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 Moderiert von: Irdorath, statixx, Teh Wizard of Aiz

 Thema: Allgemeines Gaming ( Kombiniere Rambomesser mit Rehkadaver )
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Zitat von FoB

Was hab ich hier für einen verdammten Bug mit der Trainingspuppe?

Da blinkt einfach alles fröhlich durcheinander, laut Let's Plays sollen da nur drei Körperteile nacheinander aufleuchten die man dann anklicken muss und wenn man falsch klickt muss man von vorne anfangen. Wenn ich da rumklicke passiert nichts.

Beim lpip-LP hatten sie das gleiche Problem, hieß das liegt an der Steamversion und is nur zu lösen indem man auf überspringen klickt.
10.01.2013 21:00:35  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Japaner BF
Pacific Rim Trailer

ab 0:45 GLaDOS Breites Grinsen
10.01.2013 23:17:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Psyke 12.07.2023
Cyberpunk 2077

Oh boy.
10.01.2013 23:24:33  Zum letzten Beitrag
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10.01.2013 23:27:40  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Smoking44* 22.04.2010
Zitat von Psyke23

Cyberpunk 2077

Oh boy.

Was ist das und warum kann ich das noch nicht kaufen
10.01.2013 23:28:45  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Psyke23

Cyberpunk 2077

Oh boy.

geiler scheiß!
10.01.2013 23:29:59  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP theromi 02.06.2020
Zitat von Psyke23

Cyberpunk 2077

Oh boy.

Woher? Was? Wieso?

Kaufen? peinlich/erstaunt
10.01.2013 23:32:41  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Wird das ne Art Fallout?
10.01.2013 23:33:00  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Leet Female II
Zitat von Psyke23

Cyberpunk 2077

Oh boy.

cd projekt fap!
10.01.2013 23:35:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Aerocore 30.04.2015

Transcribed (may contain minor errors):
Do you like our latest creation? We certainly hope so Yo may remember that we sometimes send you guys secret messages like this. It's a great way for us to speak right to you instead of burying ourselves in corporate mumbo-jumbo so let's begin!
First of all - have you noticed all the details in our teaser (yes, it's a teaser. We'll make a proper trailer in the future)? If you know the Cyberpunk setting there are some things you can spot, like implants - look for the weapon hands and the real skin - corporate emblems that should look familiar and more. Happy hunting!
You're probably curious about the release date. It's currently scheduled a way off in 2015 but in truth the delivery date is more like "when it's done". We will release Cyberpunk to you when we're convinced it is nothing but pure, refined, unadulterated awesome. We want it to be the most kick ass futuristic RPG ever - OK, maybe this sounds pretty bully, but it is our actual goal! You judge if we deliver it!
Oh - and you may wonder why we announced our game so early before the release. The reason is that we're still building our dev team so if you are a talented dude or dudette willing to work in a really different company (gamers rule & boring corporate stuff drools!) on a super ambitious project, send us your application right now! careers@cdprojektred.com[1]
So you want to know what kind of game Cyberpunk 2077 will be? The short description is that it will be a story-heavy, nonlinear, open world RPG based on the well known Cyberpunk pen&paper system and setting. Building open world games is something we are mastering right now and we believe that properly joining nonlinear gameplay with an excellent story telling will bring a totally new quality. Mmm... We'll tell some more about it soon!
And that's not all that's new. We are about the reveal our other project which is much closer to being completed and yes, it will also be a fully open-world game with an intense story. You can probably guess the game we're talking about :-) On the 5th of February it will all be clear.
So stay tuned as we will have quite a lot to show and tell you soon!
We are waiting for you on our newly created forum called Afterlife - what other name could we have chosen for it?
CD Projekt RED Team
10.01.2013 23:44:56  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Psyke23

Cyberpunk 2077

Oh boy.

Ist mein lieblings P&P - auch wenn ich leider nur selten die Möglichkeit hatte es zu spielen, die Bücher (Regel Bücher, Romane) habe ich geliebt und immer wieder durch geblättert.

10.01.2013 23:48:42  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: Allgemeines Gaming ( Kombiniere Rambomesser mit Rehkadaver )
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10.01.2013 23:56:04 Atomsk hat diesen Thread geschlossen.
11.12.2012 09:14:20 Fersoltil hat den Thread-Titel geändert (davor: "Der Allgemeines Gaming Thread")

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