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 Thema: Der Biden-Thread ( USA Staffel 2 )
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Zitat von -=Q=- 8-BaLL

Fetznschädl, Wappler, Pfostn, Voikoffa, Depp, Voidillo, Heisl, Dodl, Doim, Bleampel, Gfrast, Koffa, Kretzn, Nudlaug, Noa, Pücher, Viertlhirn, Saubeidl?

Mmmhh, und etwas Barbecue Ketchup dazu.
26.12.2022 17:31:01  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AJ Alpha

Pücher auch nicht völlig gut verwendbar
26.12.2022 17:56:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Äkschully I know none of ßiehs wöards.
26.12.2022 18:13:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Crosshead 25.01.2016
Zitat von -=Q=- 8-BaLL

Fetznschädl, Wappler, Pfostn, Voikoffa, Depp, Voidillo, Heisl, Dodl, Doim, Bleampel, Gfrast, Koffa, Kretzn, Nudlaug, Noa, Pücher, Viertlhirn, Saubeidl?

Anbrunste Scheißhauskachel.
26.12.2022 18:50:00  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Gretchen Whitmer kidnap ringleader, Adam Fox, sentenced to 16 years

27.12.2022 20:25:51  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014

According to people I've talked with, Kevin McCarthy does not have the votes to be elected speaker. There's at least 7 "Never Kevin" hold outs in the Freedom Caucus who vigorously oppose him. At best, he has 215.

In short, the votes aren't there.

The Freedom Caucus wants de facto control of the House, and the ability to fire McCarthy whenever they want after the initial vote in January.
McCarthy has always been ambitious. It's hard to see him agreeing to a deal where he becomes a largely ceremonial figure. ... McCarthy is a prat, but he's not stupid. He can see where making himself beholden to the Freedom Caucus leads.

Regardless, the Freedom Caucus has no legislative agenda beside investigations, defunding the FBI and DOJ to protect Trump, and holding the US hostage with the threat of default on the debt and government shut downs in 2024. The Biden legislative agenda is dead.

No meaningful legislation will pass in the next two years. I would be shocked if we don't have a LONG government shut down in 2024. 2023 is just going to be a series of cringey hearings, including attempts by the Freedom caucus to impeach Biden for... something.

The only up side to this is that maybe average people get a better understanding of how deranged the GOP is from all of this, and that they have no intention of trying to govern or compromise to keep the lights on.

Sadly, the Freedom Caucus is giving the GOP base exactly what they want, which is chaos, destruction, and vengeance theory.
But, it's anyone's guess who will end up Speaker, and how.

28.12.2022 4:18:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Ganz wilde Geschichte über George Santos, einen neu gewählten Congressman (Partei bitte raten) mit einer Aufstiegsstory aus dem Bilderbuch.

He is the son of Brazilian immigrants, and the first openly gay Republican to win a House seat as a non-incumbent. By his account, he catapulted himself from a New York City public college to become a “seasoned Wall Street financier and investor” with a family-owned real estate portfolio of 13 properties and an animal rescue charity that saved more than 2,500 dogs and cats.

Ein Traum. Das klang so gut, die NY Times hatte ein paar Fragen. Inzwischen ist Santos' Lügengebäude komplett zusammengebrochen, an seinem Lebenslauf stimmte quasi gar nichts.
"I never claimed to be Jewish. I said I was ‘Jew-ish.’"

Aktueller Stand:

Was er tatsächlich hatte war Geld, plötzlich, für seinen Wahlkampf, und nicht wenig. Nur wo es her kam ist offen.

28.12.2022 10:07:20  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Lunovis 27.11.2007
klassische Rechtsaussenkarriere.
28.12.2022 10:11:51  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Oh Boi.

 Trump tax returns to be released by U.S. House panel on Friday

The documents to be released on Friday are expected to include Trump's tax returns filed between 2015 and 2021, the years he ran for and served as president.

- Full story via Reuters at https://PiQSuite.com/Suite/reuters/2022:newsml_KBN2TB0WF

28.12.2022 10:41:42  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Zitat von Lunovis

klassische Rechtsaussenkarriere.

Er kriegt den Sitz natürlich trotzdem und wird ihn behalten.
28.12.2022 11:02:35  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Lunovis 27.11.2007
er wurde ja gewählt
28.12.2022 11:05:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Ja, irgendjemand wurde gewählt. In der Wallstreet-Hundewelpen-Version.
28.12.2022 11:42:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Biden won’t speak freely near Secret Service and thinks agents lied about dog bite incident, book reveals

A new book claims president’s trust in the agents who protect him has been frayed by the agency’s destruction of text messages sought by the House January 6 select committee

28.12.2022 18:40:53  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Trump Tax Returns Released by House Democrats

This is a developing story. Times reporters are reviewing thousands of pages of documents. Check back for updates.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von -=Q=- 8-BaLL am 30.12.2022 15:17]
30.12.2022 15:16:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP steamed 03.11.2022
Bester Tag des Jahres.
30.12.2022 15:26:52  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bombur 24.06.2010
Zitat von steamed

Bester Tag des Jahres.

Wurde auch Zeit.
30.12.2022 16:48:25  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Hat jemand einen nicht Paywall Link? peinlich/erstaunt
30.12.2022 16:59:02  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Nighty 11.04.2020
Zitat von Peniskuh

Hat jemand einen nicht Paywall Link? peinlich/erstaunt

Guten Rutsch!
30.12.2022 17:09:35  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von Nighty

Zitat von Peniskuh

Hat jemand einen nicht Paywall Link? peinlich/erstaunt

Guten Rutsch!

Ich küsse deine Augapfel
30.12.2022 20:53:31  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Nighty 11.04.2020
When a new Congress convenes on Tuesday, lawmakers will do what they have done for centuries: elect a speaker.

But for the first time in exactly 100 years, that election may not be decided on the first ballot—and may not be settled by the day’s end.

That’s because, just hours before the roll is called, Speaker-elect Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) doesn’t appear to have the votes. At least not yet. And barring a dramatic resolution in the closing hours, Tuesday’s vote could be the most chaotic in the modern history of the chamber.

For months, there have been five hard no votes against him—the “Never Kevins”—who have committed to voting as a bloc. But on top of those five—which would already be enough to stymie McCarthy if everyone voted—there are nine votes that appear to be leaning against McCarthy.

That group of nine, led by Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), argued in a letter this weekend that McCarthy has not met their demands for proposed rule changes.

“Thus far, there continue to be missing specific commitments with respect to virtually every component of our entreaties,” the group wrote on Sunday.

“Nothing changes when nothing changes, and that must start from the top,” one of the signees, Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), tweeted. “Time to make the change or get out of the way.”

Getting out of the way is more complicated than Perry suggests. In contrast to the five members who are “Never Kevin,” there are dozens of Republicans who’ve declared themselves “Only Kevin,” meaning they will only vote for McCarthy to be speaker—or so they say.



After a mob stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, a top aide to Ivanka Trump and presidential adviser Hope Hicks fumed about tweets posted by supermodel Karlie Kloss, the wife of Jared Kushner’s brother.

That’s according to text messages released by the House’s Jan. 6 committee—which also reveal the aide, Julie Radford, and Hicks were worried that the insurrection would destroy their reputations.

After the riot, Kloss took to Twitter to write: “Accepting the results of a legitimate democratic election is patriotic. Refusing to do so and inciting violence is anti-American.” She also responded to a Twitter user who encouraged her to “tell your sister-in-law and brother-[in]-law” by replying, “I’ve tried.”

The newly released texts show that Hicks flagged the Kloss tweets for Radford, who responded, “Unreal. She just called me about it.”

Hicks then texted back: “I am so done” and added, “Does she get how royally fucked they all are now?”
“And all of us that didn’t have jobs lined up will be perpetually unemployed,” she continued. “I’m so mad and upset. We all look like domestic terrorists now.”

03.01.2023 7:53:33  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Nighty 11.04.2020
Es wird immer dümmer:

Vor ziemlich genau zwei Jahren stürmte ein Mob das US-Kapitol – nun steht die Arbeit des Untersuchungsausschusses zu dem versuchten Staatsstreich vor dem Abschluss. In den von dem Gremium veröffentlichten Dokumenten findet sich ebenso Ungeheuerliches wie Abenteuerliches zu Donald Trumps Versuch, trotz seiner Wahlniederlage gegen Joe Biden an der Macht zu bleiben.

Nun hat der Aussschuss »eine enorme Menge« an Dokumenten an das Justizministerium weitergeleitet, die Trumps Verstrickung in die Attacke belegen sollen. Die »New York Times« zitiert ausführlich aus den Unterlagen.

Demnach hatte Trump vor, aus der Niederlage bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen finanzielles Kapital zu schlagen. Der Ex-Präsident verbreitet seit seiner Niederlage die erwiesene Lüge, die Wahlen seien gefälscht und er sei um den Sieg betrogen worden. Trump wiederholte x-fach den Ausdruck »rigged election« (»gefälschte Wahl«). Aus den Dokumenten geht nun hervor, dass er sich diese Worte als Markenzeichen sichern wollte.

Konkret bezieht sich der Ausschuss auf einen Mail-Verlauf zwischen Trumps Schwiegersohn Jared Kushner und Dan Scavino hervor, damals stellvertretender Stabschef im Weißen Haus. Scavino soll Kushner über die Anfrage Trumps informiert haben und gefragt haben, wo man so ein Markenzeichen sichere. Kushner habe dann die Mail an andere weitergeleitet mit der Bitte: »Leute, können wir das so schnell wie möglich machen?«

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Nighty am 03.01.2023 11:31]
03.01.2023 11:31:32  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Zitat von Nighty

When a new Congress convenes on Tuesday, lawmakers will do what they have done for centuries: elect a speaker.

But for the first time in exactly 100 years, that election may not be decided on the first ballot—and may not be settled by the day’s end.

That’s because, just hours before the roll is called, Speaker-elect Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) doesn’t appear to have the votes. At least not yet. And barring a dramatic resolution in the closing hours, Tuesday’s vote could be the most chaotic in the modern history of the chamber.

For months, there have been five hard no votes against him—the “Never Kevins”—who have committed to voting as a bloc. But on top of those five—which would already be enough to stymie McCarthy if everyone voted—there are nine votes that appear to be leaning against McCarthy.

That group of nine, led by Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), argued in a letter this weekend that McCarthy has not met their demands for proposed rule changes.

“Thus far, there continue to be missing specific commitments with respect to virtually every component of our entreaties,” the group wrote on Sunday.

“Nothing changes when nothing changes, and that must start from the top,” one of the signees, Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), tweeted. “Time to make the change or get out of the way.”

Getting out of the way is more complicated than Perry suggests. In contrast to the five members who are “Never Kevin,” there are dozens of Republicans who’ve declared themselves “Only Kevin,” meaning they will only vote for McCarthy to be speaker—or so they say.


03.01.2023 17:34:21  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Wraith of Seth

Hey, vielleicht kommt jetzt endlich die gelegentliche, kurze Phase einer Drei-Parteien-Landschaft bevor eine davon wieder in der Versenkung des Mehrheitswahlrechts verschwindet. Breites Grinsen

I am not a smart man, but I know what love is.
03.01.2023 17:37:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Delta 06.10.2019
Glaube ich wenn ichs sehe... woher soll diese dritte Partei denn kommen?
03.01.2023 19:37:43  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
No speaker vote has failed on the first ballot since 1923.

They're still voting...but 18 House GOPers so far have voted for Speaker candidates other than McCarthy -- he could only afford to lose 4

03.01.2023 19:38:21  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Randbauer 08.07.2015
Gibt es einen livestream für diese Shitshow?
03.01.2023 19:43:02  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
ZB bei NYT
03.01.2023 19:43:53  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Amateur Cain
Zitat von Randbauer

Gibt es einen livestream für diese Shitshow?

03.01.2023 19:46:12  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Randbauer 08.07.2015
03.01.2023 19:47:20  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL

Jeffries: 212
McCarthy: 203
Biggs: 10
Jordan: 6
Banks: 1
Zeldin: 1
Donalds: 1


03.01.2023 19:48:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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 Thema: Der Biden-Thread ( USA Staffel 2 )
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