fact, he has requested to be left alone on that issue.

und kimmo schreibt selber:

So the Blastwave domain apparently expired yesterday. I can still load the page, but yar.

Right now I am not completely sure if I can get the domain back. It was originally registered at another place and I don’t exactly have control over it. It’s complicated and I’d rather not explain.

There is this other domain where the page will be moved to if I am unable to recover the old domain.

In other news:
I am currently in the process of drawing alot. Random things, not blastwave (my god cant you just leave me alone?!). I am trying to imporve my technical skills somewhat. Also to learn humans at somepoint.

I’m trying to learn enough that I could draw almost everything I can think of when I’m randomly doodling. Not to reach perfection or anything, just raise the level a bit. Since I’m not looking to get hired for atleast another 3 years, I haven’t really been “drawing for the sake of learning”. But now I’m once again not satisfied by my sketches.

quellen und comic (solang er noch erreichbar ist):

was meint ihr? nie wieder blastwave traurig
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 3 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von DeathCobra am 21.07.2008 15:19]
21.07.2008 15:17:25  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Lies die Mainpage lieber nochmal
21.07.2008 15:18:34  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Würde mich eh net stören. Gibt ja noch 1000k gute Comicseiten im Web.
21.07.2008 15:19:40  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Flashhead 23.11.2020
Zitat von DeathCobra

was meint ihr? nie wieder blastwave traurig

21.07.2008 15:19:43  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Insaniac 04.02.2020


21.07.2008 15:19:45  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP DeathCobra 24.06.2021
uff -.-
21.07.2008 15:20:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Doggyz 18.03.2008
Zitat von Crux

Lies die Mainpage lieber nochmal

21.07.2008 15:20:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Artemos 22.07.2012
Blastwave ist tolltraurig

Schade, dass es einfach so vorbei sein soll.
21.07.2008 15:20:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Falls es einer noch nicht mitbekommen hat!
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von mokka am 21.07.2008 15:21]
21.07.2008 15:20:59  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP DeathCobra 24.06.2021
Zitat von ultimateleon*

Würde mich eh net stören. Gibt ja noch 1000k gute Comicseiten im Web.

aber nicht DEN comic.
was ist das denn für ne aussage?
21.07.2008 15:21:02  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Icefeldt 09.04.2020
*mimimi* ???

Nur weil seine Domain expired ist? Pillepalle
Was whinest du so rum?
21.07.2008 15:21:09  Zum letzten Beitrag
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21.07.2008 15:22:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Flashhead 23.11.2020
Zitat von ultimateleon*

Würde mich eh net stören. Gibt ja noch 1000k gute Comicseiten im Web.

Aber nicht von der Qualität. 99% der Webcomics sind einfach Schrott, von Leuten, die nicht witzig sind, keine interessanten Geschichten zu erzählen haben, keine markanten Figuren kreieren und nicht zeichnen können. Oder dazu noch abgefuckt langweilig wie Penny Arcade und CtrlAltDel. Gone with the Blastwave ist, vielleicht auch weil die Strips nicht inflationär erscheinen, fast durchgängig genial.
21.07.2008 15:22:37  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP DeathCobra 24.06.2021
Zitat von Icefeldt

*mimimi* ???

Nur weil seine Domain expired ist? Pillepalle
Was whinest du so rum?

äh nö, weil sein post so rüber kam als wisse er nicht genau ob er überhaupt weiter macht und dass ihn das ganze nervt.
und weil comicbookbin sonst ne super seite ist. so GTFO.
21.07.2008 15:23:04  Zum letzten Beitrag
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21.07.2008 15:23:35 Insaniac hat diesen Thread geschlossen.

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