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 Thema: Allgemeine Diskussion zum Ukraine Krieg
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AUP Troodon 20.12.2022
Zitat von Jellybaby

würde mich nicht wundern wenn das stimmt.

Scheint soweit auch zu stimmen. Da man sich bei dem Team von Volodymyr Zolkin melden soll, wenn man einen Gefangen hat.
Weil sie diesen Bonus selbst ausschütten. https://twitter.com/VolodymyrZolkin/status/1557816439033266177
Das Geld kommt auch laut seiner Aussage von den ganzen Spendern.

Ich kenne auch einige seiner Videos. Da unterhält er sich locker ca ne Stunde oder mehr mit den russischen Gefangenen.

Es ist ja auch so, dass man im Kampfeinsatz nicht immer die Möglichkeit hat Gefangene unterzubringen, bzw. diese jemanden an der Front anzuvertrauen damit er sie wegschafft.
Hörte ich auch bereits mehrere Male von den abgehörten Telefonaten der russischen Soldaten.
Auf ukrainischer Seite wird es gelegentlich wohl nicht anders sein.

Ob der Anreiz auf ukrainischer Seite so viel mehr bringt, wird man vielleicht später sehen.
12.08.2022 18:31:30  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Poliadversum 30.08.2012
Zitat von Troodon

Laut den Blogger Vladimir Zolkin gibt es für ukrainische Soldaten nun einen Bonus wenn sie feindliche Gefangene machen.

- für die sogenannten Soldaten der „Donezk und Luhansk Republiken“ – 200 $;
- ein Soldat der Russischen Föderation - 300 $;
- Unter Offizier - 400 $;
- leitender Offizier / Pilot - 500 $;
- Kadyrowez - 600 $.

Die Absicht dahinter ist es mehr tauschfähiges Material für die eigenen Leute in der Hinterhand zu haben und weniger Düngemittel.

Wie sollte n random Tschetschene mehr wert sein als n Pilot Mata halt...
12.08.2022 18:31:57  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Troodon 20.12.2022
Zitat von Poliadversum

Wie sollte n random Tschetschene mehr wert sein als n Pilot Mata halt...

Haha, also in seinem Video erklärte er, dass die Tschetschenen viel mehr daran interessiert sind ihre eigenen Leute zurück zu holen, als die Russen.
Von daher der höhere Preis. Breites Grinsen
12.08.2022 18:34:19  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Troodon 20.12.2022
"Weshalb ist mein Sohn bei der Spezialoperation unter Kugeln? Damit wenn er zurück kommt, er nichts zum wohnen hat?"

Und dann stürzt das auf dem Video zusehende Wohnhaus ein.
(So hörte man die Stimme im unkommentierten Video, die von den russischen Medien aktuell immer überspielt wird)

Das Wohngebäude steht in Omsk, mein Geburtsort.
Offizieller Grund für den Einsturz, Einwohner hätten in ihren Wohnungen Duschen in dafür ungeeigneten Räumen installiert.
(Unzumutbar in Russland des 21. Jahrhunderts)

Das Wohnhaus hab ich bei Google Street sogar finden können, mit einer Aufnahme vom Juli 2021.
Dort sah man bereits bedenkliche Schäden in der Ziegelsteinwand, um die sich klassischerweise in Russland nicht gekümmert wurde, bis nicht etwas passiert.
Ein Kind wurde übrigens in den Trümmern vermutet.

Und Russland will einem erzählen das sie die ukrainischen Städte wieder herrichten, die in diesem Krieg zerstört wurden.
Ja ne ist schon klar.
Und wenn die fertig sind, ist im russischen Hinterland alles auch ohne Krieg zusammengefallen?
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Troodon am 12.08.2022 19:26]
12.08.2022 19:24:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL

12.08.2022 19:53:21  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Poliadversum 30.08.2012
Zitat von Troodon

Zitat von Poliadversum

Wie sollte n random Tschetschene mehr wert sein als n Pilot Mata halt...

Haha, also in seinem Video erklärte er, dass die Tschetschenen viel mehr daran interessiert sind ihre eigenen Leute zurück zu holen, als die Russen.
Von daher der höhere Preis. Breites Grinsen

Okay das macht Sinn Breites Grinsen
12.08.2022 20:32:29  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014

Georgia 2008
Ukraine 2014
Syria 2015
Ukraine 2022…

We never faced down Putin, so he only became more brutal… We do NOT want to wait and find out what’s next.

Putin must LOSE his war!

https://twitter.com/TCG_CrisisRisks/status/1557959959354036224 | Thread Reader

Ukraine SITREP
1. Russian air/missile strikes continued yesterday and overnight, but were significantly reduced with no sign of any obvious retaliatory strikes for the Saki airbase attack this week. Russian air activity was also more subdued yesterday.


12. North of Donetsk fighting continues to increase and escalate with Russian forces attacking Pisky with TOS-1 thermobaric rockets yesterday. Russian forces also attacked Yakovlivka, but were repelled. Fighting continues in this region, but with no significant changes.

13. East of Zaporizhzhia Ukrainian forces conducted airforce SEAD operations against Russian artillery and command posts, with further moderate gains in their counteroffensive operations on the ground.

15. Ukrainian aircraft conducted numerous successful SEAD operations targeting artillery units and ADS.

16. Several bridges have now also been destroyed or damaged to prevent Russian resupply and reinforcements, isolating many units. Heavy shelling and airstrikes occurred in the north and around the Inhulets yesterday and last night and is ongoing this morning.


Russian forces shell the town of Pisky with TOS-1 thermobaric rockets


August 10 Assessment Highlight:

#Iran reportedly began training Russian forces on Iranian UAV systems in recent weeks, demonstrating the deepening military cooperation between Iran and #Russia.


A US official told @CNN that “Russian officials conducted training in Iran as part of the agreement for UAV transfers from Iran to Russia,” citing newly declassified US intelligence.

#Russia launched a satellite on Iran’s behalf on August 9, likely in exchange for the drones and other military equipment and economic collaboration. #Iran may leverage new Russo-Iranian aviation deals to transfer UAVs to Russia for use in Ukraine.

Russians have begun training on Iranian drones, US believes


Russians seize trillions of dollars worth of mineral deposits in Ukraine

More than 60% of coal deposits, 20% of gas deposits and more than 40% of metal deposits are concentrated in the occupied regions. The total value of $12.4 trillion.

📰 Washington Post


Mercenaries of the self-proclaimed "#Luhansk People's Republic" complain about their poor equipment.



Until now, Putin has been careful to leave Moscovites out of the war, sending only from poorest regions.

Now, Army has begun aggressively recruiting in Moscow.

$1900/month to go to Ukraine.

> Seems like they are still hesitant to directly call Muscovites into the war in Ukraine. Unlike other posters which directly asked to join forces going to Ukraine, this poster only advertises "job" in a reserve battalion, no mention of Ukraine or "special operation" at all.


One indicator that the Russian military is experiencing colossal, unexpected losses is that it's using old Soviet death notifications printed in 1974.


A gloomy Russian tells his wife about the hardships of war. He describes how artillery spotters screwed up leading to shelling of their own positions. Then proceeds to explain how few shells the Russian army can use, hilariously imitating various noises..


Crimean Bridge, Putin pouring every scrap of metal in the country into Ukraine.


UK promised, UK delivered! 🇺🇦🤝🇬🇧
More M270 MLRS arrived in Ukraine. Thanks to @BWallaceMP and all the 🇬🇧 people! Your support is amazing and so important for Ukraine. Our #UAarmy will skillfully use this "replenishment" at the battlefield.

P.S. More “gifts” will arrive soon.


Geberkonferenz sammelt mehr als 1,5 Milliarden Euro für Militärhilfen ein

Bei der Geberkonferenz in Kopenhagen zur Finanzierung militärischer Hilfen für die Ukraine sind nach Angaben des dänischen Verteidigungsministers Morten Bødskov mehr als anderthalb Milliarden Euro zusammengekommen. An der eintägigen Konferenz, die von Großbritannien und Dänemark ausgerichtet wurde, haben sich 26 Länder beteiligt.

Der ukrainische Verteidigungsminister Olexij Resnikow, der persönlich an der Konferenz in Kopenhagen teilnahm, sagte Journalisten, die Beschaffung von mehr Kampfflugzeugen habe für sein Land derzeit Priorität.

Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj hat in einer Videoschalte von den westlichen Ländern mehr Geld gefordert, um den Kampf des ukrainischen Militärs gegen den russischen Angriff zu unterstützen. "Je früher wir Russland stoppen, umso eher können wir uns sicher fühlen", sagte er per Videoschalte. Das Geld werde benötigt, um Waffen, Ausbildung und Minenräumung in seinem Land zu finanzieren.


Britain is on track to train more 🇺🇦 troops than it planned.

When asked if the UK could train more 🇺🇦 troops than the 10,000 by October as outlined, Defence Sec Ben Wallace said:”I think we're committed now to really going beyond that. We’re going to train more and for longer”


Denmark joins the drills: another 130 instructors will train Ukrainian servicemembers as part of a UK-led program.
Thanks to @Forsvarsmin and my 🇩🇰 colleague, Minister Morten Bødskov.
Step by step - to victory!


Norway joins 🇬🇧 🇳🇿 🇨🇦 🇫🇮 🇸🇪 🇩🇰 in program to train our military. We need our soldiers to get trained in the highest standards. By helping us our partners are investing in European security. Thanks 🇳🇴 & personally my colleague Bjørn Arild Gram for making the right decision @Forsvarsdep


Ukrainian strategic drone-bomber for carpet bombing 😳

James Vasquez ist wieder in der Ukraine:

Standing over watch while Ryan and the boys were sweeping for mines and we found plenty


When russians are under artillery attack all of them abandon their vehicles and run away.

When Ukrainians are under artillery attack one of them runs to the CAESAR to drive it to safety.
Russian Artillery/MRLS fire damaged a French CAESAR 155mm self-propelled howitzer during fighting, presumably in the East. The ammo was destroyed.

https://twitter.com/Ce_Moll/status/1556185278645157892 | Thread Reader

#Amnesty International

After workingthrough the reaction on the AI report below - observations:

1. looks like the meltdown of another NGO / Do-gooders group - crashing into a real war in Europe

2. unable to contextualize facts and give them the appropriate position in the overall picture
3. as experts indicate: insufficient knowledge of the chosen topic ( IHL/law of armed conflict)
4. marginal communication skills - CEO made pissy statement - since then - nothing
5. no anticipation that social media is part of the war fighting environment: Russia took the @amnesty report and turned it against Ukraine
6. unclear why @amnesty Ukraine office warnings have not been taken into account
6.1: head of this office declined
7. this meltdown seems similar to what we see currently in Germany and its peace politics:
A thought construct that, after getting in touch with harsh reality implodes: the end of a system that provided ideological home but also money - the peace industry
but also the beginning of a learning process
I am so shocked by the Amnesty meltdown, because in my student time as well as during research on warfare in many wars, they have been a key source.

I am fascinated by the development from a management perspective:
it implies so many things gone wrong on
1. choosing key personnel
2. organizing quality control
3. generating constructive criticism on strategy within the organisation
4. keeping organisation on course during a phase of tidal change in the operating environment


A name to remember. Donatella Rovera. Analyst for Amnesty. Involved in shaping anti-Ukrainian narratives there. Also interviewed in the CBS "documentary" stressing propaganda about Western weapons disappearing. Surprise, surprise, she also objects to Estonia defending itself.


Just in case you thought that @amnesty report was a one off mistake (however appalling) … they actually have a long track record of pronouncing nonsense on #Ukraine but also more generally.


> [Donatella] Rovera again - planting little seeds to undermine Ukraine wherever she can. Who would have thought self defence against a brutal aggressor would be so morally problematic for @amnesty.

https://twitter.com/ChrisO_wiki/status/1555964420932734977 | Thread Reader

The Italian journalist Cristiano Tinazzi @tincazzi, who's been reporting from Ukraine, has posted a long and informative eyewitness testimony of her experiences in Ukraine in response to @amnesty's controversial report on Ukrainian military tactics. English translation below.


more madness coming out of the @amnesty mess. it appears amnesty researchers mostly interviewed people who were "evacuated" to temporarily occupied territories. these people were threatened, lied to, and forcibly deported by russia. when does 'unethical' cross into criminal?


Looks like @amnesty is trying to get out of trouble, not by correcting the record, nor by firing its incompetent boss, nor by genuinely apologizing and changing in depth, but just by expressing partial regret.
Not acceptable. @amnesty is broken.
Better disband it. Not one cent.


BREAKING (not): @amnesty tried to apologize. In an email. On Sunday. And it’s not even on their website. Lousy attempt. For undermining Ukrainian Armed Forces and calling offended people ‘trolls’ @AgnesCallamard must resign.


I read the Amnesty "apology". Let me summarise.

"We're forced to make this apology because we're losing donations like crazy. At the same time, we insist we were right and have nothing to apologise for, even though we dont understand military or humanitarian law."


The co-founder of the Swedish branch of the human rights organization #Amnesty International, Per Vestberg, is resigning because of the scandalous report on the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He worked there for almost 60 years.


Russian representative at the UN Security council just quoted a recent @amnesty report to legitimise Russia's accusations that Ukrainian armed forces deliberately endanger civilians. Great job, @AgnesCallamard @DRovera!


Füllstand der #Gasspeicher in 🇩🇪:
Das Zwischenziel von 75 % wurde bereits am Mittwoch fast erreicht - 74,39 % (plus 0,62).
Speicher in Rehden ist zu 52,28 % gefüllt (jeden Tag plus 0,83) - erklärt Zuversicht von @BundeskanzlerScholz bei Versorgungssicherheit


Nur noch 1/3 der an 🇺🇦 gelieferten PzH2000 sind einsatzfähig. Das wirft kein gutes Licht auf 🇩🇪. Von Lieferungen anderer Staaten hört man solche Probleme nicht. Wir müssen mehr + zuverlässiger liefern – dazu gehören endlich auch (Schützen-/Kampf-)Panzer!


Der Einsatz in einem Gefecht hoher Intensität, mit einem bisher unbekannten, hoch komplexen Waffensystem und einer wsl nur rudimentär, im Rahmen der Möglichkeiten hinterlegten Anschlussversorgung, fordert den leider erwarteten Tribut. In DEU werden diese Geräte durch hochspezialisierte Waffensystemfeldwebel auf Meisterebene vor, während und nach der Nutzung geprüft, gewartet und instandgesetzt.
Die Haubitzen beweisen dennoch ihren enormen Einsatzwert. Ggf. wäre ein 1zu1 Tausch zielführend. Fehlende Verlässlichkeit ist das imho nicht.


From @FSwissmartini's timeline: a brilliant satire of Switzerland's love for blood money. Funny, witty and sadly also true.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 3 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 12.08.2022 23:04]
12.08.2022 21:47:19  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AJ Alpha

AUP Brot 18.02.2024

Danke HdL.

Informiert und mett bleibt man zurück.
12.08.2022 22:50:41  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Bitte die guten Nachrichten/Infos immer ans Ende setzen. Danke Augenzwinkern
12.08.2022 23:07:16  Zum letzten Beitrag
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die schlechten Nachrichten hat er doch ganz weg gelassen. Gab es aber auch.

Ukrainischen Angaben zufolge hat Russlands Armee mit schweren Angriffen in der Ostukraine Fortschritte erzielen können. "Beim Vorstoß in Richtung Horliwka – Sajzewe hatte der Feind teilweise Erfolg", teilte der ukrainische Generalstab mit. Demnach wurden ukrainische Stellungen nördlich der seit 2014 von der russischen Besatzungsmacht kontrollierten Stadt Horliwka im Donbass gestürmt.

Kämpfe wurden auch vor Donezk und südlich des Verkehrsknotenpunkts Bachmut gemeldet. In beiden Fällen halten die Gefechte den ukrainischen Angaben nach an, während sie an anderen Stellen zurückgeschlagen worden seien. Unabhängig lassen sich die Angaben nicht überprüfen.


Immerhin, das sind die einzigen glaubwürdigen schlechten Nachrichten heute. Ansonsten sind nur die Russen mit ihren Vorbereitungen für Scheinreferenden offenbar etwas weiter gekommen, und die Ukrainer mit den Evakuierungen im Osten.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Jellybaby am 12.08.2022 23:13]
12.08.2022 23:10:46  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Zitat von Jellybaby

"Beim Vorstoß in Richtung Horliwka – Sajzewe hatte der Feind teilweise Erfolg", teilte der ukrainische Generalstab mit.

Harte Wochenschau-Vibes.

Mit nasaler Stimme und gerolltem Rrrrrr.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von -=Q=- 8-BaLL am 12.08.2022 23:24]
12.08.2022 23:24:03  Zum letzten Beitrag
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ja, und wenn die Russen das behauptet hätten könnte man es auch einfach ignorieren. Blöderweise kommt die Meldung offenbar von den Ukrainern. Die werden ihre Misserfolge eher verschweigen als breit treten, und trotzdem geben sie es zu.
Aber ok, wenn sie nicht ab und zu mal eine Niederlage hätten wäre das auch unglaubwürdig, egal wie gut es insgesamt laufen möge.
12.08.2022 23:32:36  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Ich meinte nur die Orte, damals als dein und mein Opa beim Rückzug waren.

With 500 Russian troops killed or wounded every day, according to the latest estimate by American intelligence and military officials, Russia’s war effort has decelerated to a grinding slog, the officials said.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von -=Q=- 8-BaLL am 12.08.2022 23:54]
12.08.2022 23:37:12  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Troodon 20.12.2022
Was das Video betrifft, wo den Luhansker Soldaten schlechte Uniformen ausgegeben werden, hier gibt es auch ein Video dazu mit englischen Untertiteln.
13.08.2022 6:18:41  Zum letzten Beitrag
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man erinnere sich an Donnerstag:

Belarus hat Berichte über nächtliche Explosionen auf einem Luftwaffenstützpunkt an der Grenze zur Ukraine dementiert. Es sei „während eines Testlaufs ein Fahrzeug in Brand geraten, bei dem der Motor ausgetauscht worden war“, teilte das belarussische Verteidigungsministerium am Donnerstag mit. Das Feuer am Vorabend sei „rechtzeitig“ gelöscht worden und es habe keine Verletzten gegeben.

keine Ahnung wie man twitter fotos direkt einbindet, also:

13.08.2022 11:37:39  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL

10k Likes. Wir brauchen ne Image-PR-Agentur, so als Gesamtland.


/Ah, die Tickets für die Crimea Beach Party 2023 sind jetzt im Verkauf. Greift zu!

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von -=Q=- 8-BaLL am 13.08.2022 19:31]
13.08.2022 19:24:52  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL

Slawa Ukraini
14.08.2022 0:04:18  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Wer hat den schönsten Kinderwagen?


Faktencheck: Gelogen

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von -=Q=- 8-BaLL am 14.08.2022 11:35]
14.08.2022 11:33:31  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Troodon 20.12.2022
Also im Grunde machen die das, was die bereits in Syrien mit diversen Aufnahmen von Filmsets gemacht haben.
Diese so darstellen als wäre Filmsetmaterial geleakt worden, wo zusehen ist, das es gar keine toten Zivilisten unter russischem Angriff gegeben hat und dies alles nur Darsteller waren.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Troodon am 14.08.2022 14:18]
14.08.2022 14:16:44  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014
14.08.2022 15:11:34  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP Troodon 20.12.2022
Ich versuche weiterhin produktiv zu bleiben.
Nach einer Weile an gesammelten Zeugenberichten über das Butscha Massaker, fange ich jetzt diejenigen an zu übersetzen, die es weder in Deutsch oder Englisch zu finden waren.

Auch die Parodien setze ich beiläufig fort.

14.08.2022 17:07:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014

Support for the war against Ukraine remains high among Russians; so too does indifference. Pollsters are trying to find out why

A note: “fratricidal war” mentioned by Levada researcher is a Russian myth of “brotherly nations” and “little Russians”

The myth of "brotherly nations" and Ukrainians as "little Russians" is an instrument Russia uses to justify its invasion of Ukraine since the times of the Russian empire

https://twitter.com/ABarbashin/status/1558132925748715520 | Thread Reader

More than 5 months into this war 2/3 of Russians say that Russia is on the right track and only 22% think otherwise.
In February, before the invasion, these figures were 50% and 39% respectively.

... [Thread] ...

In March 51% of Russians said that Special Military Operation brings about the feeling of pride. What are they proud of?
In the minds of most Russians this war is not about Ukraine. It is a conflict with NATO and the USA. But it is not even about defeating or conquering USA.
"In this clash, America needs to feel and recognise that Russia is its equal. Equal in military strength, but, most importantly, equal in its status as a major world power"

Most Russian believe the end of this world return Russia to the status of Soviet Union - that is being on par with the US (Russians tend to forget about China when thinking about the future).
In a sense, the way US is engaging in this war proves to Russians exactly that "Because it fears ‘us’ (Russia, Putin); hence, it respects us, sees us as equals"
And this is the key that explains why Russian are optimistic - the worse the situation on the ground, the greater the desire to console oneself with success in fighting the US

For majority of Russian it isn't even about military success as such - "but the very fact that Russia stepped up, threw down the gauntlet, and the gauntlet was picked up"
Russians are collectively experiencing a feeling of satisfaction that the world has been put into the order that they have long desired. In such a euphoric mood, no one thinks about the way the country or their family will survive, about their job or salary. People are happy and positive: everything will somehow work out since Russia is such a tough cookie that the whole world trembles before it.
Putin had successfully tapped into mass consciousness and is heavily exploiting the desire for grandpowerness.
How long will this last? We don't yet know.

And here propaganda is key - it helps reinforce the feeling of "fear/respect" from the war and attacks every uncomfortable news about the costs of this war.
Russians choose not to see the deaths and suffering in Ukraine - they choose to ignore their own dead that come back justifying it to themselves that it is the price of preserving Russia a great power.
Economic loss is not yet that heavy and overall discomfort so far is compensated with the "victories" over US and NATO.

The key here is that Russians expect for things to improve - which they won't. Not in 6 months, not in a year. And eventually reality will start to bite and inevitably trigger a reaction.

https://twitter.com/VolodyaTretyak/status/1558408097361797122 | Thread Reader

How do most Russians perceive Putin?

I will try to understand what people in Russia think about Putin. My thoughts are based on my experience reading/watching the Russian internet and real-life conversations with Russians.

The perception of the President in Russia is entirely different from any democracy. I believe that a person raised and that lives in a democratic society can not imagine the scale of the disaster.

I would say that Putin in Russia has made himself something like God, a holy person.

First, he publicly denied any personal relations with people. He doesn't have a wife (officially since 2013), and his children have different surnames. He always avoids questions about them.
Putin is always alone. It probably implies that the President is entirely involved in his duty. It feels like he is doing a holy mission.

Secondly, the President of Russia is ultimately out of ordinary life, out of any casual context. He can not appear in the late-night show like U.S. presidents did or in the Russian propaganda T.V. show where everyone praises him. One of the few settings for the interview, which we can imagine, is an interview in a palace, like in the following picture.
Also, you won't see Putin riding a bicycle or doing anything in public like the European countries' leaders.

Third and the essential thing: Putin is never guilty of anything. That's what exists in the minds of the people. I used to watch some Russian reports from impoverished places. But they never blame President for this.

For example, look at this older man from Kamchatka from the Vdud YouTube video. He lives like a homeless in a communal apartment but says, "I like Putin. He restored the army".

He is pleased about the occupation of Crimea (see pictures). I am not sure whether he has ever been there and he will never go there. It is half the world away: 8000 km in a straight line.
He blames the local government for this lousy life.

And that's the common thing in Russia. People blame some politicians but rarely see Putin responsible for their problems.
P.S. American flag on his jacket and the Stalin picture in the background makes the whole thing even more creepy.

Here is another example, have a look at this weird stream of Girkin where he invites different people. The other guy's surname is Alksnis, a former colonel and politician.
He says, "who dared to tell our president that we have modern 2000 UСAVs?" He referred to a press conference from 2021 where Putin said that. So in 2022, it turned out these numbers were false.

Probably he does see it impossible for a president to spread false information. And even if he does - someone else is guilty, but not Putin.
By the way, Girkin never said a bad word about Putin. Some are wondering why he is allowed to say that much. I believe that's the main reason.
Different groups do not believe that President can be guilty of anything.

While writing this thread, I accidentally found this publication from Kamil, which confirms my point. The level of obedience in Russia is unimaginable for Westerners.

Having observed many Russians, I think the big difference between democratic systems and Russia is that Russians feel like they owe something to their President and not the other way around. Not the President is working for people, but people work for the President.


Germans have suffered from dictatorship for some 14 years, whereby Russians have suffered from it for centuries. There have been weakenings, but these were brief. And this enormous obedience might also explain a large amount of dictatorship in post-Soviet space.


https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1558182070958129152 | Thread Reader

The "LPR" battalion staff commander is seen complaining about the state in which his mobilised reservist forces are taking part in the "liberation" of the Donbass.

According to him, apart for fuel and provisions they have almost no supplies, including medicines, which have to be crowdsources. Many of the mobilised reservists come with serious diseases and comorbidities.


- One battalion were given 18 armoured vests. 18 armoured vests, and for your understanding, these are the people who couldn’t run away from commandant patrol when mobilisation was announced. These are people with chronic diseases, these are miners, everyone with professional diseases, they are asked to do the impossible.

They are demanded to manoeuvre 20 km in 2 hours. There are no vehicles in the battalion at all, in principle. We are on self-provision. We are begging for communication methods.

- The medicine is just… if there was no medicine from the outside by regular volunteers, we would have completely crazy losses. I am forced as a battalion staff commander look for Ilizarov apparatus, order them, buy for own money. We are collecting a battalion cashbox.

We have every officer [giving] 10,000 rubles, every private - 2,000 rubles. We are collecting it such way because we have a third of the battalion left. The boys are holding with their last effort. I have riots in these battalions. [They say] “We aren’t going, we won’t go”.
The treatment is such that… of course everyone fells sorry for us. Thank God groceries and fuel still arrives. But human resource is like consumable.

- This is who we are talking about?
- 27-20. 27-18. The leftmost flank of the 2nd Army Corps. We are currently in the DPR.

People are asking me - why are we in the DPR, why aren’t we fighting for LPR? In the LPR two settlements are left. Soldiers start asking me why are we liberating DPR? Are we going further? Why do we need Kharkiv Oblast?
I understand as an officer that these questions must be stopped, must be suppressed, but, for myself I can’t get these answers either. What’s going to happen next? These people are reservists.
These are not professionals, they were picked up, taken to the enlistment office from mines. No one at all went through the medical commission. Limping, asthmatic, with TB… people are taken and sent forward for medals.


A civil conflict is brewing.
LNR refuses to fight for DPR


“But what if the West does X?”

Russia only has three cards:
1. Energy
2. Nuclear weapons
3. Terror and war crimes

The first card is played, the second is unplayable. That means the response is always likely to be number three.


Putin versteht ausschließlich die Sprache der Stärke. Kreuzer Moskwa, Beschuss der Militärinfrastruktur in den russischen Grenzregionen, Angriff auf Militärflugplatz auf der Krim - Russland droht nur, reagiert aber nicht wirklich darauf, weil es nicht wirklich antworten kann.
Dieses Regime lebt von der Verbreitung der Ängste, auch im Ausland. Wenn man den Kreml dagegen selbst unter Druck setzt, kommen "Gesten des guten Willens" wie vor Kyjiw oder auf der Schlangeninsel. Natürlich muss man trotzdem kühl im Kopf bleiben. Doch Angst darf man keine haben.


Some interesting info from a Ukrainian soldier I personally know:
Recently there has been fighting between Buryats and Kadyrovites soldiers, with 50 dead or wounded.
There have been reports before. This is just another piece of evidence.

There are many questions about the info. I don't know what I am allowed to say and what's not. Hence, the information is not very detailed.
If everything goes fine, we could try to arrange an interview with him in the future and answer your questions

The conflict was about race and nationalities.


Russian media report a famous terrorist Girkin/Strelkov was detained while trying to get to 🇺🇦 through Crimea.

He openly criticized Putin and the army leadership recently for their failures in war against 🇺🇦.

Reportedly, he tried to cross into Ukraine using a fake passport.

https://twitter.com/christogrozev/status/1558523940984823810 | Thread Reader

... [Thread] ...

Girkin curtly denies this morning he was jailed ("commenting Bezler would mean disrespecting myself"), says he is not yet joining the war but will do that "sooner or later as this will be a long and heavy war".

Igor Girkin’s detention – What is known?

Girkin himself has opened up the veil of mystery about his detention in the morning of 14 August, refuting the messages that he was apprehended: ...
Thus, at this point, it is unclear what are the circumstances of Girkin’s alleged detention. Pro-Russian news sources seem as confused


A few days ago, the Grey Zone (RSOTM) Telegram channel posted photos of a visit to the so-called Wagner HQ in the Donbas (Popasna). Prigozhin may have been there.

The photos were apparently easy to geolocate. Ukraine destroyed it in a HIMARS strike today.

Militärexperte Gustav Gressel (@GresselGustav) über die Explosionen auf der Krim und mögliche Offensiven der Ukraine


The 🇺🇦 army reports that they have targeted and destroyed the bridge in Nova Kakhovka. This will severely restrict the Russian’s ability to bring in reinforcements, supplies and heavy equipment and ammunition. Bad day for the ~25.000 russian soldiers west of the Dnipro.

Zeit-Ticker, 11:27:

Nachschub für russische Truppen am Dnipro gestört

Laut dem täglichen Lagebericht des Institute for the Study of War (ISW) hat die ukrainische Armee mithilfe von Raketen die letzten drei Brücken über den Dnipro in der Südukraine zerstört. Damit sind die russischen Truppen auf der Westseite des Flusses von der Versorgung abgeschnitten.

Nach ukrainischer Ansicht können sich die dortigen russischen Einheiten somit nicht länger vor Gegenangriffen verteidigen. Laut dem ISW haben russische Truppen nun eine Fährverbindung für Zivilisten sowie auch mehrere Pontonbrücken für das Militär über den Fluss errichtet.

Ukraine says it has taken out vital bridge in occupied Kherson | BBC


It makes perfect sense for Ukraine to draw as many russian troops to the West of the Dnipro as possible. 100,000 russians West of river would be ideal. The more the easier and merrier Ukraine's counter-offensive will be.
As @DarthPutinKGB said: Kherson Oblast to the West of the Dnipro river is gonna be the largest self-administered POW-camp soon.


The first 4 seconds of this video of a russian attempt to intercept GMLRS rockets hitting the Antonovsky Bridge are revealing:

1) three russian air defense missiles rise & detonate in the same area, which means the russian air defense operators fired the missiles into the air on a pre-set course and with a timed fuze. Proof that russian radars are incapable to detect & target GMLRS rockets.

2) and the russian air defense operators fire the missiles into the air to the West and South of the bridge. Proof that they don'tknow the actual flight profile of a GMLRS rocket.

As I said before: the russians can't jam GMLRS rockets, they can't spoof P/Y GPS, they can't shoot down GMLRS rockets.

Now we also know that russian radars can't detect them and are useless.

Firing ammo into the air on a timed fuze and hoping the shrapnell will hit an enemy airborne object is early WWII tech... but that is what the clownish russian army is doing now with their expensive missiles.

Let me repeat it: GMLRS rockets ALWAYS hit. Nothing can stop them.


Russian getting ready for another “goodwill gesture?”

According to Mykolayiv Oblast Governor Vitaly Kim, the entire Russian command staff is evacuating across the Dnipro River, (from right-bank Dnipro to left-bank). That means leaving the city of Kherson.

Ziehen sich die Russen aus Cherson zurück? Russische Kommandeure sollen wichtige Stadt verlassen haben | RND


So there was some reports floating around that Russians had began to retrograde from Kherson, however so far nothing to prove it. This is clearly a decision point for Russia. A smart command would retrograde to a more favorable position (where they aren’t cut off from supplies).

Pros to retrograde:
- More favorable position
- Natural barrier for defense
- Logistical support
- Reinforcements

Or they can slowly die in place and face over attrition and act as a delaying force at some point an inevitable Ukrainian counter offensive and get steamrolled.

Or their commands will just go across and and the joes die. Looks like the vast majority of reports were specifically about command/admin.


The Russian military command is fleeing the temporarily occupied Kherson, said Yury Sobolevsky, First Deputy Head of the Kherson Regional Council:

"The Russian military command really left Kherson. Most of them have already left Kherson, there is information about this".


It is reported that the cars are still stuck in a traffic jam on the way out of the Crimea through the Kerch bridge. The length of the cork is now about 25 km.


98% of Ukrainians think they will win the war.
91% approve of Zelensky.
64% want to return to the 1991 borders, another 14% want to return to the February 24 borders.
Just in case you were wondering what *they* think is happening, and should happen.

Public Opinion Survey of Residents of Ukraine | June 2022


Ukraine considers making English a compulsory subject at schools.


A senior US official about the ability of the Ukrainians to execute an offensive: "If you're going to rate them from 0 to 10, how good you thought the Ukrainians were... I think I'd probably put them in about 12, just based on how impressive they've been to us in so many ways."


Renommierter russischer Verteidigungsanalyst R. Puchow zeichnet düsteres Bild über Fortgang des Krieges in der #Ukraine: #Russland könnte scheitern, wenn der Westen weiter und vor allem mehr sowie schwere Waffen liefere. 🇺🇦 schlage sich besser als erwartet.

Russischer Verteidigungsexperte Ruslan Puchow im Interview zum Ukraine-Krieg


Amnesty to review controversial statement on Ukrainian Army

External experts will thoroughly review the process. "The conclusions were not conveyed with the delicacy and accuracy that should be expected from Amnesty," org says

> Sometimes just saying "we got it wrong" would be better.
Watching Amnesty head that way kicking and screaming is rather painful

Slovakian MiG-29s to Ukraine

As known, the Slovak Prime Minister Eduard Heger announced on 3 July 2022 that he will donate twelve MiG-29 fighter aircraft and thirty T-72 tanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to local media, deliveries of the MiG-29s will start in September 2022.

... Slovakia owns a dozen MiG-29AS/UBS, which as of 2005 received an upgrade to standardise them to NATO norms. ... The Slovak Air Force will receive fourteen Lockheed Martin F-16 Block 70 Fighting Falcons. The first aircraft were originally reported to be delivered in 2022 and 2023, but this might be delayed.


Die kleine Slowakei spendet der Ukraine ihre neusten Kampfflugzeuge.
Wir spenden der Ukraine nicht mal unsere ältesten Schützenpanzer.

Und während wir uns anp*ssen, weil ein paar Soldaten nach der Abgabe von 10% unserer Fuchs, Dingo, Marder oder Boxer ein paar Monate nicht mehr trainieren könnten, hat die Slowakei den Ernst der Lage verstanden und macht sich bis zum Einreffen des US-Ersatzes komplett nackig.


The amount of NATO-pattern artillery in UA continues to increase- an image showing two of four Slovakian ShKH Zuzana 2 155mm self-propelled howitzers that have been delivered to the Ukrainian Army recently- eight are to be delivered in total.

> The Zuzana 2 is a fully automatic 155 mm L52 self-propelled howitzer. A brilliant and powerful system. Only drawback is the small production rate per year.
Ukraine will find these very useful.


column of US MaxxPro MRAP vehicles in service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the road somewhere in Ukraine


The training of Ukrainian troops in Great Britain continues.


BREAKING: The Netherlands joins the Britain-led training program for the Ukrainian military

The Netherlands has joined Finland, Sweden, Canada, Denmark and Norway in supporting Britain's efforts to train the Ukrainian forces


Lettischer Präsident fordert Visastopp für Russen auf EU-Ebene

Lettlands Präsident Egils Levits fordert von der Regierung seines Landes, sich zusammen mit Finnland, Estland, Tschechien und weiteren Ländern auf europäischer Ebene für einen Vergabestopp von Touristenvisa an russische Bürgerinnen und Bürger einzusetzen. Dies sagte er bei einer Veranstaltung in der lettischen Stadt Ik¨ķile.

Levits will zudem bereits bestehende Visa und Daueraufenthaltsgenehmigungen von russischen Bürgern in Lettland prüfen. Russinnen und Russen, die den Krieg ihres Landes in der Ukraine unterstützen, sollten ihre Daueraufenthaltsgenehmigungen kündigen, beziehungsweise nicht verlängern lassen. Auch sollten keine derartigen Genehmigungen an Menschen ausgestellt werden, die vorhaben, die russische Staatsbürgerschaft anzunehmen.


#Poland will stop issuing visas to Russian citizens and will support a ban on Schengen visas for #Russians at the #European level.

Germany and France are against this decision, while the Baltic States, the Czech Republic, Finland, Denmark and Slovakia support it.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 15.08.2022 1:55]
14.08.2022 23:17:43  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Herr der Lage

AUP Herr der Lage 16.10.2014

International Diplomatic Editor @NicRobertsonCNN joins a former maths teacher turned artillery battery commander to see how Ukrainian troops are taking advantage of their new Polish "Krabs" artillery system.


This video has been circulating, of a friend of a friends, who's unit we will shortly visit and deliver gear. Can you imagine being under constant shelling like this everyday?


Probably one the most surreal experiences driving to front lines, having a monk next to me praying. He was a monk in his civilian life, but decided to fight for the freedom of 🇺🇦 against the fascist Russia!


Russian volunteers fighting alongside Ukrainian troops


Some of the first footage of Ukrainian artillerymen using a recently delivered British L119 105mm howitzer in anger.

They appear to be using M1 projectiles (Max range: 11.5 km), which were supplied by the US in huge quantities.
They blurred the gun's number, as it is an Australian gun. @AustralianArmy had 100+ of them in storage.


35 mm x 228 HEI-T eines 🇧🇷 Gepard 1A2 während des Aufmunitionierens in die rechte Waffe.
Daneben ein vorbereiteter Gurt mit Mischgurtung 3 zu 1, HEI-T und SAPHEI-T. Das ist die Standardgurtung eines B2L, wird aber auch im 1A2 genutzt, wenn keine FAPDS vorrätig ist.


As we know, combat takes a toll on all artillery, whether Soviet or NATO models, whether from use or enemy fire.

Footage released by the Ukrainian Army shows a glimpse into the repair & refurbishment of 152mm D-20 and Msta-B howitzers as well as the famous 155mm M777.


Tip of the Spear Landmine Removal also plays around with boobytraps. Here is a very basic claymore mine with tripwire crossing the main path. Nothing crazy but still feels good to get this find and shot of adrenalin!


Today's mission in Eastern Ukraine means a lot to me. We are clearing farm land so farmers can cut their fields. Already one tractor hit a mine but we are doing our part to help save as many lives as we can. If you'd like to support please see the link


It's always a good day if you remove some mines making civilian areas safer and come back with all your limbs. Thank you for everyone that is supporting me on this mission, another full day tomorrow and thank you @jmvasquez1974 for all the support brother

Prorussischer Account>: Tretminensammeln in Donetzk

[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von Herr der Lage am 14.08.2022 23:59]
14.08.2022 23:18:05  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Damke für den Aufwand!


Family sized Oof:

15.08.2022 9:45:02  Zum letzten Beitrag
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Mürbchen 3rd

AUP Mürbchen 3rd 12.08.2012
Mad props, Herr der Lage. So viel gutes Zeug, so schön zusammengetragen! ♥

Besonders wertvoll fand ich die Beiträge, die die Unterstützung des Kriegs auf russischer Seite versuchen zu erklären:
Zitat von Herr der Lage

Support for the war against Ukraine remains high among Russians; so too does indifference. Pollsters are trying to find out why


Sehr hilfreich, das Ganze zu verstehen!
15.08.2022 10:59:20  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP M@buse 22.12.2015
Liegen die Minen in der Feldern aus militärisch nachvollziehbaren Gründen oder weil die Russen die Farmer treffen wollen?
15.08.2022 11:16:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Die Russen haben eine Fabrik von Knauf eingenommen.


Die deutsche Fahne kriegt einen Tritt.

/Waffenmesse in Russland, der Chef spricht auch.

Hier ist zum Beispiel ein selbstfahrender Lkw, der komplett ohne Sensoren auskommt. Magic!

Hat TASS so gesendet
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert; zum letzten Mal von -=Q=- 8-BaLL am 15.08.2022 19:51]
15.08.2022 19:34:04  Zum letzten Beitrag
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AUP [Skeletor] 15.01.2024
Friendship now cancelled?

15.08.2022 20:00:45  Zum letzten Beitrag
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-=Q=- 8-BaLL

-=Q=- 8-BaLL
Over! (zeitweise vllt evtl nur)


Der russische Präsident Putin hat seine Absicht bekräftigt, im Krieg gegen die Ukraine die Region Donbass im Osten des Landes komplett zu erobern. Auf einem Militärforum vor internationalen Gästen in der Nähe von Moskau sagte Putin, die russische Armee erfülle in den Volksrepubliken Donezk und Luhansk ihre Aufgaben. Der Boden des Donbass, so der Kreml-Chef, müsse Schritt für Schritt von ukrainischen Nationalisten befreit werden.

15.08.2022 21:10:08  Zum letzten Beitrag
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den Rest nicht mehr?
15.08.2022 21:27:26  Zum letzten Beitrag
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