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 Thema: Star Citizen & Squadron 42 VI ( FPS-Edition )
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Und die liegen im Budget von "nur" 1500? :-O
13.05.2015 21:21:03  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Wenn man das Raid 1 weglässt ja.
Und es gibt noch n paar Punkte wo man ein wenig sparen könnte, theoretisch kommste am Ende bei 1200 bis 1300 raus - bei 1500 wäre ne größere Grafikkarte drin (derzeit verbauen wir R9 290 oder GTX970).
Dann hast aber auch schon nen großen i7 & 32GB Ram.

Aber gerade wegen der Grafiktechnologie würd ich da auch noch die nächste Generation abwarten.
13.05.2015 21:35:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Achso, Desktop Grafikkarten fröhlich

Dachte an unseren 3D Grafiker, der ne fette Quattro drin hat, die das Budget allein sprengen würde Breites Grinsen
13.05.2015 21:48:58  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Ich komme gerne drauf zurück, Madmax. peinlich/erstaunt
13.05.2015 22:42:46  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Die sollen mal ihr CDN fixen... 20GB+ Patch mit ~300kb/s ist minimal Hass...
15.05.2015 13:48:23  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Ist 1.1.3 auch wieder so groß? Mata halt...
15.05.2015 23:51:25  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Mal die wichtigen Sachen aus RtV:

- The MISC Reliant, third starter ship which is a two seater with loads of Xi’An technology, will be on sale starting next week.

- Reliant will be $50

– Art Sneak Peek was a door from Nyx. As Nehkara theorized

- Nyx, Terra, and another system are being worked on in Austin. Terra is quite far along.

– Turbulent meeting on Tuesday – people have asked for $5 gift cards, they’ll bring it up.

- What type of benefits does the Xi’An tech do in ships, what are the advantages of using it? – Freelancer that infuses xi’an, lots is visual. It’s not that they’re necessarily better, it’s that they’re different. Like a toilet infused with japanese toilet technology. Which is a terrible example, and Ben is immediately backing away from it. Biggest difference is the Thrusters, how the computers work, how the interiors look, things like that.

– Nothing has really changed about the FPS since the update last week.

– No sneak-peeks on ships like the Connie. Not ready to show it yet. But when it is, they’ll show us.

- We get to see a lot of stuff. Alyssa wants to take away our stuff. No she doesn’t. She just wants to keep some things secret so we can sometimes be surprised.

- CitizenCon tickets have no ETA… but SoonTM. They want to be able to announce all of the details when they sell tickets. Who wants INN to have a presence at CitizenCon?

– No release date yet for the Herald. Artist who was working on it is doing things for the Bengal Carrier for Squadron 42.

- Can you be arrested and put in a prison? Not as long as they don’t find out the terrible things you’ve done. But yes, yes they can.

– They have talked about breaking people out of space prison. Even some of the early stories were about it.

- They want you to be able to do the things that are demonstrated in their official fiction.

- You can be a career criminal planetside as well as in space… Tony Zurovec will update on this soonish.

– CCU system update. Disco Lando saw it. It’s coming along, looking good. It’ll be good once it’s ready.

- News from Around the ‘Verse will eventually feature Behaviour, Turbulent, and Frankfurt. It’s a work in progress.

- Mustang rework – It’s not getting a fancy redesign, it’s just getting moved into the new damage system / new lighting system. It won’t be different, just prettier.

– Hornet is probably with Chris Smith, to get it into its new damage state. It’ll get that rework done before SQ42 hits.

– Anniversary sale will happen again this year in November, as always.

– Won’t give a hard or soft date for FPS release. They will say NOTHING!

– It’s being worked on, and the last couple of times they’ve put dates on it, development stuff got in the way / didn’t go to plan. So now they’re trying to keep it a little more quiet so, once it is ready, they’ll announce it and we can freak out. They also want it to be more feature complete than AC, and they want to bring everyone in at one time. It’s just requiring a bit more time. More discussion about that ‘in the future’.

– Controller balance – Things are balanced all the time. No matter what CIG say about balance – they said they’re willing to change the system to get it to work, and they understand it’s not where it’s supposed to be – it doesn’t help that people flip out and say they’re being ignored. Constructive, not angry, criticism.

- No new modes coming to AC immediately. New modes are in proposal stage… proving them out in small scale. If they work out they will look into bringing them into large scale.

– Next thing we’ll see is FPS.

- Will there be a long time between FPS and Social? Hopefully not but they’re not ready to release dates for either.

- LTI will not be going away. They can’t make everyone happy. LTI IS NOT A BIG DEAL! It’s a slight benefit to help out early backers. LTI IS NOT A BIG DEAL!

– Vanguard Variants – they have it going, and we’ll hear about them when they’re pretty.

– Fry Flee week – All of the Starter ships, Mustang and Aurora line, and all the variants, are fly free.

– Starfarer QA and Jump Point will be up later today.

– News on HOTAS – in plans, but still no updates. Progress has happened. Sandi and Ben did a multi-continental webinar (they skyped), for a design and planning meeting for the rollout. There’s a team working on it, they’re passionate about it. It’s being worked on, and there’re multiple things they’ll be doing.

– It’s so cool (the Reliant). James’ second favourite ship. Designed by Dave Hobbins (who is contracting ships). Same jump from the Aurora to the Mustang (so, Reliant is two mustangs more awesome than an aurora)

– Concept sale, so it’s just the standalone ship. Will not include the game.

– They do have Crucible information. Not the play. The ship. It’s currently in early early design stages, being reviewed by CR to make sure it’s on par with all the other ships.

- CCU’s only exist when the ships are flyable. So, as a concept sale, there will be no way to CCU up. Once the ship is flyable, you’ll be able to CCU.

- Is FPS delay affecting other releases? Not significantly. Sometimes when something needs to go out it’s all hands on deck. That’s not the case with FPS, so there’s no huge impact on large world or multicrew or anything else. Everything else is still on track.

– There are no plans to add retroactive flair for things like the Freelancer and the Connie. The ship models themselves will eventually be available in the game. The Takuetsu models. They’ll exist in the PU.

– The Puglisi collection was named in memory of a fallen fan.

– 23 million flair – with 1.1.3 (which came out yesterday), anyone who backed before 23 mil gets a ‘distinct’ Xi’An ship, a collectors edition.

– Gamescom 2014 trophy should be available soon. Behaviour’s goal is to have it done before this year’s Gamescom.

– The Scythe is coming. It’s being worked on right now by tech designers. Should be good. That’ll allow the folks who bought it ages ago will be able to fly it.

– Cheating and hacking – They’re against cheating and hacking, and they’ll do everything they can to stop it. They just don’t know what that’ll be, but it’ll evolve as it goes. Philosophy is to be reactive to it. People will find things they didn’t think of, and CIG want to be able to be so in touch with the community that they can say, here’s what people are doing, here’s how to fix it. They will be vigilant!

– Guns cannot be set to stun at this time.

– Travis estimates that the FPS module will arrive sooner than you expect but longer than you’d like… ™.

– SATABall: Space Rugby with a stun gun in a zero-G environment.

- Dual wield guns in FPS – not at this time, but probably later.

- One-shot headshots are a hard maybe… it depends on what armour is equipped and what weapon you’re being hit by.

- EWAR will probably be able to affect thrusters, causing a ship to spin out of control. Not necessarily any weapons that’ll be able to do that.

¤: Die Reliant kommen nicht als Starter-Pack sondern nur als Stand-Alone-Concept? Das Ding ist also nur einen Hintertür um alle Leute mit LTI zu versorgen, von Starter-Schiff kann da ja keine Rede sein.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Expressreiskocher am 16.05.2015 0:34]
16.05.2015 0:28:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Okay und was davon ist das "wichtige"? Breites Grinsen

1.1.3 ist klein - keine 20gb
16.05.2015 0:46:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Das ist schon um den ganzen "Typ X kommt ins Bild, Typ Y macht einen Witz"-Zeug gekürzt.
Ganz guten Post bezüglich der Reliant fand ich diesen:

So, now that CIG is masquerading the availability of $50.00 LTI tokens in the form of the Reliant for 7-10 days to everyone...can we stop all the madness surrounding LTI, please?

Everyone will get a chance to have LTI now for a "low" cost, and even purchase multiple ships for upgrading/CCU'ing higher-cost ships to give them LTI, for $50 bucks.

We all know the allure of "exclusivity" sells, and that exclusivity has really only been tied to LTI, and now that everyone can be a special snowflake, hopefully these cries for LTI can finally end....and, you know, move on to cries from how unfair it is that some people have Scythes, Idrises, etc., or whatever else...which we all know is coming....and when variants are released with LTI, the madness can begin anew.

16.05.2015 0:51:19  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Based on the award-winning MISC Starfarer chassis, the Gemini has been rebuilt from the ground up to military specifications. Optional weapons packages ranging from missile launchers to minelayers allow this ‘turtle’ to pack a real punch! The Gemini is available for broad use today, and is highly recommended for anyone operating on the frontiers or beyond. “


16.05.2015 6:56:11  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Noch_ein_Kamel

Okay und was davon ist das "wichtige"? Breites Grinsen

1.1.3 ist klein - keine 20gb

naja, ich hatte halt auch 1.1.2 noch nicht gezogen bisher...
16.05.2015 17:19:32  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Lunovis 27.11.2007
hmm, entweder wird das ganze zu realistisch oder aber der release wird auf unbestimmte zeit verschoben.

17.05.2015 20:36:48  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012

...LTI-Token indeed, die Xi'an-Designs liegen mir nicht.
21.05.2015 21:33:33  Zum letzten Beitrag
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ich bin zu dem entschluss gekommen, dass ich im vorfeld keine weiteren schiffe mehr kaufen werd.

wenn verfügbar, evtl. ne variante für die carrack, aber das wars dann auch schon.

alles andere wird sich ingame ergeben.
21.05.2015 21:36:03  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Och, gibt noch ein paar Sachen die mich reizen - aber ich will nicht ausschließen das ich dafür einen ganzen Haufen Kram eimschmelze.
21.05.2015 21:37:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Glätteisen 15.02.2012

Almost jizzed.
22.05.2015 9:32:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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blair in sc?
cool peinlich/erstaunt
22.05.2015 9:43:46  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012

¤: Animationsvideo zur Reliant
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Expressreiskocher am 22.05.2015 19:14]
22.05.2015 19:10:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Eine Seite länger als die andre machen und es wär fast nen B-Wing fröhlich
22.05.2015 19:16:00  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Das nur an einem Flügelende ein Gimbal-Mount ist killt das komplette Ding für mich.

22.05.2015 19:16:47  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Gefällt mir.
22.05.2015 19:21:13  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Flügel? Man sieht doch deutlich, dass das ehr ein Schwert ist... peinlich/erstaunt
22.05.2015 19:22:37  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
Quer finde ich das Dingen vom Design recht nett, aber da nervt mich das es nur ein Gimbal-Mount gibt.
Hochkant passt das mit dem Gimbal-Mount, aber das Design ist irgendwie in meinen Augen nicht so prall.

...ich kauf also nur 2 als LTI-Token.
22.05.2015 19:25:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Lunovis 27.11.2007
Was ist nun der sinn in dem teil? Starter für nasen, denen die aurora zu hässlich und die mustang zu offensiv ist?
22.05.2015 20:34:01  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Expressreiskocher 07.12.2012
verschmitzt lachen

...größer sein?
22.05.2015 20:39:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Passt die überhaupt in normale Hangars?
22.05.2015 20:42:10  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Lunovis 27.11.2007
Die haben doch erst gerade die a für all die leute, welche nicht fliegen wollen, ausgekickt. peinlich/erstaunt

locker, die connie ist immer noch breiter.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Lunovis am 22.05.2015 20:48]
22.05.2015 20:47:16  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Das ist doch n verkackter B-Wing! Hat was fröhlich
22.05.2015 21:22:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Hmm.. jup

22.05.2015 21:43:58  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Karai 18.01.2015
Lando hat mal eben einen 40GB Star Marine-Build geleaked.
Mehr hier, spoilerfrei: http://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/36xliv/disco_lando_showing_some_star_marine_stuff/cri4jcr
24.05.2015 1:10:45  Zum letzten Beitrag
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