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AUP indifferent 21.03.2021
Perun: How Corruption Destroys Armies - Theft, Graft, and Russian failure in Ukraine (Stand 29.05.22)

Don't know if allgemein oder News, ich fand das ziemlich erleuchtend. Gut für die Ukraine, aber z.B. in Afghanistan ist ja der gleiche Shit bei der Armee abgelaufen und deswegen konnte man da hinschippern was man wollte ohne ne Chance gegen die Taliban zu haben.

30.05.2022 20:29:41  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Ukraine suffers on battlefield while pleading for U.S. arms | WaPo

‘They’re just raining down metal on us,’ said a soldier fresh from the front line where Russia is advancing

“Seventy people from my battalion were injured in the last week,” said a soldier and ambulance driver just outside the hospital gates who identified himself only as Vlad, 29. “I lost too many friends; it’s hard for me. I don’t know how many. … It’s getting worse every day.”
The night before, he said, the shelling was so loud he hardly got any sleep. “It’s all artillery bombing down,” he said. “All the wounded are coming from shrapnel. Most guys in the trenches haven’t even seen the enemy face-to-face.”

“I mainly hope the boys don’t get encircled in Severodonetsk,” Bohdan said of his fellow troops. “They need more guns, they need more weapons.”
If he could send one message to Washington, he said, it would be this: “Help us with weapons. The most important is antiaircraft. Close the sky — it’s the civilians who are suffering the most.”

Baltics attack Franco-German talks with Putin over Black Sea blockade | FT

Diplomatic initiatives by Paris and Berlin seen as ‘paving way for more violence’ as rift grows over best approach to end war in Ukraine

Baltic politicians have lashed out at French and German leaders for discussing with Russian president Vladimir Putin how to unblock Ukrainian ports, highlighting the diverging views among western allies over how to handle diplomacy with Moscow.
Leaders in eastern Europe have grown uneasy about the willingness of their western European counterparts to talk with Putin, reigniting suspicion that some EU countries are pushing Kyiv to cede territory to end the war.

“It is incredible how the leaders of France and Germany are inadvertently paving the way for new acts of violence by Russia . . . How is it possible neither Paris nor Berlin have learned from history? Why is it presumed that Putin, currently waging a war on a major European people, intends to keep any promise?” asked Marko Mihkelson, head of the Estonian parliament’s foreign affairs committee.

Artis Pabriks, Latvia’s deputy prime minister, said on Twitter: “It seems that there are number of so-called Western leaders who possess explicit need for self-humiliation in combination with total detachment from political reality.”

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 3 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 30.05.2022 22:48]
30.05.2022 22:34:34  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Die EU-Staaten haben sich nach wochenlangen Diskussionen auf ein Erdöl-Embargo gegen Russland geeinigt. Ein Kompromiss sieht vor, mehr als zwei Drittel der russischen Öl-Lieferungen in die EU mit einem Einfuhrverbot zu belegen.

Konkret vorgesehen ist, vorerst nur russische Öl-Lieferungen über den Seeweg zu unterbinden. Transporte per Pipeline sollen zunächst weiter gestattet sein.

31.05.2022 7:42:50  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Admiral Bohm

etwas für sehr schlecht befinden
Genau... damit die Tanker einfach einen anderen Hafen anlaufen können. Die alternativlose Pipeline läuft dann weiter. Super wirkungsvoll.
31.05.2022 8:16:25  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Ungarns Ministerpräsident Orban begrüßt den EU-Kompromiss zu einem Öl-Embargo gegen Russland.

Weber fordert Abschaffung des Einstimmigkeitsprinzip

31.05.2022 14:04:56  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
'That's my boiler': Refugee spots possessions on tank

A Ukrainian refugee in the UK says she recognises items apparently looted from her house sitting on top of a Russian tank in a recent photo.

Alina Koreniuk says the box in the photo contains a new boiler she planned to install before the war started.

31.05.2022 16:44:47  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
USA wollen Ukraine »fortschrittlichere Raketensysteme« schicken

Per Zeitungsbeitrag hat US-Präsident Biden erklärt, was seine Regierung in der Ukraine tun wird – und was nicht. Unter anderem soll Kiew ermöglicht werden, »wichtige Ziele auf dem Schlachtfeld in der Ukraine« präziser zu treffen.

01.06.2022 7:35:21  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Zitat von -=Q=- 8-BaLL


Biden: U.S. will provide precision rockets to Ukraine

Kyiv has given the United States assurances that the new weapons will be used in Ukraine and not against targets in Russia, senior administration officials told reporters after Biden’s op-ed was published. ...

Ukrainian officials have been clamoring for advanced, longer-range rocket systems for weeks, but Washington has been concerned with the range of the weapons. Officials worried that sending weapons that could reach targets in Russia could provoke President Vladimir Putin into committing further atrocities or escalating the conflict by using chemical or nuclear weapons.

The High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) that the U.S. is sending is a mobile rocket launcher that can strike targets from 40 to over 300 miles away, depending on the type of rocket it is outfitted with. The rockets that the administration has decided to send are on the shorter end, reaching up to 48 miles, the officials said.
Along with the HIMARS, the U.S. will send “munitions that will enable the Ukrainians to more precisely strike targets on the battlefield from a greater distance,” according to one of the officials. ...

While there are limitations placed on their range, the HIMARS is a vastly more modern weapons system than anything the Ukrainians, or the Russians, can currently put on the battlefield. The vehicle-mounted launchers can fire volleys of six guided rockets at a time that land within several feet of their intended target, an accuracy unmatched in the artillery duels taking place across the Donbas in Eastern Ukraine. The vehicle carrying the launchers can also travel at more than 50 miles per hour. The system can be reloaded within minutes and a new target can be digitally entered into the fire control system.


Map of Area where HIMARS MLRS M30/M31 Rockets with a range of up to 70 km can strike inside Ukrainian Territory from the frontlines.

M30/M31 Rockets can also strike Snake Island which is 50 km from the closest Ukrainian town.

Ukrainians to Have Tight Training Schedule on Advanced U.S. Rockets | WSJ

Pentagon says three weeks of training, down from months for U.S. troops, will be sufficient

U.S. forces receive months of training before operating them. But Ukrainian troops will receive only three weeks of training through a special mission, Colin Kahl, the undersecretary of defense for policy, told reporters Wednesday. Troops maintaining the systems will get an additional two weeks.
Mr. Kahl said the U.S. didn’t think the truncated training schedule would affect Ukraine’s ability to use the systems.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky assured President Biden that Ukraine wouldn’t use the latest systems to launch attacks inside Russian territory, Mr. Kahl said. Mr. Zelensky said the same during an interview with Newsmax this week. “We’re not interested in what’s happening in Russia,” the Ukrainian leader said. “We’re only interested in our own territory in Ukraine.”

36 experts agree: Stay the course in Ukraine | The Hill

President Volodymyr Zelensky and Ukraine’s soldiers are not asking NATO to fight their battles for them, but they do need American and NATO weapons and economic assistance to prevail. It is in America’s national interest to see Ukraine emerge from this war as a truly sovereign and democratic state, in charge of its own foreign policy, militarily strong, territorially secure, and economically viable.

The United States and Europe must avoid the urge to encourage Kyiv to negotiate a cease fire that falls short of Ukraine’s goals and could consign millions of Ukrainians to Russian control; after all, Putin denies the legitimacy of a unique Ukrainian identity, and Russian forces have already committed countless war crimes against them.

Melnyk: »Jetzt kann man wirklich von einer Zeitenwende für die Ukraine sprechen« | SpOn

»Endlich können wir dem Bundeskanzler Scholz von Herzen sagen: Danke!«, sagte Melnyk der »Wirtschaftswoche«. »Jetzt kann man wirklich von einer Zeitenwende für die Ukraine sprechen. Wir hoffen auf weitere moderne Waffensysteme aus Deutschland.«

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 8 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 02.06.2022 6:19]
01.06.2022 22:34:20  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Die Regierung berät am Freitag, ob andere Länder Schweizer Waffen weitergeben dürfen. Grund ist ein Brief der deutschen Verteidigungsministerin an Wirtschaftsminister Parmelin.

Darf Deutschland Waffen aus der Schweiz an die Ukraine weitergeben? Diese Frage diskutiert der Bundesrat in seiner Sitzung vom Freitag. Anlass ist ein Brief der deutschen Verteidigungsministerin Christine Lambrecht an Guy Parmelin. Darin bittet Lambrecht den Schweizer Wirtschaftsminister, unter anderem Munition für den Fliegerabwehrpanzer Gepard für den Export aus Deutschland in die Ukraine freizugeben. Die Munition ist einst in der Schweiz hergestellt worden. Dies bestätigen bundesratsnahe Quellen.

Damit muss sich nun die Landesregierung mit den Ausfuhrverboten für Schweizer Kriegsmaterial für die Ukraine befassen. Bisher hat das Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (Seco), das Guy Parmelin (SVP) unterstellt ist, selber zwei Anfragen aus Deutschland zur Weitergabe von Munition aus Schweizer Produktion an die Ukraine abgelehnt.

Voraussichtlich wird der Bundesrat am Freitag auch ein drittes Begehren diskutieren. Dieses kommt aus Dänemark, wie am Mittwoch die «Rundschau» von SRF zuerst berichtet hat. Die dänischen Behörden haben das Schweizer Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft um Erlaubnis gebeten, Radschützenpanzer Piranha in die Ukraine schicken zu dürfen. Diese wurden in Kreuzlingen hergestellt. Das Seco hat das Gesuch vor wenigen Tagen abgelehnt, wie die Behörde auf Anfrage dieser Zeitung bestätigt.

Offen ist, ob der Bundesrat am Freitag bereits über diese Anfragen entscheidet oder ob er das neutralitätsrechtlich relevante Thema lediglich andiskutiert und den Entscheid auf eine spätere Sitzung verschiebt.

Denn Guy Parmelins Antrag im Bundesrat, Waffenexporte wie bisher zu behandeln, betrifft letztlich den Kern der Schweizer Neutralität. Das Neutralitätsrecht, festgehalten im Haager Abkommen von 1907, verbietet es Neutralen, Krieg führende Staaten mit Truppen zu unterstützen oder mit Waffen zu beliefern. Das Haager Abkommen ist Teil des geltenden Völkerrechts.

Es gibt jedoch auch gewichtige politische Stimmen, die sich für eine Weitergabe von Waffen an die Ukraine aussprechen. So sagte Mitte-Präsident und Nationalrat Gerhard Pfister vor einigen Wochen, der Bundesrat könne, gestützt auf Notrecht, Waffenexporte zur Unterstützung der Ukraine jederzeit ermöglichen.

tl;dr: es wird viel geredet.
02.06.2022 6:49:06  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zunge rausstrecken
Taiwan beschränkt Technik-Exporte an Russland:

Die vom taiwanischen Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) veröffentlichte Liste (via Digitimes) umfasst mehrere Punkte, welche Chips nicht exportiert werden dürfen: Verboten sind mehr als 5 Gigaflops, mehr als 25 MHz, mehr als 32 Bit breite ALUs, mehr als 2.5 MByte/s Transferrate, mehr als 144 Pins oder Gates schneller als 0,4 ns.

Oder, um es anders auszudrücken: Selbst einer der späteren Intel i386DX mit 33 MHz wäre außen vor gewesen.

02.06.2022 12:22:06  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Wir halten fest: Putin hat nicht nur Krebs, sondern auch neulich erst einen Attentatsversuch überlebt.

Putin Treated for Cancer in April, U.S. Intelligence Report Says

The assessments also confirm that there was an assassination attempt on Putin's life in March, the officials say.

The high-ranking officials, who represent three separate intelligence agencies, are concerned that Putin is increasingly paranoid about his hold on power, a status that makes for a rocky and unpredictable course in Ukraine. But it is one, they say, that also makes the prospects of nuclear war less likely.

(Man darf dazu durchaus eine Prise Salz nehmen und sich fragen, warum gerade jetzt, ganz ohne Aluhut!)

02.06.2022 17:34:13  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Bilder aus den ersten 100 Kriegstagen

02.06.2022 18:26:39  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
The Russian soldiers refusing to fight in Ukraine | BBC

Some Russian troops are refusing to return to fight in Ukraine because of their experiences on the front line at the start of the invasion, according to Russian human rights lawyers and activists. The BBC has been speaking to one such soldier.

Beijing chafes at Moscow’s requests for support, Chinese officials say | WaPo

Russian officials have raised increasingly frustrated requests for greater support during discussions with Beijing in recent weeks, calling on China to live up to its affirmation of a “no limits” partnership made weeks before the war in Ukraine began. But China’s leadership wants to expand assistance for Russia without running afoul of Western sanctions and has set limits on what it will do, according to Chinese and U.S. officials. ...

“China has made clear its position on the situation in Ukraine, and on the illegal sanctions against Russia,” said a person in Beijing with direct knowledge of the discussions. “We understand [Moscow’s] predicament. But we cannot ignore our own situation in this dialogue. China will always act in the best interest of the Chinese people.”

China is in a bind as it seeks to help its most important strategic partner, which started a war that Beijing did not anticipate would now be entering its fourth month, Chinese and U.S. officials said. They said that President Xi Jinping has tasked his closest advisers to come up with ways to help Russia financially but without violating sanctions. ...

China has balked at helping Russia evade sanctions, fearing the United States and it allies could cut China off from critical technology, including semiconductors and aerospace equipment, as well as target its financial system, a Beijing official said. Shipments of high-end Chinese technology to Russia — including smartphones, laptops and telecommunications equipment — have plummeted since the war began.
Nonetheless, the Chinese maintain that the U.S. and Western sanctions are illegal and that China will continue to do business with Russia.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 03.06.2022 4:48]
03.06.2022 4:15:47  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Jolly Roger

AUP Jolly Roger 26.07.2021
Hier mal was zum Schmunzeln:
»Wir nehmen die Erklärung des deutschen Bundeskanzlers als eine weitere Bestätigung dafür wahr, dass Berlin einen Kurs für eine beschleunigte Remilitarisierung des Landes eingeschlagen hat«, sagte die Sprecherin des Außenministeriums in Moskau, Maria Sacharowa. Wie das enden könne, habe leider die Geschichte gezeigt, fügt sie hinzu.

03.06.2022 14:15:16  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
‘Everything is gone’: Russian business hit hard by tech sanctions | FT

Russian companies have been plunged into a technological crisis by western sanctions that have created severe bottlenecks in the supply of semiconductors, electrical equipment and the hardware needed to power the nation’s data centres. Most of the world’s largest chip manufacturers, including Intel, Samsung, TSMC and Qualcomm, have halted business to Russia entirely after the US, UK and Europe imposed export controls on products using chips made or designed in the US or Europe. ...

“Entire supply routes for servers to computers to iPhones — everything — is gone,” said one western chip executive. ... The country’s biggest telecoms groups will be unable to access 5G equipment, while cloud computing products from tech leader Yandex and Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank, will struggle to expand their data centre services. ...

While Russia does have several domestic chip companies, namely JSC Mikron, MCST and Baikal Electronics, Russian groups have previously relied on importing significant quantities of finished semiconductors from foreign manufacturers ... MCST said on Monday that it was exploring switching its production to Russian factories owned by JSC Mikron, where it said it could create “worthy processors with sovereign Russian technology”, according to business news site RBC. But Sberbank said last year that Elbrus chips, developed by MCST, had “catastrophically” failed tests, showing their memory, processing and bandwidth capacity to be far below those developed by Intel. ...

Russia has historically been able to rely on unauthorised “grey market” supply chains for the provision of some technological and military equipment, purchasing Western products from resellers in Asia and Africa via brokers. But a global dearth of chips and crucial IT hardware has meant that even these channels have dried up. ... it’s not the volume they need, it’s not stable, and the prices have gone up at least twice.”

Russian officials have also explored moving production to foundries in China, but there is little evidence that Beijing is coming to the rescue. One leading chip executive said that “in terms of consumer electronics and phones and PCs and data centres, what you see in most cases is that manufacturers from outside Russia are not providing products to Russia even if it contains a legacy chip from China”. They added that despite Chinese president Xi Jinping’s reluctance to condemn the war in Ukraine, several Chinese companies had decided to stop selling smartphones to Russia — even though these electronics were carved out of sanctions in an effort not to directly punish Russian consumers — because they were concerned about the impact on their brands.

Western allies meeting regularly to game out potential framework for Ukraine ceasefire as war hits 100th day | CNN

The war has settled into a grinding slog that intelligence and military officials believe will last many months, if not years. Although the two sides may trade small swathes of territory back and forth from day to day or week to week, multiple officials with access to the latest intelligence told CNN that they do not expect either Russia or Ukraine to break through the existing battle lines anytime soon.

For now, that effective stalemate presents an opportunity for the US to slowly bleed Russia of both blood and treasure, multiple military officials said. But the longer the conflict drags on, the higher the costs for the West -- and the greater the challenge the Biden administration will face in supplying Ukraine, finding sustainable replacements for Russian oil and gas, and keeping an already-fractious European alliance committed to its strategy.
The issue is particularly politically fraught heading into election season, with gas prices continuing to rise largely because of the measures the west has taken to cut off imports of Russian oil and gas. ...

As the US looks to maintain its military and financial support for Ukraine and isolate Russia for as long as it takes to get to a peace agreement, a key strategy will be keeping the NATO alliance unified. But already, sources say, there are cracks appearing in NATO -- Turkey is refusing to allow Sweden and Finland to move forward with joining the bloc, and diplomats had to carve out an exception for Hungary as part of Europe's recent oil embargo against Russia.
There's also the challenge of maintaining domestic support for funding Ukraine's war. There's been growing opposition among Donald Trump-aligned Republicans with each assistance vote that Congress has taken, one Democratic lawmaker noted. He added that there are concerns over how willing Congress will be in the future to fund a protracted conflict. ...
Another top priority will be to continue to procure enough sophisticated weaponry to feed a high-attrition, artillery-heavy war without depleting US stockpiles. ...

Stoltenberg put it succinctly on Thursday. "We just have to be prepared for the long haul," he said, "because what we see is that this war has now become a war of attrition."

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 04.06.2022 3:43]
04.06.2022 3:10:54  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Russia must not be humiliated despite Putin's 'historic' mistake, Macron says

"We must not humiliate Russia so that the day when the fighting stops we can build an exit ramp through diplomatic means," Macron said in an interview to regional newspapers published on Saturday. "I am convinced that it is France's role to be a mediating power."

Macron has spoken with Putin regularly since the invasion as part of efforts to achieve a ceasefire and begin a credible negotiation between Kyiv and Moscow.

"I think, and I told him, that he is making a historic and fundamental mistake for his people, for himself and for history," Macron said.

Ukrainischer Außenminister



[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von -=Q=- 8-BaLL am 04.06.2022 18:40]
04.06.2022 16:21:49  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Bei den Kämpfen gegen die russischen Truppen wurde auf ukrainischer Seite auch ein Deutscher getötet. Das teilte eine Freiwilligenbrigade in der Ukraine mit. Außerdem seien drei Männer aus den Niederlanden, Frankreich und Australien ums Leben gekommen. Zu den Umständen ihres Todes wurden keine Angaben gemacht.

04.06.2022 22:32:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Ukraine’s partisans are hitting Russian soldiers behind their own lines | Economist

“Ukraine claims its partisans have killed more than 100 Russian soldiers behind enemy lines in Melitopol. “Our people are doing everything to make sure the land burns under the feet of the occupiers,” says the town’s mayor, Ivan Fedorov”

On explosions in Russia: ‘a tight-lipped senior [Ukrainian] intelligence officer says it would be better to speak to a priest: “This is God’s work. God is punishing the Russian Federation. Maybe not directly. Maybe not with his own hands. Maybe he has to use helicopters”…’

“Mr Zhemchugov, who now helps train volunteers, says Ukrainian authorities had laid down the basic structure for an insurgency in a few rushed months before the war. A network of secret arms dumps, safe houses and potential sympathisers now exists across the country”

Documents Reveal Hundreds of Russian Troops Broke Ranks Over Ukraine Orders | WSJ

Hundreds of Russian soldiers have escaped the fighting in Ukraine or refused to take part during the early stages of the war, according to military decrees viewed by The Wall Street Journal as well as accused soldiers and lawyers defending them.
Military analysts and Ukrainian officials say there have been many more.

Russia’s army stumbled badly early in its invasion of Ukraine and suffered thousands of casualties and the loss of an estimated quarter of its deployed military hardware, a senior Pentagon official said in April. Desertions and insubordination among soldiers, Interior Ministry troops and members of the National Guard are compounding the problem.

The desertions place Russian authorities in a bind over how to punish those who refuse to serve without drawing more attention to the issue, defense experts said. The Russian military is short on manpower and seeking recruits to help turn the tide in Ukraine.

Penalties have so far been largely limited to formal dismissals from service. Because Russia hasn’t declared war on Ukraine, there also are few legal grounds for criminal charges against those who refuse to serve abroad, according to a lawyer and former military prosecutor’s assistant who is defending soldiers fired for insubordination.

Selenskyj reist zu Frontsoldaten im Donbass | ZDF

Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj hat mehrere Stellungen in der Ostukraine besucht - auch in unmittelbarer Nähe zur derzeit hart umkämpften Stadt Sjewjerodonezk.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 06.06.2022 6:51]
06.06.2022 1:09:01  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Ein für heute geplanter Besuch von Russlands Außenminister Lawrow in Serbien könnte einem Bericht zufolge am Widerstand mehrerer Nachbarländer scheitern. Bulgarien, Nordmazedonien und Montenegro hätten der russischen Regierungsmaschine einen Flug durch ihre Lufträume verweigert

06.06.2022 9:01:56  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Ukrainian Troops Counterattack In The South And East | Forbes

Inasmuch as capturing Severodonetsk has become the Kremlin’s biggest near-term goal in Ukraine, the Ukrainian counteroffensive could spell disaster. Russian President Vladimir Putin apparently was hoping for a decisive, if small-scale, win in order to shore up flagging domestic support for his costly war. As the Ukrainian army holds on in Severodonetsk, a quick and easy win for Russia is looking increasingly unlikely.

The battle for Severodonetsk grinds on. The momentum might be with the Ukrainians but that easily could change. It’s important to note, however, that Severodonetsk is more important to Russia than it is to Ukraine.

In fact, the Ukrainian army deliberately did not deploy all its available forces to the Severodonetsk pocket. It held back some of its battalions—and waited. Once the Russians had shifted all their own best battalions east, those Ukrainian forces counterattacked in the south.
On May 27, Ukrainian troops crossed the Inhulets River near Davydiv Brid northeast of Russian-occupied Kherson on the Black Sea coast. In a week of hard fighting, the Ukrainians slowly established a lodgment on the far bank of the river.
It’s a long way from there to Kherson—40 miles. But for the Ukrainian army, crossing the river is the first and arguably hardest step in any eventual march on Kherson with its pre-war population of nearly 300,000.

The Kremlin has gambled big on a maximal effort to achieve a minimal goal: capturing Severodonetsk. It’s debatable whether taking the eastern city truly would be worth the cost for the Russians—especially if it means risking their hold on Kherson.

Französische Caesar-Geschütze in der Ukraine
(der Video-Titel scheint zu einem anderen Video zu gehören)

(in Französisch)
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 06.06.2022 23:30]
06.06.2022 23:10:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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verschmitzt lachen
offenbar hat man sich in Spanien zu sehr auf Scholz verlassen. FAZ Ticker, 11:52:

Sollte Spanien der Ukraine Leopard-2-Panzer liefern, könnten es deutlich weniger als die 40 Kampfpanzer sein, von denen die Zeitung „El País“ berichtet hatte. Aus spanischen Regierungskreisen ist zu hören, dass es sich eher um zehn Panzer des Typs des Typs Leopard 2A4 handeln könnte. Die spanische Regierung hat bisher den Zeitungsbericht nicht dementiert, nannte aber offiziell keine weiteren Einzelheiten. „Unsere Solidarität ist total“, sagte Verteidigungsministerin Margarita Robles am Montag dem Sender Telecinco. Ein offizielles Angebot lag bislang jedoch nicht vor. „Wir sind mit der Ukraine solidarisch, im Rahmen unserer Möglichkeiten und in Abstimmung mit den anderen Ländern innerhalb der EU und des Atlantischen Bündnisses“, sagte die Ministerin.

Das Büro des Ministerpräsidenten und das Außenministerium schweigen seitdem zu Nachfragen.

Konnte ja keiner ahnen, dass die blöden Deutschen den Export nicht umgehend untersagen. mit den Augen rollend
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Jellybaby am 08.06.2022 13:49]
08.06.2022 13:48:28  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
The Fight to Survive Russia’s Onslaught in Eastern Ukraine | New Yorker

I spent several days in the Donbas recently, where a number of officers and enlisted soldiers told me that Ukrainian infantry rarely see the enemy. Rather, battles are often fought at distances of ten miles or more. The war has become, as one soldier told me, a game of “artillery Ping-Pong.” ...

In Bakhmut, a midsize town a few miles from the front, I met members of a Kyiv-based unit of the Territorial Defense ... One of the soldiers switched to English to describe the fighting: “Let me put it like this: very fucking awful.” He went on, “We want to shoot the enemy, but we don’t see him. An infantryman has nothing to do in an artillery war other than dig—and run.”

[Brigadier General Oleksandr Tarnavsky, the deputy commander of Ukrainian forces on the eastern front] described the shift in Russia’s tactics. “If before they simply marched in large columns, now they have started to actually fight,” he said. The Russian Army has split its forces into smaller groups, which it uses, along with a sizable fleet of drones, to identify and target Ukrainian positions, hitting them with artillery and air strikes. When a particular zone or village has effectively been levelled, ground troops ... move in to try to seize the rubble. ...

In areas where battles have been the most intense, Russia has had, by his count, a five-to-one manpower advantage. Tarnavsky also estimated that Russia has an advantage of up to seven-to-one in artillery batteries and a similarly large stockpile of munitions. As a result, Russian forces can rely on wave after wave of indiscriminate fire from large-calibre artillery, along with missile and air strikes, to soften Ukraine’s defenses, inflicting large casualties before they advance.

... Still, Ukraine’s military doesn’t lack soldiers; mass mobilization efforts and an influx of volunteers have doubled the ranks of the armed forces since February. The more pressing shortfalls, Tarnavskiy told me, are of experience and skill. “A lot of regular military personnel have been killed,” he said. “They are replaced by doctors and mechanics. We have manpower, but much of this core” — those with combat experience who could lead and motivate new recruits — “is either dead or wounded.”

Over several days in the Donbas, I visited a number of hospitals to speak with injured soldiers. Over all, their morale and fighting spirit seemed high, but nearly all of them expressed a sense of helplessness in the face of unrelenting shelling. ...
Vladislav told me he was eager and ready for battle, but not this kind. “When a person is shooting at you, you have a clear idea of how to fight back, of where to direct your adrenaline,” he said. “But when a piece of metal is flying at you, you don’t know where the enemy is and how to survive. I’m a rifleman, I have no weapon to defend myself from that.”

In Kramatorsk, a garrison town in the heart of the Donbas, I went to see the city’s mayor, Oleksandr Honcharenko. ... I asked Honcharenko how long it might take for Russian forces to reach the city. “We shouldn’t expect any miracles,” he told me. “It’s clear that the longer this goes on, the more territory Russia will gain.” His voice was both jovial and grave. “Let me give you my professional opinion as mayor: if we don’t get heavy weapons in two or three weeks, we’re fucked.”

'In this war, the ordinary infantryman is nothing': Ukrainian soldiers in Donbas feel abandoned and outgunned | CBC, Neil Hauer

... Despite the war around him, Alexey's spirits seem high enough. It's a different story for other soldiers and volunteers returning from the front.

Two fighters — Nikita, 35, and his companion, Mikhail, 56, both members of a Ukrainian army unit stationed nearby — just returned from the front line east of Bakhmut, about five kilometres from the city.

"The front just comes closer and closer," said Nikita. "We keep getting pushed back, further and further." ...
"[In 2014], I could fight well enough with my rifle," said Mikhail. "Now, I can't. They hit us with planes, helicopters, mortars, tanks, GRADs [rocket artillery]."
"In this war, the ordinary infantryman is nothing," said Nikita. "Now it's all artillery and heavy weapons. The average soldier, he can't do anything."
"We are just cannon fodder," Mikhail interjects.

Despite the thousands of pieces of Western military aid delivered to Ukraine, Nikita said he and his men have seen nothing of them.
"We have just our rifles. Maybe an RPG [launcher] or two. Against a tank or an armoured vehicle? What am I supposed to do?" he said rhetorically.
In his view, the leadership in Kyiv cares little for those fighting out here.
"[Kyiv] has not sent us any new weapons — and they're not going to," said Nikita.
"Everything new and fancy has been reserved for those other places: Kyiv, Kharkiv, the big cities. Headquarters thinks, 'Well, you [in the east] have been fighting the Russians for eight years already. You'll be fine.'"

Nikita shakes his head, before turning to even harsher words for his superiors.
"You have to understand that there are two castes in this country," he said. "There's the upper caste, and then there's us: the lower caste. We are just pawns. Nothing more. The upper caste gets the money, and we get the command: 'Forward!'
"That's how it's always worked here [in Ukraine]," he said, before emphasizing that he doesn't expect anyone to believe him.
"No one here wants to hear the truth," said Nikita. "They just want the beautiful story of how Ukraine is united. But here, we're fucked."

There is evidence that some of the new weaponry has made it to Eastern Ukraine. Reports show American-made M777 advanced howitzers in use at Lysychansk, at the northern edge of the Donbas front. A Politico report further describes M777s at Kramatorsk, about 30 kilometres northwest of Bakhmut.

Still, for these soldiers, the fight is not getting any easier.

Dmitry, a 41-year-old member of Ukraine's Territorial Defence, uses a little humour to confront the grim reality of the situation. "Bakhmut, it's like Monte Carlo," he said, laughing. "Russian roulette on every corner!"
Then his eyes darken, and his smile fades.
"I can describe the situation here in a few short words," Dmitry said. "Very fucking awful."

Top general details plan to train Ukrainians on rocket artillery | WaPo

The U.S. military has devised a plan to train a platoon* of Ukrainian soldiers at a time on how to use sophisticated multiple-launch rocket artillery, the Pentagon’s top general said Wednesday, raising the likelihood that more of the weapons could be sent to Ukraine.

The plan is contingent on an initial group of Ukrainian soldiers showing proficiency on it, said Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The transfer of additional rocket artillery to Ukraine from existing U.S. Army or U.S. Marine Corps stocks also would require explicit approval from the Biden administration.

The British also will train a platoon at a time under the plan, Milley said, allowing Ukrainian forces to build up their rocket artillery.

Colin Kahl, the U.S. undersecretary of defense for policy, left open the possibility that the United States could send additional HIMARS to Ukraine as he announced June 1 the first four systems had been approved. The United States first wants to get more information about how useful they are and how the Ukrainians are using them, he said. He predicted then that it would take about three weeks to train the first group of Ukrainian soldiers. Milley said Wednesday that it will take three or four.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 4 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 09.06.2022 5:09]
08.06.2022 23:12:56  Zum letzten Beitrag
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[HFK] Big Daddy

AUP [HFK] Big Daddy 08.12.2018
Interview mit Markus Reisner zum Krieg in der Ukraine


Zu Beginn des Krieges sei die ukrainische Armee sehr klug vorgegangen, sagt der Militärhistoriker und Oberst der österreichischen Armee, Markus Reisner. "Die Russen haben das erkannt und sich darauf eingestellt."
In der derzeit laufenden Schlacht im Kessel von Donbass sieht er die Chancen ungleich verteilt.

"Wenn auf dem Gefechtsfeld nicht etwas Überraschendes passiert, von dem wir alle nichts wussten, wenn es nicht zu massiven ukrainischen Gegenangriffen kommt, nicht plötzlich Schwärme von Kamikaze-Drohnen auftauchen oder einhundert Mehrfachraketenwerfer aus den USA, dann wird Russland diesen Kampf im Donbass auf der Zeitachse für sich entscheiden." Die jetzt angekündigte Lieferung von Mehrfachraketenwerfern durch die USA werde keinen raschen Effekt erzielen, sagt Oberst Reisner. "Vier Werfer, das hat überhaupt keinen Einfluss, das ist reine Symbolik."


Selenskyj sprach sogar von bis zu 500 Verwundeten. Wenn man das hochrechnet, sind das 3000 Tote und 6000 Verwundete in einem Monat. Das ist eine enorme Zahl. Die Sanitätsversorgung ist prekär. In den Spitälern von Bakhmut, Slowjansk und Kramatorsk wird nur mehr amputiert, es gibt keine wiederherstellende Chirurgie mehr. Es geht nur mehr um das Überleben. Die meisten Soldaten sterben an der Front oder am Weg in die Spitäler.


In der dritten Woche hieß es, Russland hätte schon 350 Marschflugkörper verschossen, so viel wie die Alliierten 2003 im Irak - das werde es ja wohl langsam gewesen sein. Mittlerweile wurden mehr als 2250 abgefeuerte Marschflugkörper gezählt. Der ukrainische Generalstab sagt selbst, dies wären nun 60 Prozent des Arsenals. Eine klare Ablage zur ersten Bewertung. Es stimmt, dass deren Zielgenauigkeit nicht so hoch ist wie von moderneren westlichen Cruise-Missiles, aber trotzdem gibt es jede Nacht in der Ukraine mehrere brennende Objekte. Das ist natürlich fatal. Neben den unmittelbaren Gefechten im Kessel im Donbass ist das die zweite Ebene der Abnutzung. Dieser Abnutzung können die Ukrainer nur entgegenwirken, wenn sie zusätzliches Material nachschieben.

09.06.2022 14:49:57  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
More Than 100 Days of War in Ukraine


A Ukrainian emergency worker stands next to the bodies of Russian soldiers in the village of Vilkhivka, recently retaken by Ukrainian forces near Kharkiv, on May 9, 2022

09.06.2022 15:07:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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das kommt einem doch erschreckend bekannt vor:

10.06.2022 22:18:10  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Ukraine is running out of ammunition as prospects dim on the battlefield

Hopes that Ukraine will be able to reverse Russian gains are fading in the face of superior firepower

11.06.2022 19:56:22  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Bundeskanzler Scholz plant einem Medienbericht zufolge noch vor dem Ende Juni stattfindenden G7-Gipfel einen Besuch in der ukrainischen Hauptstadt Kiew. Wie die „Bild am Sonntag“ schreibt, will Scholz zusammen mit dem französischen Präsidenten Macron und dem italienischen Ministerpräsidenten Draghi reisen.


Russland will sich nicht mehr an Urteile des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte halten.
Ein entsprechendes Gesetz unterzeichnete Präsident Putin in Moskau, wie die Agentur Tass meldete. Demnach werden Urteile, die nach dem 15. März ergangen sind, nicht mehr umgesetzt.

Wenn Pootin die angebotene Off-Ramp genommen hat müssen wir ganz schön viel wieder rückgängig machen. Alle zusammen.


/Wirklich alle, gemeinsame Kraftanstrengung.

The Russian occupation authorities in southern Ukraine say they have started handing out Russian passports to locals in two cities - Kherson and Melitopol.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von -=Q=- 8-BaLL am 11.06.2022 22:01]
11.06.2022 20:58:47  Zum letzten Beitrag
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kyev independent sagt: Das deutsche Iris T System wird im Oktober erwartet. https://twitter.com/KyivIndependent/status/1535605169769041921

und bevor die Bullshitparade wieder losgeht: Das war nie anders angekündigt.

Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock hat Erwartungen gedämpft, dass das von Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) angekündigte Luftverteidigungssystem Iris-T schnell an die Ukraine geliefert wird. "Ja, das dauert – und zwar Monate", sagte die Grünenpolitikerin im Bundestag. Demnach sollte das vom Rüstungskonzern Diehl hergestellte System eigentlich an ein anderes Land gehen. Auf Bitten der Bundesregierung werde es nun an die Ukraine geliefert.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Jellybaby am 12.06.2022 0:35]
12.06.2022 0:17:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Marine NaSe
Zitat von Jellybaby

und bevor die Bullshitparade wieder losgeht: Das war nie anders angekündigt.

Schöner Strohmann.
12.06.2022 8:35:41  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Einige Wochen nach dem endgültigen Rückzug der US-Fast-Food-Kette McDonald's aus Russland öffnen die ersten Restaurants unter ihrem neuen, russischen Besitzer. Insgesamt 15 Filialen in Moskau und Umgebung sollen am Sonntag wieder Gäste empfangen – unter neuem Namen und Logo, aber an denselben Standorten, mit demselben Personal und fast identischen Gerichten. Weitere 50 Filialen sollen am Montag öffnen.

12.06.2022 12:28:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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