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 Thema: Allgemeine Diskussion zum Ukraine Krieg
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014

Ein absolut realistischer thread über den Fortgang des Krieges. Und er macht betroffen:

Volodymyr Demchenko (Ukrainischer Regisseur, derzeit Soldat nahe Bakhmut) schildert seine Eindrücke von der Front und was in Zukunft passieren könnte:
https://twitter.com/brokenpixelua/status/1558878228282064896 | Thread Reader

About Ukraine from a Ukrainian

Little by little the joyful voices predicting "the end of Putin", defeat of the 🇷🇺 army, etc., are dying down, and this is pleasing. Although, in general, news about Ukraine tends to fade away and there is no tragedy in this - just the truth of life.

From the inside, the situation is like a crazy swing: hooray! we're breaking up ammunition depots every day * oh no! they killed our prisoners! * Hooray! we destroyed their airfield! * oh no! another village or city was taken from us.
That's how you can go crazy and it's not a metaphor.

And in fact, the war continues as it has since April: the occupiers are slowly but steadily advancing along almost the entire front, except for the South. The other day, the first detachments of 🇷🇺 entered the outer streets of the city of Bakhmut, which is defended by our battalion.
In the South, where a major counter-offensive was announced, nothing has happened and, it seems, will not happen. I believe that was a trick to distract 🇷🇺 from Donbas and dispersed their groups here. This seemed to slow the advance, but not stop it.
In some areas of the front, 🇷🇺 artillery outnumbers us by 10 times. There are places where our artillery is not present at all. Therefore, if someone says about some parity, then spit in the eyes of this fool. Ukraine is still just trying to stop this scourge.

But the 🇷🇺, in fact, are bloodless. Their infantry attacks are no longer so massive because the Ukrainian army has inflicted unprecedented losses on them and this is the holy truth.
It is also true that our losses not much less + tens of thousands of killed civilians.

I have no doubt that the 🇷🇺 started shelling the Energodar nuclear plant in order to negotiate a ceasefire. They need this, but not right now, because large areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions are still under the control of Ukraine but soon - at the end of September, October.
Therefore, they will a) increase the tension around nuclear plant b) head towards freezing the situation on a frontline c) will continue bloody battles even when both sides will sit at the negotiating table. I think than most cruel battles possible.

Europe will be happy with such a scenario, because it sees it as "giving peace a chance", the same will happen to Putin's lobbyists in the USA. Arms supplies to Ukraine will be limited to a minimum, the issue of buying gas and oil will be discussed at the beginning of 2023.
In practice, this will mean a complete victory for putin, which he will announce to all 🇷🇺. A bloody wound will open in the center of Europe, dozens of cities will lie in ruins for years and years, as the cities of Georgia still lie.
Next, 🇷🇺 will hold referendums in the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions. Of course no one will recognize them, but who is counting on international recognition nowadays? International law is destroyed. In a few years, 🇷🇺 will claim a liberation of new republics from 🇺🇦.

Pretty pessimistic, yeah? Still I believe that 🇷🇺 will collapse cause this war. Really believe. But I also see that 🇺🇦 and our lives is a price for that. Our cities in ruins, families spread around the world, dozens thousands citizens are dead and it’s just started.
And again, this is not a tragedy - this is an important lesson. For Ukraine, the lesson is that the state and freedom do not come without a struggle, for the Free World - that despite progress and a high level of comfort the danger of dispersing in chaos still exists.

While I was writing, the meat has just finished roasting, and the boys and I will celebrate another day to the sound of cannonades.


My piece on the “counter-offensive”:

A Ukrainian counter-offensive in Kherson faces steep odds | Economist
Ukraine needs to show progress on the battlefield. But its army may not be ready

Ukraine is squeezing Kherson city, but its army may not be ready for a big offensive. Ukraine’s political imperatives — the need to demonstrate progress to Western backers — might be in tension with military considerations.

Ukraine’s military intentions not entirely clear. “We want to avoid street warfare, because we don’t want to destroy the city,” Maj Roman Kovalyov tells my colleague @p_zalewski. “We want to surround them & force them to withdraw … to wring them out”.

From Rochan Consulting (@konrad_muzyka) updates on the war: "Kherson is generally seen as the main area of this expected attack, but we remain sceptical. There are too many Russian forces in the area for Ukrainians to risk losing their already limited forces."

@konrad_muzyka: "Kherson as a city is presently not threatened by Ukrainian ground forces. Russians maintain a 20 km buffer zone north of the city. Ukrainians made no progress in this area for weeks. The town is not threatened from the east and west either."

I didn't say Ukraine is incapable of retaking Kherson. I believe it is, in due course. I said it may need more time for a broad counter-offensive. But of course people like to melt down over headlines.


There won't be a siege of Kherson.

Ukraine will create three cauldron's of russian troops, squeezing each against the Dnipro, over which no resupply is possible.

The russian troops can then either surrender or starve to death.

https://twitter.com/PhillipsPOBrien/status/1558806219149672448 | Thread Reader

Sunday update (a little later, sorry was travelling). There seem to be two different narratives emerging--Russians pushing forward a little in the Donbas/Donetsk, Ukrainians setting up for a wasting campaign against the Russians in Kherson.

... [Thread] ...

So in the east the Russians are able to push forward in increasingly smaller areas. They can still generate considerable firepower in the smaller areas, but its hard to see this leading to any major breakout.
In the Kherson region, the Ukrainians have not pushed forward much either, though there are indications of some advance in the far northwest.

However what they have continued to do, is hammer the logistics routes crossing the Dnieper River. As of Now Ukraine is claiming that they have taken both the major crossings at Nova Kakhovka and Kherson out of action (at least for heavy supplies). If this is true (stress on if) this matters far more than any halting Russian advance in east. I know Ive been banging on about it for weeks, but it looks like this was the exact Ukr plan. Scare the Russians into reinforcing the west bank of the Dnieper. And once they have, the Ukr cut the logistics links so the larger force cant be supplied. If they can carry out this logistics cuts the Russian troops will either have to be pulled out (or many will) or they will be abandoned because they cant be supplied.

Overall this way of fighting is generally why I'm positive about Ukr prospects. The two sides are intellectually fighting very differently.
The Russians are plodding, battle-centric, have difficulties adjusting and cant operate their complex systems well (see air and sea power)
The Ukr are fighting more well-thought out campaigns, show the ability to adjust, and are actually showing the ability to operate different complex systems (NATO systems) that they have almost no exposure too before Feb 24.

In many ways that is summarized in the most sensational development of the week, the Ukr attack on Saki Airfield in Crimea. However they did it, it shows the capacity to plan and execute of a very high order. Rus forces, otoh, seemed unprepared.
What the Ukrainians are doing is posing a series of different and difficult challenges to the Rus Army. The Russians seem able to pose one major one (massed firepower). If the Ukr can learn to contend with that (and they should if provided more aid), what will the Russians do?


“Although the war is going through an attritional stage this does not mean that there is a stalemate. Certainly both sides face the problem of defence dominance.”
Winning Through Attrition - another superb essay on the war in #Ukraine by [Lawrence Freedman]:

Winning Through Attrition

Two conclusions emerge from these asymmetries.
First Russia has identified Ukraine’s dependence on external support as its greatest vulnerability and has been looking for ways to undermine this support, largely by aggravating the economic crises facing the West. The debates in the West on whether support for Ukraine will drain away as the economic pain intensifies and ‘war fatigue’ steps in have acquired a routine quality but all one can say is that so far this has not happened. ...

The second conclusion is that conditions on the ground should increasingly favour Ukraine because of the quality of the systems now entering service and the effectiveness with which they are being used. ... The most striking feature of the fighting since late June has been the demonstrable vulnerability of ammunition dumps, command posts, air defence units and now airfields. The strike against the Saki air base in Crimea was an enormous blow not only to Russian capabilities ... but also to Russian self-confidence. ...

What we have not seen is Ukraine mounting comparable attacks to those mounted by the Russians in the Donbas in May and June. In this respect defence remains dominant.
Ukraine is having to follow a strategy that works round its weaknesses while exploiting those of Russia. This was dubbed back in May as ‘corrosion’ by General Mick Ryan. Ukraine, he noted, has sought to hollow out ‘the Russian physical, moral, and intellectual capacity to fight and win in Ukraine, both on the battlefield, and in the global information environment.’ This is essentially a form of attrition, broadly framed. This strategy has recently been sharpened as Ukraine makes the position of the Russian defenders more parlous, threatening to cut them off completely from their supplies as well as their means of escape, leaving them more exposed to accurate artillery and air strikes. This is the potential risk Russian commanders have accepted by sending extra troops into Kherson. The increased partisan activity from within the occupied territories is tying down Russian troops and adding to their anxiety. Moreover, the spectacular nature of some of the recent strikes eases the need to impress external suppliers by demonstrating the equipment that has been donated is being used to good effect. ...

The official Ukrainian line is that the counter-offensive is still on its way. Nonetheless the importance of the damage being inflicted on Russian forces is also being emphasised. In an address on 10 August President Zelensky, using the classic language of attrition, argued that it was Russian losses that would bring the war to an end: ...


Russia signed a contract with Iran for the purchase of 1,000 drones after Iran supplied several drones and a simulator on which Russian officers trained. The first drones have already been used in Ukraine,” writes well-known Middle East analyst Elijah Mañe, citing his sources.


This is a significant increase from “several hundred” estimate by the US intelligence, if true. Definitely interested in a confirmation of this purchase.


1,000 drones that aren't produced yet... and whose tech is as crappy as russian drones, and whose acquisition will infuriate the undisputed King of Drones... namely Israel.


Are you a Western company that can’t work in Russia because of sanctions? No worries, you can evade sanctions via Serbia.
Between 30,000 & 50,000 Russians have moved to Serbia. And more than 1,000 companies have registered… most of them in the IT sector.

And let’s not pretend that the EU member states don’t know this. If I know this by relying on OSINT, then they must know it, too. The real question is- why do they tolerate this?

Russians are increasingly flocking to visa-free Serbia | DW

Serbia is something of a paradoxical refuge for thousands of Russians who have moved there since the Ukraine war. The government has refused to impose sanctions on the Kremlin, and many Serbs support Russia's policies.


The air Defenders of 🇺🇦 in action.

Glory to Ukraine!


Not driving with groceries today!

Zu dem "viele Pzh2000 sind nicht an der Front, müssen derzeit gewartet werden"-Thema von vor zwei Wochen, welches mittlerweile wohl auch schon lange wieder behoben ist:


Agree. "Low" readiness of #Pzh2000 in 🇺🇦 service is due to higher stress & workload put on them in war, as opposed to peacetime operations.
This applies also to indigenous artillery systems, suffering a lot from the relentless use.

Of course in 🇩🇪 opponents of arms deliveries make quite a fuzz out of it. They want to stress that these systems are useless, as Ukrainians only break them.
That is nonsense of course. 🇺🇦 highly appreciate them. However the force is too small to allow continuous operations.

This is why 🇺🇦 wants to buy more of them in fact.
Because the current force is small, it also fulfills a very specialised role of striking targets deep behind enemy lines. Previously the 2S7 Pion was used in this role.

Ukrainian 2S7 have also suffered greatly from wear and tear, and spent a lot of time in the repair shop. Now they are a rare sight, even compared to Pzh2000.
That is inherent to their use.


Bei dauerhafter Nutzung ist eine funktionierende Instandsetzungskette essentiell. Das Thema hatten wir glaube ich schon mal.

Ist wie beim Auto. Wenn dort steht nach 20.000 km zur Inspektion dann sollte man es auch machen und nicht weiterfahren bis was kaputt geht.

Wartungsintervalle müssen auch beim Gepard eingehalten werden. Bei dem System noch öfter als bei der PzH. Nach einer gewissen Schussanzahl müssen die Rohre getauscht werden, Verschluss und Abzug gewartet werden, sonst gehen die Teile halt irgendwann kaputt. Nichts ungewöhnliches.

Das Thema ist eigentlich schon 2 Wochen alt und schon längst abgebacken weil gelöst. Warum diese Sau wieder durchs Dorf getrieben wird ist mir schleierhaft.


Zur Zeit gibt es viel 🇺🇦 Bewegungen. Die alten #Leopard 1A5 und #Marder hätten die ukrainischen Streitkräfte dabei gut unterstützen können. Es wäre kein Akt gewesen. So vergammeln sie nur in den Hallen der Industrie. An der Front wären sie sicherlich nützlicher gewesen.

Vor 5 Monaten hatte ich schon mehrmals appelliert. Die Kampffahrzeuge wären mittlerweile aufbereitet, Munition produziert und die Besatzungen ausgebildet bzw. trainiert.


In a $14.5 billion deal, #Poland is buying
*1,000* #K2BlackPanther #tanks from Poland and
670 #K9 Thunder mobile #artillery (first batch imported, rest built in Poland.)

Here's why Wasaw chose these over US & German options, and how they'll be customized.

Poland is Buying 1,000 K2 Black Panther Tanks (And More) For a Russia War

Nicholas Drummond (Defence industry analyst and consultant specialising in Land Warfare. UK advisor to KMW and FN Herstal. Ex-British Army officer):
https://twitter.com/nicholadrummond/status/1552995930751762433 | Thread Reader

I want to say more about Poland’s tank deal with South Korea.
Before I do, full disclosure, I’m an advisor to KMW, the German manufacturer of the Leopard 2 MBT. So, yes, I have an interest to declare. I’m writing this to correct several misleading impressions.
Secondly, what follows is my personal opinion, not that of KMW. If the two happen to be aligned, great, but it’s what I believe not what I’ve been asked to parrot. If KMW values me as advisor, it’s because I tell them what they need to hear not what they want to hear.

Acquiring military capability is not a game of Top Trumps. Yes, selecting options against key requirements matters, but setting-up a robust manufacturing solution and ensuring efficient, reliable and affordable through-life support is equally important.
The best example of this historically is the Tiger versus the Sherman tank in WW2. Tiger was an immensely capable tank. But was complex, time-consuming and expensive to produce. It was also difficult to support. Which is why only 1,347 were produced vs 49,234 Shermans.

Winning a war is often concerned with economic strength rather than military power. Sherman was quick, easy and less expensive to produce than Tiger. Nazi Germany ran out of Tigers long before the Allies ran out of Shermans. In the end, this is what mattered.

The economic lessons of the Tiger were not lost on KMW when it developed Leopard 2.
Yes, It’s an excellent balance of firepower, mobility and protection. Yes, It’s also been constantly and comprehensively upgraded to ensure it remains relevant and capable. Yes, Leopard 2’s digital architecture and C4I systems have reached a high state of development and the latest A7 also has APS and counter-drone defences. But, crucially, Leopard 2’s most distinctive advantage was the industrial concept behind it.

When Hyundai Rotem was asked to develop a tank for South Korea, it used Leopard 2 as a model, not Abrams. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. It licensed-produced the engine, gearbox and introduced its own version of the L/55 120 mm smoothbore gun.

So, which is better? Overall, the two tanks are very similar, although, like the French Leclerc, the K2 has an autoloader. I would say that that Leopard 2A7 has an edge, because it’s a more mature system. But let me emphasise, Top Trumps comparisons are not what matters.

It is the industrial set-up behind Leopard 2 that is all important. There is now a club of 18 Leopard users. They share user feedback. They share development costs for new systems. Most important, they have ready access to an extensive network of spare parts. Many Leopard 2 customers have set-up domestic production lines to produce it locally. This has created a huge European supply chain with multiple sources for individual parts guaranteeing availability at low cost. In a crisis, this is exactly what you need.

So my issue with K2 Black panther is not its core functionality, it is the infrastructure that supports it. Initial units delivered to Poland will be made in South Korea while a local production line is established. This is a problem.
If North Korea were to invade South Korea or China, Taiwan, you can bet 100% that South Korean Army would be mobilised and would be first in the queue for K2 spare parts. Poland would have to wait. And wait. And that delay could be crucial.

In time, Poland will establish its own supply chain. But, as the sole user of K2, these parts will be more expensive than if it belonged to a club of 18 users. To ensure availability of essential spares, they’ll need to be batch produced in advance. Also more expensive.
Ultimately, K2 will be more costly than Leopard 2. Poland’s K2s won’t have interoperability with other EU members of NATO. Poland also risks not being able to support its K2 tank fleet in a crisis. If this is true for K2, it may also be true for K9 and AS21.

The UK has learned this lesson. Which is why it bought Boxer and why Challenger 3 will have a Rheinmetall turret with a 120 mm smoothbore gun. And, it’s why the UK will join the European MGCS programme down the road.

Those who say Germany is an unreliable defence partner forget that it’s a member of NATO. As is Poland. Which is already a Leopard 2 user, so benefits from being a member of the user club. To be clear, spare parts supply from Germany to Poland has never been an issue.
The narrative that Germany is an unreliable Defence partner comes from Putin apologists. It is ridiculous to suggest that Germany would not honour its NATO commitments. Ultimately, Germany is an industrial powerhouse on Europe’s doorstep, not 5,000 km away.

16.08.2022 3:12:06  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL

Ich sehe Potenzial für Wohnraumschaffung in Berlin.
16.08.2022 9:11:51  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Lunovis 27.11.2007

anscheinend wieder ein Lager auf der Krim
16.08.2022 10:22:06  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Die müssen echt besser auf ihre Zigaretten aufpassen...
16.08.2022 10:24:19  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP pesto 05.02.2008
bestimmt die wälder nicht geharkt!
16.08.2022 11:02:51  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP yuri_orlov 27.11.2020

Now the occupiers say many buildings in Mariupol can’t be salvaged & smell bad - so they just bulldoze them to the ground. Which means we won’t even know who died where. People are vanishing with their homes. As if they never existed.

So Traurig. Mir kommt es vor als wenn sich hier in Deutschland kaum jemand der Tragweite dessen, was dort passiert bewusst ist.
16.08.2022 11:04:16  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Che Guevara

AUP Che Guevara 28.08.2019
missmutig gucken
Wieso sollte es auch.
Sprit ist teuer, Öl und Senf knapper und denk an die Gas- und Strompreise.

Krieg ist vielleicht aber auch schlimm.
16.08.2022 11:08:49  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Sniedelfighter 28.07.2008
Zitat von Che Guevara

Krieg ist vielleicht aber auch schlimm.

niemand weiß das besser als die deutschen, wie wir gelitten haben, oh so schlimm war das, wie viele Familien beide Weltkriege (die wir angefangen haben) auseinander gerissen hat. traurig

Oh wir deutschen Verstehen wie schlimm Krieg ist. Aber wir haben schon so viel gelitten, wir können einfach nicht mehr. Wir brauchen im Herbst 25°C in der Bude sorry. Wir haben uns das verdient!
16.08.2022 11:19:45  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Ich finds grad echt traurig bei der älteren Generation, die teilweise noch vor dem 2.WK geboren wurde, und sich BEWUSST ist, dass sie teilweise nur aufgrund der Hilfsbereitschaft der umliegenden Länder und den dortigen Flüchtlingslagern mit Versorgung überhaupt noch am Leben sind - dass selbst diese Leute dann sagen: Lasst dem Putin doch das Land, sonst frieren wir im Winter. Und der Zelensky lügt doch genauso, dem kann man nicht trauen.
16.08.2022 11:31:21  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Sniedelfighter 28.07.2008
Naja, die Generation erlebe ich tatsächlich als vernünftig. Die fetten Nachkriegskinder, die nur Frieden, Wohlstand und so kannten, die sind hauptsächlich die, die die Fresse aufreißen. Aber man hatte es schon schwer, man musste ohne beschossen zu werden zur Schule laufen.
16.08.2022 11:47:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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da wurde auf der Krim wohl eine sehr große Zigarre geraucht, dass sowas passieren kann. Diese Explosion war wohl ziemlich deftig.

aus zeit/faz zusammenkopiert:


Die Explosionen gingen auch drei Stunden nach Ausbruch des Brandes weiter, sagte Aksjonow in einer Videobotschaft in seinem Blog auf Telegram. „Es läuft eine Evakuierung, für die Sicherheit der Bewohner wird eine fünf Kilometer große Sicherheitszone gebildet“, sagte er. Kräfte des Verteidigungsministeriums, der Nationalgarde und des Zivilschutzes seien im Einsatz.

Nach Behördenangaben kam es in dem Dorf Maiskoje zu der Explosion, und zwar auf dem Gelände eines früheren Bauernhofes, der von den russischen Streitkräften als Munitionslager genutzt wird. Auch eine Umspannstation für die Stromversorgung soll in Brand geraten sein, hieß es.

Bei der Explosion eines Munitionslagers der russischen Truppen auf der besetzten Krim-Halbinsel ist nach örtlichen Angaben ein Teil einer Schienenstrecke beschädigt worden. Das sagte der Berater des russischen Gouverneurs der Krim, Oleg Krjutschkow, der Nachrichtenagentur Interfax.

Demnach weist ein Streckenabschnitt "unbedeutende" Schäden auf, Reparaturen seien im Gange. Gouverneur Sergej Axjonow teilte mit, Züge aus Russland würden vorübergehend nur bis zu einem Bahnhof im Westen der Halbinsel fahren.

16.08.2022 11:53:21  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Troodon 20.12.2022
Girkin zufolge wurde in Dzhankoy zum einen auch noch ein Transformator niedergebrannt.

Und die Sprengung der Munition wurde seinen Vermutungen nach durch eine Kamikaze"-Drohnen durchgeführt oder einfacher Sabotage.
Er wartet aber auf neue Nachrichten des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums über die Nichteinhaltung der Brandschutzvorschriften, sowie über Neue Erfolge im Panzerbiathlon. verschmitzt lachen
16.08.2022 12:05:42  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Damocles 15.05.2009

Russian media report of a new airbase fire in Crimea today, this time on the military air-field at Hvardeyskye (Gvardeyskoe). It housed 12 SU-24М and 12 SU-25СМ planes and was integrated with the Russian Navy.

Und nochmal auf der Krim. Und ja, das ist ein weiteres, anderes Ereignis.
16.08.2022 12:36:11  Zum letzten Beitrag
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jetzt noch ein Unfall auf einem U-Boot in Sevastopol, und es folgt das nächste Zeichen guten Willens.

naja, aber schön wärs. Breites Grinsen
16.08.2022 12:45:53  Zum letzten Beitrag
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trollen können sie:

Es sei noch zu früh, um über mögliche russische Verluste vor Ort zu reden, sagte der Sprecher (der ukrainischen Luftwaffe). "Alle werden die Satellitenbilder sehen."

Der Luftwaffensprecher reklamierte die Explosion nicht für das ukrainische Militär: Es sei dessen offizielle Position, dass der Gegner "nicht weiß, wie man Brandschutzregeln beachtet".

16.08.2022 12:52:02  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Damocles


Russian media report of a new airbase fire in Crimea today, this time on the military air-field at Hvardeyskye (Gvardeyskoe). It housed 12 SU-24М and 12 SU-25СМ planes and was integrated with the Russian Navy.

Und nochmal auf der Krim. Und ja, das ist ein weiteres, anderes Ereignis.

Zitat von Herr der Lage


"According to Russian media,#Saki air base of #Russian Navy Aviation has now been evacuated following the missile strike of #Ukraine. The surviving aircraft of 43rd Independent Assault Aviation Regiment are flown to Gvardeyskoye air base in North of Simferopol, #Crimea."

Gvardeyskoye air base is also in range. russia is packing the next target full of aircrafts.
Everyone in russia's military is a moron.

16.08.2022 13:34:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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"Rauchen schadet Ihrem Flugplatz"
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von [KDO2412]Mr.Jones am 16.08.2022 13:50]
16.08.2022 13:48:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP loliger_rofler 08.03.2009
Zitat von Jehova-3

Zitat von Damocles


Russian media report of a new airbase fire in Crimea today, this time on the military air-field at Hvardeyskye (Gvardeyskoe). It housed 12 SU-24М and 12 SU-25СМ planes and was integrated with the Russian Navy.

Und nochmal auf der Krim. Und ja, das ist ein weiteres, anderes Ereignis.

Zitat von Herr der Lage


"According to Russian media,#Saki air base of #Russian Navy Aviation has now been evacuated following the missile strike of #Ukraine. The surviving aircraft of 43rd Independent Assault Aviation Regiment are flown to Gvardeyskoye air base in North of Simferopol, #Crimea."

Gvardeyskoye air base is also in range. russia is packing the next target full of aircrafts.
Everyone in russia's military is a moron.

Whack-a-Mole mit Flugzeugen.
16.08.2022 14:11:58  Zum letzten Beitrag
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nachdem es im moment nicht so gut für putin zu laufen scheint: was hindert ihn daran, einfach mal ne "kleine" taktische nuke aufn ukrainischen acker zu schmeißen und die ukrainer darum zu "bitten", die kampfhandlungen einzustellen und sich hinter Linie xy zurückzuziehen?

das muss aus seiner perspektive angenehmere resultate haben, als sich jetzt noch monate an der vom westen unterstützten ukraine abzuarbeiten und derweil wirtschaftlich abzuschmieren.

ich weiß, alles etwas naiv. aber die haben eines der fettesten atomwaffenarsenale und ich check nicht, warum sie den prozess so lange hinziehen.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von h3llfir3 am 16.08.2022 14:16]
16.08.2022 14:15:13  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Admiral Bohm

Wenn Fallout auf NATO-Gebiet trifft, eskaliert es, zumindest konventionell. Daran hat er kein Interesse.
16.08.2022 14:21:09  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Che Guevara

AUP Che Guevara 28.08.2019
Du fragst ernsthaft wieso Putin keine Atombombe egal wie klein einsetzt?
Für den Planeten wäre es ja vielleicht am Ende gut, wenn einer der beschissenen Verrückten anfängt.
Aber für das Ego der Kurzpimmel ist draufgehen oder im Bunker alleine sterben einfach Scheiße.
16.08.2022 14:22:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Absonoob 20.11.2013
Zitat von h3llfir3

nachdem es im moment nicht so gut für putin zu laufen scheint: was hindert ihn daran, einfach mal ne "kleine" taktische nuke aufn ukrainischen acker zu schmeißen und die ukrainer darum zu "bitten", die kampfhandlungen einzustellen und sich hinter Linie xy zurückzuziehen?

das muss aus seiner perspektive angenehmere resultate haben, als sich jetzt noch monate an der vom westen unterstützten ukraine abzuarbeiten und derweil wirtschaftlich abzuschmieren.

ich weiß, alles etwas naiv. aber die haben eines der fettesten atomwaffenarsenale und ich check nicht, warum sie den prozess so lange hinziehen.

Deshalb. Und einen offensiven Schlag kann er nicht allein anordnen.
16.08.2022 14:23:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014

Russia media giving up the “cigarettes blow up ammo dumps” line and now publishing videos of the forces arresting Ukrainian “terrorists” for the attacks.

We assume they’ll arrest the wrong people, but at least it’s close to reality.

Russian propaganda “Ukrainian terrorist” starter pack.

> It's apparently fake, there is no SIMs3. One can't operate behind the lines without SIMs3.

> Yes, russia totally nailed this! Special Forces in hostile territory always carry printed business cards with the Nazi German flag around, and decorate their hideouts with WWII German MP-40s, Ukrainian flags and framed Bandera photos, and use Svoboda party flags as keychain......


It is reported that after today's explosions in Crimea, queues formed at the Simferopol railway station


Satellite image of the airfield in Hvardiyske village in Crimea before the explosion, - @Maxar via @pravda_eng

@christogrozev reported that 12 SU-24М and 12 SU-25СМ planes were housed on the airfield and were integrated with Russian navy.

Looking forward to the "after" images.


Norway has replaced Russia as Germany's largest gas supplier. A historic milestone.


Pentagon has shared a video of ammunition being loaded for transportation to Ukraine. Judging from the crates, this is 155 artillery ammo for American-made howitzers

16.08.2022 17:36:52  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Zitat von Herr der Lage

A few days ago, the Grey Zone (RSOTM) Telegram channel posted photos of a visit to the so-called Wagner HQ in the Donbas (Popasna). Prigozhin may have been there.

The photos were apparently easy to geolocate. Ukraine destroyed it in a HIMARS strike today.

In dem Kanal ist seitdem Ruhe.

The Wagner Russian mercenaries, who ran the “Grey Zone” Telegram channel, with 268,000 followers, have no updates since August 13.

My friend, Ukrainian journalist Denis Kazansky, reports that it’s probable that it’s editors were wiped out during the HIMARS strike on Popasna.

16.08.2022 19:27:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Auf dem Schild bildlinks steht wohl die Adresse.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von blue am 16.08.2022 20:15]
16.08.2022 19:57:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
16.08.2022 20:20:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AJ Alpha

AUP Brot 18.02.2024
Zum Glück sind auch die Wagnertypen ausreichend selbstdarstellerisch und dumm
16.08.2022 20:31:01  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von h3llfir3

nachdem es im moment nicht so gut für putin zu laufen scheint: was hindert ihn daran, einfach mal ne "kleine" taktische nuke aufn ukrainischen acker zu schmeißen und die ukrainer darum zu "bitten", die kampfhandlungen einzustellen und sich hinter Linie xy zurückzuziehen?

- je nachdem wie der Wind in den Wochen danach steht kann es am Ende auch die Krim aka Stützpunkt der Schwarzmeerflotte treffen oder andere "russische" oder russische Gebiete

- die Ukrainer haben sich bisher bei all den Kriegsverbrechen nicht vom Terror entmutigen lassen. Sie wurden nur noch entschlossener. Und gerade heute hat man ihnen vorgeworfen das AKW in Kursk indirekt sabotiert zu haben:

zeit ticker
In den vergangenen zwei Wochen hätten "ukrainische Sabotage-Gruppen“ in dem Gebiet Kursk an insgesamt sechs Strommasten Sprengsätze gezündet, teilte der russische Inlandsgeheimdienst FSB laut Agentur Interfax mit. Die Angaben lassen sich nicht unabhängig überprüfen. Dem FSB zufolge kam es am Kernkraftwerk Kursk zwischenzeitlich zu "einer Störung des technologischen Betriebsprozesses“.

wie werden sie wohl reagieren, wenn Russland tatsächlich einen Teil des Landes atomar verseucht? Tatsächlich weiß es niemand. Es ist völlig unkalkulierbar.

- wenn die Gefahr besteht, dass Strahlung von so einem Angriff auf ein Nachbarland übergreift, am besten noch eins aus der Nato, könnte das den Anstoß geben den Krieg zu beenden. Allerdings nicht unbedingt indem die Ukraine aufgibt, sondern indem die Nato direkt eingreift um die Gefahr abzustellen. Es gilt ja schon noch die Annahme, dass sich der Krieg für Putin nicht lohnen darf, wenn icht andere Länder wie China auf ähnliche Ideen kommen sollen.
16.08.2022 20:37:35  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Prigoschin wird da erwähnt, hier ist ein bisschen Hintergrund zu "Putins Koch" und Wagner.


[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von -=Q=- 8-BaLL am 16.08.2022 20:41]
16.08.2022 20:40:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP HrHuss 11.01.2019
Was hindert eigentlich die NATO, um das AKW oder alle AKWs generell „no flight, no fight“ Zonen zu etablieren? Braucht es da ein UN-Mandat, müssten das wenn, dann Blauhelme machen (nicht realistisch weil Vetomacht)? Darf die NATO gemäß ihren Statuten sowas nicht?

Ich mein, nu ists zu spät, Saporizhia ist ja bereits besetzt aber hätte doch vorher schon gemacht werden können.

Frag mich, warum das nicht irgendwo kodifiziert wurde, dass bei Kriegshandlungen in Ländern mit Atomkraftwerken ebendiese auf Wunsch von „neutralen“ Einheiten geschützt werden können.

Wenn ich immer lese, dass die Russen das Ding als Faustpfand nutzen, wird mir ganz anders… etwas für sehr schlecht befinden
17.08.2022 0:45:51  Zum letzten Beitrag
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