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 Thema: Allgemeine Diskussion zum Ukraine Krieg
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AUP Poliadversum 30.08.2012
Zitat von Bregor

Haben sie doch schon.

Man hatte sich auch schon mal dazu "entschieden" Helme zu schicken und das wars. Die SPD entscheidet gar nix sondern scholzt rum bis man ihr oft genug ins Gesicht schlägt.
19.09.2022 16:17:40  Zum letzten Beitrag
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poli schon wieder mit schaum vorm mund, obwohl auf der letzten seite nur die rede von baerbock und lindner war traurig
19.09.2022 16:25:34  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AJ Alpha

AUP Brot 18.02.2024
Schaum of Truth jedoch
19.09.2022 16:31:23  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Lindner fragt Scholz
Scholz sagt nein
Lindner sagt Scholz hat nein gesagt
Lindner ist schuld
19.09.2022 16:33:02  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP monischnucki 06.06.2018
Zitat von Bullitt

Lindner ist schuld

Wer auch sonst...äh...worum gehts?
19.09.2022 16:34:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Wir bräuchten mal wieder ein Lageupdate....
19.09.2022 16:38:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Poliadversum 30.08.2012
Zitat von h3llfir3

poli schon wieder mit schaum vorm mund, obwohl auf der letzten seite nur die rede von baerbock und lindner war traurig

Erzähl mal nochmal was deine Meinung dazu is ich habs schon wieder vergessen
19.09.2022 16:40:32  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von h3llfir3

Wir bräuchten mal wieder ein Lageupdate....

Herr der Lage durchforstet sicher noch Twitter. peinlich/erstaunt
19.09.2022 16:41:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Head of regional administration of Luhansk region Haidai: Ukrainian military have liberated and fully secured Bilohorivka in Luhansk region

Von da aus ists nicht mehr weit nach Lysychansk/Sievierodonetsk

Die Bundeswehr unterstützt die #Ukraine trotz angespannter Materiallage mit 4 weiteren Panzerhaubitzen 2000 inklusive eines Munitionspaketes. Damit steigt die Zahl der gemeinsam mit den Niederlanden gelieferten Systemen auf 22, wovon 14 aus 🇩🇪 sind.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bullitt am 19.09.2022 16:45]
19.09.2022 16:43:34  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Also dann
14 PzH2000
24 Gepard
50 Dingo

40 Marder an Griechenland -> 40 BMP an Ukraine

Und dazu jede Menge "Kleinkram" wie z.B. 100.000 Handgranaten sowie nicht-Waffen-Material.

Vollständige Liste, wird wöchentlich geupdated:
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Aspe am 19.09.2022 16:51]
19.09.2022 16:50:51  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von -=Q=- 8-BaLL

Nächstes AKW

Russland hat nach Angaben der Ukraine ein Atomkraftwerk im Süden des Landes beschossen.

Der staatliche Betreiber Energoatom teilte mit, alle drei Reaktoren seien nicht beschädigt worden und funktionierten normal. Es habe eine Explosion 300 Meter entfernt von den Reaktoren gegeben. Drei Starkstromleitungen seien außer Betrieb. Das Atomkraftwerk mit dem Namen Süd-Ukraine ist eines von vieren, die derzeit im Land in Betrieb sind.


ja gut, wenn er jetzt eh mit Atomschlägen anfängt, ob per Rakete oder so ersteckt, dann braucht man auch keine Rücksicht mehr nehmen.
19.09.2022 17:04:02  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AJ Alpha

AUP Brot 18.02.2024
Sicherlich nicht nichts. Aber halt zu spät, zu wenig.

Diese Schande, dass man erst mal monatelang der Zerfickung zusah, statt sofort die Weichen für Ausbildung und Lieferung zu stellen. Es war halt erst mal "omg! Was tun die anderen? Wir erst mal nix!" angesagt. Als Putin-Gliedlutschpartei, so heftig dass man im Prinzip schon von Mittäterschaft in der Vorbereitung sprechen kann (Gerd, NS2, Krim ja mei, könnt ihr schon haben, ...), ist das erbärmlich dreitausend.

Solange Gestalten wie Stegner den Ton angeben ist die SPD nicht mehr mit dem Arsch anzuschauen
19.09.2022 17:06:47  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Gorge NaSe
Zu spät sicherlich nicht, sonst könnte man es sich nämlich sparen.

Sehr Spät auf jeden Fall.
19.09.2022 18:30:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AJ Alpha

AUP Brot 18.02.2024
Das war eher gemeint als "zu spät, um sich dann jetzt als militärischer Leitwolf in Europa zu gerieren"

Nicht "zu spät um der Ukraine zu nützen"
19.09.2022 18:34:07  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Ah, die braune Clowntruppe macht einen Ausflug.

19.09.2022 19:19:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AJ Alpha

AUP Brot 18.02.2024
Wow. Wtf.

Mögen sie verschollen gehen
19.09.2022 19:31:54  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Das wird mindestens genauso schön wie damals in Damaskus.
19.09.2022 19:35:07  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Poliadversum 30.08.2012
Zitat von -=Q=- 8-BaLL

Ah, die braune Clowntruppe macht einen Ausflug.



Step (1) Russland als terroristische Organisation klassifizieren
Step (2) Staatsschutz ermitteln lassen
Step (3) Profit?

Aber was träume ich, dann könnte man ja Gasgerd wegsperren.
19.09.2022 20:01:10  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AJ Alpha

AUP Brot 18.02.2024
Man stelle sich vor, denen fiele versehentlich eine Artilleriegranate aus einer PzH 2000 auf den Kopf.

Es wäre so schlimm
19.09.2022 20:05:53  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Zitat von d.n.M. *TtC*


27)We do not need Leopards right now. Send us more T-72s instead. 1-2 battalions of leopards would do more harm than good

Das hatte ich auch damals in irgendeiner Übersetzung gesehen. Das Video ist aber halt vom 28.6. Damals hatte die Ukraine andere Probleme (13.6.: Zentrum von Sjewjerodonezk unter Kontrolle russischer Armee, 3.7.: Ukraine confirms Russia captured eastern city Lysychansk)

Ich denke, die Ukraine würde nun nicht nein sagen zu westlichen Panzern, wenn die in sinnvollen Stückzahlen geliefert würden.

Zitat von Aspe

Zitat von h3llfir3

Wir bräuchten mal wieder ein Lageupdate....

Herr der Lage durchforstet sicher noch Twitter. peinlich/erstaunt

Breites Grinsen

Die Lage sieht aus meiner Sicht ganz gut aus, auch wenn die Ukrainer weiterhin schmallippig sind und Journalisten etc. darum bitten, nicht über die Lage an der Front zu berichten, außer den News, die offiziell bekanntgegeben wurden, soweit ich weiß.

Selenskyj kündigt neue Offensive an | Tagesschau

Die Ukraine hält Verhandlungen derzeit für zwecklos und ist überzeugt, die russischen Besatzer militärisch aus dem Land vertreiben zu können. Das gesamte Land müsse befreit werden, erklärte Präsident Selenskyj. ...

"Vielleicht erscheint es irgendjemandem unter Ihnen so, dass nach einer Reihe von Siegen Stille eingetreten ist, doch das ist keine Stille", sagte Selenskyj am Sonntag in seiner täglichen Videoansprache. Vielmehr sei es die Vorbereitung auf die nächste Offensive, deren Ziel die Rückeroberung von Mariupol, Melitopol und Cherson sei.

Nach Angaben Selenskyjs wird sich die Ukraine dabei nicht nur auf die Gebiete konzentrieren, die es vor dem russischen Überfall im Februar kontrollierte. Auch die Territorien der von Moskau unterstützten Separatisten im Osten des Landes und Städte auf der seit 2014 von Russland annektierten Krim würden zurückerobert, kündigte der 44-Jährige an. "Denn die gesamte Ukraine muss frei sein."


Ukrainische Truppen drängen Russen im Osten offenbar weiter zurück

In den ostukrainischen Gebieten Charkiw, Donezk und Luhansk sollen den ukrainischen Einheiten weitere erfolgreiche Vorstöße gelungen sein. Ukrainische Medien meldeten die Rückeroberung des Orts Jarowa, eine offizielle Bestätigung lag zunächst nicht vor.

Zudem ist es ukrainischen Truppen offensichtlich gelungen, bei Bilohoriwka über den Siwerskyj Donez zu setzen und einen Angriff auf Kreminna durchzuführen. ...

Bilohoriwka, das laut dem Militärgouverneur der Region Luhansk, Serhij Hajdaj, wieder von ukrainischen Truppen kontrolliert wird, und Kreminna liegen bereits im Luhansker Gebiet. Die russische Führung hatte Anfang des Sommers die komplette Eroberung der Region gemeldet.

Neil Hauer hatte gestern gehört, dass die Ukrainer schon in Lysychansk sind. Aber wohl doch noch nicht:


I'm now told in a clarification that Ukrainian forces 'entered the city but pulled out to avoid overextension' and are currently 20km from Lysychansk city center😕

Should have vetted the claim a bit better in the fog of war. Apologies!


Russia's 3rd Army Corps likely disintegrated under pressure from Ukraine's Kharkiv counter-offensive

Entirely predictable, as the 3rd Army Corps is notorious for inebriation amongst its ranks and poor discipline


Video of crossing the Oskil River by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"The Armed Forces of Ukraine have stationed on the left bank of Oskil River in the eastern part of the Kharkiv region", reports the management of strategic communications of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Russia Has No Reserves Left As Ukrainian Troops Surround A Key Eastern Town | Forbes

The Ukrainians’ momentum, weighted by aggressive air and artillery support, has carried them a short distance across the Oskil and south toward Lyman. Now several of Kyiv’s brigades—a mix of paratroopers and territorials—also are closing on Lyman from a different direction.

It’s a proverbial noose for the Russians in the town.

The Institute for the Study of War in Washington, D.C., explained what’s at stake. “Further Ukrainian advances east along the north bank of the Siverskyi Donets River could make Russian positions around Lyman untenable and open the approaches to Lysychansk and ultimately Severodonetsk.”

The Russians, in other words, might soon lose a lot of the territory they spent the summer—and much of their combat power—capturing.


Russian President Vladimir #Putin is increasingly relying on irregular volunteer and proxy forces rather than conventional units and formations of the #Russian Federation Armed Forces.
@TheStudyofWar has previously reported that #Putin has been bypassing the Russian higher military command and Ministry of Defense (MoD) leadership throughout the summer and especially following the defeat around #Kharkiv Oblast.
Putin’s souring relationship with the military command and the MoD may explain in part the Kremlin’s focus on recruiting ill-prepared volunteers into ad-hoc irregular units rather than attempting to draw them into reserve or replacement pools for regular Russian combat units.

> Russian President Vladimir Putin is increasingly relying on irregular volunteer and proxy forces rather than conventional units and formations of the Russian Federation Armed Forces. ...
The formation of such ad-hoc units will lead to further tensions, inequality, and an overall lack of cohesiveness between forces. ... The formation of irregular, hastily-trained units adds little effective combat power to Russian forces fighting in Ukraine. ...

- Ukrainian forces continue to consolidate positions on the east bank of the Oskil River in Kharkiv Oblast despite Russian efforts to contain them.
- Russian forces in western Kherson Oblast may be attempting to fall back to more defensible positions in a controlled withdrawal to avoid the chaotic retreat that characterized the collapse of Russian defenses in Kharkiv earlier in September.
- Russian forces suffered devastating losses of manpower and equipment in their fight for eastern Ukraine and especially during the Ukrainian Kharkiv counter-offensive. Multiple Russian armored and mechanized units have likely been effectively destroyed according to assessments released on September 18.


A map of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 19/09/22.

🇺🇦 have taken control of Oskil and Yats’kivka.
🇺🇦 took back control of Bilohorivka. Therefore, two and a half months after they fully occupied it, 🇷🇺 no longer has full control of Luhansk Oblast.

🇺🇦 have advanced in the North of Kherson and there is now fighting around the settlement of Bilyaivka.

https://twitter.com/DefMon3/status/1571917584521654272 | Thread Reader

Update 🧵September 19th.
Visit the interactive map for more details and explanations.



The war in Ukraine is far from over -- yet the question looms large now whether Putin will choose escalation or accept defeat. A few thoughts.

I assume that the main priority for Putin is regime survival -- that the reconquest of the/an empire is secondary to that.

Escalation in terms of general mobilisation is one option.
But it would only increase the risk with very limited hopes for success. By bringing the whole country into the war, Putin would lose control over the course of events and massively raise the stakes. Defeat after massive escalation would almost certainly mean regime change.
Escalation by throwing a nuclear bomb would only increase the Western determination to stop Russia and turn Russia into a complete pariah everywhere. The SCO meeting in Samarkand has demonstrated how diminished Putin already is -- everybody wants him to end the war quickly, certainly not escalate.

The second option is to wind the war down, accept some level of defeat.
I think this would be relatively easy to sell in Russia, as the majority of the population is not really involved in the war effort and has little or no stakes in it.
We see already signs of that -- official Russian propaganda painting the war as a fight against Nato, the US, the UK, the West. Defeat against the collective west is very different from defeat against Ukraine; possible to find a "honorable" way out for Putin.
Putin promised to Modi in Samarkand to end the war quickly. That doesn't sound like he plans a massive escalation.
Anger is rising in some quarters in Russia; the Western sanctions begin to bite; and the energy weapon, Putin's last best hope, is not really biting in Europe.
China doesn't send weapons and respects western sanctions. Xi is happy with a diminished Russia, but the war risks to drag to Russia too far down to remain a valuable partner for Beijings plans to confront the West on its terms.
And we see instability at Russia's "southern front" growing. The presidents of Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan were among those who were letting Putin wait in Samarkand. Russia risks loosing its grip on the South. And in the West, Lukashenko is always looking for more wiggle room.

All this points towards a decision to wind down the war. Things risk getting worse. First of all of course because of Ukraine's smart and heroic fight -- military successes that have triggered all those developments by showing how weak Russia really is.

Putin Mocked After Foreign Leaders Keep Him Waiting at SCO Summit

Russian President Vladimir Putin was mocked on social media after footage emerged of him waiting for foreign leaders at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, this week.

Four separate photos from the summit shared on Twitter by BBC journalist Andrey Zakharaov, show the Russian leader standing in front of a Russian flag as he waits for the leaders of Turkey, Azerbaijan, India and Kyrgyzstan to arrive and meet with him.

"The person who was deliberately late for meetings now shows up earlier. Something happened?" Zakharaov asked, according to a translation of his tweet written in Russian

Meanwhile, CNN journalist Bianna Golodryga retweeted Zakharaov and wrote: "What a montage."

"Putin, who has a history of power trips in the form of making foreign leaders wait for him (including Obama)...gets a taste of his own medicine. From the leaders of Turkey, Azerbaijan, India and Kyrgyzstan," she added.

Putin has been known to keep other foreign leaders waiting. The Russian president showed up an hour late to his meeting with Pope Francis in the Vatican in 2019. A year earlier, he made former President Donald Trump wait for 45 minutes ahead of a scheduled summit in Helsinki.



Russian forces defences along the Kherson line is constituted of several stronghold settlements that hold the whole line together.
If these key strongholds were to be liberated I would say that the whole line would collapse.

https://twitter.com/warnerta/status/1571318703173541889 | Thread Reader

A thread on Russia's rail supply lines to its occupying forces in Ukraine - how these have been affected by the recent Kharkiv offensive, and what's likely to happen next if, as I expect, Ukraine moves next to retake northern Luhansk oblast. 🧵

... [Thread] ...

https://twitter.com/WarintheFuture/status/1571563669783474177 | Thread Reader

There is a lot going on in #Ukraine at the moment. The macro story is that Russia appears to have lost the initiative at every level. But there is also an interesting story to be told about Ukrainian campaign planning.

The Ukrainian offensive in the north east is continuing to exploit a bumbling and incoherent Russian defensive scheme to the east of Kharkiv. Thousands of square kilometres of Ukrainian territory have been recaptured, and many towns and their inhabitants have been liberated.
Even the Oskil Rver defensive line, rapidly established by the Russians, appears to be crumbling. Deception and operational art have been central to Ukrainian preparations for their achieving surprise against the Russians in this new phase of the war.

... [Thread] ...

Operational Design.
While the Russian focus was primarily on its operations to defend its holdings in the south, and conduct small scale attacks in the Donbas, #Ukraine planned and launched an operation in the north.
This is not to say that Ukraine’s operations in the south were a feint. They were not, and this was recently confirmed to me by a senior Ukrainian military planner during my visit to Kyiv. The north & south are mutually supporting offensives in a larger operational design.

Operational design is an important component of military professionalism. Through good operational design, military commanders and their staffs’ sequence and orchestrate tactical goals and actions to meet desired strategic and political outcomes.

Ironically, it was the Russians in the early 20th who were early advocates for such operational thinking about military operations. This is not obvious with the current Russian military performance, which has demonstrated historic levels of incompetence and stupidity.



Looks like in Donetsk they are ramping up recruitment of volunteers again (lmao they still have people left to actually RECRUIT?!)

Anyway, the commissariat number they are giving is +79493014017 (Russian country code), if anyone here has any inquiries...

> DNR/LNR rapidly reaching the Volkssturm stage of the war here


Two new MLRS Mars II, 4 additional Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled howitzer are good part of this great 🇩🇪-🇳🇱 family in 🇺🇦. Also 50 Dingo armored personnel carriers are arriving to us. Military aid from our German friends are important part of our joint victory over terrorist

19.09.2022 21:24:12  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014

Last speech of 🇷🇺 municipal deputy Aleksei Gorinov, sentenced to 7 yrs in prison for saying "No to war!"

"I am guilty before long suffering 🇺🇦 people...that I, as a citizen, couldn't prevent lasting madness. I'm sorry I probably won't be able to do anything more to stop it"


Our report from #Izyum with @gwendebono. Went there again today. People are openly saying they need psychological help, and many are taking tranquilizers. One woman who had been wounded in shelling: “Sure, I recovered four months ago but the memory will never go away.”

https://twitter.com/YudinGreg/status/1570101428542402561 | Thread Reader

Since there is a lot of interest in what is the reaction to the recent military setbacks in Russia, a 🧵 with an update.
There are three distinct groups in Russia:

1) radicals – a sizeable but extremely loud minority that actively supports war, is engaged, follows the news and in rare cases even goes to the frontlines (15-25%). This is the audience of the milbloggers, Telegram channels and vampires like Solovyov or Skabeeva

2) dissenters – a sizeable minority that categorically opposes the war. It is banned from Russian-based media and generally depressed (20-25%)

3) laymen – a passive majority that is completely depoliticized and doesn’t want to have anything in common with politics & war (50-65%)
Laymen are the bulk of yeah-sayers when asked “Do you support the President’s decision to conduct the special military operation or are you a national traitor to be put in prison for 15 years?”

The laymen are the those carelessly enjoying their lives while people are dying in Ukraine. It is obviously deplorable but the upside of it is that these people are completely unwilling to participate in war actively in any way
Laymen try to shield themselves from any news about war as hard as they can and know very little about the defeat in Kharkiv (many of them wouldn’t even tell where Kharkiv is located). The mainstream radio and TV news are protecting them from this information
Importantly, as TV started promoting hard war propaganda, the viewership went down. Precisely because laymen want their soap operas, nutritionists, and standup, rather than boring news from the frontlines

Conversely, the radicals are seriously affected by Ukrainian counter-offensive. They exploded in finger-pointing and blaming military leadership, each other, and even Putin for this defeat. For the first time, there is a heated discussion between them

... [Thread] ...


Complete story.


Guys at the front are saying new and fast Russian attack drones have begun causing major damage to Ukrainian positions. Explosions are large enough to destroy armor.

I'm guessing these are the Iranian drones.

Iran wants to play. It should treated as such.


WSJ reports #Russia has inflicted serious damage on Ukrainian forces with recently introduced #Iran kamikaze drones, in its first wide-scale deployment of a foreign weapons system since the war began, Ukrainian commanders say.

Russia’s Use of Iranian Kamikaze Drones Creates New Dangers for Ukrainian Troops | WSJ

https://twitter.com/noclador/status/1571601683775627264 | Thread Reader

Now that Ukraine has received 4x self-propelled howitzers, let's do a quick comparison of:

• M109A3GN (photo), M109A4BE, M109A5Ö
• Zuzana 2
• AHS Krab
• PzH 2000

... [Thread] ...

The PzH 2000 sets time & proximity fuzes, & M982 Excalibur projectiles automatically, & is compatible with BONUS and SMArt projectiles.

In short - it is the best self-propelled howitzer in the world.

Even a single soldier can fire four rounds in 30 seconds with a PzH 2000.

With the PzH 2000, AHS Krab and Zuzana 2 Ukraine now fields three of the most modern self-propelled howitzers, but with just 18 PzH 2000, 18 Krab and 4 Zuzana 2 Ukraine is short by 100 howitzers.
Ukraine needs and deserves to receive more of these awesome systems ASAP.


Germany will not supply Ukraine with tanks because it will take a long time to train the Ukrainian military to handle them, - the co-chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, Lars Klingbeil, reports Bild.

Germany's SPD lies again. Most complex land systems produced by Germany:

1) IRIS-T ✅
2) Gepard ✅
3) COBRA ✅
4) PzH 2000 ✅
5) Leopard 2A7V
6) Puma
7) MARS II ✅
8) Boxer

Those with a ✅ the Ukrainians mastered in a few weeks, but for the Leopard they are too dumb?? Bullshit!


Just a saw a German Panzer commander tweet that it takes years to fully master the Leopard 2.

True... if you are in the German Panzer troops, not one of whom has seen actual combat. All they do is 3-4 meek exercises a year.

Meanwhile ALL Ukrainian tank troopers have 100s of hours of combat experience. They have destroyed hundreds of russian tanks in combat, stormed russian positions, fought off russian attacks. The Ukrainians are masters of their craft, while the Germans are just theorists.

Give the Ukrainians all your Leopards you clowns.


Ukraine is buying 18 German made RCH 155 - the most advanced self-propelled howitzer in the world: fully automatic, therefore capable to fire 9 rounds per minute, only self-propelled howitzer capable to fire on the move, etc. etc.

But they have to be built... none will reach Ukraine before 2025. It would be better for Germany to buy them, as it needs 32+ for their medium brigades, and in turn give Ukraine 18 more PzH 2000 right now.

Which is what Poland is doing: give Ukraine equipment NOW, and buy replacements that will come in the next years.


Der Verteidigungskampf der #Ukraine tritt in eine neue Phase ein. Jetzt ist die Zeit gekommen, bei der militärischen Unterstützung nachzulegen und Kampfpanzer vom Typ Leopard 2 zu liefern, argumentieren @GresselGustav @_RafaelLoss @jana_puglierin

Krieg in der Ukraine: Der Leopard 2 wäre jetzt genau richtig | Zeit
Der Ukraine Kampfpanzer zu liefern, wäre keine Eskalation, sondern dringend geboten. Eine deutsche Initiative würde Vertrauen schaffen und der Sicherheit Europas dienen.

Russian invaders forbidden to retreat under threat of being shot, intercept shows

The Russian command in Donetsk Oblast has forbidden its troops to retreat – under the threat of being shot, according to a new intercept released by the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry on Telegram messenger on Sept. 19.

In order to stop their forces’ retreating, Russian commanders were forced to once again remind their subordinates about the prohibition against voluntary withdrawals from positions, as well as about the possibility that rear blocking units might open fire on them, the intelligence said.

“At the same time, they (commanders) refer to commander’s order No. 222,” reads the report.

“Apparently, it is analogous with (Soviet dictator Josef) Stalin’s infamous order No. 227 of June 28, 1942, according to which Soviet soldiers were shot at … (if they tried) to retreat.”

> So, press forward and surrender. Got it
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 19.09.2022 22:03]
19.09.2022 21:24:56  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
There was an assassination attempt against http://Gulagu.net founder Vladimir Osechkin in France. They fired at him into his apartment, but he got down in time because he saw a red dot on the wall. He was thankfully unharmed, along with his wife and children who were there

Alles normell.


/Illustre Reisegruppe für den Donbas.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von -=Q=- 8-BaLL am 19.09.2022 21:47]
19.09.2022 21:42:31  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP pesto 05.02.2008
Können gerne da bleiben
19.09.2022 21:52:06  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Habe die Wagenknecht erwartet.
19.09.2022 21:55:43  Zum letzten Beitrag
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herr der lage rettet meinen montagabend. danke man.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von h3llfir3 am 19.09.2022 22:39]
19.09.2022 22:09:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von h3llfir3

Wir bräuchten mal wieder ein Lageupdate....

gestern hieß es die Ukrainer hätten Siwerskyj Donez und Oskil überquert und die Russen dürfen sich jetzt langsam von Luhansk und im Süden von Lyman verabschieden. Die Separatisten und Besatzer sind irgendwie nervös und wollen in Luhansk, Donezk und Cherson noch schnell von Russland eingegliedert werden. Damit wären Rückeroberungen nach deren Logik ein Angriff auf russisches Staatsgebiet. Als ob sie das retten würde. Breites Grinsen
19.09.2022 22:38:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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In dem Fahrzeug ist soweit ich das sehe dieselbe Kanone installiert wie im Leo1.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von ghostbear am 20.09.2022 0:14]
20.09.2022 0:09:08  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
https://twitter.com/GJStathakis/status/1571960068408745984 | Thread Reader

🧵 T-55S thread for those shocked that this is being sent.

Ok 1st and foremost these tanks were updated by a Slovenian Company STo Ravne and engineers from Israeli ELBIT.
This was a complete overhaul from new engines and transmissions increasing HP from 500 to 600HP in a tank that isn’t very heavy to begin with appx 36 tons. The main gun is now a L7 105mm NATO standard with a thermal sleeve. A new breech is designed to speed firing having been developed by ELBIT.
The hull armor is greatly improved using Israeli Rafael ERA blocks that are backed by composite armor of ELBIT design. Completely modern optics and thermal sights. Digital ballistic fire control computer with the gunner having a 2 axis stabilized sight with rangefinder. The commander cupola has the ability to lay and fire the gun independently of the gunner if need be. The driver also has state of the art optics.
Here’s the cool part. These tanks are equipped with laser illumination warning system. ie if it’s being targeted by a ATGM or enemy tank that uses laser guidance it warns the crew and can independently fire smoke grenades to allow the tank to maneuver out of hostile weapons sight.
All crew comms have been upgraded to allow clear communication. The tank tracks are completely new and have rubber blocks to facilitate road travel.

So what does this all mean for the crews getting these tanks?
Well they can engage T-72 on a pretty much equal playing field but most importantly the optics and gun stabilization guarantee that their 1st will be much more accurate. The 105mm L7 can do in a T-72 & I know this from 1st hand experience. Any APFSDS developed after 1985 will send that turret into orbit. Lately the Belgium company MECAR and Israeli IMI have developed rounds that Slovenia uses that match 120mm kinetics.
So these upgraded T-55s are better than anything the Ukrs are fielding except for their t-84s and the Polish PT-91 Twardys. Sometimes it’s good to get into the details.


🇺🇦 Honestly, size isn't an issue guys ❤️


"Ich bitte darum, mich in die Liste der ausländischen Agenten aufzunehmen": Bombshell-Instagrampost der in Russland seit Sowjetzeiten verehrten Schlagersängerin Alla Pugatschowa. "Unsere Jungs kommen um für illusorische Ziele", schreibt sie. Sie hat knapp dreieinhalb Mio Follower

Pugatschowa ist 73, hat als Sängerin ihre beste Zeit hinter sich, wird aber bis heute verehrt. Vielen Frauen ist sie Vorbild, Symbol der starken (Sowjet)frau, die sich nicht unterkriegen lässt. Ihre Aussage wird viele zum Nachdenken bringen. Mehr hier:
Russische Popdiva kritisiert Kreml

https://twitter.com/DrAlakbarov/status/1571653782664089600 | Thread Reader

Thread. Russia's declining influence can be seen throughout the post-Soviet world and here's few signs:

* Vladimir Putin’s jet also landed in Uzbekistan – but president Shavkat Mirziyoyev was not there to welcome him, sending his Prime Minister Abdulla Oripov instead. ...

* Russia’s withdrawal of nearly 1,000 troops from Armenia to bolster the faltering invasion of Ukraine was a signal to the countries of the South Caucasus that Kremlin influence in the region is in decline, which is likely to be filled by Turkey and other actors.

* Azerbaijan, which has pursued a multi-vector foreign policy and has not joined Russian-led initiatives, has used Moscow’s waning influence to bolster its geopolitical position in Karabakh and other areas of the South Caucasus. ...

* Kazakhstan's president Tokayev said that Kazakhstan would not be recognizing the independence of the breakaway states in Eastern Ukraine that Vladimir Putin says he's liberating. ...

* Long-serving Uzbek Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov spoke out in support of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, including in Donetsk, Luhansk, and Crimea.

... [Thread] ...

In a nutshell, Ukraine and Moldova are now within the EU sphere of influence.

Azerbaijan has bolstered a strategic alliance with Turkey

Georgia’s unnatural pro-Russian stance is going downhill.

Meanwhile, China has replaced Russia as the preeminent power in Central Asia.

Russia is just became China's junior partner after military fiasco in Ukraine and economic isolation from the West.

And yes, it was Ukraine that is serving as the catalyst for Russia’s retreat and opened pandora's box for Moscow.


Russian state TV propagandists suddenly realized that downplaying the strength of the Ukrainian military and the effectiveness of US weapons only makes them look ridiculous, having recently lost occupied territories to an allegedly weaker enemy. Host slays an unsuspecting pundit:

Dmitri: Oof looks like the new guideline arrived to Russian TV, which is to tell "truths", that HIMARS are good, NATO is strong, and so on.

20.09.2022 4:21:06  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL

20.09.2022 7:47:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP loliger_rofler 08.03.2009
Zunge rausstrecken
Zitat von -=Q=- 8-BaLL



Na am von den Russen gespendeten T-90M können sie es ja jetzt zeigen und dann gibt es die entsprechenden westlichen Blechkisten.
20.09.2022 8:32:59  Zum letzten Beitrag
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