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 Thema: Der Brexit ( Wird das UK die EU verlassen? )
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Zitat von Herr der Lage


I’ve just spoken to a Polish HGV driver who calculates he could earn £2,000 a month more in the UK than he does currently in Germany.

But he says he won’t be applying for a temporary visa because 3 months is too short.

The minimum length he would accept is 12 months.

2000 Pfunde finde ich schon einen beachtlichen Unterschied. Mir war zwar bewusst dass das Lohnniveau dort etwas höher ist aber den Unterschied hätte ich nicht erwartet.
01.10.2021 9:06:51  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Phoenix Female
Zitat von seastorm

2000 Pfunde finde ich schon einen beachtlichen Unterschied. Mir war zwar bewusst dass das Lohnniveau dort etwas höher ist aber den Unterschied hätte ich nicht erwartet.

So viel höher ist Lohnniveau in dieser Art Job da drüben normal auch nicht.

Denen geht einfach so der Arsch auf Grundeis, das Jobs die früher für ~28-36k Pfund pro Jahr vergütet wurden jetzt je nach Verzweiflungsgrad der Arbeitgeber bis zu 60k-78k Pfund einbringen. Und trotzdem findet sich kaum jemand der sich diese Mischung aus erbärmlichen Arbeitsbedingungen (abseits der Bezahlung für Neueinsteiger), Fremdenhass, Bürokratie und Ausbeutung antun möchte.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Massa am 01.10.2021 9:12]
01.10.2021 9:11:59  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Phillinger 11.02.2013
Zitat von Herr der Lage

We are living in a Monty Python sketch

01.10.2021 11:53:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP gonzo 16.07.2021
Zitat von Herr der Lage

Die britische Regierung schreibt nun jeden an, der einen LKW-Führerschein haben könnte, der ihnen so einfällt.

Darunter natürlich sehr viele aktive LKW-Fahrer, aber auch Krankenwagenfahrer, deutsche Professoren und CDU-Zukunftsteam-Mitglieder, Wohnmobilbesitzer, Reiterinnen mit Pferdeanhänger und andere.




You just never know where or when the next career development opportunities will arise…..


Data Scienctist:

This is too hilarious not to share Breites Grinsen got the #HGVLetter trying to draft me as driver! Good to know I have options in case academia doesn’t work out #HGVCrisis #HGVdrivers

Btw I realise this is due to exchanging my GER driving license to a UK driving license a few years ago a and they thought I could also drive a bus


This letter went to a doctor friend who trained as an HGV driver as a student for a summer job (some time ago!)

The government is asking paramedics to become HGV drivers

“There are fantastic opportunities in the logistics industry” reads the letter from The Department for Transport sent to paramedics who are currently employed by the NHS to drive ambulances.

Government asks winery manager with a motorhome to become HGV driver

“The letter I’ve been sent shows a complete scattergun approach by a government who are desperate to try and sort out a problem that's completely of their own creation," he told The London Economic.


My eldest daughter just got an official letter from a Baroness Vere of Norbiton, asking her to consider an exciting and fulfilling career in the haulage industry. My daughter is a primary school teacher who happens to hold a HGV licence. We are living in a Monty Python sketch


I’ve just spoken to a Polish HGV driver who calculates he could earn £2,000 a month more in the UK than he does currently in Germany.

But he says he won’t be applying for a temporary visa because 3 months is too short.

The minimum length he would accept is 12 months.

Brief ist angekommen.

Ab £20/Stunde und 40 Stunden Woche überlege ich es mir.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von gonzo am 01.10.2021 13:18]
01.10.2021 13:15:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Brexit balance sheet for fishing shows £300m-plus losses instead of net gain. >

The Brexit trade deal hailed as a £148 million boost to the UK fishing fleet over the next five years will instead punish the industry to the tune of more than £300m, a new report says.


r/ukpol-Comment zu der "Zu wenig Tankwagenfahrer!"-Geschichte:

There is no shortage of licence holders. As I explained on the original article on the same topic, the problem is simply that the big fuel hauliers don't want to pay the going rate so the drivers are working for companies that do, which at the moment are either temp agencies offering up to £30/hr to drive for the supermarkets or direct with the supermarkets themselves for about 2/3 of that.

There's no £500-1000 worth of ADR (hazardous chems) and PDP (refinery access) tickets required to haul 26 pallets of cornflakes from the supermarket distribution centre to the store. Nor will you get shitted up to the eyeballs wrestling with mucky fuel pipes, and nor do you have to stand outside in the cold and pissing rain watching the delivery in case of an emergency.

Unless you live for the gradeur of telling everyone you're a fuel tanker driver, why would you choose to do that? Some of the fuel hauliers do offer good money and terms, and so you won't be surprised to hear that there are no staffing issues there and in fact have a waiting list. It's the likes of bottom-feeders Wincanton and Hoyer who can't get drivers because they undercut all the competition to win the contracts thinking that they could get drivers to work for their peanuts on offer and have now discovered the hard way that they've f-ed up.

Hauliers here on the whole are currently having a rude awakening as they've been making bank for years off the eastern europeans who would drive for peanuts. Since IR35 (a tax change for the self-employed). Brexit and the resulting value of the pound tumbling, it's no longer worthwhile them coming here as their wages in GBP don't buy as many zlotys as they used to, so they've all gone back home and hauliers have discovered that the natives won't work a tenner an hour like they did, we want minimum £15/hr for general palletised work, or you can stick your job up your *** ! All the hauliers are crying about it because they can no longer own a Porsche, Ferrari, Lambo and have 10 exotic foreign holidays a year if they are forced to pay the drivers the new market rates, so they've all gone screaming to the RHA (Road Haulage Assoc.) and Govt Transport Minister demanding that the east euros be allowed back so that the rates go back to peanuts like they were before.

Everything else you read about is just fearmongering and theatre. There are plenty of drivers - just not ones who are prepared to work for the peanuts that the eastern europeans were happy to work for. But that doesn't make for good OMFGz news headlines like "MILITARY DEPLOYED ON THE STREETS", does it?

There's a huge Hoyer billboard by J28 of the M25. Experienced tanker drivers wanted... OTE £42000.
My ADR has lapsed, but fuck retaking it when I can get more reversing a fridge onto a bay and nodding off for a couple of hours.

Hoyer ... are the reason for the chaos at the pumps as they have the BP Contract.

01.10.2021 14:34:53  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Also ein selbstgemachtes Problem in einer Situation die ein selbst gemachtes Problem zur Grundlage hat. Brexitception.
01.10.2021 14:38:45  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Mobius 30.12.2023
Also eigentlich doch EU Schuld an den Versorgungsengpässen?
01.10.2021 14:39:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Shooter

Also ein selbstgemachtes Problem in einer Situation die ein selbst gemachtes Problem zur Grundlage hat. Brexitception.

ja, wobei das bei uns genauso passieren kann. Grüße gehen raus an die ganzen tchechischen Pflegekräfte.
01.10.2021 14:43:42  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP gonzo 16.07.2021
Zitat von Shooter

Also ein selbstgemachtes Problem in einer Situation die ein selbst gemachtes Problem zur Grundlage hat. Brexitception.

Tja, niemand will für beschissenes Geld LKW fahren. Wer hätte das gedacht.
01.10.2021 14:48:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Gibts aber auch in der EU
01.10.2021 14:50:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Absonoob 20.11.2013
Zitat von Jellybaby

Zitat von Shooter

Also ein selbstgemachtes Problem in einer Situation die ein selbst gemachtes Problem zur Grundlage hat. Brexitception.

ja, wobei das bei uns genauso passieren kann. Grüße gehen raus an die ganzen tchechischen Pflegekräfte.

Es gibt da schon einige entscheidende Unterschiede. Einer ist, dass es nicht vor fünf (?) Jahren ein dümmliches Referendum über ein noch dümmlicheres Austrittsersuchen gab.
01.10.2021 14:56:00  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Bitte beachten
Ausserdem haben wir ja auch geklatscht.
01.10.2021 15:48:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Klar ist die EU Schuld! Warum haben DIE denn nicht einfach allem zugestimmt, was Frost etc. gefordert haben? Dann wäre das jetzt alles kein Problem! Einhörner und Zuckerwatte überall!
01.10.2021 16:24:16  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Gerade eine Anmeldung für eine Verzollung in die Schweiz erhalten aus Irland. Normalerweise schhau ich mir die Signaturen gar nicht mehr an, aber ja die hat schon was.


Fuel Surcharge for October applicable at 5% All goods carried under our Standard Terms and Conditions of Carriage available on Shipments to & from UK / within Ireland subject to IRHA terms. European shipments are subject to CMR terms.
IIFA Conditions may also apply. Fuel & Low Sulphur surcharges apply to all shipments.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von abarth am 01.10.2021 16:55]
01.10.2021 16:54:58  Zum letzten Beitrag
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just 4 fun

just 4 fun
Zitat von Herr der Lage

Brexit balance sheet for fishing shows £300m-plus losses instead of net gain. >

The Brexit trade deal hailed as a £148 million boost to the UK fishing fleet over the next five years will instead punish the industry to the tune of more than £300m, a new report says.

https://streamable.com/9bgaok >

r/ukpol-Comment zu der "Zu wenig Tankwagenfahrer!"-Geschichte:

There is no shortage of licence holders. As I explained on the original article on the same topic, the problem is simply that the big fuel hauliers don't want to pay the going rate so the drivers are working for companies that do, which at the moment are either temp agencies offering up to £30/hr to drive for the supermarkets or direct with the supermarkets themselves for about 2/3 of that.

There's no £500-1000 worth of ADR (hazardous chems) and PDP (refinery access) tickets required to haul 26 pallets of cornflakes from the supermarket distribution centre to the store. Nor will you get shitted up to the eyeballs wrestling with mucky fuel pipes, and nor do you have to stand outside in the cold and pissing rain watching the delivery in case of an emergency.

Unless you live for the gradeur of telling everyone you're a fuel tanker driver, why would you choose to do that? Some of the fuel hauliers do offer good money and terms, and so you won't be surprised to hear that there are no staffing issues there and in fact have a waiting list. It's the likes of bottom-feeders Wincanton and Hoyer who can't get drivers because they undercut all the competition to win the contracts thinking that they could get drivers to work for their peanuts on offer and have now discovered the hard way that they've f-ed up.

Hauliers here on the whole are currently having a rude awakening as they've been making bank for years off the eastern europeans who would drive for peanuts. Since IR35 (a tax change for the self-employed). Brexit and the resulting value of the pound tumbling, it's no longer worthwhile them coming here as their wages in GBP don't buy as many zlotys as they used to, so they've all gone back home and hauliers have discovered that the natives won't work a tenner an hour like they did, we want minimum £15/hr for general palletised work, or you can stick your job up your *** ! All the hauliers are crying about it because they can no longer own a Porsche, Ferrari, Lambo and have 10 exotic foreign holidays a year if they are forced to pay the drivers the new market rates, so they've all gone screaming to the RHA (Road Haulage Assoc.) and Govt Transport Minister demanding that the east euros be allowed back so that the rates go back to peanuts like they were before.

Everything else you read about is just fearmongering and theatre. There are plenty of drivers - just not ones who are prepared to work for the peanuts that the eastern europeans were happy to work for. But that doesn't make for good OMFGz news headlines like "MILITARY DEPLOYED ON THE STREETS", does it?

There's a huge Hoyer billboard by J28 of the M25. Experienced tanker drivers wanted... OTE £42000.
My ADR has lapsed, but fuck retaking it when I can get more reversing a fridge onto a bay and nodding off for a couple of hours.

Hoyer ... are the reason for the chaos at the pumps as they have the BP Contract.

Der Markt regelt also tatsächlich. Aber für einmal nicht im Sinne der Unternehmen. Schön!
01.10.2021 19:36:08  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Border: gestrenght.


From today (Friday 1 October 2021), most EU, EEA and Swiss citizens will need a valid passport to enter the UK as the government stops accepting national identity (ID) cards as a travel document.

These ID cards are some of the most abused documents seen by Border Force officers and, last year, almost half of all false documents detected at the border were EU, EEA or Swiss ID cards.

Also braucht man Reisepass, Perso reicht nicht.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von -=Q=- 8-BaLL am 01.10.2021 19:44]
01.10.2021 19:43:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Wraith of Seth

verschmitzt lachen
Da diese Meldung auf einer britischen Regierungsseite steht: Wieviele der "gefälschten Dokumente" sind denn wirklich gefälscht? Und wie viele sind nur "gefälscht", weil der Grenzbeamte den dunkelhäutigen Südeuropäer nicht reinlassen wollte?

What a depressingly stupid machine.
01.10.2021 20:10:04  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Wraith of Seth

Da diese Meldung auf einer britischen Regierungsseite steht: Wieviele der "gefälschten Dokumente" sind denn wirklich gefälscht? Und wie viele sind nur "gefälscht", weil der Grenzbeamte den dunkelhäutigen Südeuropäer nicht reinlassen wollte?

What a depressingly stupid machine.

Ich will eher gerne wissen, was genau die absoluten Zahlen hinter "almost half" stehen. Und auf wieviele Einreisevorgänge diese "falschen" Dokumente angefallen sind. Da wird wahrscheinlich eine sehr sehr kleine Mücke zu einem nicht wesentlich größeren Elefanten gemacht, weil der überwältigende Anteil der Einreisen nach dort EU/EEA/CH-Bürger sein wird und diese ebenfalls zu überwältigenden Teilen mit ID Card eingereist sind bisher (Seite 3 der PDF von Stena spricht von 83% der Helden der Landstraße mit ID Card in Calais).

Daher denke ich, dass es mit EU/EEA/CH ID Cards quasi keine Probleme gibt bezüglich Fälschungen.
01.10.2021 22:41:04  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Alpia 27.07.2015
01.10.2021 23:08:09  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Statt Pässen sollten die lieber mal Führerscheine kontrollieren.

The government has asked thousands of Germans residing in the UK to drive lorries to assist with the HGV shortage, even if they have never driven one before.

German driving licences issued before 1999 include an entitlement to drive a small to medium-sized truck of up to 7.5 tonnes. It is understood that almost all Germans residing in the UK who hold such a licence have been sent the letter, almost none of whom have ever driven an HGV before.

01.10.2021 23:09:54  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Angeblich haben viele Deutsche die "We want you for LKW Fahrer"-Post bekommen, weil unsere Führerscheine vor 1999 noch 7.5 Tonner beinhalteten. Breites Grinsen
02.10.2021 0:00:49  Zum letzten Beitrag
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just 4 fun

just 4 fun
02.10.2021 0:21:34  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
02.10.2021 0:36:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Echte Gönnung jetzt:

Emergency visa scheme extended in major U-turn by Boris Johnson
Threat of Christmas being ruined by driver shortages forces ministers to expand range and duration of visas

New immigration measures will allow 300 fuel drivers to arrive immediately and stay until the end of March, while 100 army drivers will take to the roads from Monday, the government announced late on Friday.

About 4,700 further food haulage drivers will arrive from late October and leave by the end of February.

The announcement also confirmed that 5,500 poultry workers will arrive from late October and will be allowed to stay until the end of this year.

Die Formulierung "will arrive" finde ich toll. Als ob das alles schon in trockenen Tüchern sei.

Ansonsten - schnell noch das letzte petrol verheizen beim Baustellen-Lieferung hinterher jagen:

Fuel supplies: Mortar tanker tailed by drivers looking for petrol
"The man at the front... actually said 'You could have stopped and told us you weren't a petrol tanker," he said.

02.10.2021 0:39:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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02.10.2021 7:19:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP gonzo 16.07.2021
Zitat von TylerDurdan

Echte Gönnung jetzt:

Emergency visa scheme extended in major U-turn by Boris Johnson
Threat of Christmas being ruined by driver shortages forces ministers to expand range and duration of visas

New immigration measures will allow 300 fuel drivers to arrive immediately and stay until the end of March, while 100 army drivers will take to the roads from Monday, the government announced late on Friday.

About 4,700 further food haulage drivers will arrive from late October and leave by the end of February.

The announcement also confirmed that 5,500 poultry workers will arrive from late October and will be allowed to stay until the end of this year.

Die Formulierung "will arrive" finde ich toll. Als ob das alles schon in trockenen Tüchern sei.

Ansonsten - schnell noch das letzte petrol verheizen beim Baustellen-Lieferung hinterher jagen:

Fuel supplies: Mortar tanker tailed by drivers looking for petrol
"The man at the front... actually said 'You could have stopped and told us you weren't a petrol tanker," he said.

Schnell noch ein paar Kurzzeitvisas ausstellen damit man die Osteuropäischen Fahrer noch für ein paar Monate ausbeuten kann bis man sie wieder zurück schickt.
02.10.2021 10:19:00  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Wie kommt man eigentlich auf den Gedanken dass ein Betonmischer Benzin geladen haben könnte?
02.10.2021 12:13:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Absonoob 20.11.2013
Es war kein Fahrmischer. Siehe Artikelfoto.
02.10.2021 12:15:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Mobius 30.12.2023

Lass ich durchgehen.
02.10.2021 12:23:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Zitat von seastorm

Wie kommt man eigentlich auf den Gedanken dass ein Betonmischer Benzin geladen haben könnte?

Warum wird in dem Land noch irgendwas anderes als Benzin gefahren - das ist doch die Frage!
02.10.2021 12:25:51  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: Der Brexit ( Wird das UK die EU verlassen? )
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