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 Moderiert von: Che Guevara

 Thema: cstrike.de Steam Skin?
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AUP Wahooka 21.09.2012
Bitte beachten cs.de Farben
Falls jemand die Forenfarben auch so knuffig wie ich findet...

...und den ESL-Skin einen Tick zu dunkel findet, kann folgende Werte in seine TrackerScheme.res packen:

//////////////////////// COLORS ///////////////////////////
// base colors
"BaseText" "216 222 211 255" // used in text windows, lists
"BrightBaseText" "255 255 255 255" // brightest text
"SelectedText" "255 255 255 255" // selected text
"DimBaseText" "107 122 138 255" // dim base text
"LabelDimText" "107 122 138 255" // used for info text
"ControlText" "255 255 255 255" // used in all text controls
"BrightControlText" "255 255 255 255" // use for selected controls
"DisabledText1" "107 122 138 255" // disabled text
"DisabledText2" "80 90 100 255" // overlay color for disabled text (to give that inset look)
"DimListText" "89 98 107 255" // offline friends, unsubscribed games, etc.

// background colors
"ControlBG" "57 78 99 255" // background color of controls
"ControlDarkBG" "70 92 113 255" // darker background color; used for background of scrollbars
"WindowBG" "34 46 58 255" // background color of text edit panes (chat, text entries, etc.)
"SelectionBG" "50 105 130 255" // background color of any selected text or menu item
"SelectionBG2" "40 95 120 255" // selection background in window w/o focus
"ListBG" "34 46 58 255" // background of server browser, buddy list, etc.

// titlebar colors
"TitleText" "255 255 255 255"
"TitleDimText" "107 122 138 255"
"TitleBG" "57 78 99 0"
"TitleDimBG" "57 78 99 0"

// slider tick colors
"SliderTickColor" "127 140 127 255"
"SliderTrackColor" "31 31 31 255"

// border colors
"BorderBright" "90 114 134 255" // the lit side of a control
"BorderDark" "25 45 65 255" // the dark/unlit side of a control
"BorderSelection" "0 0 0 255" // the additional border color for displaying the default/selected button

Viel Spaß! :-)

09.10.2003 4:43:32  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von -BigDaddy-
So, mal was kleines für den frischen Biergenuss zwischendurch. fröhlich

cab schmeckt zwar, ist aber definitiv kein bier.
30.10.2003 1:30:28  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: cstrike.de Steam Skin?
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