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 Thema: Ukraine Krieg - News Thread
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Finnland ist (quasi) drin, fehlt nur noch Schweden jetzt.

Türkisches Parlament stimmt für Finnlands Nato-Beitritt | SpOn

Für Finnland ist die Aufnahme in die Nato nur noch Formsache. Das türkische Parlament hat der Erweiterung des Verteidigungsbündnisses zugestimmt. Das meldete die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur Anadolu. Die Türkei war das letzte der 30 Nato-Mitgliedsländer, dessen Zustimmung zur finnischen Nato-Mitgliedschaft noch ausstand.

Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan hatte am Freitag nach monatelangen Verzögerungen grünes Licht für den Nato-Beitritt Finnlands gegeben. Am Montag ratifizierte Ungarn den Schritt.



31.03.2023 4:32:58  Zum letzten Beitrag
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homer is alive

AUP homer is alive 14.03.2022
Kriegsblogger und Ultranationalist Tatarskij wurde höchstwahrscheinlich Opfer eines Anschlags


E/ habe die Diskussion im anderen Thread nicht gesehen :/
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von homer is alive am 03.04.2023 7:49]
03.04.2023 7:46:55  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Nighty 11.04.2020
Nur wenige Wochen nach dem Beginn des russischen Angriffskrieges gegen die Ukraine trat Robert Habeck bei einer eilig einberufenen Pressekonferenz in Berlin vor die Kameras. Der Bundeswirtschaftsminister schätzt die freie Rede. Nun aber zog er seine Brille auf, schaute sehr ernst und las vom Blatt ab. "Ich möchte Sie heute über eine rechtliche Anordnung informieren", so der Grünen-Politiker Anfang April vergangenen Jahres. Der Staat werde die Gazprom Germania, das deutsche Tochterunternehmen von Russlands Gas-Giganten, unter die treuhänderische Verwaltung der Bundesnetzagentur stellen.

Und so wurden vom Bund offenbar auch Mitarbeiter übernommen, die in deutschen Sicherheitsbehörden als potenzielles Risiko gesehen werden. Nach Recherchen des WDR standen bereits im vergangenen Jahr mehrere Beschäftigte der verstaatlichten Nachfolgegesellschaft im Verdacht, mit russischen Geheimdiensten in Verbindung zu stehen. Das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) soll sich entsprechende Personen dann genauer angesehen haben - auch, weil die Beschäftigten offenbar über Zugang zu vertraulich eingestuften Dokumenten zur deutschen Energieversorgung verfügten.

Insbesondere eine Person, die im Unternehmen unter anderem für Sicherheit und Datenschutz zuständig gewesen sein soll, soll nach Erkenntnissen deutscher Sicherheitsbehörden im Verdacht stehen, über beste Kontakte zum Kreml zu verfügen.

Eine Sprecherin des Unternehmens, das nach der Verstaatlichung in "Sefe - Securing Energy for Europe" umbenannt wurde, erklärte auf Anfrage, offiziell habe es zu keinem Zeitpunkt Informationen zu möglichen geheimdienstlichen Aktivitäten zu oben genannter Person gegeben. Konkret zu der Person befragt, erklärt das Unternehmen: "Inoffiziellen Hinweisen ist Sefe nachgegangen und hat geeignete Maßnahmen zum Schutz sensibler Informationen ergriffen. Sefe steht zu inoffiziellen Hinweisen in engem Austausch mit den zuständigen Sicherheitsbehörden. Konkrete Anzeichen für mögliche Aktivitäten liegen Sefe nicht vor und wurden auch von den Behörden nicht bestätigt."

03.04.2023 8:34:41  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Slovakian MiG-29 jets sent to Ukraine sabotaged by Russian technicians

Slovakian MiG-29 fighter jets given to Ukraine are faulty and can’t fly combat missions because Russian technicians sabotaged them, Slovakia’s defence minister has said....

10.04.2023 17:18:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Nighty 11.04.2020
The man behind a massive leak of U.S. secrets was an employee on an unidentified military base who regularly ranted about “government overreach,” members of an online Discord server he controlled told The Washington Post. The man, identified only as “OG” by his fellow Discord users, was the unchallenged leader of the server, portraying himself as “fit,” “strong,” “trained,” and “just about everything you can expect out of some sort of crazy movie,” one member said. OG reportedly also seemed to harbor dark beliefs about deep-rooted government corruption, once sharing on the server a baseless conspiracy theory that the government had had advance notice of a mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, but chose not to act. He also began dumping hand-typed transcripts of classified intelligence documents on the server—several a week beginning late last year, according to the Post—and “got upset” when other users didn’t interact with them to his liking. In early April, a day before The New York Times first reported that the documents had leaked to the wider internet, OG came onto the server unusually “frantic,” the member said. “He said something had happened, and he prayed to God that this event would not happen… But now it’s in God’s hands.”



The depth of the infighting inside the Russian government appears broader and deeper than previously understood, judging from a newly discovered cache of classified intelligence documents that has been leaked online.

The additional documents, which did not surface in a 53-page set that came to wide public attention online last week, paint a picture of the Russian government feuding over the count of the dead and wounded in the Ukraine war, with the domestic intelligence agency accusing the military of obscuring the scale of casualties that Russia has suffered.

The new batch, which contains 27 pages, reinforces how deeply American spy agencies have penetrated nearly every aspect of the Russian intelligence apparatus and military command structure. It also shows that the breach of American intelligence agencies could contain far more material than previously understood.

In one document, American intelligence officials say that Russia’s main domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Security Service, or F.S.B., has “accused” the country’s Defense Ministry “of obfuscating Russian casualties in Ukraine.” The finding highlights “the continuing reluctance of military officials to convey bad news up the chain of command,” they say.



Residents of Russia’s Bryansk region say local authorities orchestrated a massive cover-up to conceal the fact that the war has come to Russian territory and they can’t do anything to stop it.

The independent outlet Verstka on Wednesday published interviews with several residents who say a Russian border guard was killed last week when the governor claimed to have fended off a Ukrainian attack.

“Even the local newspaper wrote that there were no fatalities. There was not a word about the death, but more than a thousand people came to the funeral,” Tatyana Pashechko was quoted saying of her brother, Sergei Listratenko.

Listratenko was reportedly killed by a mine after locals were told “Ukrainian nationalists” launched an unsuccessful attack. Pashechko said she believes local officials are trying to hide her brother’s death to prevent panic.

But many residents are already panicking, and three different villages got together earlier this week to vent their frustrations at a public gathering, Verstka reports.

After apparently shrugging their shoulders as Russian forces spent more than a year bombing Ukrainian civilians, some residents complained to the local paper that they now feel like targets.

“What if they come at night? We’ll all be killed,” one woman was quoted saying.

13.04.2023 8:07:24  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP zapedusa 25.10.2015
Kreml-Forderungen auf „Friedensdemos“: Russische Führung will offenbar Querfront aus AfD und Wagenknecht-Lager

Die „Washington Post“ konnte Dokumente einsehen, die zwischen Juli und November entstanden und in deren Besitz ein europäischer Nachrichtendienst gekommen war. Details seien von Vertretern westlicher Regierungen bestätigt worden. Zu den Autorinnen des Textes in der US-Zeitung gehört die Journalistin Catherine Belton, die als eine der besten Kennerinnen der Kreml-Elite gilt.

Dass Kirijenko selbst das Gespräch leitete, zeigt, welche Bedeutung der Kreml dem Vorhaben beimisst. Er gab den Gästen eine klare Zielvorgabe mit auf den Weg: Der Anteil der Deutschen, die das Verhältnis zu Russland verbessern wollten, solle innerhalb von drei Monaten um zehn Prozent steigen.

Dabei setzte der Kreml auf diejenigen, die in der deutschen Debatte bereits seit längerer Zeit durch prorussische Töne aufgefallen waren: die AfD und das Wagenknecht-Lager. In Moskau geht man davon aus, dass eine neue politische Kraft aus beiden Lagern Mehrheiten bei Wahlen erreichen könnte, und zwar „auf jeder Ebene“.

Dort will Niemeyer auch mit Putin-Sprecher Peskow über dessen Interesse an einem Bündnis von Wagenknecht und der AfD gesprochen haben. Tatsächlich traf Niemeyer in Russland mit Peskow und anderen hochrangigen Gesprächspartnern zusammen, was angesichts der Tatsache, dass ihn in Deutschland niemand ernst nimmt, höchst ungewöhnlich ist. Die nun bekannt gewordenen Informationen lassen diese Treffen nun in anderem Licht erscheinen.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von zapedusa am 21.04.2023 16:18]
21.04.2023 16:12:04  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Lunovis 27.11.2007
Die Politik des zusammengeschlagenen Hufeisens, sollte man mal einführen.
21.04.2023 16:19:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Halt Stop, so verdreckt kommst du mir nicht in die Panzerhaubitze! Zieh gefälligst Hausschuhe an!

Ukraine Wants to Push Forward. Not So Fast, Says Its Black Soupy Mud. | NYT

The unusually wet ground is one obstacle that the Ukrainian military, for all of its ingenuity, is finding difficult to overcome as it prepares for a counteroffensive against Russian forces.

Russian artillery also occasionally get stuck, but because of its metal, claw-like tracks, the Peony actually performs better in muddy conditions. The [PzH 2000] delivered to the Ukrainian unit have rubber treads that are better for flat, hard surfaces, troops said.

In the right conditions, the Panzer is fast and maneuverable, allowing soldiers to fire off a few rounds and then scoot away before the Russian side returns fire. A howitzer commander who uses the call sign Boychik said it was “like the difference between a Zhiguli and a Mercedes,” referring to a cheap, Soviet-era car.

But the howitzer is also delicate. Its sensitive electronics go haywire when exposed to moisture or dirt. The soldiers have to put on special booties or slippers when they go inside to avoid tracking in mud, and each vehicle comes with its own vacuum cleaner. In Germany, soldiers said, the howitzers had their own climate-controlled garages where they were stored when not in use — conditions clearly not available on the Ukrainian battlefield.

“The Panzer really loves cleanliness,” said Mykola, a young artillery commander. He and his men were struggling to clean out the barrel of their mud-encrusted howitzer with a long metal brush like a chimney sweep. “If you fire off two full loads of ammunition, you need to spend a day servicing it,” he added.

On the battlefield, the Panzers have performed well so far, the muddy conditions notwithstanding. The day before they were called to their rear base because of the weather, Mykola said his team had scored two direct hits on a Russian tank and taken out some infantry.

Gesetzentwurf zur Munitionsbeschaffung: Notfalls mit Zwang | SpOn

Die EU-Kommission will Rüstungsunternehmen in der EU künftig per Gesetz verpflichten können, Munition an Mitgliedsländer statt an Staaten außerhalb der EU zu liefern. Das ist nach SPIEGEL-Informationen Teil eines Gesetzesvorschlags, den die Kommission am Mittwoch beschließen will. Damit will die EU-Behörde sicherstellen, die Ukraine schnellstmöglich mit dringend benötigter Munition versorgen zu können.

Dem Vorschlag zufolge soll der Mechanismus greifen, wenn es zu »Engpässen bei kritischen Verteidigungsgütern, die die Sicherheit der EU beeinträchtigen können« kommt. Die Kommission soll Unternehmen dann dazu verpflichten können, Bestellungen aus EU-Ländern vorrangig zu bedienen – und Lieferungen an Nicht-EU-Länder zu verschieben oder zu streichen.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 03.05.2023 4:35]
03.05.2023 4:32:25  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Nighty 11.04.2020
Zwei Männer mit weit ins Gesicht gezogenen Schals wollen offensichtlich nicht erkannt werden. Auf den Fotos, die vor wenigen Wochen in sozialen Netzwerken auftauchten, strecken beide den rechten Arm zum Hitlergruß in die Höhe. An einem Zaun daneben hängt ein Banner mit der ukrainischen Flagge und in englischer Sprache der Spruch: "Erdogan, das Erdbeben ist eine große Rache für die russischen Touristen! Alanya als nächstes!" Alanya ist ein bei russischen Touristen beliebter Urlaubsort in der Türkei.

Die Fotos sollen in Paris gemacht worden sein und angeblich ukrainische Aktivisten zeigen: Am 05. März, gegen 8 Uhr morgens, angeblich am Place Saint-Pierre im 18. Arrondissement. Bei Facebook, Telegram, Youtube und TikTok finden sich zahlreiche Fotos und Videos davon. Andere Aufnahmen zeigen, wie angeblich an anderer Stelle in Paris die Kopie einer türkischen Flagge verbrannt wird. Außerdem gibt es Fotos von Graffitis mit Slogans wie "Stop Erdogan", "Alanya Next" oder "Stop Islam".

In Papieren, die WDR, NDR und "Süddeutsche Zeitung" mit internationalen Medienpartnern auswerten konnten, wird beschrieben, wie eine solche Fake-Aktion ablaufen soll. Die Papiere wurden dem Londoner "Dossier Center" zugespielt, einem vom Kreml-Kritiker Michail Chodorkowski finanzierten Recherchezentrum.

Die Strategiepapiere sollen aus dem russischen Sicherheitsapparat stammen und in diesem Jahr verfasst worden sein. Darin heißt es, fünf maskierte Menschen sollten an solchen Provokationen teilnehmen, Videoaufnahmen davon an türkische Medien verschicken und in sozialen Netzwerken verbreiten. Auch "zugängliche Städte" werden aufgelistet, in denen solche Aktionen den gewünschten Effekt erzielen könnten: Paris, Den Haag, Brüssel, Frankfurt am Main.

Es wirkt wie das Drehbuch für eine Operation, bei der es augenscheinlich darum geht, Konflikte und Streit innerhalb der NATO zu anzuheizen. Die Vorgehensweise wird in der europäischen Sicherheitscommunity mit großer Sorge beobachtet. Denn tatsächlich sollen derartige von Moskau gesteuerte Fake-Proteste bereits stattgefunden haben. Ziel der vermeintlich anti-türkischen oder anti-muslimischen Proteste durch angebliche Ukrainer ist es offenbar, den türkischen Präsidenten Recep Tayyip Erdogan dazu zu bringen, die Unterstützung für die Ukraine zurückzufahren und den angestrebten NATO-Beitritt Schwedens zu verhindern.

07.05.2023 20:58:04  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Why Russian Élites Think Putin’s War Is Doomed to Fail | New Yorker

We tend to equate Putin’s regime with Putin himself. It is often heard that if Putin disappears, his regime will fall. However, I caution against this assumption, as the regime may prove to be more resilient, drawn-out, and potentially radical than Putin himself. It depends on the circumstances of Putin’s departure, but in my opinion his regime may outlive him. This is not just due to natural reasons related to age and health but also because of the way the war has drastically changed the domestic situation in Russia.

Putin, who was once a strong leader with a clear plan, vision, and resources to secure the state’s stability, now appears misinformed, hesitant. He is failing to provide a reassuring strategy for how Russia will get out of this crisis.

Über den radikalen und sich weiter radikalisierenden Teil der russischen Eliten:

The second segment, which we can call “patriots,” represents a visible and sometimes loud mainstream. They have their own manifold agendas and conservative ideology that are much more radical than Putin’s. We are talking about the heads of the security services; United Russia, the ruling party; those mentioned above, such as Prigozhin; and military correspondents. Unlike the first segment, they have their own diverse recipes for how to get out of the crisis, how to deal with Ukraine, and how to arrange things in domestic policy and the economy. Many of them stand for martial law, total mobilization, putting the economy on a war footing, and a harsher approach to internal “enemies” and “traitors.” Many of them are simply opportunists, existing only to please Putin, guess and meet his needs, and demonstrate their political value.

They are incrementally dragging the country into a more repressive state. The radicalization of domestic policy gains its own momentum and has not been deliberately organized from a single, united center of decision-making. This has even become a headache for domestic-policy overseers who have to figure out how to hold down “patriots” and lower their eagerness. All this repression and tightening of screws that we saw before and especially during the war are the result of internal bureaucratic and political cacophony. There isn’t a particular decision-making center in the hypothetical “Kremlin” where a limited group of people meet to decide in advance who to prosecute, sentence, or arrest. Instead, this repressive process is decentralized, involving many players—although with a dominant role for the F.S.B. Most high-profile cases are of course to be agreed with Putin (who is usually informed after the fact), but not all the cases. This trend has gained momentum and is progressing independently of Putin’s intentions, which are in any case pro-repression, particularly as he delegates these decisions.

Über die normale Gesellschaft:

As a result, we have a picture of Russian society that is predominantly pro-war, loyal to the authorities, and far from protesting. However, this is not necessarily due to positive support for Putin but, rather, a rational choice to lean on the state as the most capable political institution to protect against perceived external threats that a significant portion of Russian society believes are out to destroy Russia.

Now, as the Kremlin increasingly adopts a public strategy of portraying Russia as a victim, the greater the perceived external threat, the more societal support the authorities will receive. The Kremlin effectively exploits these fears by promoting an ultra-patriotic state ideology, a cult of state, and by reintroducing elements of Soviet ideology and institutions. This leads to an increase in mass denunciations and an atmosphere of intolerance toward any hint of anti-war sentiment.

This trend also signifies a creeping militarization of society, which in turn intimidates the élites and leaves no room for any form of disagreement. In my view, the problem with the Russian regime is not that it may collapse from within but that it could transform into something monstrous—ruthless, inhumane, with pervasive digital control and a reign of fear. This is because the price of conceding, especially for élites, would mean the end of Russia as it is currently known.

Über die Sanktionen:

While I acknowledge that sanctions are having an effect, they are not functioning as expected. One should not count on a coup, the rise of anti-Putin opposition, or the appearance of anti-war sentiments. Instead, the sanctions will push the regime to transform itself into its darkest state, create grounds for miscalculations, and decrease the competency of the bureaucracy, leading to irrational, mistaken choices. Together with the impossibility of winning the war as planned in the beginning, sanctions doom the regime to end badly.

I understand that you may ask how and when, but I don’t have an answer. It could take a long time, with a slow transition from Putin’s regime to institutional Putinism-without-Putin until the first serious internal crisis. There are many scenarios for how the situation may develop, including the speed of changes, the level of violence, or the nature of upheaval (whether it will come from élites or society). However, the current sanctions provide no path for this type of regime to turn back, to stop the war or consider genuine peace talks; it can only lead to further domestic degradation. It’s not so much about the emergence of anti-Putin opposition as it is about the deterioration of decision-making quality and self-destruction. But even in this regard, one should not be too optimistic, as the regime is quick to learn from its mistakes and adapt to unforeseen consequences.

08.05.2023 1:21:03  Zum letzten Beitrag
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[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von [KDO2412]Mr.Jones am 08.05.2023 7:21]
08.05.2023 6:59:37  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP zapedusa 25.10.2015

Putins Rede ab 15:14
09.05.2023 11:12:01  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Zitat von zapedusa


Putins Rede ab 15:14


Ach fck hier ist ja News

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Martina am 09.05.2023 22:29]
09.05.2023 17:03:53  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Nighty 11.04.2020
May 9 (Reuters) - Britain is set to formally classify Russian mercenary force Wagner Group as a terrorist organisation, which would impose financial sanctions and other penalties, as a way of increasing pressure on Russia, The Times newspaper reported on Tuesday.

Wagner mercenaries have spearheaded Russia's months-long assault on the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut.

The Home Office has been building a case for two months and proscription was "imminent" within weeks, the newspaper reported, citing a government source.

If enacted, it would be a criminal offence to belong to Wagner, attend its meetings, encourage support for it or carry its logo in public, The Times said.

The designation would also impose financial sanctions on the group, and there would be implications for Wagner's ability to raise money if any funds went through British financial institutions, the newspaper added.

10.05.2023 8:45:37  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Lunovis 27.11.2007
Wurde auch langsam Zeit.
11.05.2023 7:53:12  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
The Graveyard of Command Posts

What Chornobaivka Should Teach Us about Command and Control in Large-Scale Combat Operations

In Ukraine, the village of Chornobaivka is legendary. Songs are written about it. Throughout 2022, the small town and its airfield on the outskirts of Kherson were a meatgrinder for Russian forces. From its original occupation in February to its liberation in November, Ukrainian strikes rained down with a precision and lethality rarely seen in war and allowed a scrappy defender to take down a regional leviathan.
Patriotic enthusiasm aside, closer inspection of this hard-won victory reveals that lurking beneath the wreckage of Russian ambitions in the Kherson Oblast is a warning about the vulnerability of legacy command posts that the United States and its allies would do well to heed.

The story of Chornobaivka is one of relentless assault on command and control characterized by a systematic attack on Russian command posts at scale and across all tactical echelons. Over the span of eight months, the Ukrainian fires strike complex successfully attacked the [Russian headquarter] over twenty-two separate times.
These attacks significantly degraded the Russians’ ability to plan and conduct coordinated operations on the western side of the Dnieper River. The loss of effective command and control sapped Russian momentum and prevented consolidation of gains, which ultimately led to their expulsion.


Limiting this problem to failures in Russian military leadership ignores the fact that technologies and capabilities exist today that can enable and deliver devasting effects on command and control. Potential adversaries, including China, have made attacking our command-and-control systems a stated objective.
Specifically, command posts are targeted because they have become easily targetable. Contemporary tented command posts—with their radio frequency emitting antennas, dozens of generators and vehicles, and extensive support requirements—are easily targetable to even the untrained eye. During large-scale combat operations, these command posts can be easily seen by an ever-expanding array of sensors and just as easily struck by complementary effects throughout the depth and breadth of the battlefield. For anything as ostentatious as a modern command post, no true sanctuary exists.
While we may be quick to point fingers at the Russians, Western command posts have significant challenges with survivability.

12.05.2023 8:43:31  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Die Schweiz will sich von ihrer strikten Neutralität bei Waffenlieferungen verabschieden.

13.05.2023 6:54:56  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Nighty 11.04.2020
Last August, Oleg Patsulya, a Russian citizen living near Miami, emailed a Russian airline that had been cut off from Western technology and materials with a tempting offer.

He could help circumvent the global sanctions imposed on Rossiya Airlines after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by shuffling the aircraft parts and electronics that it so desperately needed through a network of companies based in Florida, Turkey and Russia.

“In light of the sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation, we have been successfully solving challenges at hand,” Mr. Patsulya wrote, according to a criminal complaint filed Friday with the U.S. District Court in Arizona.

Mr. Patsulya and his business partner were arrested Thursday on charges of violating U.S. export controls and international money laundering in a case that illustrates the global networks that are trying to help Russia bypass the most expansive technological controls in history.

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the United States has acted in partnership with nearly 40 other governments to impose sanctions on Russia, including limits on Moscow’s access to weapons, computer chips, aircraft parts and other products needed to fuel its economy and its war. The sanctions also applied to Russian airlines including Aeroflot, its subsidiary Rossiya and others.

But despite these far-reaching sanctions, thousands of shipments of aircraft parts were successfully sent into Russia last year, according to a trove of Russian customs data obtained by The New York Times.

The data, which was compiled and analyzed by Import Genius, a U.S.-based trade data aggregator, shows that tens of millions of dollars of aircraft parts were sent to Russian airlines explicitly sanctioned by the Biden administration, including to Rossiya Airlines, Aeroflot, Ural Airlines, S7 Airlines, Utair Aviation and Pobeda Airlines.

15.05.2023 15:27:16  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
‘In a lot of the world, the clock has hit midnight’: China is calling in loans to dozens of countries from Pakistan to Kenya | Fortune

A dozen poor countries are facing economic instability and even collapse under the weight of hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign loans, much of them from the world’s biggest and most unforgiving government lender, China.

An Associated Press analysis of a dozen countries most indebted to China — including Pakistan, Kenya, Zambia, Laos and Mongolia — found paying back that debt is consuming an ever-greater amount of the tax revenue needed to keep schools open, provide electricity and pay for food and fuel. And it’s draining foreign currency reserves these countries use to pay interest on those loans, leaving some with just months before that money is gone.

Behind the scenes is China’s reluctance to forgive debt and its extreme secrecy about how much money it has loaned and on what terms, which has kept other major lenders from stepping in to help.

In the past under such circumstances, big government lenders such as the U.S., Japan and France would work out deals to forgive some debt, with each lender disclosing clearly what they were owed and on what terms so no one would feel cheated.

But China didn’t play by those rules. It refused at first to even join in multinational talks, negotiating separately with Zambia and insisting on confidentiality that barred the country from telling non-Chinese lenders the terms of the loans and whether China had devised a way of muscling to the front of the repayment line.

China’s unwillingness to take big losses on the hundreds of billions of dollars it is owed, as the International Monetary Fund and World Bank have urged, has left many countries on a treadmill of paying back interest, which stifles the economic growth that would help them pay off the debt.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 21.05.2023 4:14]
21.05.2023 4:13:50  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Ein großer Damm, der das Atomkraftwerk Saporischschja mit Wasser versorgt, wurde gesprengt.

Zahlreiche Dörfer drohen überflutet zu werden.

06.06.2023 7:09:39  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Falls der Krieg ein bisschen abstrakt geworden ist

07.06.2023 19:02:34  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Tiefkühlpizza 09.02.2022

Interessante Analyse der aktuellen Situation aus rein militärischer Sicht.
08.06.2023 18:59:13  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Nighty 11.04.2020
Destroyed apartments, burnt-out cars, lives upturned or extinguished altogether: Russia’s June 13 missile attack on the city of Kryvyi Rih was, in many ways, nothing out of the ordinary for wartime Ukraine.

The evening after the attack, which killed 13 civilians, President Volodymyr Zelensky came out in his daily address with a message of frustration: One of the missiles used in the attack had “around 50 components,” primarily microelectronics, produced outside of Russia.

On the same evening, President’s Office Head Andrii Yermak provided more details on Twitter: The missile used in the attack was a Kh-101 cruise missile, not from old stocks, but manufactured only two months earlier.

In that context, Russia’s almost daily missile and drone barrage against Ukraine over May and early June, most of which was targeted at Kyiv, seemed like an unsustainable policy for Moscow.

Now, according to a Ukrainian internal document shared with the ambassadors of G7 member states and viewed by the Kyiv Independent, Ukrainian estimates have shifted, foreseeing a steady increase in Russian long-range missile production over the rest of 2023.

The primary reason this is possible is the uninterrupted supply of microchips and other high-tech components manufactured by semiconductor giants in the U.S., Europe, and Japan.

The document lists a slew of Western-built chips in each of the main high-precision cruise and ballistic missiles regularly used against Ukraine. Many of the manufacturers listed are known to have had their components used in these weapons as early as last summer.

22.06.2023 7:36:38  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Prigoschin/Wagner 101

24.06.2023 20:48:27  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Shit traurig

Zahlreiche Leopard-Panzer endeten im Minenfeld

Demnach wurden bis zu 25 Panzer und andere Fahrzeuge bei der Durchquerung des Minenfelds innerhalb weniger Minuten durch Minenexplosionen und Drohnenangriffe aus der Luft zerstört: 17 Truppenwagen vom Typ M-2, vier Leopard 2A6-Panzer, drei Minenräumfahrzeuge des Modells Leopard 2R und ein Pionierpanzer vom Typ Wisent. Informationen des Wirtschaftsmagazins "Forbes" zufolge büßt Kiew damit die Kampfkraft eines ganzen Bataillons ein.

30.06.2023 19:00:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Bregor 17.01.2013
Zitat von Almi

Nö, Originalquelle von vor 3 Tagen hilft: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2023/06/27/25-tanks-and-fighting-vehicles-gone-in-a-blink-the-ukrainian-defeat-near-mala-tokmachka-was-worst-than-we-thought/

Es geht um die zusätzlichen Bradleys. Der t-online-Artikel hat das alles ziemlich verwurstet.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Bregor am 30.06.2023 20:20]
30.06.2023 20:20:06  Zum letzten Beitrag
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d.n.M. *TtC*

Diese Fahrzeuge haben echt ihre Bühne bekommen. Erst von den Russen Tag für Tag aus neuen Blickwinkeln präsentiert und jetzt dürfen die klassischen Medien auch noch einmal ran

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von d.n.M. *TtC* am 30.06.2023 20:34]
30.06.2023 20:33:28  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Strahlung-Alpha 19.09.2014
Bei dem Raketenangriff auf das Restaurant am 27.06. wurde auch die Schriftstellerin Victoria Amelina verletzt. Vier Tage später verstarb Sie aufgrund der schweren Verletzungen.
Neben zwei erfolgreichen Romanen schrieb Sie einige Kinderbücher Seit dem Überfall 2022 dokumentierte Sie russische Kriegsverbrechen. Sie sammelte Zeugenaussagen von Gewaltopfern und Überlebenden. Dabei fuhr sie immer wieder in die nähe der Front um dort auch mit den Kindern zu arbeiten. Noch im Juni präsentierte sie das Tagebuch des ermordeten ukrainischen Kinderbuchautors Wolodymyr Wakulenko. Demnächst erscheint ihr Buch War and Justice Diary: Looking at Women Looking at War.
Sie wurde 37 Jahre alt und hinterlässt ihren Ehemann und ihren elfjährigen Sohn.

Nachruf auf Victoria Amelina - Dieses Mal war sie die Eine
03.07.2023 23:48:30  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
Russia Has a New Gulag
Moscow has revived the Soviet-era labor camp.

Today, a new version of that same Gulag system is being reconstructed, especially for Ukrainians. Journalists, war-crimes investigators, and specialized groups such as the Reckoning Project have already documented arrests, murders, prisons, and torture chambers in Ukrainian territories under Russian occupation.
Slowly, it is becoming clear that these are not just ad hoc responses to Ukrainian resistance. They are part of a long-term plan: the construction of a sprawling system of camps and punishment colonies—a new Gulag. The Associated Press reported yesterday that it has evidence of at least 40 prison camps in Russia and Belarus, as well as 63 formal and informal prisons in occupied Ukraine, containing perhaps 10,000 Ukrainians. A few are prisoners of war: Gulagu.net, a Russian prison-monitoring group, has evidence of Ukrainian soldiers in Russian prisons who arrive without proper papers or POW status. But most of the Ukrainian prisoners are civilians who have been arrested or abducted in occupied territory.

As in the Gulag during its heyday, slave labor is one purpose of these camps. Some Ukrainians in captivity are being forced to dig trenches and build fortifications for Russian soldiers, and to dig mass graves. The Gulag was also designed to instill terror in the broader population, and the new camp system works that way too. Civilians are imprisoned and tortured for minor offenses—AP cites, as one example, the tying of a ribbon with Ukrainian colors to a bicycle—or sometimes for no reason at all. ...

Like the Soviet Gulag, the new Russian camp network is not temporary, and unless the Ukrainians can take back their territory, it will expand. AP has obtained a Russian document, dated this past January, that describes plans to build 25 new prison colonies and six detention centers in occupied Ukrainian territory by 2026. Like the Soviet Gulag, this system is chaotic and lawless. People have been condemned without trial. Their documents have been lost. Sometimes they are kept for no reason, or released for no reason. Their relatives receive no information about them and cannot find or contact them. Eventually, they may also be forced to the front lines.

... Anyone who wonders why the Ukrainians keep fighting, why they keep asking for more weapons, why they become frustrated by slow-moving transatlantic diplomacy, why they seem angry or “unreasonable,” should remember this: The Gulag was supposed to belong to the past. Now it belongs to the present. If Ukrainians don’t want it to be part of their future, they will have to physically remove these camps—and the people who run them—from Ukrainian land. Until they have succeeded, no help will ever be enough.

14.07.2023 20:46:14  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Tiefkühlpizza 09.02.2022
Neues Update des öster. Heers:

04.08.2023 8:54:20  Zum letzten Beitrag
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