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 Moderiert von: Irdorath, statixx, Teh Wizard of Aiz

 Thema: Der Brexit ( Wird das UK die EU verlassen? )
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Zitat von Bombur

Haben die eigentlich irgendwas geregelt, außer daß sie jetzt ganz viel Fisch fangen dürfen, den sie nicht mehr verkauft bekommen?

Wie sieht es mit europäischen Fußballern in der Premier League aus?

Auch hierzu gibt es einen "Did not think leopards would eat my face" says woman who voted for the faceeating leopard party."-Moment:


Now, it is also affecting one of the nation's favourite pastimes: Premier League football. Take for instance Sam Allardyce, the manager of struggling West Bromwich Albion, who are currently 19th after earning just eight points from the first 17 games.

Allardyce, who replaced previous manager Slaven Bilic last month, with the task of keeping the team in the league, will aim to bring in new players during the January transfer window. Although the Covid-19 pandemic hasn’t helped the post-Brexit rules are imposing further problems. Premier League clubs can no longer sign players from the EU without a work permit and players under the age of 18 are completely off limits.

Because of this, Allardyce is finding it hard to sign new players. He is quoted as saying: “I have found three players already who were capable of coming here and they're not allowed. It's a shame. Due to the new regulations in terms of the permit they were unable to come to this country, whereas (previously) they would have done. I have to look at that and think 'can he qualify?'

While some will sympathise with Allardyce, others not so much as he is on the record as voting for Brexit. Before the EU referendum, when he was still Sunderland manager, The Sun reported that Allardyce asked all of his squad if they were for Leave or Remain adding, “I am out. My feeling is that the European Union isn’t doing the United Kingdom any favours.”

The former England manager also appeared on talkSport radio in December 2018 to complain about the numerous delays to Brexit under the leadership of Theresa May.

Needless to say, there is a certain level of schadenfreude that people are experiencing thanks to Allardyce’s current predicament.

07.02.2021 19:14:52  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bombur 24.06.2010
07.02.2021 19:24:08  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Und das sind Leute denen auf Grund ihrer Prominenz auch noch eine gewisse Glaubwürdigkeit und damit Einfluss zugestanden wird. Unfassbar.
07.02.2021 21:16:42  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
https://twitter.com/AnnaJerzewska/status/1358036501729337347 >


My friend works for an IT company and hasn't mentioned anything about his company recently. I showed him some kinda meme about the woman who voted for brexit getting her shellfish stuck at the border an he said his company is having a nightmare getting PC parts delivered. Prices went up, everything is arriving late and some things don't make it at all. >

One of the problems is that Asian distributors have given up on shipping directly to the UK now due to logistical problems at our ports
The UK has been relegated to a feeder status. All UK destined containers are shipped to the EU, and then it's up to the UK to arrange their shipment over to GB.

Now - this isn't wholly the fault of Brexit. Yes, we exacerbated the crisis by not actually making any ports preparation to deal with the fact that we're now standing alone and thus overwhelmed - but the coronavirus is a major cause just to trans-oceanic shipping logistics flows and ebbs - and container shortages.

What could we have done to avoid this? Well, asides from cancelling or delaying Brexit another 5 years , we could have recognised the realities and stopped deceiving ourselves - then immediately invested tends of billions into modernising and upgrading our deepwater ports, and the associated road and rail infrastructure required to stand independent of the EU over the period of a decade or more, starting immediately after the referendum.

We didn't actually do any of that other than throw a few hundred million in total at all the ports when the problem became obvious, and put Chris Grayling into position to advise our most critical deepwater Container port.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 07.02.2021 21:51]
07.02.2021 21:45:45  Zum letzten Beitrag
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British firms are warning of an escalation in Brexit red tape as the government prepares to introduce a long list of new controls on imports from the European Union in April and July.

08.02.2021 1:05:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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UK calls for reset with EU and 'refinement' of Brexit deal

08.02.2021 21:17:59  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Britain called on Monday for a reset in relations with the European Union and a refinement of a Brexit deal covering trade with Northern Ireland, saying trust was eroded when Brussels attempted to restrict COVID-19 vaccine supplies.


The EU swiftly changed its position on the vaccines but London hopes to capitalise on the gaffe to win changes to the Brexit deal because the new rules have caused disruption in Britain’s trade with Northern Ireland.

“It was a moment when trust was eroded, when damage was done and where movement is required in order to ensure that we have an appropriate reset,” Michael Gove, who is in charge of implementing the divorce deal, told a parliamentary committee.

Es war ne bekloppte Aktion von der Kommission, aber sie wurde in Stunden wieder zurückgenommen.

Es nervt schon ein wenig, dass die Briten jetzt immer mit ihrem "eroded trust" um die Ecke kommen, und nicht mit: "Ja, sorry, Brexit war halt ne blöde Idee, den Vertrag am 24.12. erst abzuschließen war eine besonders blöde Idee, vor allem für Nordirland."
08.02.2021 22:39:45  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Irdorath 07.04.2014
Naja, ganz ohne Feigenblatt geht es nicht. Das verstehen schon die meisten richtig.
08.02.2021 22:46:31  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Puh, bisher liest sich das aber noch nicht wie ein Feigenblatt sondern eher wie ne riesige Dreistigkeit. Mal abwarten, was da an Substanz noch nachkommt.
08.02.2021 23:28:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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verschmitzt lachen
Yorkshire lobster exporter says Brexit costs have forced it to close

London Finance Takes Another Hit as Carbon Market Goes to EU
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 3 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Badmintonspieler am 09.02.2021 1:55]
08.02.2021 23:58:58  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Kann man den Brexit als grössten Beinschuss der Geschichte bezeichnen? Trump bekam ja immerhin keine zweite Amtszeit.
09.02.2021 7:27:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Shooter

Trump bekam ja immerhin noch keine zweite Amtszeit.

09.02.2021 7:29:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
“There’s so much complexity,” said Adam Marshall, director general of the British Chambers of Commerce. “It’s like an onion -- the more you peel, the more you cry.”

09.02.2021 8:41:20  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014

Here's an update on the Northern Ireland Protocol...again:

There's a growing backlash among member states against the @michaelgove letter of last week. National capitals are waking up to the Protocol flare up, having believed it had all been sorted out in a meeting between Gove and @MarosSefcovic last December. One diplomat said the letter was "outrageous", another said member states were "incandescent". Yes, they knew the European Commission had screwed up over the Article 16 affair on Jan 29. However, acc to the diplomat, "the British are capitalising on the Commission's mistake - people thought that that was probably inevitable... "but the letter and its demands were seen as completely over the top."

While member states were prepared to be pragmatic and look at reasonable adjustments to the protocol, the letter has soured the mood considerably. "There probably was a growing willingness to look at the situation in a pragmatic way," says one diplomat, "but the letter has now got people's backs up. People are now more focused on what the British haven't done in terms of their own commitments under the Protocol..." ...

Sources say the EU will probably grant an extension to the three- and six-month grace periods (for Export Health Cert and sausage-ban exemptions respectively), but not much beyond that. Another diplomat says larger member states, preoccupied with vaccine rollouts, are waking up to a grave situation regarding the Protocol. They believe the UK is using the Article 16 affair to provide cover for the poor preparedness of both the UK govt and GB traders into NI


NEW: Diplomats say there is a “willingness” among EU member states and the European Commission to look at what flexibilities are possible “within the framework of the [NI] protocol”, but there will not be a renegotiation of the Protocol.
However, there is no guarantee the EU will agree to further grace periods, says diplomat.

This follows a meeting of the Working Party, which brings together the Commission and Brexit coordinators from member states.
The view is that the Protocol hasn’t even been fully implemented by UK, also the prerequisite of preparation by business is lacking, so it seems “premature to already discuss lengthening the grace periods”.
Diplomat says: “Brexit is the root cause of the problem, not the Protocol. Providing flexibility is foreseen in the protocol yes, renegotiating it because of faux pas by [Commission President] VDL is not”.

r/UK-Comments zu Dangers of import tax post-Brexit:

We've pretty much stopped shipping to the EU for the same reason. Customers get their goods and are then asked to cough up. They refuse and the couriers are saying it's not worth bringing the goods back so they "dump" them, and the customer demands a refund. It's happened so often, we've had to stop.
Wait until April, when we start checking paperwork/incoming goods on this side. They'll be nobody left sending goods in either direction. We're proper fucked.

Yeah, my studio buddy had the same, he got stung with a £145 bill from ordering from Thomann (Based in Germany for those wondering) two days ago, then Parcel force charged him £12 to turn up on a specific day and they no showed him!
I've ordered loads from them before as their service is great, prices were always the best and the shipping was cheap/quick enough but this is going to mean not using them any longer as if it's like this moving forward then it's not financially logical to use them.

I live in Denmark and as a Brit ordered from Amazon UK all the time, (movies with English text for Klingon or Japanese or whatever being far preferable to Danish text).
I've had three packages, ordered before Brexit, arrive this year, each cost under £20, but each now had import VAT and a fee, meaning over £120 added to this under £60 order. I probably spent a thousand pounds of my Danish money on UK products, both Amazon and smaller businesses every year. Now that will be zero.

I know people in Ireland now order all the way from Amazon Germany because it works out cheaper than Amazon UK after taxes.

Live in Barcelona, baby on the way, friends and family have been sending us gifts, knitted things, etc - we are already 100 euros down on import taxes...

It's a complete fucking nightmare. A friend of mine [is] a professional bonsai grower in the UK - but the really big shows are in the EU (Belgium/France). It's effectively impossible to move plants in either direction anymore as an individual.

As someone who delivers for UPS, trust me, we don't enjoy asking for money. It used to happen maybe a couple of times a week, now it's pretty much a daily occurrence. It's so upsetting having to try to explain import fees on the doorstep of someone who bought something online and thinks they've paid everything.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 10.02.2021 0:44]
10.02.2021 0:27:33  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Brexit: UK pig exports 'facing a crisis'
10.02.2021 5:37:54  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
https://twitter.com/nickgutteridge/status/1359250841362964482 >

Some EU frustration at UK griping over trade problems and suggestions Brussels needs to improve its attitude to make the relationship work better. There's a feeling of déjà vu, that the UK never really accepted the practical reality of the deal it wanted and still doesn't.

In particular there's exasperation that the UK is moaning about the deal not including arrangements that it ruled out itself to keep its own red lines intact. It's seen as a pattern of behaviour - first there was visa-free travel for musicians, now it's shellfish. EU sources say the lack of provisions on shellfish exports was brought up numerous times in the talks as a concern. But the UK refused to engage, as it did on wider SPS issues, over fears of 'being drawn into the EU's regulatory sphere'. The EU has rules vis-a-vis third countries, they say, and the UK knew this.

Indeed, as they see things it's the British attitude that needs a reset. 'The problem is it wants to be a better third country than others, and that’s not an option.' That's seen as particularly rich after the UK turned down the EU's offer for a much closer relationship in pursuit of a 'Canada-style' one. Recent complaints perpetuate concerns the UK still hasn't really come to terms with the sovereignty/access trade-off.

https://twitter.com/tconnellyRTE/status/1359590841619275776 >

European Commission Maros Sefcovic has told @michaelgove that sweeping changes to the Protocol will not be possible, and that any flexibilities require the UK for its part to implement the terms of last December's NI Protocol. In a letter responding to last week's letter from Gove @MarosSefcovic sets out a list of areas where he says the UK is not in compliance with the NI Protocol.
He also says the UK had committed on Dec 17 to adjusting supply chains so that supermarkets would be in full compliance with EU law when it comes to the three month grace period absolving traders of needing Export Health Certificates for products of animal origin.
Finally, the letter states, if the UK wants a common travel area for pets, as the UK has proposed, and the movement of seed potatoes from GB-NI, then this would "require the UK committing to aligning with the relevant EU [sps] rules".

So, this is a very hardball response by Sefcovic in response to Michael Gove's hardball letter of last week. It also reflects a hardening resolve among capitals over the UK seeming to want to rewrite the Protocol. The meeting tomorrow will be interesting...

11.02.2021 1:48:07  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Der Brief:
11.02.2021 8:30:46  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Mal gucken, ob man hier Videos von Discord einbinden kann, in der Preview kann ichs zumindest sehen:

This is NOT a sketch, this is a real video from BBC News in 1978; they're talking about the possibility of the UK changing to KM from Miles.
11.02.2021 11:59:19  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Howie Hughes

unglaeubig gucken
Das was die Frau am Anfang sagt, könnte auch 1 zu 1 so Donald Trump gesagt haben. Nicht nur inhaltlich, auch Tonfall und Sprechweise passen.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Howie Hughes am 11.02.2021 12:16]
11.02.2021 12:14:45  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP monischnucki 06.06.2018
Wie hat es das UK eigentlich überhaupt in die EU geschafft? Wille wars nicht, und das Ticket der Ukraine war unbenutzt und die sind alphabetisch auf einmal drin gewesen?
11.02.2021 15:26:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Die EWG hat zu gut funktioniert, lieber mitmachen.
11.02.2021 16:19:01  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Xerxes-3.0 07.09.2008
Was machen eigentlich die ganzen Youtuber jetzt, die für den Brexit getrommelt haben?
Ich hoffe doch, die haben ihre Dummheit eingesehen und schämen sich jetzt ein bisschen.*

Auch wegen der Sex Arses.

Spoiler - markieren, um zu lesen:
lel als ob.
11.02.2021 17:32:40  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Departure to cost EU 0.5% of GDP but UK 2.25% by end 2022, according to first official estimate since deal was agreed
11.02.2021 21:58:06  Zum letzten Beitrag
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amuesiert gucken
Amsterdam ousts London as Europe’s top share trading hub

Whoever wins, London loses!

Edith sagt: Gnaaa, Transparenz. ...
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von SETIssl am 11.02.2021 22:03]
11.02.2021 22:01:16  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von -=Q=- 8-BaLL

Die EWG hat zu gut funktioniert, lieber mitmachen.

Und dem UK ging es damals ziemlich räudig. Da kann man doch mal bei den anderen mitmachen uns gucken was geht.
12.02.2021 0:06:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Brexit trade deal leaves Welsh fishermen 'devastated'
12.02.2021 15:05:00  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
How could Brexit go so wrong?!

13.02.2021 19:06:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Sniedelfighter 28.07.2008
Tja, waves gerult
13.02.2021 19:16:59  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Armag3ddon 04.01.2011
Face geeatet.
13.02.2021 19:59:49  Zum letzten Beitrag
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More than a month after the UK's post-Brexit trade deal with the EU came into force, complaints from British importers and exporters continue to mount.
13.02.2021 21:45:06  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: Der Brexit ( Wird das UK die EU verlassen? )
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