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 Thema: Erdbeben ( Was tun? )
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Zitat von Flash_

Und Nordkorea, jetzt wo der Flugzeugträger der Amis weg ist, Südkorea angreift.

Vielleicht denkt Kim-Jong il:
"Wenn jetzt sowieso alles verstrahlt ist, kann ich ja meine Bömbchen testen".

13.03.2011 16:48:13  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von -=Charon=-

Zitat von hardCoreGEN

Zitat von Hammerschmitt

Zitat von Koskech

"...sagte Landesumweltminister Markus Söder ..."Eine solche Katastrophe konnte keiner vorhersehen. Die Natur schreibt ein anderes Drehbuch als der Mensch.""

Immer diese extrem seltenen Erdbeben in Japan. Völlig überraschend. So ganz helle ist der wohl nicht.

Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 9 ist 10x stärker als das der Stufe 8.

Laut meinem Erdkundelehrer ist die Stärke n+1 33 mal so groß wie n.

"Wegen des dekadischen Logarithmus bedeutet der Anstieg der Magnitude um einen Punkt
auf der Skala einen etwa zehnfach höheren Ausschlag (Amplitude) im Seismogramm und
näherungsweise die 32-fache Energiefreisetzung (exponentielles Wachstum) im Erdbebenherd."


Oh, das wusste ich nicht. Aber ändert nichts daran, das man absolut nicht damit planen konnte.
13.03.2011 16:50:02  Zum letzten Beitrag
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verschmitzt lachen
13.03.2011 16:50:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AK Lover

AK Lover
Zitat von Terrorpudel


13.03.2011 16:53:03  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP jonny 01.04.2012
Zitat von AK Lover

Zitat von Terrorpudel



nicht nur die
13.03.2011 16:55:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Marine NaSe II
verschmitzt lachen
Zitat von Terrorpudel


Glaub Google nicht! Die wollen sich so vor der Stromknappheit schützen! 30 Hamster "erlaufen" genug Strom für einen Kühlschrank!
13.03.2011 16:56:17  Zum letzten Beitrag
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_-°-_ 4p0h!s _-°-_

Russe BF
Zitat von jonny

Zitat von AK Lover

Zitat von Terrorpudel



nicht nur die

Gesichtstsunami dann eher. Dummheitsrekord 2011 so far
13.03.2011 16:56:57  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Arctic Female
Zitat von Terrorpudel


13.03.2011 16:58:13  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP legendary_hacki 02.03.2010
Zitat von Terrorpudel

Deppen. Damit gleichen die Leute die Stromrationierung aus. Ist doch klar.
13.03.2011 16:58:13  Zum letzten Beitrag
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danke für den lacher! Breites Grinsen
13.03.2011 16:58:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Kampfferkerl 23.02.2010
TEPCO Press Release: 1 2

Weils extrem lang zu laden dauert hier mal den Text:

Below is major impact to TEPCO's facilities due to the Miyagiken-Oki
Earthquake that occurred yesterday at 2:46PM.
*new items are underlined

[Nuclear Power Station]
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station:
Units 1 to 3: shutdown due to earthquake
Units 4 to 6: outage due to regular inspection
* The national government has instructed evacuation for those local
residents within 20km radius of the site periphery.
* The value of radioactive material (iodine, etc) is increasing according
to the monitoring car at the site (outside).
* Since the amount of radiation at the boundary of the site exceeds the
limits, we decide at 4:17PM, Mar 12 and we have reported and/or noticed
the government agencies concerned to apply the clause 1 of the Article 15
of the Radiation Disaster Measure at 5PM, Mar 12. The radiation dose at
the monitoring post decreased once. Today, the measured value revamped and
the radiation dose measured at site boundary exceeded the limiting value
again. As such, at 8:56AM, today, it was determined that a specific incident
stipulated in article 15, clause 1 occurred and at 09:01AM, today, notified
After that, the measured value by the monitoring car decreased once, however
the value revamped and the radiation dose measured at site boundary exceeded
the limitation again. As such, at 2:15PM, today, it was determined that a
specific incident stipulated in article 15, clause 1 occurred and at 02:23PM,
today, notified accordingly.
* In addition, a vertical earthquake hit the site and big explosion has
happened near the Unit 1 and smoke breaks out around 3:36PM, Mar 12th.
* Unit 1: We started injection of sea water into the reactor core at 8:20PM,
Mar 12 and then boric acid subsequently. We are coordinating with the
relevant authorities and departments as to how to cool down water in the
spent nuclear fuel pool.
* Unit 2: Reactor has been shut down and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling
System has been injecting water to the reactor. Current reactor water level
is lower than normal level, but the water level is steady. After fully
securing safety, we are preparing to implement a measure to reduce the
pressure of the reactor containment vessels under the instruction of the
national government. To do so, we operated the vent valve and completed the
operation at 11:00AM, Mar 13.
* Unit 3: High Pressure Coolant Injection System automatically stopped. We
endeavored to restart the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System but failed.
Also, we could not confirm the water inflow of Emergency Core Cooling System.
As such, we decided at 5.10AM, Mar 12, and we reported and/or noticed the
government agencies concerned to apply the clause 1 of the Article 15 of
the Radiation Disaster Measure at 5:58AM, Mar 13.
In order to fully secure safety, we operated the vent valve to reduce the
pressure of the reactor containment vessels (partial release of air
containing radioactive materials) and completed the procedure at 8:41AM,
Mar 13 (successfully completed at 09:20AM, Mar 13. After that, we began
injecting water containing boric acid that absorbs neutron into the reactor
by the fire pump from 09:25AM, Mar 13.
Taking account of the situation that the water level within the pressure
vessel did not rise for a long time and the radiation dose is increasing,
we cannot exclude the possibility that the same situation occurred at Unit
1 on Mar 12 will occur. We are considering the countermeasure to prevent
* We continue endeavoring to secure the safety that all we can do and
monitoring the periphery.

Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station:
Units 1 to 4: shutdown due to earthquake
* The national government has instructed evacuation for those local
residents within 10km radius of the periphery.
* At present, we have decided to prepare implementing measures to reduce
the pressure of the reactor containment vessel (partial discharge of air
containing radioactive materials) in order to fully secure safety.
These measures are considered to be implemented in Units 1, 2 and 3 and
accordingly, we have reported and/or noticed the government agencies
* Unit 3 has been stopped and being "nuclear reactor cooling hot stop" at
* The operator trapped in the crane operating console of the exhaust stack
was transferred to the ground at 5:13PM and confirmed the death at 5:17PM.

Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power Station:
Units 1, 5, 6, 7: normal operation
Units 2 to 4: outage due to regular inspection

[Thermal Power Station]
Hirono Thermal Power Station Units 2 and 4: shutdown due to earthquake
Hitachinaka Thermal Power Station Unit 1: shutdown due to earthquake
Kashima Thermal Power Station Units 2, 3, 5, 6: shutdown due to earthquake
Ohi Thermal Power Station Unit 2: shutdown due to earthquake (Unit 3
resumed operation)
Higashi-Ohgishima Thermal Power Station Unit 1: shutdown due to earthquake

[Hydro Power Station]
* All the stations have been restored.

[Transmission System, etc.]
4 substations shown below have been shutdown:
- Naka Substation
- Shin Motegi Substation
- Joban Substation
- Nishi Mito Substation

[Blackout in TEPCO's Service Area]
Total of about 0.26 million households are out of power.
Tokyo: 0
Kanagawa Pref.: 0
Tochigi Pref.: 7,366
Chiba Pref.: 301
Saitama Pref: 0
Gunma Pref.: 0
Ibaraki Pref: 247,853
Yamanashi Pref: 0
Shizuoka Pref: 0 (east of Fuji River)

[Supply and Demand Status within TEPCO's Service Area to Secure Stable Power
Backup supply from Shinshinano Conversion Station: 600MW
Backup supply from Sakuma Conversion Station: 300MW
Backup supply from Higashi Shimizu Conversion Station: 100MW
Backup supply from Kitahon Interconnection Facility: 600MW

Because TEPCO's facilities have been seriously damaged, power shortage
may occur. TEPCO appreciates customers' cooperation in reducing electricity
usage by avoiding using unnecessary lighting and electrical equipment.

We are taking all measures to restore power, however, we expect extremely
difficult situation in power supply for tomorrow as well.
We kindly ask our customers to cooperate with us in reducing usage of power.

Please do NOT touch cut-off electric wires.

Press Release (Mar 13,2011)
Plant Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (as of 2pm March 13th)

All 6 units of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station have been shut down.

Unit 1(Shut down)
- Reactor has been shut down. However, the unit is under inspection due
to the explosive sound and white smoke that was confirmed after the big
quake occurred at 3:36PM.
- We have been injecting sea water and boric acid which absorbs neutron
into the reactor pressure vessel.

Unit 2(Shut down)
- Reactor has been shut down and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System
has been injecting water to the reactor. Current reactor water level
is lower than normal level, but the water level is steady. After fully
securing safety, measures to lowering the pressure of reactor
containment vessel has been taken, under the instruction of the
national government.

Unit 3(Shut down)
- Reactor has been shut down. However, as High Pressure Core Injection
System has been automatically shut down and water injection to the
reactor was interrupted, following the instruction by the government
and with fully securing safety, steps to lowering the pressure of
reactor containment vessel has been taken. Spraying in order to lower
pressure level within the reactor containment vessel has been cancelled.
- After that, safety relief valve has been opened manually, lowering the
pressure level of the reactor, which was immediately followed by
injection of boric acid water which absorbs neutron, into the reactor
pressure vessel.
- After that, following decrease of the water level and increase of the
pressure level in the reactor, injection of sea water is being
- Currently, we do not believe there is any reactor coolant leakage
inside the reactor containment vessel.

Unit 4 (shut down due to regular inspection)
- Reactor has been shut down and sufficient level of reactor coolant to
ensure safety is maintained.
- Currently, we do not believe there is any reactor coolant leakage
inside the reactor containment vessel.

Unit 5 (outage due to regular inspection)
- Reactor has been shut down and sufficient level of reactor coolant to
ensure safety is maintained.
- Currently, we do not believe there is any reactor coolant leakage
inside the reactor containment vessel.

Unit 6 (outage due to regular inspection)
- Reactor has been shut down and sufficient level of reactor coolant to
ensure safety is maintained.
- Currently, we do not believe there is any reactor coolant leakage
inside the reactor containment vessel.

- 2 workers of cooperative firm were injured at the occurrence of the
earthquake, and were transported to the hospital.
- 1 TEPCO employee who was not able to stand by his own with his hand
holding left chest was transported to the hospital by an ambulance.
- 1 subcontract worker at important earthquake-proof building was
unconscious and transported to the hospital by an ambulance.
- The radiation exposure of 1 TEPCO employee, who was working inside the
reactor building, exceeded 100mSv and was transported to the hospital.
- 2 TEPCO employees felt bad during their operation in the central
control rooms of Unit 1 and 2 while wearing full masks, and were
transferred to Fukushima Daini Power Station for consultation with a
medical advisor.
- 4 workers were injured and transported to the hospital after explosive
sound and white smoke were confirmed around the Unit 1.
- Presence of 2 TEPCO employees at the site are not confirmed

- We are currently coordinating with the relevant authorities and
departments as to how to cool down the water in the spent nuclear fuel
- We measured radioactive materials inside of the nuclear power station
area (outdoor) by monitoring car and confirmed that radioactive
materials level is higher than ordinary level. Also, the level at
monitoring post is higher than ordinary level. We will continue to
monitor in detail the possibility of radioactive material being
discharged from exhaust stack or discharge canal. The national
government has instructed evacuation for those local residents within
20km radius of the periphery because it¡Çs possible that radioactive
materials are discharged.
- We will continue to take all measures to restore the security of the
site and to monitor the environment of the site periphery.
13.03.2011 16:59:45  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Ich les grad auf phoenix, dass in japan jetzt auch noch n vulkan ausgebrochen ist? au backe....
13.03.2011 17:03:28  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Marine NaSe II
unglaeubig gucken

A former nuclear power plant designer has said Japan is facing an extremely grave crisis and called on the government to release more information, which he said was being suppressed. Masashi Goto told a news conference in Tokyo that one of the reactors at the Fukushima-Daiichi plant was "highly unstable", and that if there was a meltdown the "consequences would be tremendous". He said such an event might be very likely indeed. So far, the government has said a meltdown would not lead to a sizeable leak of radioactive materials.

Mr Goto said the reactors at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant were suffering pressure build-ups way beyond that for which they were designed. There was a severe risk of an explosion, with radioactive material being strewn over a very wide area - beyond the 20km evacuation zone set up by the authorities - he added. Mr Goto calculated that because Reactor No 3 at Fukushima-Daiichi - where pressure is rising and there is a risk of an explosion - used a type of fuel known as Mox, a mixture of plutonium oxide and uranium oxide, the radioactive fallout from any meltdown might be twice as bad.

He accused the government of deliberately withholding vital information that would allow outside experts help solve the problems. "For example, there has not been enough information about the hydrogen being vented. We don't know how much was vented and how radioactive it was." He also described the use of sea water to cool the cores of the reactors at Fukushima-Daiichi as highly unusual and dangerous.

He described the worst-case scenario: "It is difficult to say, but that would be a core meltdown. If the rods fall and mix with water, the result would be an explosion of solid material like a volcano spreading radioactive material. Steam or a hydrogen explosion caused by the mix would spread radioactive waste more than 50km. Also, this would be multiplied. There are many reactors in the area so there would be many Chernobyls."

Hoffentlich liegt er falsch.
13.03.2011 17:04:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP jonny 01.04.2012
Zitat von [gc]Fide|

Ich les grad auf phoenix, dass in japan jetzt auch noch n vulkan ausgebrochen ist? au backe....

schon vor 2-3 seiten peinlich/erstaunt
13.03.2011 17:04:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP NucUlaR 04.09.2012
Uh warum merk ich das jetzt erst ZDFinfo überträgt ja NHK TV und nicht NHK World wie sonst überall.
13.03.2011 17:08:02  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Cthulhu 13.07.2011
Zitat von jonny

Zitat von [gc]Fide|

Ich les grad auf phoenix, dass in japan jetzt auch noch n vulkan ausgebrochen ist? au backe....

schon vor 2-3 seiten peinlich/erstaunt

Wird das jetzt die neuez Zeiteinheit? Die potsche Seitenzeit?
13.03.2011 17:08:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP jonny 01.04.2012
Zitat von Cthulhu

Wird das jetzt die neuez Zeiteinheit? Die potsche Seitenzeit?

dürfte zu unkonstant werden Breites Grinsen
13.03.2011 17:09:16  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Kampfferkerl 23.02.2010
Zitat von NucUlaR
Uh warum merk ich das jetzt erst ZDFinfo überträgt ja NHK TV und nicht NHK World wie sonst überall.

13.03.2011 17:10:22  Zum letzten Beitrag
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_-°-_ 4p0h!s _-°-_

Russe BF
Zitat von legendary_hacki

Zitat von Terrorpudel


Deppen. Damit gleichen die Leute die Stromrationierung aus. Ist doch klar.

Gibts mittlerweile 400V-Hamsterradgeneratoren? mit den normalen 230ern kann man keinen Herd versorgen...
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von _-°-_ 4p0h!s _-°-_ am 13.03.2011 17:11]
13.03.2011 17:11:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP jonny 01.04.2012
aber dieses durcheinander von den beiden da macht kopfschmerzen
13.03.2011 17:11:57  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP cienFuchs 11.03.2015
n24 meldet unter bezug auf die nachrichtenagentur kyodo, dass in einem weiteren akw südlich von fukushima das kühlsystem ausgefallen ist
13.03.2011 17:12:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr Ingenieur

AUP Herr Ingenieur 18.10.2009
Zitat von _-°-_ 4p0h!s _-°-_

Zitat von legendary_hacki

Zitat von Terrorpudel


Deppen. Damit gleichen die Leute die Stromrationierung aus. Ist doch klar.

Gibts mittlerweile 400V-Hamsterradgeneratoren? mit den normalen 230ern kann man keinen Herd versorgen...

Hamster haben einen hohen Brennwert.
13.03.2011 17:12:35  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AK Lover

AK Lover
Zitat von _-°-_ 4p0h!s _-°-_

Zitat von legendary_hacki

Zitat von Terrorpudel


Deppen. Damit gleichen die Leute die Stromrationierung aus. Ist doch klar.

Gibts mittlerweile 400V-Hamsterradgeneratoren? mit den normalen 230ern kann man keinen Herd versorgen...

Du musst nur die Käfige um 120° versetzt aufstellen.
13.03.2011 17:12:41  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP KEC 23.02.2010
Zitat von AK Lover

Zitat von _-°-_ 4p0h!s _-°-_

Zitat von legendary_hacki

Zitat von Terrorpudel


Deppen. Damit gleichen die Leute die Stromrationierung aus. Ist doch klar.

Gibts mittlerweile 400V-Hamsterradgeneratoren? mit den normalen 230ern kann man keinen Herd versorgen...

Du musst nur die Käfige um 120° versetzt aufstellen.

Und mit den Hamsterrädern machst du dann...Drehstrom?

13.03.2011 17:14:18  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Kühlsystem in AKW Tokai fällt aus
13.03.2011 17:17:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP jonny 01.04.2012
und tatsächlich ist das kühlsystem im dritten kraftwerk ausgefallen /o\
13.03.2011 17:17:56  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP DogfishHeadcrab 17.01.2012
missmutig gucken
Zitat von Hammerschmitt

Zitat von -=Charon=-

Zitat von hardCoreGEN

Zitat von Hammerschmitt

Zitat von Koskech

"...sagte Landesumweltminister Markus Söder ..."Eine solche Katastrophe konnte keiner vorhersehen. Die Natur schreibt ein anderes Drehbuch als der Mensch.""

Immer diese extrem seltenen Erdbeben in Japan. Völlig überraschend. So ganz helle ist der wohl nicht.

Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 9 ist 10x stärker als das der Stufe 8.

Laut meinem Erdkundelehrer ist die Stärke n+1 33 mal so groß wie n.

"Wegen des dekadischen Logarithmus bedeutet der Anstieg der Magnitude um einen Punkt
auf der Skala einen etwa zehnfach höheren Ausschlag (Amplitude) im Seismogramm und
näherungsweise die 32-fache Energiefreisetzung (exponentielles Wachstum) im Erdbebenherd."


Oh, das wusste ich nicht. Aber ändert nichts daran, das man absolut nicht damit planen konnte.

man hat geplant und damit viele viele Leuten gerettet.
Aber hey, die Toten sind immer interessanter als die Überlebenden!
13.03.2011 17:18:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP heer 4 ever 10.12.2010
++++++Kühlsystem in AKW Tokai fällt aus+++++++

In einem weiteren Atomkraftwerk in Japan ist das Kühlsystem ausgefallen, berichtet die Nachrichtenagentur Kyodo unter Berufung auf die Feuerwehr. Es handelt sich um das AKW Tokai an der Ostküste südlich von Fukushima.
13.03.2011 17:18:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP legendary_hacki 02.03.2010
unglaeubig gucken
Im dritten Reaktor oder im dritten KRAFTWERK?
13.03.2011 17:19:20  Zum letzten Beitrag
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eine pumpe im kühlsystem.

mal ne andere frage: wenn die da irgendwo mit meerwasser kühlen wollen, wo landet das zeug dann später?
13.03.2011 17:19:43  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: Erdbeben ( Was tun? )
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