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 Thema: Allgemeine Diskussion zum Ukraine Krieg
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Was für eine widerliche Person.
11.10.2022 12:13:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Crosshead 25.01.2016
Zitat von Real_Futti

Warum schmeißt man das Miststück nicht raus? Sollte die CSU doch Übung drin haben.

Ihr Mann ist wohl* (*von mir nicht verifizierte Recherche auf Twitter und Co., u.a. von Leuten, die sie und ihren Mann kennen), groß in der Landshuter-Querdenker und Freiheitsecke unterwegs und bei nem FDP-Politiker angestellt. Vielleicht kümmern sich ja Heerscharen von Querdenkeranwälten um den Abschiebeschutz der Russenbarbie.
11.10.2022 12:56:09  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Hat Sie (auch) einen deutschen Pass oder ist mit einem Deutschen verheiratet? Dann ist ein "Rauswurf" so doch gar nicht mehr möglich.
11.10.2022 13:00:06  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Crosshead 25.01.2016
Alles etwas undurchsichtig. Laut eigenen Aussagen hat sie wohl nur ein abgelaufenes Visum, laut anderen Aussagen ist sie mit dem Typ verheiratet. Alles sehr undurchsichtig, hab da keine Ambitionen mich da reinzulesen.
Über den Twitterthread kommt man auch an eine sehr umfangreiche Recherche zu ihrer Person, aber das werde ich hier im Forum nicht verlinken.
11.10.2022 13:04:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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UT Malcom
Wenn das mit dem Querdenker-Mann stimmen sollte, dann passt halt wieder mal Arsch auf Eimer.


#Ukraine: The first photo of a German-donated 🇩🇪 Bergepanzer 2 armored recovery vehicle in Ukraine. In total five of these ARVs were already received by the Ukrainian army with 10 more to arrive soon.

11.10.2022 13:22:54  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP monischnucki 06.06.2018
Donate a tank = 1 tank. Donate a tank recovery vehicle = as many tanks as the Russians care to donate

Bring einem Mann bei zu fischen....
11.10.2022 13:24:32  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Sniedelfighter 28.07.2008
Gebt die bergepanzer an die ukrainischen Bauern. Die haben da auch top Erfahrung drin, russische Panzer zu bergen

Wieder was gelernt: Büffel ist der Bergepanzer 3.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Sniedelfighter am 11.10.2022 13:27]
11.10.2022 13:26:39  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Aspe

Hat Sie (auch) einen deutschen Pass oder ist mit einem Deutschen verheiratet? Dann ist ein "Rauswurf" so doch gar nicht mehr möglich.

Das stimmt so nicht ganz. Die Eheschließung mit einem Deutschen alleine garantiert noch keine Aufenthaltserlaubnis, und erst recht keine Niederlassungserlaubnis. Das wurde AFAIK erst vor ein paar Jahren verschärft. Je nach Ursprungsland müssen für das erstmalige Visum sogar erste, einfache Deutschkenntnisse nachgewiesen werden (was auch bei meiner Frau der Fall war). Dann alle 1-2 Jahre Verlängerung der Aufenthaltserlaubnis, bevor Antrag auf dauerhaften Aufenthalt möglich (wird bewilligt, falls erfolgreicher Abschluss eines Integrationskurses und nicht straffällig geworden).
11.10.2022 14:04:40  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Feelgood Managerin

xmas female arctic
Einfach einbuchten wie in russia
11.10.2022 14:17:13  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von DeChOsEn

Wenn das mit dem Querdenker-Mann stimmen sollte, dann passt halt wieder mal Arsch auf Eimer.


#Ukraine: The first photo of a German-donated 🇩🇪 Bergepanzer 2 armored recovery vehicle in Ukraine. In total five of these ARVs were already received by the Ukrainian army with 10 more to arrive soon.


Ist das so eine "gib einem Mann einen Fisch und er hat Essen für einen Tag, lerne einem Mann zu fischen und er hat Essen für den Rest seines Lebens"-Hilfe?
11.10.2022 14:18:23  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Nighty 11.04.2020
Es wird wieder salzig werden:


Patrick Heinemann @P_O_Heinemann
Gewonnen! Das VG Berlin hat das @BA_Mitte_Berlin im Wege der einstweiligen Anordnung verpflichtet, die straßenverkehrsrechtliche Ausnahmegenehmigung zur Aufstellung eines Panzerwracks auf der Kreuzung Schadowstraße/Unter den Linden vor der 🇷🇺 Botschaft zu erteilen.

11.10.2022 15:20:23  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Für diese ganzen fadenscheinigen Ausreden kann man diesem Bezirksamt auch mal direkt in den Morgenkaffee pissen.
11.10.2022 15:41:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Entweder gibt es jetzt sehr viel Salz oder überraschenderweise gar keins, sondern nur die verdiente Aufmerksamkeit.
11.10.2022 15:42:03  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Neues aus Clownistan.

Viktor Orbán, the Hungarian prime minister, said only former US president Donald Trump could end the war in Ukraine, as he called for direct talks between the US and Russia on establishing a ceasefire.

Speaking at a panel discussion in Berlin, Orbán said US president Joe Biden had gone “too far” in calling Russian president Vladimir Putin a war criminal and saying in March that he “cannot remain in power”.


/Im Mai angekündigt, jetzt immerhin schon in Polen: Iris.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von -=Q=- 8-BaLL am 11.10.2022 16:58]
11.10.2022 16:53:19  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Japaner BF
böse gucken
Zitat von Shooter
[...] lerne einem Mann zu fischen [...]

Samma!? Breites Grinsen
11.10.2022 17:03:04  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Poliadversum 30.08.2012
Zitat von -=Charon=-

Zitat von Shooter
[...] lerne einem Mann zu fischen [...]

Samma!? Breites Grinsen

Das doch bestimmt schweizerdeutschli
11.10.2022 17:04:30  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Oder Frauendeutsch.
11.10.2022 17:05:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Elon Musk Spoke to Putin Before Tweeting Ukraine Peace Plan: Report

According to Bremmer, Musk said Putin told him these goals would be accomplished “no matter what,” including the potential of a nuclear strike if Ukraine invaded Crimea

Bremmer wrote that Musk said he had refused a Ukrainian request to activate Starlink in Crimea.


There's a lot more wild stuff in the full Bremmer email: "musk also appeared concerned about more direct threats from putin. while he didn’t surface anything explicit with me, he did talk about russian cyber capabilities and russia’s potential to disrupt his satellites."

Also, it seems Putin told Musk that he had no interest in Kherson and Zaporizhzhia – which he's decided are Russia, except he's not sure how much of it – except as logistical buffers for Crimea

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von -=Q=- 8-BaLL am 11.10.2022 18:41]
11.10.2022 18:39:04  Zum letzten Beitrag
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traurig gucken
Zitat von Poliadversum

Zitat von -=Charon=-

Zitat von Shooter
[...] lerne einem Mann zu fischen [...]

Samma!? Breites Grinsen

Das doch bestimmt schweizerdeutschli

Das schlimme ist, das ist tatsächlich schweizerdeutschli, hier wird selten zwischen "Lernen" und "Lehren" unterschieden. Schlimm ist das deswegen, weil es mich selber nervt und ich EIGENTLICH darauf achte es auch in meinem Dialekt richtig zu sagen traurig

Ich geh' mich in dem Eck äh der Ecke, stell mich in die Ecke da drüben schämen.
11.10.2022 18:52:31  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Aber was ich sagen wollte. Der Bergepanzer ist doch super, damit kann man sehr effizient aufgegebene russische Panzer einsammeln (wie fischen halt ne ne ne?).

11.10.2022 18:53:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bombur 24.06.2010
Nicht so schlimm.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bombur am 11.10.2022 19:00]
11.10.2022 18:59:36  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP monischnucki 06.06.2018
Zitat von -=Q=- 8-BaLL

Elon Musk Spoke to Putin Before Tweeting Ukraine Peace Plan: Report

According to Bremmer, Musk said Putin told him these goals would be accomplished “no matter what,” including the potential of a nuclear strike if Ukraine invaded Crimea

Bremmer wrote that Musk said he had refused a Ukrainian request to activate Starlink in Crimea.


There's a lot more wild stuff in the full Bremmer email: "musk also appeared concerned about more direct threats from putin. while he didn’t surface anything explicit with me, he did talk about russian cyber capabilities and russia’s potential to disrupt his satellites."

Also, it seems Putin told Musk that he had no interest in Kherson and Zaporizhzhia – which he's decided are Russia, except he's not sure how much of it – except as logistical buffers for Crimea


Dank Elon Spy wissen wir, dass er dieser Pappnase nur um die Krim ging!?
11.10.2022 19:25:54  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Interessante Gedanken zur Atomdrohung.

With the nuclear threat, are we being pulled into a Kremlin exercise in 'Reflexive Control' ?
Reflexive Control is effectively a 'hacking' of the opponent's decision-making algorithm, such that the opponent *chooses* what one wants.

Today's Russian nuclear threats are plausibly 'Reflexive Control'.
The actual war is conventional, going poorly due to Putin's mistakes, incompetence on his side, a much stronger Ukraine than anticipated, and Western assistance to UA.
Nuclear threats, not use, can help.

This is distinct from the threats at the start of the war. That was merely brandishing a large gun to the neighbours while carrying out the home invasion.
However, pre-war, Russian diplomats and think tankers, such as Trenin, engaged in Reflexive Control to manipulate us.

Lohnt sich komplett.

11.10.2022 19:26:15  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Zitat von monischnucki

Dank Elon Spy wissen wir, dass er dieser Pappnase nur um die Krim ging!?

Ist alles gar nicht wahr.

11.10.2022 19:28:51  Zum letzten Beitrag
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UT Malcom
Zitat von Shooter

Aber was ich sagen wollte. Der Bergepanzer ist doch super, damit kann man sehr effizient aufgegebene russische Panzer einsammeln (wie fischen halt ne ne ne?).


Damit lässt sich auch ganz gut der ein oder andere Panzermotor tauschen.

Zitat von -=Q=- 8-BaLL

Ist alles gar nicht wahr.



Ohne "I swear" in dem Satz, unglaubwürdig.


#Ukraine: First-person footage of a river crossing by Ukrainian soldiers on a BMP-1 in #Kherson Oblast.
You can see how difficult such maneuvers can be in this area - an operator drives past a destroyed 🇺🇦 HMMWV and KrAZ-255B pontoon bridge layer severely shredded by shrapnel.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von DeChOsEn am 11.10.2022 22:32]
11.10.2022 21:18:30  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP pucky1986 03.12.2018
Zitat von -=Q=- 8-BaLL

/Im Mai angekündigt, jetzt immerhin schon in Polen: Iris.


Das war doch klar dass das System so "spät" kommt. Ist doch das erste ausgelieferte überhaupt, oder?
11.10.2022 22:59:50  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Marine NaSe
Zitat von pucky1986

Zitat von -=Q=- 8-BaLL

/Im Mai angekündigt, jetzt immerhin schon in Polen: Iris.


Das war doch klar dass das System so "spät" kommt. Ist doch das erste ausgelieferte überhaupt, oder?

Jup. Sogar eigentlich für einen anderen Kunden, den man aber zum Verzicht überreden konnte.
11.10.2022 23:29:22  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014

🧵 Summary of the daily livestream with Aleksey Arestovych, kindly brought to you by Anastasiya: ...

🔥 Battlefield update

No major changes in the frontline with both sides are occupied with local, positional clashes.
🇺🇦 continues to hit 🇷🇺 army positions in Kherson & Zaporizhzhja, decommissioning on average 1 BTG per day. Smoking accidents in 🇷🇺 continue. 🇷🇺 has problems with replenishing its forces & starts to experience lack of trained personnel, e.g. pilots.
🇺🇦 returned more 🇺🇦 POWs in a recent prisoner exchange.

🔥 Svatove

🇷🇺 tries to conduct counteroffensive actions near Svatove. 🇺🇦 is building up resources & trying to occupy better positions to resume the counteroffensive.

🔥 Kherson

🇺🇦 continues the shelling of 🇷🇺 positions & military installations.
Due to the liberation of the North of Kherson region, 🇷🇺 forces are more concentrated, making it easier for the 🇺🇦 army to hit them. At the infantry level, both sides are conducting tactical movements with 🇺🇦 accumulating resources for the next move.
Just like with Paulus' army in WWII, the 🇷🇺 forces in Kherson are facing serious problems with supplies & logistics. Moreover, the transfer of additional human resources only increases the demand for supplies & their depletion rate.

🔥 🇷🇺 mobilization

First 🇷🇺 mobilized are already at the frontlines, near Svatove and in the Kherson region. The lucky ones were already captured by AFU, others raised the 🇷🇺 army KIA & WIA statistics.
Part of the mobilized 🇷🇺 soldiers don’t even reach the frontlines & part of them don’t last long in battle. These people choose their fate & 🇺🇦 has no choice but to defend their country and people. Nevertheless, it’s a tragedy for the 🇷🇺 populace. Regular people, like IT professionals, are being mobilized & sent to 🇺🇦. 10k are already in 🇺🇦, and others are being used to replenish the depleted 🇷🇺 units recovering in Belgorod region, making another 20-25k.

Some isolated reports of 🇷🇺 families enquiring on the fate of their loved ones at the commissariats in 🇷🇺. Many more will be facing radio silence & neglect from 🇷🇺 authorities as many of the mobilized will probably be listed as missing-in-action (i.e. bodies abandoned on the battlefields, especially in Kherson).

🔥 🇷🇺 missile attacks on 🇺🇦 cities

🇷🇺 launched another 28 missiles (16 X101/115 and 12 Kalibre missiles). 🇺🇦 shot down 18 missiles, 8 Iranian kamikaze drones, and 3 recon drones. 🇺🇦 air-defense has the capacity to shoot down 🇷🇺 missiles when there isn’t a massive, air-defence-saturating attack.
🇷🇺 capacity for the massive air attack is also not infinite.

The 🇷🇺 massive attack on 🇺🇦 civilian infrastructure on 10.10.22 & escalation of aggression is not revenge for the Kerch Bridge explosion, but rather an attempt to pressure 🇺🇦 & allies.

🔥 Belarus

Lukashenko is alternating “good-cop, bad-cop” – appeasing Putin one day and immediately complementing 🇺🇦 & Western allies the next day.

🇧🇾 army is not ready to enter the war. Moreover, 🇧🇾 is transferring its military equipment to 🇷🇺.
One of the supposed 🇷🇺 plans is to accumulate 15-20k mobilized, lacking heavy weapons, & send them to attack Kyiv again.
This would be a crazy & suicidal move & 🇷🇺 is most likely just using their presence in 🇧🇾 to keep part of 🇺🇦 forces committed, defending the North of the country.

This time, 🇺🇦 is better prepared & will not tolerate another attack on 🇺🇦 from Belarus.

🔥 Lukashenko's regime vs Belarusians

Although many in 🇺🇦 perceive 🇧🇾 as complicit in aggression against 🇺🇦, providing support & hosting the 🇷🇺 army. Yet, it’s worth remembering that Belarusians are enduring an oppressive regime that resorts to torture & murder.
Moreover, Belarusian partisans conducted a successful rail war against the 🇷🇺 army attacking Kyiv, saving many 🇺🇦 lives.

🔥 G7 emergency meeting

Amongst the different topics discussed in the G7 meeting (Or should we call it G8 as 🇺🇦 is taking 🇷🇺 place in the group?), was the suggestion to send peacekeepers to 🇧🇾 to address Lukashenko’s “fears” of 🇺🇦 aggression on 🇧🇾.

More air-defence systems will be supplied to 🇺🇦 (IRIS-T from 🇩🇪 & hopefully, Patriot from 🇺🇲Augenzwinkern. 🇺🇦 needs more air-defence systems to protect 🇺🇦 civilians & critical civilian infrastructure.

Zelenskyy also reiterated the impossibility of negotiating with Putin. 🇺🇦 conditions for negotiations with 🇷🇺 remain unchanged.

🔥 Kremlin seeking ceasefire & negotiations with the West

Putin’s attempts to negotiate directly with the collective West about the end of the war & territorial concessions are futile.
The West has already understood that Putin cannot be trusted & will attack again if appeased. The 🇷🇺 aggression, including the murder of women & children, terror attacks on civilian infrastructure & massacres.
The only thing that Putin could offer is either to respect the rules of war, which is doubtful coming from 🇷🇺, or to offer grain & fertilizer.
🇺🇦 will not be intimidated by 🇷🇺 terrorism & nuclear threats.

The West is also unimpressed with the 🇷🇺 nuclear threats – if 🇷🇺 attempts to use nuclear weapons the consequences for 🇷🇺 & Putin personally will be catastrophic. As the NATO chief put it – “If 🇺🇦 loses, we all lose.”

🔥 Musk & alleged conversation with Putin

There are recent allegations reporting Musk having a direct conversation with Putin. Musk denied any recent conversation & claims that his last conversation with Putin was 18 months ago.
Yet, Musk’s collaboration with 🇷🇺 & Musk flying 🇷🇺 cosmonauts leaves the possibility for such a recent conversation.

Apparently scared to death by Putin’s bomb, Musk, Peterson & the Pope are all parroting the 🇷🇺 demands to 🇷🇺 keeping 🇺🇦 Crimea & 4 🇺🇦 regions, as well as demanding 🇺🇦 staying out of NATO.
The pseudo-progressives (Musk), pseudo-philosophers (Peterson) & pseudo-religious (Pope Francis) demonstrate a complete moral bankruptcy, proposing to appease cannibals by feeding them with some more 🇺🇦 children.

No country in the world can be allowed to extort international communities & annex territories using nuclear weapons for blackmail. Otherwise, the aggressors will never stop.

🇷🇺 is using all their assets to beg for a ceasefire & negotiations ASAP, racing against time.
In reality, 🇷🇺 is weak now & facing an approaching economical & military collapse at the beginning of 2023.


GUR says today's strikes were being prepared long before the Crimean bridge made a goodwill gesture. Which is sensible, given the scale. Hats off to Ukrainian security services, they likely knew about this a while ago and made the preparations they could.


It feels like the delusional nature of dictatorial regimes leads them to an inevitable end.
Idiotic ideologically-driven decisions cause self-destruct.
And now the Kremlin is wasting its dwindling missile stockpile to no military reason - only to please war-thirsty fascists.


Day 4 and still no train runs on the Kerch Bridge. No (military) supplies for Kherson and Zaporizhzhia since 4 days, at least not in large quantities. Remember, war of logistics and every day counts.
#Kerch #Crimea #Ukraine


Ukrainian Ministry of Defence:
4 more HIMARS launchers arrived today. #Ukraine


Russia is building a mini Siegfried line in Luhansk Oblast.

This reminds of General Patton: “Fixed fortifications are monuments to man’s stupidity.“

The Siegfried line was crossed in one day.
#Ukraine #Luhansk


Wer hätte nach 20 Jahren GWOT* gedacht, dass Grabenfräsen, Panzergräben und Drachenzähne wieder aktuell werden würden...


Newly mobilised Russians with little or no training are already being killed and wounded in Ukraine, according to Russian media outlet It's My City (IMC). IMC says that three mobiks from Krasnoturyinsk in the Sverdlovsk region have returned – two injured, one dead.

IMC initially reported that a local man named Yevgeny Bizyaev (pic ⬆️Augenzwinkern had been killed, but an update to the report has clarified his status as wounded. He was called up on 28 September and sent to the combat zone only a few days later along with others from Krasnoturinsk.

According to the mobiks' relatives, they were sent without training, contracts or even a medical examination to check their physical fitness. The relatives have sent a complaint to the Sverdlovsk regional prosecutor's office outlining the situation.

The men are said to have been assigned to military professions for which they have not received training. For instance, one man was appointed as a sapper despite not having any prior training in military engineering.

His wife says: "According to the guys, they were told directly that they would go to a hot spot. They were given one day to prepare, so that they could remember how to hold a gun in their hands."
"They were told that it would be in their interests to learn how to shoot now, to make it easier."

None of the men underwent a medical examination. They instead received a medical commission in absentia even before they were called up. Their unit told them that "they had already passed the commission".

They also did not sign or receive any contracts, making their employment status uncertain. "They were given bank cards, they were told, here, you'll get your pay. What kind of wages? If there are no contracts, there are no documents to prove it."

The mobiks were told to bring their own supplies. "They were told, you guys have to take care of yourselves. On arrival they were given something from their supply of uniforms, but some stay in their own clothes, some uniforms don't fit."


🇷🇺 - Sanctions against Russia are very much working
• Real GDP, retail trade and vehicle manufacturing are all dropping off a cliff
• Russia is heading towards ~6% recession this year (a worse downturn than after first sanctions in 2014-15)


The independent Russian media outlet Verstka ("Layout") has published a noteworthy piece on the devastating effect that mobilisation is having on Russia's schools. Thousands of teachers have been conscripted or have fled, bringing schools to the edge of collapse. 🧵 follows.

Verstka reports that at one private school in St Petersburg, 80 percent of the teaching staff have left or are going to leave, due to themselves or their partners either being mobilised or fleeing abroad to avoid the draft. The school may now close as a result.

In some schools, teachers have been handed mobilisation notices in front of their entire class. Star teachers have not been spared. One was awarded the title of 'Honored Teacher of the Republic of Bashkortostan' but was mobilised the following day.

The head of a teachers' trade union says that entire subjects have disappeared from the curriculum because nobody is left to teach them. "In many schools, up to 100-120 teaching hours a week have been lost, with no one to replace them." New teachers are also unavailable.

The union has appealed to the government to exempt teachers from mobilisation. “Dozens of schools have lost their male teachers, including principals. Thousands of schoolchildren were left without teachers. There is no one to replace them."

Even before this, Russia was already short of 250,000 teachers. Duma deputies have asked the Defence Ministry to exempt elementary and secondary school teachers. However, it has not responded and is likely opposed to the idea.


In response to the ongoing missile strikes, Germany announced that it had already delivered the first IRIS-T air defense system to Ukraine today. Images appeared of it's transport trough Poland yesterday.

The United States also announced that it will deliver two NASAMS systems at an accelerated pace. They may already be on their way.

In addition, Zelensky announced at the G7 summit that it had asked France/Italy for SAMP-T air defense systems and that he expected a supply of these.


➡️Snihurivka and Davydiv-Brid no changes
➡️East Kherson, fighting is at Kostromka-Borozens'ke-Mylove axis. Fighting in Mylove just outside the city per UA reports
➡️There is also progress on the M14 road (Kyselivka-Chornobaivka) towards Kherson. We wait for confirmation


➡️Russian sources report about 🇺🇦 troop buildup around Svatove. They estimate the total size of the striking force at 35-40 thousand, which seems exaggerated. In comparison, about 15-20 thousand took part in the Lyman offensive across the width of the front
➡️Given that 🇷🇺 reports the 🇺🇦 troop build-up around Pershotravneve, and the General Staff today reported artillery shelling from Russia in Raihodorok, I am almost certain that the cities (including Cherneshchyn and surroundings) encircled in red are under 🇺🇦 control. Waiting...

In Kupyansk, Tokmak and Bakhmut directions some fighting was reported but nothing interesting enough to cover.

As for Svatove, Russian troops also reported equal buildup of forces in Zaporizhia. Something is looming there.. We will keep an eye on it..


Lavrov suggesting if US proposes Biden - Putin summit the Kremlin will consider it.
Kremlin speak for we are desperate for peace talks.
Typical Putin, escalate before talks.


- Putin, desperate to freeze conflict and keep occupied land
- Ukraine unwilling to play Putin's "let's negotiate" game, Putin tries to move up the ladder, tries same with Biden.

"Wolf" was cried too many times? Finally?

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 10 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 12.10.2022 5:47]
12.10.2022 3:40:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Poliadversum 30.08.2012
Fand ich ganz interessant weil ich den "Man muss für Russland sein weil USA globale Supermacht ist und das ist schlecht" Take tatsächlich schon öfter gelesen hab:

12.10.2022 10:19:47  Zum letzten Beitrag
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"If my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bicycle", diese Referenz in so einem Video zu hören hat mich echt kalt erwischt Breites Grinsen Breites Grinsen

Aber ja, gutes Video, der Take ist wirklich seltsam und muss dringend debunked werden.

/brrr das schon bisschen haarsträubend was der Michael da erzählt etwas für sehr schlecht befinden
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Shooter am 12.10.2022 10:55]
12.10.2022 10:32:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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