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 Thema: Beeindruckendes XXXVII ( would you look at that.... )
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AUP statixx 14.11.2023
Jo, beeindruckend. Ist halt was anderes als "Guck hier, der neue Meuchelpuffer3000, jetzt mit noch mehr bumm bumm, geil".
01.04.2020 8:28:33  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von KOOGas

Marble Machine war gestern...


Zu dem K'nex-Zeug:

01.04.2020 8:31:28  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Phillinger 11.02.2013
Zitat von statixx

Breites Grinsen

"Kaufen Sie gleich im Set dazu: Den Tötfix2000!"
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Phillinger am 01.04.2020 12:29]
01.04.2020 12:28:52  Zum letzten Beitrag
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01.04.2020 18:37:20  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Phillinger

Zitat von statixx

Breites Grinsen

"Kaufen Sie gleich im Set dazu: Den Tötfix2000!"

You don't have to wait for later,
here's your new eliminator.
Ask your local weapon trader
for the Super-Perforator!
01.04.2020 18:57:21  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Abtei* 11.06.2012
Heute 23 Uhr - Astartes Part V Release

02.04.2020 16:48:17  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Rene Rinnekangas fährt Snowboard.

Da kommen in den letzten Wochen auf dem Channel fast jeden Tag neue solcher kleinen Streifen von so Leuten raus. Lohnt sich. Kreative und völlig krasse Typen. Insbesondere, dass die alle in der Stadt fahren, ist geil.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Vorhang am 02.04.2020 17:35]
02.04.2020 17:34:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP smoo 02.03.2009

Die ganze Serie wird von einer Person gemacht (glaube ich). Krass beeindruckend. Kann ich nur empfehlen!

Hier gehts los: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bko5GgK5v8
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von smoo am 04.04.2020 0:52]
04.04.2020 0:46:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Phoenix Female
Zitat von [ACPS]Turrican

Richtig geil

04.04.2020 5:38:35  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP BlackBandit 07.04.2019
Vor allem, wenn man den schonmal live gesehen hat. Allerdings sogar ohne Wolken/Dampf/Rauch. peinlich/erstaunt
04.04.2020 8:56:04  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Zitat von PutzFrau

Zitat von [ACPS]Turrican


Richtig geil

Ich hab viel mehr Krach erwartet. Breites Grinsen
04.04.2020 12:37:35  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP M@buse 22.12.2015
ich hab auch die ganze zeit auf den knall gewartet traurig
04.04.2020 12:40:36  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Phillinger 11.02.2013
Zitat von smoo

Die ganze Serie wird von einer Person gemacht (glaube ich). Krass beeindruckend. Kann ich nur empfehlen!

Hier gehts los: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bko5GgK5v8

Beeindruckend. Für einen Außenstehenden: Was passiert da inhaltlich?
04.04.2020 14:28:23  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP DeathCobra 24.06.2021
Wie viel Zeit hast du?

Okayish Zusammenfassung, wird noch viel spekuliert:
That's a C'tan shard of Mephet'ran the Deceiver. The cult is building it an avatar or a host body. Probably another two reside on the main battle barge (or are part of the Void Dragon, who knows?) and are chained by the inquisition. They refer to the new orb as "brother". Probably the contact between the two is made by the devices installed by the kill team. The Inquisitor overheard the conversation "the astartes defy our touch", and after "we must take the offer" the Inquistor screams over the vox com link "Return them immediately". The Captain gives order to extract, then the Inquisitor breaks under the strain as he is distracted and starts to get possessed. Anti possession protocols are engaged for an awesome scene. The Sergeant gets the orders to fall back, but it's too late and gets sucked into the shard. Rolls one on the plasma shot. The battle barge proceeds to apply Exterminatus, killing the shard and teleporting our kill team squad on what appears to be the Necrontyr homeworld, probably the royal family tomb. You can see little flashes on the other "platforms" as the Sergeant overlooks the nightmarish vista as his other teammates teleport in.

Kannst du z.B. hier oder hier jeden Begriff nachschlagen und entsprechend jeden Link auf jeder Wikiseite anklicken denn WH40k ist wunderbar.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von DeathCobra am 04.04.2020 14:33]
04.04.2020 14:29:37  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Sniper BF
Auf Reddit war man sich über viele Details noch uneins. Die sind für ein grobes Verständnis aber nicht wirklich relevant.

04.04.2020 14:40:23  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Zitat von DeathCobra

Wie viel Zeit hast du?

Okayish Zusammenfassung, wird noch viel spekuliert:
That's a C'tan shard of Mephet'ran the Deceiver. The cult is building it an avatar or a host body. Probably another two reside on the main battle barge (or are part of the Void Dragon, who knows?) and are chained by the inquisition. They refer to the new orb as "brother". Probably the contact between the two is made by the devices installed by the kill team. The Inquisitor overheard the conversation "the astartes defy our touch", and after "we must take the offer" the Inquistor screams over the vox com link "Return them immediately". The Captain gives order to extract, then the Inquisitor breaks under the strain as he is distracted and starts to get possessed. Anti possession protocols are engaged for an awesome scene. The Sergeant gets the orders to fall back, but it's too late and gets sucked into the shard. Rolls one on the plasma shot. The battle barge proceeds to apply Exterminatus, killing the shard and teleporting our kill team squad on what appears to be the Necrontyr homeworld, probably the royal family tomb. You can see little flashes on the other "platforms" as the Sergeant overlooks the nightmarish vista as his other teammates teleport in.

Kannst du z.B. hier oder hier jeden Begriff nachschlagen und entsprechend jeden Link auf jeder Wikiseite anklicken denn WH40k ist wunderbar.

Woher kommt die Info mit dem Exterminatus eigentlich? Da wo sie an den Tentakeln im "Void" hängen?
04.04.2020 14:54:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Smoking 09.09.2023
Ich fand den Kommentar ganz hilfreich. Der Exterminatus ist m.E. eher ein lol Warhammer da muss exterminiert werden Spruch.


For all of you who are like "WTF HAPPEND" here is my theorie (Sidenote: English is not my Motherlanguage so pls dont judge me for misspelling) (This is a repost, my Original comment isnt public anymore)

The Astartes (Space Marines) that entered the enemy ship where their to capture the SECOND Orb. They already had one on their ship (the one thing in the ball and the chains around it).
The guy with the robe was for all 40k fans obviously an Inquisitor (For all who are new: This Inquisitor was a Psyker like the 2 guys with the forceshield in part 4, but as the Name says the Inquisition is not a fan of psykers. So becoming an Inqusitor despite being a Psyker is more than hard to put it VERY simple and rare too. I say this to make it clear that he is a powerhouse in his own right and could probably bitchslap the 2 Psykers in part 4). The Inquistor was their to keep that Xenos (Alien)Artifect in check, so it doesnt do any crazy warp things.
The second Orb on the enemy ship tryed to push away the Astartes with some forcewaves but as far as I could tell their were no signs of trying to corrupt the present Astartes (its not that easy to begin with and normaly takes a bit more time but still i couldnt see or hear any attemts to try). So the orb is very limited on what it can do in the material world. The unfinished golden giant in the room was probably a Vessel for the orb to interact more freely in the material world.
So here comes the interresting part. Both orbs have a consciousness.
We see how the Inquisitor tryes to enter the mind of the orb in the capsle and we get a dialog between the 2 orbs. ( We call the orb on the Astartes ship "Orb 1" and the other one "Orb 2")
To the dialog:
Orb 1: Who is there ?
Orb 2: I have failed, brother.
Orb 1: We have all failed. The Astartes deny our touch. You must return. Break your seal.
Orb 2: Impossible. We will never survive.
Orb 1: You must take the Alpha. (Not sure if he really says that. Could also say You must take them/three, kinda hard to understand but if anyone knows it for sure tell me pls)
The Inquisitor orders the Astartes Sergeant to pull his man on the enemy ship immediately back.
The Inquisitor trys to look further into the mind and his own mind snaps or he tryed to cut the link between the Orbs and after that his mind gets attacked. (Dont forget that he is a powerhouse, you dont simply break a Inquisitor Psykers mind so whatever that orb is, its on another level).
Before the Inquistor loses his mind, he gets a glimpse of the future (yes some psykers can do that). We see a counsel of people who look like the Psykers in part 4 but not quite sure, they are a bit to far away. We also see 4 of the 5 Astartes who were absorbed by the orb and it looks like they get sacrificed in some form.
After that you see what happens. The Astartes Sergeant punched the Head off the Inquistor and his Battlebrother shoot him down to make sure he is extra dead. Some people think that might be brutal but that was a mercy kill by them. You saw what the Psykers in part 4 can do so you dont want a mindlosing Psyker on your own ship.

At the end we see how Orb 2 absorbs the five Astartes. One of them trys to shot the orb with his plasma pistole but it gets repelled and he loses his hand. Than we see how the 5 Battlebrothers are connected with some tentacles and a blue thing in the mid. That blue thing is probably the essence of Orb 2. Orb 2 guides the five Astarted through the warp to a specific place (Cause you dont simply travel through the warp without any protection even if you are an Astartes. You see how the Astartes is coughing blood, dont worry thats not cause of the missing hand but lets call it travelsickness. Normal people would die or Mutate in a way you dont wanna imagine). What this place is can be debated.
1. They are still in the warp ( I think it is that, 40k likes its over the top settings but this looks a bit to surreal to be a normal planet)
2. They got warpped to a planet and the setting is just over the top
3. It is a Planet connected with the warp ( physics and logic dont quite applie here like on normal planets)

So lets finish it with the big question. What/Who is the orb ?
The simple answer is... we dont know.
1. If that thing has anything to do with Chaos, it has the handwriting of Tzeentch. (At least I dont see any of the indicators for Khorne, Nurgle or Slaanesh)
Indicators for Chaos is the fact that the orbs called themselves Brothers (kind of a Traitmark in 40k for Spacemarines). Chaos space marines who worship Tzeentch have problems to keep their bodys. The planet with its dessert and slight egypt setting is often associate with Magnus the Red who hangs out with Tzeentch.
2. It is a Xenos artifact that has nothing to do with chaos. The warp is big and has way more Entitys than just the 4 chaos Gods.
3. Yu Vath (google it) (yeah they are also kinda Chaos but 40k fans get what I mean)
4. C'tan (This was not my Idea. But I read the comment section and like the Idea so I added it to the list).
The only problem is that C'tan HATE the warp. They are like fire and the warp is water for them. But Necrons arent the only ones who associate with the C'tan. There are humanoid cults that could take care of the warpbusiness for the C'tan.

I hope that helped some people to understand part 5 better.

Extra: I add stuff here from the comment section that wasnt in my original post to summarize some nice Ideas for more Theorycrafting.
What was the black thing that attacked Orb 2 ? (After all it was probably responsible that the five Battle Brothers got separated and didnt appear in the same location)
1. A psykic attack from the Inquisitor before he fell into madness.( In 40k Video Games Inquisitors are shown to be some arrogant losers or easily corruptible but thats not true at all. You have to go through some VERY tough training to get that Profesion. They are neither good nor evil. Their duty is the most important thing even more than their own life IF NECESSARY.) We can clearly see he fights back whatever is attacking his mind.
2. A Warp Entitie. ( The warp is a dangerous place and traveling with five Humanoids that have no protection against the warp makes you a good target for anyone. Orb 2 even said they will not survive this) Warp Entities like to possess living bodys to interact in the real world, its kinda their thing.

Next Theory. The Inquisitor is not a Psyker but a Tech Priest. Totally possible. Think less of the things you see associated with the warp and more about Tech and the Machine Spirits. Goes very well with C'tan theory. They can enter the warp but it is very dangerous. Maybe thats what Orb 2 meant with "We will not survive".

Next Theory. That is not the real Inquisitor but rather a Inquisitor Acolyte. Again totally possible. Like I said before IF NECESSARY Inquisitor will give their lifes for their duty but to make sure that scenario doesnt happen you have your "Minions" to do the dangerous work since the life of an Inquistor is very valuable. (I still think the one we see is the real deal. This is not your average Astartes Inquisitor Mission. The Astartes have a dangerous Xenos Artifect on their OWN ship. Normally they would bring in their own Techmarine or Psyker to make sure nothing happens. The other reason is that I personally think he looks a bit to fancy for a simple Acolyte. The last point is that the Inquistor ordered the sergeant to pull his man back and the Sergeant didnt even question any of it and just followed it. Your average Acolyte normaly doesnt have that kind of backbone to talk like that to an 8 foot tall Behemoth if he isnt used to it). But I can be totally wrong here and it really is just a Inquisitor Acolyte.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Smoking am 04.04.2020 15:01]
04.04.2020 14:58:16  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Smoking 09.09.2023
Alles in allem, das Level an Details ist krass. Lohnt sich die Kommentare durchzugehen, allein schon wegen der Hinweise auf die Dinge die man sonst vermutlich übersieht.
04.04.2020 15:03:30  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Das ist schon sehr cool.
04.04.2020 15:06:20  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP DeathCobra 24.06.2021
Find ich bisher die beste Theorie:


They are definitly the Yu'Vath, here in the spanish WH40k wiki the first thing you see is a picture of one of those Psiquic Spheres, and you also have there the Bone Warden, which makes sense with what we see at the end: https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/es/wiki/Yu%27vath

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von DeathCobra am 04.04.2020 15:10]
04.04.2020 15:08:16  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Kleiner Einwurf zum Redditlink: Er sagt alle Retributors sterben, dass stimmt aber nicht. Man sieht wie sie auf den anderen Podesten mit Lichtblitzen materialisieren.

¤: wird sogar im ersten Comment erwähnt, ok.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bregor am 04.04.2020 15:21]
04.04.2020 15:20:21  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Phillinger 11.02.2013
Holy moly, was ein Paralleluniversum! Breites Grinsen

Beeindruckend, wirklich.
04.04.2020 19:56:41  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Naja, das ist wie wenn einer nen Silmarillion-Fan-Video in ähnlichem Stile machen würde, wenn es die HDR Filme nie gegeben hätte. Breites Grinsen
04.04.2020 19:58:02  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP loliger_rofler 26.04.2021
Arch Warhammer (nervigen Duktus ignorieren, er ist wirklich tief in der Lore) hat ein Erklärvideo gemacht. DREISIG MINUTEN:

04.04.2020 20:16:47  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
Ich warte auf das Video von Luetin09 dazu. :3
04.04.2020 20:18:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP loliger_rofler 26.04.2021
Zitat von Bregor

Ich warte auf das Video von Luetin09 dazu. :3

Den finde ich auch so ca. 100 mal besser, aber so kurz nach Release nimmt man was man kriegt.
04.04.2020 20:24:13  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Ist es nicht relativ egal, wer oder was der Häresie Ball ist?

Die Geschichte ist doch jetzt eh vorbei, oder nicht?
Er wollte 5 Videos machen und das sind sie.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von blue am 04.04.2020 21:12]
04.04.2020 21:11:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 26.01.2009
04.04.2020 21:13:03  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP DeathCobra 24.06.2021

Allerdings hat er doch mittlerweile Patreon und ist viel erfolgreicher als vermutlich angenommen.
Würde mich überraschen, wenn da nicht noch mehr käme.
04.04.2020 21:25:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP juckrebel 25.03.2020
Ja aber andere Projekte. Ich bin auch ziemlich mad dass Astartes wohl aufn Cliffhanger enden wird.
04.04.2020 21:42:35  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: Beeindruckendes XXXVII ( would you look at that.... )
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