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 Moderiert von: Irdorath, statixx, Teh Wizard of Aiz

 Thema: Interessanter Thread ( mildly interesting )
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AUP statixx 14.11.2023
Breites Grinsen


[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von statixx am 08.12.2016 15:10]
08.12.2016 15:09:04  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP TheRealHawk 26.11.2007
Wie im Test angesprochen wird kann die Brille auch nichts erzeugen was nicht da ist (Licht) sondern nur etwas wegnehmen - wie eine Sonnenbrille halt. Die ist also auch nur bei guten Lichtbedingungen zu gebrauchen.

Zitat von Oli


In 2008, Nebraska decriminalized child abandonment. The move was part of a "safe haven" law designed to address increased rates of infanticide in the state. Like other safe-haven laws, parents in Nebraska who felt unprepared to care for their babies could drop them off in a designated location without fear of arrest and prosecution. But legislators made a major logistical error: They failed to implement an age limitation for dropped-off children.

Within just weeks of the law passing, parents started dropping off their kids. But here's the rub: None of them were infants. A couple of months in, 36 children had been left in state hospitals and police stations. Twenty-two of the children were over 13 years old. A 51-year-old grandmother dropped off a 12-year-old boy. One father dropped off his entire family -- nine children from ages one to 17. Others drove from neighboring states to drop off their children once they heard that they could abandon them without repercussion.

War kurz hin- und hergerissen zwischen angewidert sein und lachen, hab mich dann für ersteres entschieden.
Bleibt mal kurz hier stehen, oder wie hat man sich das vorzustellen.
08.12.2016 15:15:39  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
I am an independent musician. I publicly published all my earnings reports from all the music distribution platforms so people can decide for themselves what services are fair, and which ones are not.
08.12.2016 16:13:33  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: Interessanter Thread ( mildly interesting )
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08.12.2016 16:52:13 Atomsk hat diesen Thread geschlossen.

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